939 resultados para 28S rDNA
作者进行了较广泛的样品采集,通过实验分离纯化培养得到多个鞘藻目种类的株系,并采用PCR技术新获得鞘藻目2属8个种类的部分28S rDNA序列,连同GenBank中的另两条序列,分析的物种涵盖了鞘藻目中的每个属。通过比较分析绿藻纲中包括此10条序列的共36个种类的同一基因序列,并选取Trebouxiophyceae中的椭圆小球藻(Chlorella ellipsoidea)和Fusochloris perforata作外类群,运用多种方法构建分子系统树,包括邻接法(Neighbor-Joining)、最大简
The phylogenetic relationships among the Ergasilidae genera are poorly understood. In this study, 14 species from four genera in the Ergasilidae including Sinergasilus, Ergasilus, Pseudergasilus, and Paraergasilus were collected in China, and their phylogenetic relationships were examined using neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods based on partial sequences of 18S and 28S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid, respectively. All the analyses suggest that the Sinergasilus and Paraergasilus are both monophyletic, but the Ergasilus is polyphyletic rather than monophyletic. Considering the relationships among the four genera, the phylogenetic analyses and subsequent hypothesis tests all suggest that Pseudergasilus clustered with some Ergasilus species may have a closer relationship with Sinergasilus rather than with Paraergasilus. It is proposed that the Sinergasilus and the Pseudergasilus species might have evolved from Ergasilus species.
The genus Digramma (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) described by Cholodkovsky in 1915 differs from the genus Ligula only by the number of the reproductive organs per proglottis. However, the occurrence of transitional forms in Digramma raises much confusion concerning its generic validity. In the present study, cestodes previously designated as Digramma and Ligula were collected from lakes in the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and also from Qinghai Lake on Qingzang plateau, China. The entire internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA) and 5' end of 28S rDNA were compared between the Digramma and Ligula specimens. The low level of nucleotide variation between the two genera may imply that cestodes in the genus Digramma are paraphyletic to the Ligula genus, and Digramma is a synonym of Ligula. However, whether previously identified Digramma cestodes represent different species in the genus Ligula requires further investigation.
The present study examined the relationship among individual Sarcoptes scabiei mites from 13 wild mammalian populations belonging to nine species in four European countries using the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) as genetic marker. The ITS-2 plus primer flanking 5.8S and 28S rDNA (ITS-2+) was amplified from individual mites by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the amplicons were sequenced directly. A total of 148 ITS-2+ sequences of 404bp in length were obtained and 67 variable sites were identified (16.59%). UPGMA analyses did not show any geographical or host-specific clustering, and a similar outcome was obtained using population pairwise Fst statistics. These results demonstrated that ITS-2 rDNA does not appear to be suitable for examining genetic diversity among mite populations.
The genetic diversity and phylogeny of 26 isolates of Bursaphelenchus xlophilus from China, Japan, Portugal and North America were investigated based on the D2/3 domain of 28S rDNA, nuclear ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequences, and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. The genetic diversity analysis showed that the D2/3 domain of 28S rDNA of isolates of B. xlophilus from China, Portugal, Japan and the US were identical and differed at one to three nucleotides compared to those from Canada. ITS sequences of isolates from China and Portugal were the same; they differed at one or two nucleotides compared to those of Japanese isolates and at four and 23 nucleotides compared to those front the US and Canada, respectively. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that Chinese isolates share a common ancestor with one of the two Japanese clades and that the Canadian isolates form a sister group of the clade comprised of isolates from China, Portugal,Japan, and the US. The relationship between Japanese isolates and those from China was closer than with the American isolates. The Canadian isolates were the basal group of B. xylophilus. This suggests that B. xlophilus originated in North America and that the B. xylphilus that occurs in China could have been first introduced from Japan. Further analysis based on RAPD analysis revealed that the relationship among isolates from Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shandong, Anhui provinces and Nanjing was the closest, which suggests that pine wilt disease in these Chinese locales was probably dispersed from Nanjing, where this disease first occurred in China.
本研究应用显带技术和荧光原位杂交(Fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)技术,鉴定了牡蛎的染色体;应用FISH方法定位了一系列的重复序列和大分子的P1克隆DNA;制备了染色体特异性探针。应用FISH特异性探针成功地鉴定了长牡蛎的三体10。结果如下:1.分析了G带和C带在美洲牡蛎染色体上的分布。G带在每一条染色体上的带型不同,某些染色体间(如第1对和第4对染色体,第7对和第9对染色体)的带型差别不是很明显。G带型容易受染色体收缩程度的影响。C带型重复性较好,染色体带型较清楚,分布在染色体的端粒区域和着丝粒区域。G带和C带带型能够用来鉴定牡蛎的染色体,但是重复性低和带型差异不显著,并不适合常规的染色体鉴定。2.早期胚胎和担轮幼虫制备的染色体适合于FISH分析。染色体制备方法重复性好,可适用于其它贝类的染色体制备。3.研究了重复序列基因--rDNA的定位:1)18S-5.8S rDNA在研究的五种巨蛎属Crassostrea牡蛎均只有一个位 点。太平洋种(C.gigas,C. ariakensis和C. plicatula)中,杂交信号位于最短的染色体一第10对染色体长臂的端粒区域,在大西洋种(C. virginica和C. rhizophorae)中,同一序列定位在第2对染色体短臂的端粒区域。2)18S-28S rDNA在两种蛤中有两个位点。rDNA探针定位在侏儒蛤(Mulinis Lateralis)的第15对和第19对染色体的端粒区域,同一序列定位在硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria)的第10对染色体的长臂和第12对染色体短臂的端粒区域。信号强度在两对染色体之间有差异。 3)5s rDNA位于美洲牡蛎的第5对染色体的短臂上靠近着丝粒区域和第6 对染色体的短臂的中间区域。信号强度在两对染色体之间没有显著差异。5S rDNA探针可以作为鉴定和识别第5对和第6对染色体的特异性探针。4.研究了一些重复序列的定位1)两个短的重复序列1G8,1P2均产生很强的荧光信号分布在美洲牡蛎所有的染色体上。在低严谨条件下,这些序列均产生很强的信号散布在所有的染色体上。在高严谨条件下,信号强度大大减弱,但是信号仍散布在所有的染色体上。这些重复序列散布在美洲牡蛎的整个基因组中。2)高度重复序列Cgl70产生的信号分布在长牡蛎的7对染色体的着丝粒区域,没有发现间区信号。在第1对,第2对,第4对和第7对染色体上的荧光信号强且稳定。在第5对,第8对和第10对染色体上的信号相对弱且不稳定。在剩余的染色体上(第3对,第6对和第9对染色体)没有检测到荧光信号。结果表明此卫星序列是一个着丝粒卫星序列。在美洲牡蛎的染色体上没有检测到荧光信号,表明了这个着丝粒卫星序列在这两种牡蛎中的分布存在着显著的差异。3)脊椎动物端粒序列(TTAGGG)n的FISH信号局限在四种双壳贝类(美洲牡蛎,the mangrove oyster,硬壳蛤,侏儒蛤)所有染色体的端粒区域,没有发现间区信号的存在。研究结果与已报道的研究结果表明脊椎动物端粒序列或许存在于所有双壳贝类的染色体末端。双壳贝类是目前研究过的唯一含有脊椎动物端粒序列DNA的无脊椎动物。4)研究了RAPD探针在美洲牡蛎染色体上的定位。大多数RAPD探针产生了多个信号散布在间期细胞核和所有的染色体上。引物OPX-03,OPX-04,OPX—06,OPG-02,OPM—04,OPM-11,0PS-02制备的探针在适宜的条件下产生特异性荧光 信号,分布在牡蛎的特定的染色体上。PCR特异性带产生的探针OPX—06—310和0PG-02—300产生了特异性的荧光信号:OPX—06—310产生的信号位于第5对染色体的短臂的近端粒区域,0PG—02—300探针定位到第3对染色体的短臂上。这两个探针是鉴定美洲牡蛎单条染色体的特异性探针。5.研究了大分子Pl克隆DNA(插入片断为80~100 kb)在美洲牡蛎染色体上的定位。Pl克隆DNA通过切口平移方法标记digoxigenin—11-dUTP用作FISH的探针。Cot-1 DNA作为竞争剂有效地抑制了Pl克隆序列中的重复序列产生的信号。杂交信号用fluorescein标记的anti—digoxigenin抗体来检测,用两层抗体rabbit-anti-sheep抗体和FITC anti—rabbit抗体来扩增信号。9个P1探针成功地定位在特定的染色体上。46—1探针杂交到第1对染色体的长臂靠近着丝粒区域;47-10探针定位到第2对染色体的长臂近端粒区域;Cvpl和48-13两探针定位到第3对染色体上:Cvpl位于短臂的端粒区域,48-13探针位于长臂的近着丝粒区域;48—10探针杂交到第4对染色体的长臂上;48-1探针杂交到第5对染色体长臂的近着丝粒区域;49-11探针位于第7对染色体长臂上;探针49-10和44-11位于第8对染色体长臂上。同时我们成功地将2个P1探针杂交到同一染色体分裂相中,进一步确定了Pl探针在美洲牡蛎染色体 上的定位。6.应用18S-28S rDNA探针成功地鉴定出长牡蛎非整倍体中的三体10。经鉴定AF-35,AF-39和AF-3三体家系属于三体10家系。rDNA探针分布在三条染色体上,即多出的一条染色体为染色体10。相应地在间期细胞核上有三个信号出现。AF-34和AF-36家系不属于三体10家系。rDNA探针分布在两条染色体上,相应地在间期细胞核上有两个信号出现。FISH和染色体特异性探针为非整倍体的鉴定提供了一个快速准确可靠的方法和途径。
Wydział Biologii i Hodowli Zwierząt Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
The genetic diversity of liver fluke populations in three different countries from Eastern Europe (Greece, Bulgaria, and Poland) in comparison with available data from other countries was determined. Specifically, SNPs from regions of two nuclear genes, 28S rDNA, ß-tubulin 3 and an informative region of the mitochondrial genome were examined. Two major lineages for the 28S rDNA gene based on the highly polymorphic 105th nucleotide position were found. These lineages were widely and almost equally spread not only through the countries studied but also in other investigated geographical areas. Two basic lineages and additional haplotypes were defined for the mtDNA gene region, consisting of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit III gene, transfer RNA histidine gene and cytochome b gene. The basic lineages were observed within Greek, Bulgarian, and Polish Fasciola hepatica populations but the distribution of additional haplotypes differed between the populations from the three countries. For the ß-tubulin 3 gene multiple polymorphic sites were revealed but no explicit clades. The SNPs were spread unequally in all studied geographical regions with an evident distinction between the Greek and Polish specimens. Additional genotypes for the 28S rDNA region as well as haplotypes of the mtDNA region that were typical for the Greek or Polish populations were observed. Significant polymorphisms for ß-tubulin 3 gene were displayed with decreasing percentage of presence within populations from Greece to Poland. There was an amino acid substitution in ß-tubulin 3 protein found only among Polish specimens. It is hypothesized that genotypic differences between Greek, Bulgarian, and Polish liver fluke populations are due to territorial division and genetic drift in past epochs.
Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. is described and illustrated. Dauer juveniles were isolated from the body of the large pine weevil, Hylobius sp., collected from maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) stumps, in Portugal. Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. was reared and maintained in P. pinaster wood segments and on Petri dish cultures of the fungi Botrytis cinerea and Monilinia fructicola. The new species is characterised by a relatively small body length of ca 583 μm (females) and 578 μm (males), a lateral field with two incisures, presence of a small vulval flap and a conoid female tail with a rounded or pointed terminus. Males have stout spicules with a disc-like cucullus and seven caudal papillae arranged as a single midventral precloacal papilla, one precloacal pair and two postcloacal pairs. In the character of the lateral field, B. antoniae sp. n. comes close to B. abietinus, B. rainulfi and B. hylobianum, whilst spicule characters place it within the piniperdae-group sensu Ryss et al. Morphologically, B. antoniae sp. n. is closest to B. hylobianum; the spicules of these two species having flattened, wing-like, alae on the distal third of the lamina. Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. is distinguished from B. hylobianum on the arrangement of the caudal papillae (two vs three pairs). ITS-RFLP profiles and the failure to hybridise support the separation of the two species. Phylogenetic analysis of the new species, based on the 18S rDNA sequence, supports the inclusion of this new species in the B. hylobianum-group sensu Braasch. Sequence analysis of the 28S rDNA D2/D3 domain did not place the new species in a definite group.
A potential fungal strain producing extracellular β-glucosidase enzyme was isolated from sea water and identified as ^ëéÉêJ Öáääìë=ëóÇçïáá BTMFS 55 by a molecular approach based on 28S rDNA sequence homology which showed 93% identity with already reported sequences of ^ëéÉêÖáääìë=ëóÇçïáá in the GenBank. A sequential optimization strategy was used to enhance the production of β-glucosidase under solid state fermentation (SSF) with wheat bran (WB) as the growth medium. The two-level Plackett-Burman (PB) design was implemented to screen medium components that influence β-glucosidase production and among the 11 variables, moisture content, inoculums, and peptone were identified as the most significant factors for β-glucosidase production. The enzyme was purified by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation followed by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE sepharose. The enzyme was a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of ~95 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE. It was optimally active at pH 5.0 and 50°C. It showed high affinity towards éNPG and enzyme has a hã and sã~ñ of 0.67 mM and 83.3 U/mL, respectively. The enzyme was tolerant to glucose inhibition with a há of 17 mM. Low concentration of alcohols (10%), especially ethanol, could activate the enzyme. A considerable level of ethanol could produce from wheat bran and rice straw after 48 and 24 h, respectively, with the help of p~ÅÅÜ~êçãóÅÉë=ÅÉêÉîáëá~É in presence of cellulase and the purified β-glucosidase of ^ëéÉêÖáääìë=ëóÇçïáá BTMFS 55.
Hydroidolina is a group of hydrozoans that includes Anthoathecata, Leptothecata and Siphonophorae. Previous phylogenetic analyses show strong support for Hydroidolina monophyly, but the relationships between and within its subgroups remain uncertain. In an effort to further clarify hydroidolinan relationships, we performed phylogenetic analyses on 97 hydroidolinan taxa, using DNA sequences from partial mitochondrial 16S rDNA, nearly complete nuclear 18S rDNA and nearly complete nuclear 28S rDNA. Our findings are consistent with previous analyses that support monophyly of Siphonophorae and Leptothecata and do not support monophyly of Anthoathecata nor its component subgroups, Filifera and Capitata. Instead, within Anthoathecata, we find support for four separate filiferan clades and two separate capitate clades (Aplanulata and Capitata sensu stricto). Our data however, lack any substantive support for discerning relationships between these eight distinct hydroidolinan clades.
Ribosomal RNA genes are encoded by large units clustered (18S, 5S, and 28S) in the nucleolar organizer region in several organisms. Sometimes additional insertions are present in the coding region for the 28S rDNA. These insertions are specific non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons that have very restricted integration targets within the genome. The retrotransposon present in the genome of Rhynchosciara americana, RaR2, was isolated by the screening of a genomic library. Sequence analysis showed the presence of conserved regions, such as a reverse transcriptase domain and a zinc finger motif in the amino terminal region. The insertion site was highly conserved in R. americana and a phylogenetic analysis showed that this element belongs to the R2 clade. The chromosomal localization confirmed that the RaR2 mobile element was inserted into a specific site in the rDNA gene. The expression level of RaR2 in salivary glands during larval development was determined by quantitative RT-PCR, and the increase of relative expression in the 3P of the fourth instar larval could be related to intense gene activity characteristic of this stage. 5`-Truncated elements were identified in different DNA samples. Additionally, in three other Rhynchosciara species, the R2 element was present as a full-length element.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Powdery mildew of rubber tree caused by Oidium heveae is an important disease of rubber plantations worldwide. Identification and classification of this fungus is still uncertain because there is no authoritative report of its morphology and no record of its teleomorphic stage. In this study, we compared five specimens of the rubber powdery mildew fungus collected in Malaysia, Thailand, and Brazil based on morphological and molecular characteristics. Morphological results showed that the fungus on rubber tree belongs to Oidium subgen. Pseudoidium. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the large subunit rRNA gene (28S rDNA) were conducted to determine the relationships of the rubber powdery mildew fungus and to link this anamorphic fungus with its allied teleomorph. The results showed that the rDNA sequences of the two specimens from Malaysia were identical to a specimen from Thailand, whereas they differed by three bases from the two Brazilian isolates: one nucleotide position in the ITS2 and two positions in the 28S sequences. The ITS sequences of the two Brazilian isolates were identical to sequences of Erysiphe sp. on Quercus phillyraeoides collected in Japan, although the 28S sequences differed at one base from sequences of this fungus. Phylogenetic trees of both rDNA regions constructed by the distance and parsimony methods showed that the rubber powdery mildew fungus grouped with Erysiphe sp. on Q. phillyraeoides with 100% bootstrap support. Comparisons of the anamorph of two isolates of Erysiphe sp. from Q. phillyraeoides with the rubber mildew did not reveal any obvious differences between the two powdery mildew taxa, which suggests that O. heveae may be an anamorph of Erysiphe sp. on Q. phillyraeoides. Cross-inoculation tests are required to substantiate this conclusion. © The Mycological Society of Japan and Springer-Verlag 2005.