994 resultados para 241601 Paleontología animal


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Programa de doctorado: Ecología y Gestión de los Recursos Vivos Marinos


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[ES] En la bibliografía reciente sobre los lacértidos de El Hierro se sugiere la coexistencia hasta tiempos relativamente recientes de tres especies en la isla: Gallotia caesaris, G. simonyi y G. goliath. Según esta bibliografía las diferencias específicas estarían basadas en la morfología dentaria, en el número de dientes, en el número de series de dientes en el pterigoides, en la morfología general del cráneo (estimada a partir de la longitud relativa de los procesos parietales) y en el tamaño de los individuos. El análisis comparativo de los numerosos restos subfósiles de lacértidos encontrados en El Hierro ha permitido concluir que si bien algunos de estos caracteres permiten distinguir a G. caesaris de otros lagartos de mayor tamaño, ninguno de ellos sirve para diferenciar a las otras dos especies propuestas.


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[ES] La distribución de 39 yacimientos paleontológicos y arqueológicos en los que se han encontrado restos de Gallotia simonyi en El Hierro muestra que su área primitiva de distribución estaba ligada a los ecosistemas xerófilos y termófilos de la isla. Lamentablemente, este paisaje ha sido fuertemente alterado por el hombre. La datación con 14C de restos procedentes de varios yacimientos ha puesto de manifiesto que en la zona llamada La Dehesa, en la que actualmente estos ecosistemas están bien conservados, todavía podían encontrarse lagartos gigantes en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, y que éstos podían ser muy longevos y alcanzar grandes tamaños.


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[ES] Se describe una nueva especie de tortuga terrestre fósil para la isla de Sal en función de cuatro restos óseos: un fémur, dos huesos del caparazón y un cráneo incluido en una matriz caliza. La nueva especie, relativamente próxima a la actual Geochelone sulcata del Sahel, se caracteriza por presentar un tamaño más pequeño que ésta (longitud del caparazón próxima a los 400 mm) y por ser mucho menos robusta.


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[ES] Una nueva especie de tortuga terrestre extinguida en el Plioceno de Gran Canana es descrita con el nombre de Geochelone vulcanica. La comparación con el material óseo similar de G. burchardi en la isla de Tenerife, demuestra las grandes diferencias existentes entre ambos taxones. Los huevos fósiles de tortugas terrestres descritos en la isla de Gran Canana se consideran pertenecientes a la nueva especie.


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[EN] The Canary lsland lizards constitute a monophyletic group which separated from the rest of the family shortly after the first islands of the archipelago emerged. Five living and at least one recently extinct species belong to the genus Gallotia. In addition, two of the living species, Gallotia simonyi and Gallotia stehlini have become extinct on Gomera and Tenerife, respectively. Juveniles of all species present tricuspid teeth. This character is preserved in the adults with changes to one degree or another in G. galloti, G. caesaris, G. simonyi and G. goliath. In G. atlantica there are only two cuspids and G. stehlini has 4 or more.


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[EN] Gallotia simonyi (Steindachner, 1889) is a member of an endemic Canary Island genus and is among the largest of the approximately 250 recent species of lacertid lizards. Although Steindachner gave the locality of the types as the Roques de Salmor, off El Hierro island, previous workers (Urusaustegui, 1983; Manrique & Saavedra, 1873; Viera & Clavijo, 1983) and subsequent ones (Machado, 1985) regard the more western of the two rocks in the group, the Roque Chico de Salmor, as the actual source of material. The Roque Chico is 37 m high with a surface area of less than 10,000 m2 and lies 830 m from the northern coast of El Hierro (Machado, 1985).


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[ES]El registro de los vertebrados fósiles de Canarias se remonta al neógeno y llega hasta fechas casi históricas donde la interacción con los primeros pobladores de Canarias pudo estar relacionada con algunas de estas extinciones. En cada una de las islas encontramos un registro escaso pero bastante característico de islas oceánicas que nos da una idea sobre la biodiversidad del pasado en las mismas.


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[ES]El proyecto “Paleontología de la Macaronesia. Espacio Virtual (PAMEV)” –PEJ-2014-A-83608-, se sustenta en la musealización virtual y digitalización de las importantes colecciones paleontológicas de los archipiélagos de Azores, Madeira, Canarias y Cabo Verde del Laboratorio de Paleontología de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). Entre todo el material fósil contenido en este proyecto cabe destacar el perteneciente a restos fósiles de diferentes cetáceos. Esto nos permitirá su estudio así como la evolución de los cetáceos en el Atlántico.


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A bioactive and bioresorbable scaffold fabricated from medical grade poly (epsilon-caprolactone) and incorporating 20% beta-tricalcium phosphate (mPCL–TCP) was recently developed for bone regeneration at load bearing sites. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate bone ingrowth into mPCL–TCP in a large animal model of lumbar interbody fusion. Six pigs underwent a 2-level (L3/4; L5/6) anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) implanted with mPCL–TCP þ 0.6 mg rhBMP-2 as treatment group while four other pigs implanted with autogenous bone graft served as control. Computed tomographic scanning and histology revealed complete defect bridging in all (100%) specimen from the treatment group as early as 3 months. Histological evidence of continuing bone remodeling and maturation was observed at 6 months. In the control group, only partial bridging was observed at 3 months and only 50% of segments in this group showed complete defect bridging at 6 months. Furthermore, 25% of segments in the control group showed evidence of graft fracture, resorption and pseudoarthrosis. In contrast, no evidence of graft fractures, pseudoarthrosis or foreign body reaction was observed in the treatment group. These results reveal that mPCL–TCP scaffolds could act as bone graft substitutes by providing a suitable environment for bone regeneration in a dynamic load bearing setting such as in a porcine model of interbody spine fusion.


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Conventional clinical therapies are unable to resolve osteochondral defects adequately, hence tissue engineering solutions are sought to address the challenge. A biphasic implant which was seeded with Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) and coupled with an electrospun membrane was evaluated as an alternative. This dual phase construct comprised of a Polycaprolactone (PCL) cartilage scaffold and a Polycaprolactone - Tri Calcium Phosphate (PCL - TCP) osseous matrix. Autologous MSC was seeded into the entire implant via fibrin and the construct was inserted into critically sized osteochondral defects located at the medial condyle and patellar groove of pigs. The defect was resurfaced with a PCL - collagen electrospun mesh that served as a substitute for periosteal flap in preventing cell leakage. Controls either without implanted MSC or resurfacing membrane were included. After 6 months, cartilaginous repair was observed with a low occurrence of fibrocartilage at the medial condyle. Osteochondral repair was promoted and host cartilage degeneration was arrested as shown by the superior Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) maintenance. This positive morphological outcome was supported by a higher relative Young's modulus which indicated functional cartilage restoration. Bone in growth and remodeling occurred in all groups with a higher degree of mineralization in the experimental group. Tissue repair was compromised in the absence of the implanted cells or the resurfacing membrane. Moreover healing was inferior at the patellar groove as compared to the medial condyle and this was attributed to the native biomechanical features.


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Remote monitoring of animal behaviour in the environment can assist in managing both the animal and its environmental impact. GPS collars which record animal locations with high temporal frequency allow researchers to monitor both animal behaviour and interactions with the environment. These ground-based sensors can be combined with remotely-sensed satellite images to understand animal-landscape interactions. The key to combining these technologies is communication methods such as wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We explore this concept using a case-study from an extensive cattle enterprise in northern Australia and demonstrate the potential for combining GPS collars and satellite images in a WSN to monitor behavioural preferences and social behaviour of cattle.


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Remote monitoring of animal behaviour in the environment can assist in managing both the animal and its environmental impact. GPS collars which record animal locations with high temporal frequency allow researchers to monitor both animal behaviour and interactions with the environment. These ground-based sensors can be combined with remotely-sensed satellite images to understand animal-landscape interactions. The key to combining these technologies is communication methods such as wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We explore this concept using a case-study from an extensive cattle enterprise in northern Australia and demonstrate the potential for combining GPS collars and satellite images in a WSN to monitor behavioural preferences and social behaviour of cattle.


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This paper investigates a mobile, wireless sensor/actuator network application for use in the cattle breeding industry. Our goal is to prevent fighting between bulls in on-farm breeding paddocks by autonomously applying appropriate stimuli when one bull approaches another bull. This is an important application because fighting between high-value animals such as bulls during breeding seasons causes significant financial loss to producers. Furthermore, there are significant challenges in this type of application because it requires dynamic animal state estimation, real-time actuation and efficient mobile wireless transmissions. We designed and implemented an animal state estimation algorithm based on a state-machine mechanism for each animal. Autonomous actuation is performed based on the estimated states of an animal relative to other animals. A simple, yet effective, wireless communication model has been proposed and implemented to achieve high delivery rates in mobile environments. We evaluated the performance of our design by both simulations and field experiments, which demonstrated the effectiveness of our autonomous animal control system.