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In this paper we demonstrate that it is possible to gradually improve the performance of support vector machine (SVM) classifiers by using a genetic algorithm to select a sequence of training subsets from the available data. Performance improvement is possible because the SVM solution generally lies some distance away from the Bayes optimal in the space of learning parameters. We illustrate performance improvements on a number of benchmark data sets.


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Non-technical losses (NTL) identification and prediction are important tasks for many utilities. Data from customer information system (CIS) can be used for NTL analysis. However, in order to accurately and efficiently perform NTL analysis, the original data from CIS need to be pre-processed before any detailed NTL analysis can be carried out. In this paper, we propose a feature selection based method for CIS data pre-processing in order to extract the most relevant information for further analysis such as clustering and classifications. By removing irrelevant and redundant features, feature selection is an essential step in data mining process in finding optimal subset of features to improve the quality of result by giving faster time processing, higher accuracy and simpler results with fewer features. Detailed feature selection analysis is presented in the paper. Both time-domain and load shape data are compared based on the accuracy, consistency and statistical dependencies between features.


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This paper presents load profiles of electricity customers, using the knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) procedure, a data mining technique, to determine the load profiles for different types of customers. In this paper, the current load profiling methods are compared using data mining techniques, by analysing and evaluating these classification techniques. The objective of this study is to determine the best load profiling methods and data mining techniques to classify, detect and predict non-technical losses in the distribution sector, due to faulty metering and billing errors, as well as to gather knowledge on customer behaviour and preferences so as to gain a competitive advantage in the deregulated market. This paper focuses mainly on the comparative analysis of the classification techniques selected; a forthcoming paper will focus on the detection and prediction methods.


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These are the full proceedings of the conference.


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The swelling pressure of soil depends upon various soil parameters such as mineralogy, clay content, Atterberg's limits, dry density, moisture content, initial degree of saturation, etc. along with structural and environmental factors. It is very difficult to model and analyze swelling pressure effectively taking all the above aspects into consideration. Various statistical/empirical methods have been attempted to predict the swelling pressure based on index properties of soil. In this paper, the computational intelligence techniques artificial neural network and support vector machine have been used to develop models based on the set of available experimental results to predict swelling pressure from the inputs; natural moisture content, dry density, liquid limit, plasticity index, and clay fraction. The generalization of the model to new set of data other than the training set of data is discussed which is required for successful application of a model. A detailed study of the relative performance of the computational intelligence techniques has been carried out based on different statistical performance criteria.


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The swelling pressure of soil depends upon various soil parameters such as mineralogy, clay content, Atterberg's limits, dry density, moisture content, initial degree of saturation, etc. along with structural and environmental factors. It is very difficult to model and analyze swelling pressure effectively taking all the above aspects into consideration. Various statistical/empirical methods have been attempted to predict the swelling pressure based on index properties of soil. In this paper, the computational intelligence techniques artificial neural network and support vector machine have been used to develop models based on the set of available experimental results to predict swelling pressure from the inputs; natural moisture content, dry density, liquid limit, plasticity index, and clay fraction. The generalization of the model to new set of data other than the training set of data is discussed which is required for successful application of a model. A detailed study of the relative performance of the computational intelligence techniques has been carried out based on different statistical performance criteria.


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The paper describes a new approach to artificial intelligence (AI) and its role in design. This approach argues that AI can be seen as 'text', or in other words as a medium for the communication of design knowledge and information between designers. This paper will apply these ideas to reinterpreting an existing knowledge-based system (KBS) design tool, that is, CADET - a product design evaluation tool. The paper will discuss the authorial issues, amongst others, involved in the development of AI and KBS design tools by adopting this new approach. Consequently, the designers' rights and responsibilities will be better understood as the knowledge medium, through its concern with authorship, returns control to users rather than attributing the system with agent status. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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La scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent (SIA) est une déformation tri-dimensionelle du rachis. Son traitement comprend l’observation, l’utilisation de corsets pour limiter sa progression ou la chirurgie pour corriger la déformation squelettique et cesser sa progression. Le traitement chirurgical reste controversé au niveau des indications, mais aussi de la chirurgie à entreprendre. Malgré la présence de classifications pour guider le traitement de la SIA, une variabilité dans la stratégie opératoire intra et inter-observateur a été décrite dans la littérature. Cette variabilité s’accentue d’autant plus avec l’évolution des techniques chirurgicales et de l’instrumentation disponible. L’avancement de la technologie et son intégration dans le milieu médical a mené à l’utilisation d’algorithmes d’intelligence artificielle informatiques pour aider la classification et l’évaluation tridimensionnelle de la scoliose. Certains algorithmes ont démontré être efficace pour diminuer la variabilité dans la classification de la scoliose et pour guider le traitement. L’objectif général de cette thèse est de développer une application utilisant des outils d’intelligence artificielle pour intégrer les données d’un nouveau patient et les évidences disponibles dans la littérature pour guider le traitement chirurgical de la SIA. Pour cela une revue de la littérature sur les applications existantes dans l’évaluation de la SIA fut entreprise pour rassembler les éléments qui permettraient la mise en place d’une application efficace et acceptée dans le milieu clinique. Cette revue de la littérature nous a permis de réaliser que l’existence de “black box” dans les applications développées est une limitation pour l’intégration clinique ou la justification basée sur les évidence est essentielle. Dans une première étude nous avons développé un arbre décisionnel de classification de la scoliose idiopathique basé sur la classification de Lenke qui est la plus communément utilisée de nos jours mais a été critiquée pour sa complexité et la variabilité inter et intra-observateur. Cet arbre décisionnel a démontré qu’il permet d’augmenter la précision de classification proportionnellement au temps passé à classifier et ce indépendamment du niveau de connaissance sur la SIA. Dans une deuxième étude, un algorithme de stratégies chirurgicales basé sur des règles extraites de la littérature a été développé pour guider les chirurgiens dans la sélection de l’approche et les niveaux de fusion pour la SIA. Lorsque cet algorithme est appliqué à une large base de donnée de 1556 cas de SIA, il est capable de proposer une stratégie opératoire similaire à celle d’un chirurgien expert dans prêt de 70% des cas. Cette étude a confirmé la possibilité d’extraire des stratégies opératoires valides à l’aide d’un arbre décisionnel utilisant des règles extraites de la littérature. Dans une troisième étude, la classification de 1776 patients avec la SIA à l’aide d’une carte de Kohonen, un type de réseaux de neurone a permis de démontrer qu’il existe des scoliose typiques (scoliose à courbes uniques ou double thoracique) pour lesquelles la variabilité dans le traitement chirurgical varie peu des recommandations par la classification de Lenke tandis que les scolioses a courbes multiples ou tangentielles à deux groupes de courbes typiques étaient celles avec le plus de variation dans la stratégie opératoire. Finalement, une plateforme logicielle a été développée intégrant chacune des études ci-dessus. Cette interface logicielle permet l’entrée de données radiologiques pour un patient scoliotique, classifie la SIA à l’aide de l’arbre décisionnel de classification et suggère une approche chirurgicale basée sur l’arbre décisionnel de stratégies opératoires. Une analyse de la correction post-opératoire obtenue démontre une tendance, bien que non-statistiquement significative, à une meilleure balance chez les patients opérés suivant la stratégie recommandée par la plateforme logicielle que ceux aillant un traitement différent. Les études exposées dans cette thèse soulignent que l’utilisation d’algorithmes d’intelligence artificielle dans la classification et l’élaboration de stratégies opératoires de la SIA peuvent être intégrées dans une plateforme logicielle et pourraient assister les chirurgiens dans leur planification préopératoire.


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Most Artificial Intelligence (AI) work can be characterized as either ``high-level'' (e.g., logical, symbolic) or ``low-level'' (e.g., connectionist networks, behavior-based robotics). Each approach suffers from particular drawbacks. High-level AI uses abstractions that often have no relation to the way real, biological brains work. Low-level AI, on the other hand, tends to lack the powerful abstractions that are needed to express complex structures and relationships. I have tried to combine the best features of both approaches, by building a set of programming abstractions defined in terms of simple, biologically plausible components. At the ``ground level'', I define a primitive, perceptron-like computational unit. I then show how more abstract computational units may be implemented in terms of the primitive units, and show the utility of the abstract units in sample networks. The new units make it possible to build networks using concepts such as long-term memories, short-term memories, and frames. As a demonstration of these abstractions, I have implemented a simulator for ``creatures'' controlled by a network of abstract units. The creatures exist in a simple 2D world, and exhibit behaviors such as catching mobile prey and sorting colored blocks into matching boxes. This program demonstrates that it is possible to build systems that can interact effectively with a dynamic physical environment, yet use symbolic representations to control aspects of their behavior.


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This report outlines the problem of intelligent failure recovery in a problem-solver for electrical design. We want our problem solver to learn as much as it can from its mistakes. Thus we cast the engineering design process on terms of Problem Solving by Debugging Almost-Right Plans, a paradigm for automatic problem solving based on the belief that creation and removal of "bugs" is an unavoidable part of the process of solving a complex problem. The process of localization and removal of bugs called for by the PSBDARP theory requires an approach to engineering analysis in which every result has a justification which describes the exact set of assumptions it depends upon. We have developed a program based on Analysis by Propagation of Constraints which can explain the basis of its deductions. In addition to being useful to a PSBDARP designer, these justifications are used in Dependency-Directed Backtracking to limit the combinatorial search in the analysis routines. Although the research we will describe is explicitly about electrical circuits, we believe that similar principles and methods are employed by other kinds of engineers, including computer programmers.


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The unsatisfactory performance of light structures founded on expansive soils subject to seasonal movements is frequently reported since the early 1950's in Australia. Excessive movements have caused damage to numerous structures that have not been adequately designed to accommodate soil volume changes. However, the sole presence of expansive soil is not necessarily the main cause of damage. Other factors such as vegetation, climate factors, types of construction materials and geology type may also contribute. This paper presents a model which predicts the damage class by analyzing combinations of the contributing factors using artificial intelligence methods. This model can help to identify if any serious and urgent repairs are necessary and immediate actions could be initiated without delay.