1000 resultados para 24-methylenecholesterol


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Since the isolation and characterization of dwarf1-1 (dwf1-1) from a T-DNA insertion mutant population, phenotypically similar mutants, including deetiolated2 (det2), constitutive photomorphogenesis and dwarfism (cpd), brassinosteroid insensitive1 (bri1), and dwf4, have been reported to be defective in either the biosynthesis or the perception of brassinosteroids. We present further characterization of dwf1-1 and additional dwf1 alleles. Feeding tests with brassinosteroid-biosynthetic intermediates revealed that dwf1 can be rescued by 22α-hydroxycampesterol and downstream intermediates in the brassinosteroid pathway. Analysis of the endogenous levels of brassinosteroid intermediates showed that 24-methylenecholesterol in dwf1 accumulates to 12 times the level of the wild type, whereas the level of campesterol is greatly diminished, indicating that the defective step is in C-24 reduction. Furthermore, the deduced amino acid sequence of DWF1 shows significant similarity to a flavin adenine dinucleotide-binding domain conserved in various oxidoreductases, suggesting an enzymatic role for DWF1. In support of this, 7 of 10 dwf1 mutations directly affected the flavin adenine dinucleotide-binding domain. Our molecular characterization of dwf1 alleles, together with our biochemical data, suggest that the biosynthetic defect in dwf1 results in reduced synthesis of bioactive brassinosteroids, causing dwarfism.


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赤霉素(gibberellins,GAs)和油菜甾醇(brassinosteroids,BRs)在细胞伸长和植株形态建成等方面发挥重要的生理作用,但它们在分子水平上的相互作用仍然未知。在本实验室前期的芯片工作中筛选到受GA诱导表达的GAST家族基因OsGSR1(GA-stimulated gene in rice) (GenBank AY604180)。该基因全长cDNA为588 bp,编码110个氨基酸,OsGSR1具有GAST家族成员的共同特点。OsGSR1基因的表达受GA3诱导,同时受PAC抑制。基因表达模式分析表明OsGSR1在水稻的根、茎、幼穗和小花等多种组织和器官中表达。前期工作已获得转基因水稻。 本论文研究表明,OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻表现为初生根缩短、叶片直立、节间缩短和结实率降低等与GA和BR相关的表型。OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻对外源GA3敏感性降低,Real-time PCR分析表明在OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻中OsGA20ox2和SLR1的转录水平增高,GC-MS分析显示内源GA4含量增高,这些结果说明转基因材料中GA信号削弱。因此,OsGSR1是GA信号途径的正调控因子。另一方面,实验证据表明,外源BL处理可以抑制OsGSR1基因的表达,OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻不但可以响应外源BL处理,并且在叶夹角实验中显现出对外源BL更加敏感的特性。在OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻中,BR受体基因OsBRI1与合成基因OsDWARF表达量上调。外源添加BL可以恢复OsGSR1 RNAi转基因水稻矮化表型,上述结果说明OsGSR1可能作用于BR生物合成途径。酵母双杂交筛选、体外Pull-down结果和体内BiFC实验都证实OsGSR1可以与DIM/DWF1互作。在BR生物合成途径中,DIM/DWF1催化从24-亚甲基固醇(24-methylenecholesterol)到油菜甾醇(campesterol)的转化。GC-MS测定内源BRs含量结果进一步证实,转基因水稻中DIM/DWF1催化反应产物积累量减少,说明该反应受到明显抑制。所以,OsGSR1是通过直接作用于BR合成酶来调控BR生物合成。 综上所述,OsGSR1是GA信号途径的正调控因子,并且OsGSR1通过调节SLR1的表达参与到GA信号转导途径。OsGSR1和DIM/DWF1的互作说明OsGSR1直接参与了BR的生物合成过程。因此,我们的实验证明OsGSR1介导了GA和BR这两条激素信号转导途径的相互作用,从而调节了水稻植株的生长发育。


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The total lipid content, composition of main lipid classes, composition of sterols and composition of fatty acids in the main glycerolipids of Perna viridis were analyzed through four seasons using TLC-FID and GLC. Mussel samples were collected during different seasons between 2003 and 2004 from Shengsi Island, Zhejiang Province, China and stored frozen prior to freeze-drying and lipid extraction. Ten grams of dried mussel powder of each season were analyzed. Total lipid content ranged from 14.5 g/100 g in spring month to 7.8 g/100 g dried mussel powder in autumn month. The predominant lipid in spring month was triacylglycerol (TAG), however, in the other three seasons the phospholipids (PL) was the main lipid class. The most abundant fatty acid in TAG, PL and phosphatidylcholine (PC) was 16:0, with the summer samples having the highest proportion (24-30% of total fatty acid) and winter the lowest (14-22%). In phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), the spring samples had the highest proportions of 16:0. The predominant polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were 22:6n-3 and 20:5n-3 in TAG, PL, PE and PC (25-40%). The proportions of 22:6n-3 and 20:5n-3 were higher in spring than in other seasons in PL and PE. There were nine sterols identified, with cholesterol being the predominant sterol, and other main ones were desmostersol/brassicasterol and 24-methylenecholesterol. Proportions of other fatty acids in different lipid fractions and the sterol compositions as well also varied seasonally. There were subject to the seasonal variations. Differences in lipid content and composition, fatty acid composition in different lipid fractions may be caused by multiple factors such as lifecycle, sex, variation of plankton in different seasons and temperature, which could influence physiological activities and metabolism.


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In view of previously reported anti-inflammatory bioactivity of the New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel (NZGLM), the overall lipid profile and fatty acid and sterol composition of the NZGLM from various sites in New Zealand (Hallam Cove, Port Ligar, Little Nikau) were investigated using thin layer  chromatography (TLC) and gas liquid chromatography (GLC). Samples were either frozen (F) or freeze-dried (FD) soon after collection. It was also thought prior to the study, there may be differences in the dietary sources of phytoplankton between the sites, responsible for the bioactivity, however data collected in New Zealand reported no difference in the type of phytoplankton, but a difference in the quantity. There were no major significant differences in the major components of the lipid, fatty acid and sterol composition between FD or frozen samples, nor were there any significant differences in the major composition between sites. The only major difference was between total lipid composition of the freeze-dried and frozen samples due to the removal of water during freeze-drying. Total lipid content on a dry weight basis in FD samples was 8.4 g/100g tissue and was significantly higher than frozen samples (P < 0.05) and there was no significant site variation. The lipid class content between sites was also not significantly different as judged by TLC. Triglyceride (TG) lipid fraction appeared to be the most prominent in the frozen and FD samples. The free fatty acid (FFA) band was the next most prominent band and was visually more prominent in the frozen samples. Sterol esters (SE) were detected in higher amounts in the frozen samples compared with the FD samples. Phospholipid (PL) and sterols (ST) were distributed throughout all samples. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were the main group of fatty acids in both FD and frozen samples (45-46%), most of which were omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids (40-41%). Saturated fatty acids (SFA) accounted for approximately one quarter of total fatty acids, with little variation between FD and frozen samples. The major fatty acids of the NZGLM were docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6n-3) (19% in both FD and frozen samples), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5n-3) and palmitic acid (16:0) (15% in both FD and frozen samples). Cholesterol was the most prominent sterol (31% of total sterols). Other major sterols included desmosterol/ brassicasterol (co-eluting), 24-methylenecholesterol, trans-22-dehydrocholesterol, 24- nordehydrocholesterol and occelasterol. This study is unique as it compares the lipid composition of the NZGLM from three sites in New Zealand with the additional effect of processing. This is the second comparative study investigating the lipid, fatty acid and sterol composition of the NZGLM with added interest in the effect of freeze drying on the lipid content of the mussel. This study showed that there were no major significant differences in lipid, sterol and fatty acid composition between the FD and frozen samples of the NZGLM for three sites in New Zealand. Food chain studies and further research is warranted to investigate the presence and role of major and minor lipid.
components of the NZGLM.


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The dwarf pea (Pisum sativum) mutants lka and lkb are brassinosteroid (BR) insensitive and deficient, respectively. The dwarf phenotype of the lkb mutant was rescued to wild type by exogenous application of brassinolide and its biosynthetic precursors. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of the endogenous sterols in this mutant revealed that it accumulates 24-methylenecholesterol and isofucosterol but is deficient in their hydrogenated products, campesterol and sitosterol. Feeding experiments using 2H-labeled 24-methylenecholesterol indicated that the lkb mutant is unable to isomerize and/or reduce the Δ24(28) double bond. Dwarfism of the lkb mutant is, therefore, due to BR deficiency caused by blocked synthesis of campesterol from 24-methylenecholesterol. The lkb mutation also disrupted sterol composition of the membranes, which, in contrast to those of the wild type, contained isofucosterol as the major sterol and lacked stigmasterol. The lka mutant was not BR deficient, because it accumulated castasterone. Like some gibberellin-insensitive dwarf mutants, overproduction of castasterone in the lka mutant may be ascribed to the lack of a feedback control mechanism due to impaired perception/signal transduction of BRs. The possibility that castasterone is a biologically active BR is discussed.


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This workshop proposes to explore new approaches to cultivate and support sustainable food culture in urban environments via human computer interaction design and ubiquitous technologies. Food is a challenging issue in urban contexts: while food consumption decisions are made many times a day, most food interaction for urbanites occurs based on convenience and habitual practices. This situation is contrasting to the fact that food is at the centre of global environment, health, and social issues that are becoming increasingly immanent and imminent. As such, it is timely and crucial to ask: what are feasible, effective, and innovative ways to improve human-food-interaction through human-computer-interaction in order to contribute to environmental, health, and social sustainability in urban environments? This workshop brings together insights across disciplines to discuss this question, and plan and promote individual, local, and global change for sustainable food culture.


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The journalism revolution is upon us. In a world where we are constantly being told that everyone can be a publisher and challenges are emerging from bloggers, Twitterers and podcasters, journalism educators are inevitably reassessing what skills we now need to teach to keep our graduates ahead of the game. QUT this year tackled that question head-on as a curriculum review and program restructure resulted in a greater emphasis on online journalism. The author spent a week in the online newsrooms of each of two of the major players – ABC online news and thecouriermail.com to watch, listen and interview some of the key players. This, in addition to interviews with industry leaders from Fairfax and news.com, lead to the conclusion that while there are some new skills involved in new media much of what the industry is demanding is in fact good old fashioned journalism. Themes of good spelling, grammar, accuracy and writing skills and a nose for news recurred when industry players were asked what it was that they would like to see in new graduates. While speed was cited as one of the big attributes needed in online journalism, the conclusion of many of the players was that the skills of a good down-table sub or a journalist working for wire service were not unlike those most used in online newsrooms.


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This research was done on hureaulite samples from the Cigana claim, a lithium bearing pegmatite with triphylite and spodumene. The mine is located in Conselheiro Pena, east of Minas Gerais. Chemical analysis was carried out by Electron Microprobe analysis and indicated a manganese rich phase with partial substitution of iron. The calculated chemical formula of the studied sample is: (Mn3.23, Fe1.04, Ca0.19, Mg0.13)(PO4)2.7(HPO4)2.6(OH)4.78. The Raman spectrum of hureaulite is dominated by an intense sharp band at 959 cm−1 assigned to PO stretching vibrations of HPO42− units. The Raman band at 989 cm−1 is assigned to the PO43− stretching vibration. Raman bands at 1007, 1024, 1047, and 1083 cm−1 are attributed to both the HOP and PO antisymmetric stretching vibrations of HPO42− and PO43− units. A set of Raman bands at 531, 543, 564 and 582 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 bending modes of the HPO42− and PO43− units. Raman bands observed at 414, and 455 cm−1 are attributed to the ν2 HPO42− and PO43− units. The intense A series of Raman and infrared bands in the OH stretching region are assigned to water stretching vibrations. Based upon the position of these bands hydrogen bond distances are calculated. Hydrogen bond distances are short indicating very strong hydrogen bonding in the hureaulite structure. A combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy enabled aspects of the molecular structure of the mineral hureaulite to be understood.


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The popularity of Web 2.0 technology amongst tertiary students has become an increased talking point due to its pedagogical capabilities. The purpose of this research was to incorporate the social network Facebook within an architectural design studio to reintroduce the social interaction that was once generated within the traditional, 24 hour setting. This interaction has proven vital to an architect’s future as here they develop the initial peer network within the industry. The study draws upon existing literature to gage the effectiveness of introducing Facebook within the contemporary university environment, further, a case study was established within a second year architectural class. The correspondence was monitored at five intervals across the semester, with the information that was shared, quantified. The aim of this research was to provide the necessary foundation for the feasibility on the possible inclusion of Facebook within architectural tertiary education.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the concurrent validity of a modified version of the widely used previous day physical activity recall (PDPAR24) self-report instrument in a diverse sample of Australian adolescents comprising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (A&TSI) and non-indigenous high school students. A sample of 63 A&TSI and 59 non-indigenous high school students (N = 122) from five public secondary schools participated in the study. Participants completed the PDPAR-24 after wearing a seated electronic pedometer on the previous day. Significant positive correlations were observed between the self-reported physical activity variables (mean MET level, blocks of vigorous activity, and blocks of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity) and 24-h step counts. Validity coefficients (rho) ranged from 0.29 to 0.34 (p<0.05). A significant inverse correlation was observed for self-reported screen time and 24-h step count (rho = -0.19, p<0.05). Correlations for A&TSI students were equal to or greater than those observed for non-indigenous students. The PDPAR-24 instrument is a quick, unobtrusive, and cost-effective assessment tool. that would be useful for evaluating physical activity and sedentary behaviour in population-based studies. (C) 2006 Sports Medicine Australia.


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Background Food neophobia, the rejection of unknown or novel foods, may result in poor dietary patterns. This study investigates the cross-sectional relationship between neophobia in children aged 24 months and variety of fruit and vegetable consumption, intake of discretionary foods and weight. Methods Secondary analysis of data from 330 parents of children enrolled in the NOURISH RCT (control group only) and SAIDI studies was performed using data collected at child age 24 months. Neophobia was measured at 24 months using the Child Food Neophobia Scale (CFNS). The cross-sectional associations between total CFNS score and fruit and vegetable variety, discretionary food intake and BMI (Body Mass Index) Z-score were examined via multiple regression models; adjusting for significant covariates. Results At 24 months, more neophobic children were found to have lower variety of fruits (β=-0.16, p=0.003) and vegetables (β=-0.29, p<0.001) but have a greater proportion of daily energy from discretionary foods (β=0.11, p=0.04). There was no significant association between BMI Z-score and CFNS score. Conclusions Neophobia is associated with poorer dietary quality. Results highlight the need for interventions to (1) begin early to expose children to a wide variety of nutritious foods before neophobia peaks and (2) enable health professionals to educate parents on strategies to overcome neophobia.


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As news communication speeds up, investigative journalists have an increasing responsibility to minimise the risk of harm to vulnerable news sources. In addition, the increased longevity and instant global search-ability of news coverage and investigative journalism outputs such as documentaries, places upon journalists an increased responsibility for accuracy since online coverage cannot be easily corrected or retracted. This paper will examine how the risks to a news source and her family were considered and mitigated during the production of a radio documentary and newspaper story about an intended victim of child sacrifice. Pre-publication considerations included the possible risks to the mental health of the news source, the potential physical risk to her children and the risk to future family relationships. To hear the ABC Radio National documentary, A living sacrifice, on 360 Documentaries prior to the conference, see http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/360/a-living-sacrifice/5359744. To read the Sunday Mail newspaper coverage of the story see http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/susannah-birch-talks-about-her-throat-being-slit-by-her-mother-when-she-was-a-baby/story-fnihsrf2-1226881911465.