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The age structure and, stable isotope composition of a stalagmite (CC I) from an upland cave in central-western Italy were studied to investigate regional response to global climatic changes. Four growth phases are constrained by 28 thermal ionization and multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Th-U ages and reveal intermittent deposition through the period between Marine isotope Stage (MIS) 11 and 3 (similar to380 and similar to43 kyr). Most of the growth took place between similar to380 and similar to280 kyr, a period punctuated briefly by a hiatus in deposition through the glacial maximum of MIS 10. Growth was terminated abruptly at 280 kyr just prior to the MIS 8 glacial maximum. With a present-day chamber temperature of 7.5 degreesC, the timing of hiatuses close to these glacial maxima point to freezing conditions at the time. No deposition was recorded through the entirety of MIS 7 and most of MIS 6, whilst two minor growth phases occurred at similar to141-125 and similar to43 kyr. Growth at 141 kyr indicates temperatures >0 degreesC at a time when MIS 6 ice volumes were close to their maximum. High stable carbon isotope (delta(13)C) values (similar to2.8parts per thousand to +3.1parts per thousand) throughout the stalagmite's growth reflect a persistently low input of biogenic CO2, indicating that the steep, barren and alpine-like recharge area of today ha's been in existence for at least the last similar to380 kyr. During MIS 9, the lowest delta(13)C values occur well after maximum interglacial conditions, suggesting a lag in the development of post-glacial soils in this high-altitude karst. The stable oxygen isotope (delta(18)O) trends match the main structural features of the major climate proxy records (SPECMAP, Vostok and Devils Hole), suggesting that the delta(18)O of CC1 has responded to global-scale climate changes, whilst remarkable similarity exists between CC1 delta(18)O and regional sea-surface temperature reconstructions from North Atlantic core ODP980 and southwest Pacific marine core MD97-2120 through the most detailed part of the CC1 record, MIS 9-8. The results suggest that CC1 and other stalagmites from the cave have the potential to capture a long record of regional temperature trends, particularly in regards to the relative severity of Pleistocene glacial stages. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As a result of their relative concentration towards the respective Atlantic margins, the silicic eruptives of the Parana (Brazil)-Etendeka large igneous province are disproportionately abundant in the Etendeka of Namibia. The NW Etendeka silicic units, dated at similar to132 Ma, occupy the upper stratigraphic levels of the volcanic sequences, restricted to the coastal zone, and comprise three latites and five quartz latites (QL). The large-volume Fria QL is the only low-Ti type. Its trace element and isotopic signatures indicate massive crustal input. The remaining NW Etendeka silicic units are enigmatic high-Ti types, geochemically different from low-Ti types. They exhibit chemical affinities with the temporally overlapping Khumib high-Ti basalt (see Ewart et al. Part 1) and high crystallization temperatures (greater than or equal to980 to 1120degreesC) inferred from augite and pigeonite phenocrysts, both consistent with their evolution from a mafic source. Geochemically, the high-Ti units define three groups, thought genetically related. We test whether these represent independent liquid lines of descent from a common high-Ti mafic parent. Although the recognition of latites reduces the apparent silica gap, difficulty is encountered in fractional crystallization models by the large volumes of two QL units. Numerical modelling does, however, support large-scale open-system fractional crystallization, assimilation of silicic to basaltic materials, and magma mixing, but cannot entirely exclude partial melting processes within the temporally active extensional environment. The fractional crystallization and mixing signatures add to the complexity of these enigmatic and controversial silicic magmas. The existence, however, of temporally and spatially overlapping high-Ti basalts is, in our view, not coincidental and the high-Ti character of the silicic magmas ultimately reflects a mantle signature.


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The bimodal NW Etendeka province is located at the continental end of the Tristan plume trace in coastal Namibia. It comprises a high-Ti (Khumib type) and three low-Ti basalt (Tafelberg, Kuidas and Esmeralda types) suites, with, at stratigraphically higher level, interstratified high-Ti latites (three units) and quartz latites (five units), and one low-Ti quartz latite. Khumib basalts are enriched in high field strength elements and light rare earth elements relative to low-Ti types and exhibit trace element affinities with Tristan da Cunha lavas. The unradiogenic Pb-206/Pb-204 ratios of Khumib basalts are distinctive, most plotting to the left of the 132 Ma Geochron, together with elevated Pb-207/Pb-204 ratios, and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions plotting in the lower Nd-143/Nd-144 part of mantle array (EM1-like). The low-Ti basalts have less coherent trace element patterns and variable, radiogenic initial Sr (similar to0.707-0.717) and Pb isotope compositions, implying crustal contamination. Four samples, however, have less radiogenic Pb and Sr that we suggest approximate their uncontaminated source. All basalt types, but particularly the low-Ti types, contain samples with trace element characteristics (e.g. Nb/Nb-*) suggesting metasediment input, considered source-related. Radiogenic isotope compositions of these samples require long-term isolation of the source in the mantle and depletions (relative to unmodified sediment) in certain elements (e.g. Cs, Pb, U), which are possibly subduction-related. A geodynamic model is proposed in which the emerging Tristan plume entrained subducted material in the Transition Zone region, and further entrained asthenosphere during plume head expansion. Mixing calculations suggest that the main features of the Etendeka basalt types can be explained without sub-continental lithospheric mantle input. Crustal contamination is evident in most low-Ti basalts, but is distinct from the incorporation of a metasedimentary source component at mantle depths.


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Rare earth element and yttrium (REE+Y) concentrations were determined in 49 Late Devonian reefal carbonates from the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Shale-normalized (SN) REE+Y patterns of the Late Devonian samples display features consistent with the geochemistry of well-oxygenated, shallow seawater. A variety of different ancient limestone components, including microbialites, some skeletal carbonates (stromatoporoids), and cements, record seawater-like REE+Y signatures. Contamination associated with phosphate, Fe-oxides and shale was tested quantitatively, and can be discounted as the source of the REE+Y patterns. Co-occurring carbonate components that presumably precipitated from the same seawater have different relative REE concentrations, but consistent REE+Y patterns. Clean Devonian early marine cements (n = 3) display REE+Y signatures most like that of modern open ocean seawater and the highest Y/Ho ratios (e.g., 59) and greatest light REE (LREE) depletion (average Nd-SN/Yb-SN = 0.413, SD = 0.076). However, synsedimentary cements have the lowest REE concentrations (e.g., 405 ppb). Non-contaminated Devonian microbialite samples containing a mixture of the calcimicrobe Renalcis and micritic thrombolite aggregates in early marine cement (n = 11) have the highest relative REE concentrations of tested carbonates (average total REE = 11.3 ppm). Stromatoporoid skeletons, unlike modern corals, algae and molluscs, also contain well-developed, seawater-like REE patterns. Samples from an estuarine fringing reef have very different REE+Y patterns with LREE enrichment (Nd-SN/Yb-SN > 1), possibly reflecting inclusion of estuarine colloidal material that contained preferentially scavenged LREE from a nearby riverine input source. Hence, Devonian limestones provide a proxy for marine REE geochemistry and allow the differentiation of co-occurring water masses on the ancient Lennard Shelf. Although appropriate partition coefficients for quantification of Devonian seawater REE concentrations from out data are unknown, hypothetical Devonian Canning Basin seawater REE patterns were obtained with coefficients derived from modern natural proxies and experimental values. Resulting Devonian seawater patterns are slightly enriched in LREE compared to most modem seawaters and suggest higher overall REE concentrations, but are very similar to seawaters from regions with high terrigenous inputs. Our results suggest that most limestones should record important aspects of the REE geochemistry of the waters in which they precipitated, provided they are relatively free of terrigenous contamination and major diagenetic alteration from fluids with high, non-seawater-like REE contents. Hence, we expect that many other ancient limestones will serve as seawater REE proxies, and thereby provide information on paleoceanography, paleogeography and geochemical evolution of the oceans. Copyright (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd.


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The rare earth elements are strong provenance indicators in geological materials, yet the potential for tracing provinciality in surface freshwater samples has not been adequately tested. Rare earth element and yttrium concentrations were measured at 33 locations in the Pioneer River catchment, Mackay, central Queensland, Australia. The rare earth element patterns were compared on the basis of geological, topographical and land-use features in order to investigate the provenancing potential of these elements in a small freshwater system. The rare earth element patterns of streams draining single lithological units with minor land modification show strongly coherent normalised behaviour, with a loss of coherence in agricultural locations. Evidence is reported for an anthropogenic Gd anomaly that may provide a useful hydrological tracer in this region since the introduction of magnetic resonance imaging in 2003. Several samples display a superchondritic Y/Ho mass ratio (up to 44), which is not explainable within the constraints imposed by local geology. Instead, it is suggested that the additional Y is derived from a marine source, specifically marine phosphorites, which are a typical source of fertiliser phosphorus. The data indicate that, under some circumstances, scaled and normalised freshwater rare earth patterns behave conservatively.


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A pilot study of tree rings in a modern mangrove tree (Rhizophora apiculata) from Leizhou Peninsula, northern South China Sea shows that ( 1) the tree-rings are annual; ( 2) the ring widths decrease; and ( 3) their alpha-cellulose delta(13)C values increase from 1982 to 1999 AD, consistent with the trends of annual sea level, salinity and sea surface temperatures in the same period. We propose that such changes were caused by increasingly longer duration of waterlogging in response to sea-level rise. If this is the case, alpha-cellulose delta(13)C in mangrove tree rings can be used as a potential indicator of past sea level fluctuations.


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U-Pb zircon ages from the exposed Sask craton are 2450-3100 Ma, from the Peter Lake Domain 2575-2640 Ma, and from rocks of the Trans-Hudson orogen 1840-1880 Ma. U-Pb monazite and zircon ages of post-orogenic pegmatites and aplites are 1770-1800 Ma. Common Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of post-orogenic intrusions, as probes of crust beneath the orogen, were compared to Sask craton rocks and ca. 1850 Ma orogenic rocks to infer the origin and subsurface distribution of the Sask craton within the internides of the Trans-Hudson orogen. Results show that post-orogenic intrusions within most of the Glennie Domain and Hanson Lake block were derived, at least in part, from Archean source materials, demonstrating that the Sask craton lies beneath Paleoproterozoic orogenic rocks present at the surface. In contrast, common Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions from pegmatites and aplites of the La Ronge Domain are essentially identical with those of the Paleoproterozoic orogenic rocks into which they are intruded, indicating derivation by partial melting of similar rocks. Thus, if the Sask craton extended to the west beneath the La Ronge Domain, it was beneath the zone of melting that produced the post-orogenic intrusions, making it unlikely that the Sask craton is a detached part of the Hearne craton. Many samples from the Sask craton have elevated Pb-208/Pb-204 ratios, unlike Superior craton or Hearne craton rocks, suggesting that the Sask craton was derived from an exotic source, such as the Wyoming craton, which shares similar elevated Pb-208/Pb-204 ratios.


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New and published major and trace element abundances of elastic metasediments (mainly garnet-biotite-plagioclase schists) from the similar to 3.8 Ga Isua Greenstone Belt (IGB), southern West Greenland, are used in an attempt to identify the compositional characteristics of the protoliths of these sediments. Compositionally, the metasediments are heterogeneous with enrichment of LREE (La/Sm-chord = 1.1-3.9) and variable enrichment and depletion of HREE (Gd/Yb-chord = 0.8-4.3). Chondrite-normalized Eu is also variable, spanning a range from relative Eu depletion to enrichment (Eu/Eu* = 0.6-1.3). A series of geochemical and geological criteria provides conclusive evidence for a sedimentary origin, in disagreement with some previous studies that questioned the presence of genuine elastic metasediments. In particular, trace element systematics of IGB metasediments show strong resemblance to other well-documented Archaean clastic sediments, and are consistent with a provenance consisting of ultramafic, malic and felsic igneous rocks. Two schists, identified as metasomatized mafic igneous rocks from petrographic and field evidence, show distinct compositional differences to the metasediments. Major element systematics document incipient-to-moderate source weathering in the majority of metasediments, while signs of secondary K-addition are rare. Detailed inspection of Eu/Eu*, Fe2O3 and CIW (chemical index of weathering) relationships reveals that elevated iron contents (when compared to averages for continental crust) and strong relative enrichment in Eu may be due to precipitation of marine Fe-oxyhydroxides during deposition or diagenesis on the seafloor. Some of the IGB metasediments have yielded anomalous Nd-142 and W-182 isotopic compositions that were respectively interpreted in terms of early mantle differentiation processes and the presence of a meteorite component. Alternatively, W and possibly Nd isotopes could have been affected by thermal neutron capture on the Hadean surface. The latter process was tested in this study by analysis of Sm isotope compositions, which serve as an effective monitor for neutron capture effects. As no anomalous variation from terrestrial values was detected, we infer that isotope systematics (including W-182 and Nd-142) of IGB metasediments were not affected by neutron capture, but reflect decay of radioactive parent isotopes. Copyright (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd.


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We present data for the rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) in the National Research Council of Canada natural river water reference material SLRS-4 and 19 natural river waters from small catchments in South-East Queensland, Australia, by a direct ICP-MS method. The 0.22 mu m filtered river water samples show a large degree of variability in both the REY concentration, e.g., La varies from 13 to 1157 ppt, and shape of the alluvial-sediment-normalised REY patterns with different samples displaying light, middle or heavy rare earth enrichment. In addition, a spatial study was undertaken along the freshwater section of Beerburrum Creek, which demonstrates that similar to 75% of the total REYs in this waterway are removed prior to estuarine mixing without evidence of fractionation.


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A direct quadrupole ICP-MS technique has been developed for the analysis of the rare earth elements and yttrium in natural waters. The method has been validated by comparison of the results obtained for the river water reference material SLRS-4 with literature values. The detection limit of the technique was investigated by analysis of serial dilutions of SLRS-4 and revealed that single elements can be quantified at single-digit fg/g concentrations. A coherent normalised rare earth pattern was retained at concentrations two orders of magnitude below natural concentrations for SLRS-4, demonstrating the excellent inter-element accuracy and precision of the method. The technique was applied to the analysis of a diluted mid-salinity estuarine sample, which also displayed a coherent normalised rare earth element pattern, yielding the expected distinctive marine characteristics. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Complete rare earth element (except Eu) and Y concentrations from the estuarine mixing zone (salinity =0.2 to 33) of Elimbah Creek, Queensland, Australia, were measured by quadrupole ICP-MS without preconcentration. High sampling density in the low salinity regime along with high quality data allow accurate tracing of the development of the typical marine rare earth element anomalies as well as Y/Ho fractionation. Over the entire estuary, the rare earth elements are strongly removed relative to a freshwater endmember (60-80% removal). This large overall removal occurs despite a strong remineralisation peak (190% for La, 130% for Y relative to the freshwater endmember) in the mid-salinity zone. Removal and remineralisation are accompanied by fractionation of the original (freshwater) rare earth element pattern, resulting in light rare earth element depletion. Estuarine fractionation generates a large positive La anomaly and a superchondritic Y/Ho ratio. Conversely, we observe no evidence to support the generation of the negative Ce anomaly in the estuary. With the exception of Ce, the typical marine rare earth element features can thus be attributed to estuarine mixing processes. The persistence of these features in hydrogenous sediments for at least 3.71 Ga highlights the importance of estuarine processes for marine chemistry on geological timescales. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sediments, mosses and algae, collected from lake catchments of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica, were analysed to establish baseline levels of trace metals (Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Sb, Pb, Se, V and Zn), and to quantify the extent of trace metal pollution in the area. Both impacted and non-impacted sites were included in the study. Four different leaching solutions (1 M MgCl2, 1 M CH3COONH4, 1 M NH4NO3, and 0.3 N HCl) were tested on the fine fraction (< 63 mu m) of the sediments to extract the mobile fraction of trace metals derived from human impact and from weathering of basement lithologies. Results of these tests indicate that dilute HCl partly dissolves primary minerals present in the sediment, thus leading to an overestimate of the mobile trace metal fraction. Concentrations of trace metals released using the other 3 procedures indicate negligible levels of anthropogenic contribution to the trace metal budget. Data derived from this study and a thorough characterisation of the site allowed the authors to define natural baseline levels of trace metals in sediments, mosses and algae, and their spatial variability across the area. The results show that, with a few notable exceptions, human activities at the research stations have contributed negligible levels (lower than natural variability) of trace metals to the Larsemann Hills ecosystem. This study further demonstrates that anthropogenic sources of trace metals can be correctly identified and quantified only if natural baselines, their variability, and processes controlling the mobility of trace metals in the ecosystem, have been fully characterised. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.