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Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an important pathogen of mammals that relies on 2-hydroxyphenyloxazoline-containing siderophore molecules called mycobactins for the acquisition of iron in the restrictive environment of the mammalian macrophage, These compounds have been proposed to be biosynthesized through the action of a cluster of genes that include both nonribosomal peptide synthase and polyketide synthase components. One of these genes encodes a protein, MbtB, that putatively couples activated salicylic acid with serine or threonine and then cyclizes this precursor to the phenyloxazoline ring system. We have used gene replacement through homologous recombination to delete the mbtB gene and replace this with a hygromycin-resistance cassette in the virulent strain of M. tuberculosis H37Rv, The resulting mutant is restricted for growth in iron-limited media but grows normally in iron-replete media. Analysis of siderophore production by this organism revealed that the biosynthesis of all salicylate-derived siderophores was interrupted. The mutant was found to be impaired for growth in macrophage-like THP-1 cells, suggesting that siderophore production is required for virulence of M. tuberculosis, These results provide conclusive evidence linking this genetic locus to siderophore production.
Pimelic acid formation for biotin biosynthesis in Bacillus subtilis has been proposed to involve a cytochrome P450 encoded by the gene biol. We have subcloned bioI and overexpressed the encoded protein, BioI. A purification protocol was developed utilizing ion exchange, gel filtration, and hydroxyapatite chromatography, Investigation of the purified BioI by UV-visible spectroscopy revealed spectral properties characteristic of a cytochrome P450 enzyme. BioI copurifies with acylated Escherichia coil acyl carrier protein (ACP), suggesting that in vivo a fatty acid substrate may be presented to BioI as an acyl-ACP. A combination of electrospray mass spectrometry of the intact acyl-ACP and GCMS indicated a range of fatty acids were bound to the ACP. A catalytically active system has been established employing E. coli flavodoxin reductase and a novel, heterologous flavodoxin as the redox partners for BioI. In this system, BioI cleaves a carbon-carbon bond of an acyl-ACP to generate a pimeloyl-ACP equivalent, from which pimelic acid is isolated after base-catalyzed saponification. A range of free fatty acids have also been explored as potential alternative substrates for BioI, with C16 binding most tightly to the enzyme. These fatty acids are also metabolized to dicarboxylic acids, but with less regiospecificity than is observed with acyl-ACPs. A possible mechanism for this transformation is discussed. These results strongly support the proposed role for BioI in biotin biosynthesis. In addition, the production of pimeloyl-ACP explains the ability of BioI to function as a pimeloyl CoA source in E. coli, which, unlike B. subtilis, is unable to utilize free pimelic acid for biotin production. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
In this paper, we propose a new nonlocal density functional theory characterization procedure, the finite wall thickness model, for nanoporous carbons, whereby heterogeneity of pore size and pore walls in the carbon is probed simultaneously. We determine the pore size distributions and pore wall thickness distributions of several commercial activated carbons and coal chars, with good correspondence with X-ray diffraction. It is shown that the conventional infinite wall thickness approach overestimates the pore size slightly. Pore-pore correlation has been shown to have a negligible effect on prediction of pore size and pore wall thickness distributions for small molecules such as argon used in characterization. By utilizing the structural parameters (pore size and pore wall thickness distribution) in the generalized adsorption isotherm (GAI) we are able to predict adsorption uptake of supercritical gases in BPL and Norit RI Extra carbons, in excellent agreement with experimental adsorption uptake data up to 60 MPa. The method offers a useful technique for probing features of the solid skeleton, hitherto studied by crystallographic methods.
Hitherto, adsorption has been traditionally used to study only the porous structure in disordered materials, while the structure of the solid phase skeleton has been probed by crystallographic methods such as X-ray diffraction. Here we show that for carbons density functional theory, suitably adapted to consider heterogeneity of the pore walls, can be reliably used to probe features of the solid structure hitherto accessibly only approximately even by crystallographic methods. We investigate a range of carbons and determine pore wall thickness distributions using argon adsorption, with results corroborated by X-ray diffraction.
The fluorescence of single molecules coupled to a thermal bath is studied both experimentally and theoretically. The effect of different fluctuations on the coherence properties of resonance fluorescence is considered first. Coherence is measured in an interference experiment where a single molecule is used as a light source. A standard approach based on the optical Bloch equations apparently provides quite an accurate description of the interference experiment. Systems with long correlation times (where spectra are time dependent on any timescale) are considered next. It is shown that intensity-time-frequency correlation spectroscopy, which provides both high signal-to-noise ratio and high time resolution, is very suitable for such a case. The Bloch equations are further tested in an experiment where the shape of an excitation spectral line of a single molecule is accurately measured over six orders of magnitude of the exciting laser power. Significant deviations from the predictions of the Bloch equations are found. The role of critical parameters-the correlation time of the bath, the Rabi oscillation period, and the coupling constant between the bath and the molecule-is discussed. The paper also includes a short general introduction to the methodology of single-molecule studies.
In this paper, we present the results of the prediction of the high-pressure adsorption equilibrium of supercritical. gases (Ar, N-2, CH4, and CO2) on various activated carbons (BPL, PCB, and Norit R1 extra) at various temperatures using a density-functional-theory-based finite wall thickness (FWT) model. Pore size distribution results of the carbons are taken from our recent previous work 1,2 using this approach for characterization. To validate the model, isotherms calculated from the density functional theory (DFT) approach are comprehensively verified against those determined by grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation, before the theoretical adsorption isotherms of these investigated carbons calculated by the model are compared with the experimental adsorption measurements of the carbons. We illustrate the accuracy and consistency of the FWT model for the prediction of adsorption isotherms of the all investigated gases. The pore network connectivity problem occurring in the examined carbons is also discussed, and on the basis of the success of the predictions assuming a similar pore size distribution for accessible and inaccessible regions, it is suggested that this is largely related to the disordered nature of the carbon.
In this paper, we present results of the internal structure (pore size and pore wall thickness distributions) of a series of activated carbon fibers with different degrees of burn-off, determined from interpretation of argon adsorption data at 87 K using infinite and finite wall thickness models. The latter approach has recently been developed in our laboratory. The results show that while the low bun-off samples have nearly uniform pore size (
In this work, the different adsorption properties of H and alkali metal atoms on the basal plane of graphite are studied and compared using a density functional method on the same model chemistry level. The results show that H prefers the on-top site while alkali metals favor the middle hollow site of graphite basal plane due to the unique electronic structures of H, alkali metals, and graphite. H has a higher electronegativity than carbon, preferring to form a covalent bond with C atoms, whereas alkaline metals have lower electronegativity, tending to adsorb on the highest electrostatic potential sites. During adsorption, there are more charges transferred from alkali metal to graphite than from H to graphite.
The microstructural variation of Norit RI Extra activated carbon, progressively heated at 1373 K, was explored in terms of pore size and pore wall thickness distributions, for various periods of heating time, determined by argon adsorption at 87 K, both using an infinite as well as and finite wall thickness model. The latter approach has recently been developed in our laboratory and has been applied to several virgin carbons. The current results show significant variations in small pore size regions (< 7 angstrom) in association with strong growth of thick walls having at least three carbon sheets, as a result of heat treatment. In particular, shrinkage of the smallest pores due to strong interaction between their opposite walls as well as smoothening of carbon wall surfaces due to an increase in graphitization degree under thermal treatment have been found. Further, the results of pore wall thickness distribution are well corroborated by X-ray diffraction. The results of pore size and pore wall thickness distributions are also shown to be consistent with transmission electron microscopy analyses. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The behavior of monolayer films of free base 5,10,15,20-tetrapyridylporphinato (TPyP) and 5,10,15,20-tetrapyridylporphinato zinc(II) (ZnTPyP) on pure water, 0.1 M CdCl2, and 0.1 M CuCl2 subphases was investigated by surface pressure-area isotherms, specular X-ray reflectometry, and polarized total reflection X-ray absorption spectroscopy (PTRXAS). Surface pressure-area isotherms showed significant differences in the area per molecule on pure water compared to that on salt subphases, with a marked increase in the area observed on the salt solutions. This behavior was noted for both forms of the porphyrin and both salts investigated. Modeling of specular X-ray reflectometry data indicated that thinner and more electron dense layers on salt subphases best fit the observed profiles. These data suggest that the porphyrin macrocycle is oriented parallel to the interface on salt subphases and takes on a tilted conformation on pure water. In the case of ZnTPyP, PTRXAS was used to determine the orientation of the porphyrin moiety relative to the surface and to probe the coordination of the central Zn ion. In agreement with the pressure-area isotherms and reflectometry, the PTRXAS data indicate a change in orientation on the salt subphases.
Optical Bloch equations are widely used for describing dynamics in a system consisting molecules, electromagnetic waves, and a thermal bath. We analyze applicability of these equations to a single molecule imbedded in a solid matrix. Classical Bloch equations and the limits of their applicability are derived from more general master equations. Simple and intuitively appealing picture based on stochastic Bloch equations shows that at low temperatures, contrary to common believes, a strong driving field can not only suppress but can also increase decay rates of Rabi oscillations. A physical system where predicted effects can be observed experimentally is suggested. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the phase behavior of a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)/palmitic acid (PA)/water 1:2:20 mixture in atomic detail. Starting from a random solution of DPPC and PA in water, the system adopts either a gel phase at temperatures below similar to 330 K or an inverted hexagonal phase above similar to 330 K in good agreement with experiment. It has also been possible to observe the direct transformation from a gel to an inverted hexagonal phase at elevated temperature (similar to 390 K). During this transformation, a metastable fluid lamellar intermediate is observed. Interlamellar connections or stalks form spontaneously on a nanosecond time scale and subsequently elongate, leading to the formation of an inverted hexagonal phase. This work opens the possibility of studying in detail how the formation of nonlamellar phases is affected by lipid composition and (fusion) peptides and, thus, is an important step toward understanding related biological processes, such as membrane fusion.
A proposal for using single molecules as nanoprobes capable of detecting the trajectory of an elementary charge is discussed in detail. Presented numerical simulations prove that this singlemolecule technique allows determination of a three-dimensional single-electron displacement within a few seconds with an accurocy better than 0.006 nm. Surprisingly, this significantly exceeds the accuracy with which the probe;, molecule itself can be localized (given the same measuring time by means of single-molecule microscopy. It is also shown that the optimal concentration of probe molecules in the vicinity of:the electron (i.e. the concentration which provides the best accuracy of the inferred electron displacement) is of the order of 10(-5) m.