997 resultados para 254 SMO
Työn teoriaosassa käsitellään ruostumattomia teräksiä ja terästen metallurgiaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä yleisesti, sekä terästen hitsattavuutta. Hitsauksesta teoriassa käydään läpi laser- ja kaasukaarihitsausta ja hitsin metallurgiaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Kokeellisessa osassa paneudutaan kahdeksan eri ruostumattoman teräksen hitsien metallurgiaan ja metallurgiassa tapahtuviin muutoksiin hitsausparametrien mukaan. Koemateriaaleina on neljä austeniittista ruostumatonta terästä, 201, 301LN, 316L ja 254 SMO, kaksi austeniittis-ferriittistä ruostumatonta terästä, 2101 LDX ja 2205, sekä kaksi ferriittistä ruostumatonta terästä, 430 ja 1.4003. Hitsien mikrorakenteen tutkimisessa käytettiin sekä valomikroskooppia sekä joissain tapauksissa pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskooppia. Lisäksi työn kokeellisessa osassa paneuduttiin hitsien metallografisiin syövytystekniikoihin. Kokeiden perusteella voidaan sanoa, että hitsin metallurgia riippuu hitsauksen aikaisesta lämpösyklistä ja hitsausparametreilla voidaan vaikuttaa tämän lämpösyklin muotoon. Austeniittis-ferriittisillä teräksillä hitsauksen aikaisesta lämpösyklistä riippuu pitkälti hitsin austeniitti-ferriitti-suhde. Ferriittisillä teräksillä lämpösyklin muoto vaikuttaa hitsiin muodostuvan martensiitin kovuuteen ja määrään sekä rakenteen hienojakoisuuteen. Austeniittisilla teräksillä lämpösyklinmuodon vaikutus riippuu pitkälti teräksen seostusasteesta ja seosaineista. Austeniittisilla teräksillä kokeissa havaittuja muutoksia, parametrien muutosten mukaan oli muun muassa suotautumisen voimakkuuden
Analisa-se, em relação a 254 casos de doença meningocócica, a variação da letalidade sob a influência dos seguintes fatores que, segundo a literatura, agravam-lhe o prognóstico: grupos de idade extrema, tempo curto de história antes da admissão, presença de púrpuras e/ou petéquias na admissão, ocorrência de choque ou de coma, número de leucócitos normal ou diminuído no sangue periférico na admissão, líquido cefalorraquidiano normal na admissão, número de leucócitos normal ou diminuído no sangue periférico na admissão, número de leucócitos menor que 100/mm³, proteinorraquia maior que 300 mg/dl, ou glicorraquia menor que 10 mg/dl, no líquido cefalorraquidiano colhido na admissão. Dentre esses fatores, aqueles para os quais se demonstrou influência estatisticamente significativa sobre a letalidade foram: 1) idades extremas: maior letalidade em crianças com menos de um ano de idade e em adultos com mais de 40 anos; 2) tempo de história, antes da admissão hospitalar, menor que 48 horas; 3) presença de coma ou 4) choque na admissão; 5) número de leucócitos, no sangue periférico colhido na admissão, igual ou menor que 10.000/mm³. A combinação desses fatores evidenciou que, quanto maior o número deles associados, mais alto o índice de letalidade.
MAGE-encoded antigens, which are expressed by tumors of many histological types but not in normal tissues, are suitable candidates for vaccine-based immunotherapy of cancers. Thus far, however, T-cell responses to MAGE antigens have been detected only occasionally in cancer patients. In contrast, by using HLA/peptide fluorescent tetramers, we have observed recently that CD8(+) T cells specific for peptide MAGE-A10(254-262) can be detected frequently in peptide-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HLA-A2-expressing melanoma patients and healthy donors. On the basis of these results, antitumoral vaccination trials using peptide MAGE-A10(254-262) have been implemented recently. In the present study, we have characterized MAGE-A10(254-262)-specific CD8(+) T cells in polyclonal cultures and at the clonal level. The results indicate that the repertoire of MAGE-A10(254-262)-specific CD8(+) T cells is diverse both in terms of clonal composition, efficiency of peptide recognition, and tumor-specific lytic activity. Importantly, only CD8(+) T cells able to recognize the antigenic peptide with high efficiency are able to lyse MAGE-A10-expressing tumor cells. Under defined experimental conditions, the tetramer staining intensity exhibited by MAGE-A10(254-262)-specific CD8(+) T cells correlates with efficiency of peptide recognition so that "high" and "low" avidity cells can be separated by FACS. Altogether, the data reported here provide evidence for functional diversity of MAGE-A10(254-262)-specific T cells and will be instrumental for the monitoring of peptide MAGE-A10(254-262)-based clinical trials.
Recovery of Health Services Charges (NI) Order 2004 - Regulatory Impact Assessment
Donateur : Nathan, Fernand (1858-1947)
Siempre es motivo de gozo releer un clásico moderno. En esta ocasión se trata de Ferdinand Gregorovius, cuya Atenais ha publicado recientemente Herder en una magnífica traducción (la primera en lengua española) de José Antonio Molina Gómez, profesor de la Universidad de Murcia. Herder prosigue de esta manera la línea editorial, iniciada hace ya algunos años,de publicar las biografías de grandes figuras de la antigüedad, entre las que cabe contar las dedicadas a Aníbal, Cleopatra, Augusto, Calígula, Constantino I, Juliano o Teodosio I.
In 1982, Iowa's crossing warning identification system and signage at rail crossings were outdated, inconsistent and inadequate. Iowa's railroad system had been reduced and reorganized during the 1970's and many of the surviving railroad companies were unable to install new signs or devote staff to updating information. The preliminary engineering part of this project improved the information inventory about each crossing, provided for installation of identification tags and resulted in a comprehensive list of posts and signs eligible for replacement. The sign installation portion of this project resulted in erection of nearly 10,000 new crossbuck signs and 10,000 advance warning signs with high intensity reflectorization. In addition, new posts and multiple track signs were replaced where appropriate. Increased visibility of crossings for the motoring public has resulted from proper sign placement and use of high intensity reflectorization. The tagging has provided a consistent correct identification of crossings for accident reporting. The computer inventory of information about the crossings is now correct and provides for informed decision making to administrators of Federal and State crossing safety funds.
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
MAGE genes encode tumor-specific shared antigens that are among the most interesting candidates for cancer vaccines. Despite extensive studies, however, CD8+ T-cell responses to MAGE-derived epitopes have been detected only occasionally in cancer patients, even after vaccination. In contrast with these findings, we report here that HLA-A2 melanoma patients respond frequently to the recently identified peptide MAGE-A10(254-262). Indeed, as assessed by staining with fluorescent HLA-A2/peptide MAGE-A10(254-262) tetramers, CD8+ T cells directed against this peptide were readily detectable in a large proportion of HLA-A2+ melanoma patients. These results provide new insight into the immunogenicity of MAGE antigens and underline the potential usefulness of MAGE-A10 peptide-based cancer vaccines.