846 resultados para 280 °C anhydrous pyrolysis yield


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The aliphatic hydrocarbon distributions obtained from the natural bitumens of three Leg 75 sediments were compared using computerised gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (C-GC-MS). The kerogens isolated from these sediments were heated in sealed tubes at 330°C using the techniques of hydrous (i.e. heating kerogen in the presence of water) and anhydrous pyrolysis (i.e. heating dry kerogen alone). These experiments were then repeated at a lower temperature (280°C). At 330°C, under anhydrous conditions, considerable destruction of biomarkers in the ancient kerogens (i.e. pre-Tertiary) occurred, whereas with water present significant amounts of hopanes were obtained. However, with more recent kerogens (which contain larger amounts of chemically bound water), both anhydrous and hydrous pyrolysis gave a similar suite of biological markers, in which long chain acyclic isoprenoids (C40) are significant components. Lowering the temperature of pyrolysis to 280°C yielded biological markers under both hydrous and anhydrous conditions for all kerogens. n-Alkenes were not detected in any of the pyrolysates; however, a single unknown triterpene was discovered in several of the hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysates. The results tentatively indicate that the chief value to petroleum research of kerogen hydrous pyrolysis lies in its ability to increase the yield of pyrolysate. High temperature hydrous pyrolysis (280-330°C), under high pressure (2000 psi), does not appear to mimic natural conditions of oil generation. However, this study does not take into account whole rock pyrolysis.


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The thermal degradation processes of two sulfur polymers, poly(xylylene sulfide) (PXM) and poly(xylylene disulfide) (PXD), were investigated in parallel by direct pyrolysis mass spectrometry (DPMS) and flash pyrolysis GC/MS (Py-GC/MS). Thermogravimetric data showed that these polymers decompose with two separate steps in the temperature ranges of 250-280 and 600-650 degrees C, leaving a high amount of residue (about 50% at 800 degrees C). The pyrolysis products detected by DPMS in the first degradation step of PXM and PXD were terminated by three types of end groups, -CH3, -CH2SH, and -CH=S, originating from thermal cleavage reactions involving a series of homolytic chain scissions followed by hydrogen transfer reactions, generating several oligomers containing some intact xylylene sulfide repeating units. The presence of pyrolysis compounds containing some stilbene-like units in the first degradation step has also been observed. Their formation has been accounted for with a parallel cleavage involving the elimination of H2S from the PXM main chains. These unsaturated units can undergo cross-linking at higher temperatures, producing the high amount of char residue observed. The thermal degradation compounds detected by DPMS in the second decomposition step at about 600-650 degrees C were constituted of condensed aromatic molecules containing dihydrofenanthrene and fenanthrene units. These compounds might be generated from the polymer chains containing stilbene units, by isomerization and dehydrogenation reactions. The pyrolysis products obtained in the Py-GC/MS of PXM and PXD at 610 degrees C are almost identical. The relative abundance in the pyrolysate and the spectral properties of the main pyrolysis products were found to be in generally good agreement with those obtained by DPMS. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were also detected by Py-GC/MS but in minor amounts with respect to DPMS. This apparent discrepancy was due to the simultaneous detection of PAHs together with all pyrolysis products in the Py-GC/MS, whereas in DPMS they were detected in the second thermal degradation step without the greatest part of pyrolysis compounds generated in the first degradation step. The results obtained by DPMS and PSI-GC/MS experiments showed complementary data for the degradation of PXM and PXD and, therefore, allowed the unequivocal formulation of the thermal degradation mechanism for these sulfur-containing polymers.


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Cellulose is the major constituent of most plants of interest as renewable sources of energy and is the most extensively studied form of biomass or biomass constituent. Predicting the mass loss and product yields when cellulose is subjected to increased temperature represents a fundamental problem in the thermal release of biomass energy. Unfortunately, at this time, there is no internally consistent model of cellulose pyrolysis that can organize the varied experimental data now available or provide a guide for additional experiments. Here, we present a model of direct cellulose pyrolysis using a multistage decay scheme that we first presented in the IJQC in 1984. This decay scheme can, with the help of an inverse method of assigning reaction rates, provide a reasonable account of the direct fast pyrolysis yield measurements. The model is suggestive of dissociation states of d-glucose (C6H10O5,), the fundamental cellulose monomer. The model raises the question as to whether quantum chemistry could now provide the dissociation energies for the principal breakup modes of glucose into C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, and C-5 compounds. These calculations would help in achieving a more fundamental description of volatile generation from cellulose pyrolysis and could serve as a guide for treating hemicellulose and lignin, the other major biomass constituents. Such advances could lead to the development of a predictive science of biomass pyrolysis that would facilitate the design of liquifiers and gasifiers based upon renewable feedstocks. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The main aim of the work is to investigate sequential pyrolysis of willow SRC using two different heating rates (25 and 1500 °C/min) between 320 and 520 °C. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and pyrolysis - gas chromatography - mass spectroscopy (Py-GC-MS) have been used for this analysis. In addition, laboratory scale processing has been undertaken to compare product distribution from fast and slow pyrolysis at 500 °C. Fast pyrolysis was carried out using a 1 kg/h continuous bubbling fluidized bed reactor, and slow pyrolysis using a 100 g batch reactor. Findings from this study show that heating rate and pyrolysis temperatures have a significant influence on the chemical content of decomposition products. From the analytical sequential pyrolysis, an inverse relationship was seen between the total yield of furfural (at high heating rates) and 2-furanmethanol (at low heating rates). The total yield of 1,2-dihydroxybenzene (catechol) was found to be significant higher at low heating rates. The intermediates of catechol, 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenol (eugenol); 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol); 4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde (syringaldehyde) and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde (vanillin), were found to be highest at high heating rates. It was also found that laboratory scale processing alters the pyrolysis bio-oil chemical composition, and the proportions of pyrolysis product yields. The GC-MS/FID analysis of fast and slow pyrolysis bio-oils reveals significant differences. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, rice husk and corn stalk have been pyrolyzed in an auger pyrolysis reactor at pyrolysis temperatures of 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, and 600 °C in order to investigate the effect of the pyrolysis temperature on the pyrolysis performance of the reactor and physicochemical properties of pyrolysis products (this paper focuses on char and gas). The results have shown that the pyrolysis temperature significantly affects the mass yields and properties of the pyrolysis products. The mass yields of pyrolysis liquid and char are comparable to those reported for the same feedstocks processed in fluidized bed reactors. With the increase of the pyrolysis temperature, the pyrolysis liquid yield shows a peak at 500 °C, the char yield decreases, and the gas yield increases for both feedstocks. The higher heating value (HHV) and volatile matter content of char increase as the pyrolysis temperature increases from 350 to 600 °C. The gases obtained from the pyrolysis of rice husk and corn stalk mainly contain CO2, CO, CH4, H2, and other light hydrocarbons; the molar fractions of combustible gases increase and therefore their HHVs subsequently increase with the increase of the pyrolysis temperature.


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It is shown that lithium can be oxidatively extracted from Li2MoO3 at room temperature using Br2 in CHCl3. The delithiated oxides, Li2â��xMoO3 (0 < x â�¤ 1.5) retain the parent ordered rocksalt structure. Complete removal of lithium from Li2MoO3 using Br2 in CH3CN results in a poorly crystalline MoO3 that transforms to the stable structure at 280�°C. Li2MoO3 undergoes topotactic ion-exchange in aqueous H2SO4 to yield a new protonated oxide, H2MoO3.


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Film greenhouse claddings are typically used to protect horticultural crops from low temperature and high rainfall conditions. However, a range of novel plastic films have been developed which filter specific radiation wavelengths with the aim of providing the grower with greater control of crop growth and development. A replicated experiment was conducted in 8 small experimental greenhouses, covered with different photoselective films characterised by a range of red/far-red ratios and PAR transmissions to study their effects on the growth, yield and quality of the strawberry cv. 'Elsanta'. Marketable yield per plant was 51% greater under the film with the highest light transmission (control) compared with the lower light transmission films. Similarly, unmarketable fruit number and average non-marketable individual fruit weight per plant was lowest under films with higher light transmissions and higher under lower light transmission films. Cropping duration was longer under films with high R/FR. Also plants under high R/FR were more compact (due to shorter petiole lengths) compared to plants grown under low R/FR. The results are discussed in relation to the increased use of photoselective films in protected horticulture and the need for higher quality fruit and vegetables.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This thesis investigates the cost of electricity generation using bio-oil produced by the fast pyrolysis of UK energy crops. The study covers cost from the farm to the generator’s terminals. The use of short rotation coppice willow and miscanthus as feedstocks was investigated. All costs and performance data have been taken from published papers, reports or web sites. Generation technologies are compared at scales where they have proved economic burning other fuels, rather than at a given size. A pyrolysis yield model was developed for a bubbling fluidised bed fast pyrolysis reactor from published data to predict bio-oil yields and pyrolysis plant energy demands. Generation using diesel engines, gas turbines in open and combined cycle (CCGT) operation and steam cycle plants was considered. The use of bio-oil storage to allow the pyrolysis and generation plants to operate independently of each other was investigated. The option of using diesel generators and open cycle gas turbines for combined heat and power was examined. The possible cost reductions that could be expected through learning if the technology is widely implemented were considered. It was found that none of the systems analysed would be viable without subsidy, but with the current Renewable Obligation Scheme CCGT plants in the 200 to 350 MWe range, super-critical coal fired boilers co-fired with bio-oil, and groups of diesel engine based CHP schemes supplied by a central pyrolysis plant would be viable. It was found that the cost would reduce with implementation and the planting of more energy crops but some subsidy would still be needed to make the plants viable.


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Descriptions of vegetation communities are often based on vague semantic terms describing species presence and dominance. For this reason, some researchers advocate the use of fuzzy sets in the statistical classification of plant species data into communities. In this study, spatially referenced vegetation abundance values collected from Greek phrygana were analysed by ordination (DECORANA), and classified on the resulting axes using fuzzy c-means to yield a point data-set representing local memberships in characteristic plant communities. The fuzzy clusters matched vegetation communities noted in the field, which tended to grade into one another, rather than occupying discrete patches. The fuzzy set representation of the community exploited the strengths of detrended correspondence analysis while retaining richer information than a TWINSPAN classification of the same data. Thus, in the absence of phytosociological benchmarks, meaningful and manageable habitat information could be derived from complex, multivariate species data. We also analysed the influence of the reliability of different surveyors' field observations by multiple sampling at a selected sample location. We show that the impact of surveyor error was more severe in the Boolean than the fuzzy classification. © 2007 Springer.


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For the activated carbon (AC) production, we used the most common industrial and consumer solid waste, namely polyethyleneterephthalate (PET), alone or blended with other synthetic polymer such polyacrylonitrile (PAN). By mixing PET, with PAN, an improvement in the yield of the AC production was found and the basic character and some textural and chemical properties were enhanced. The PET–PAN mixture was subjected to carbonisation, with a pyrolysis yield of 31.9%, between that obtained with PET (16.9%) or PAN (42.6%) separately. The AC revealed a high surface area (1400, 1230 and 1117 m2 g−1) and pore volume (0.46, 0.56 and 0.50 cm3 g−1), respectively, for PET, PAN and PET–PAN precursors. Selected ACs were successfully tested for 4- chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) and diuron removal from the liquid phase, showing a higher adsorption capacity (1.7 and 1.2 mmol g−1, respectively, for MCPA and diuron) and good fits with the Langmuir (PET) and Freundlich equation (PAN and PET–PAN blend). With MCPA, the controlling factor to the adsorption capacity was the porous volume and the average pore size. Concerning diuron, the adsorption was controlled essentially by the external diffusion. A remarkable result is the use of different synthetic polymers wastes, as precursors for the production of carbon materials, with high potential application on the pesticides removals from the liquid phase.


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The production of AC was achieved using the most common industrial and consumer solid waste, namely PET, alone or blended with other synthetic polymer such PAN. The PET-PAN mixture (1:1 W/W %) was subjected to carbonization, with a pyrolysis yield off 31.9%, between that obtained with PET (16.9%) or PAN (42.6%) separately. By mixing PET, as a raw material, with PAN (different ratio), an improvement in the final yield of the AC production, for the same activation time, with CO2, was found.


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The production of AC was achieved using the most common industrial and consumer solid waste, namely PET, alone or blended with other synthetic polymer such PAN. The PET-PAN mixture (1:1 W/W %) was subjected to carbonization, with a pyrolysis yield off 31.9%, between that obtained with PET (16.9%) or PAN (42.6%) separately. By mixing PET, as a raw material, with PAN (different ratio), an improvement in the final yield of the AC production, for the same activation time, with CO2, was found.