971 resultados para 230203 Statistical Theory


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This paper is aimed at establishing a statistical theory of rotational and vibrational excitation of polyatomic molecules by an intense IR laser. Starting from the Wigner function of quantum statistical mechanics, we treat the rotational motion in the classical approximation; the vibrational modes are classified into active ones which are coupled directly with the laser and the background modes which are not coupled with the laser. The reduced Wigner function, i.e., the Wigner function integrated over all background coordinates should satisfy an integro-differential equation. We introduce the idea of ``viscous damping'' to handle the interaction between the active modes and the background. The damping coefficient can be calculated with the aid of the well-known Schwartz–Slawsky–Herzfeld theory. The resulting equation is solved by the method of moment equations. There is only one adjustable parameter in our scheme; it is introduced due to the lack of precise knowledge about the molecular potential. The theory developed in this paper explains satisfactorily the recent absorption experiments of SF6 irradiated by a short pulse CO2 laser, which are in sharp contradiction with the prevailing quasi-continuum theory. We also refined the density of energy levels which is responsible for the muliphoton excitation of polyatomic molecules.


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A theory of strongly interacting Fermi systems of a few particles is developed. At high excit at ion energies (a few times the single-parti cle level spacing) these systems are characterized by an extreme degree of complexity due to strong mixing of the shell-model-based many-part icle basis st at es by the residual two- body interaction. This regime can be described as many-body quantum chaos. Practically, it occurs when the excitation energy of the system is greater than a few single-particle level spacings near the Fermi energy. Physical examples of such systems are compound nuclei, heavy open shell atoms (e.g. rare earths) and multicharged ions, molecules, clusters and quantum dots in solids. The main quantity of the theory is the strength function which describes spreading of the eigenstates over many-part icle basis states (determinants) constructed using the shell-model orbital basis. A nonlinear equation for the strength function is derived, which enables one to describe the eigenstates without diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix. We show how to use this approach to calculate mean orbital occupation numbers and matrix elements between chaotic eigenstates and introduce typically statistical variable s such as t emperature in an isolated microscopic Fermi system of a few particles.


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Approximate Lie symmetries of the Navier-Stokes equations are used for the applications to scaling phenomenon arising in turbulence. In particular, we show that the Lie symmetries of the Euler equations are inherited by the Navier-Stokes equations in the form of approximate symmetries that allows to involve the Reynolds number dependence into scaling laws. Moreover, the optimal systems of all finite-dimensional Lie subalgebras of the approximate symmetry transformations of the Navier-Stokes are constructed. We show how the scaling groups obtained can be used to introduce the Reynolds number dependence into scaling laws explicitly for stationary parallel turbulent shear flows. This is demonstrated in the framework of a new approach to derive scaling laws based on symmetry analysis [11]-[13].


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Bibliography: p. 48-49.


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Thesis (M. S.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The strong mixing of many-electron basis states in excited atoms and ions with open f shells results in very large numbers of complex, chaotic eigenstates that cannot be computed to any degree of accuracy. Describing the processes which involve such states requires the use of a statistical theory. Electron capture into these “compound resonances” leads to electron-ion recombination rates that are orders of magnitude greater than those of direct, radiative recombination and cannot be described by standard theories of dielectronic recombination. Previous statistical theories considered this as a two-electron capture process which populates a pair of single-particle orbitals, followed by “spreading” of the two-electron states into chaotically mixed eigenstates. This method is similar to a configuration-average approach because it neglects potentially important effects of spectator electrons and conservation of total angular momentum. In this work we develop a statistical theory which considers electron capture into “doorway” states with definite angular momentum obtained by the configuration interaction method. We apply this approach to electron recombination with W20+, considering 2×106 doorway states. Despite strong effects from the spectator electrons, we find that the results of the earlier theories largely hold. Finally, we extract the fluorescence yield (the probability of photoemission and hence recombination) by comparison with experiment.


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It is shown that variance-balanced designs can be obtained from Type I orthogonal arrays for many general models with two kinds of treatment effects, including ones for interference, with general dependence structures. These designs can be used to obtain optimal and efficient designs. Some examples and design comparisons are given. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this article we investigate the asymptotic and finite-sample properties of predictors of regression models with autocorrelated errors. We prove new theorems associated with the predictive efficiency of generalized least squares (GLS) and incorrectly structured GLS predictors. We also establish the form associated with their predictive mean squared errors as well as the magnitude of these errors relative to each other and to those generated from the ordinary least squares (OLS) predictor. A large simulation study is used to evaluate the finite-sample performance of forecasts generated from models using different corrections for the serial correlation.


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In this paper we propose a new identification method based on the residual white noise autoregressive criterion (Pukkila et al. , 1990) to select the order of VARMA structures. Results from extensive simulation experiments based on different model structures with varying number of observations and number of component series are used to demonstrate the performance of this new procedure. We also use economic and business data to compare the model structures selected by this order selection method with those identified in other published studies.


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In this paper we investigate a Bayesian procedure for the estimation of a flexible generalised distribution, notably the MacGillivray adaptation of the g-and-κ distribution. This distribution, described through its inverse cdf or quantile function, generalises the standard normal through extra parameters which together describe skewness and kurtosis. The standard quantile-based methods for estimating the parameters of generalised distributions are often arbitrary and do not rely on computation of the likelihood. MCMC, however, provides a simulation-based alternative for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates of parameters of these distributions or for deriving posterior estimates of the parameters through a Bayesian framework. In this paper we adopt the latter approach, The proposed methodology is illustrated through an application in which the parameter of interest is slightly skewed.


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There are at least two reasons for a symmetric, unimodal, diffuse tailed hyperbolic secant distribution to be interesting in real-life applications. It displays one of the common types of non normality in natural data and is closely related to the logistic and Cauchy distributions that often arise in practice. To test the difference in location between two hyperbolic secant distributions, we develop a simple linear rank test with trigonometric scores. We investigate the small-sample and asymptotic properties of the test statistic and provide tables of the exact null distribution for small sample sizes. We compare the test to the Wilcoxon two-sample test and show that, although the asymptotic powers of the tests are comparable, the present test has certain practical advantages over the Wilcoxon test.


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The cross-entropy (CE) method is a new generic approach to combinatorial and multi-extremal optimization and rare event simulation. The purpose of this tutorial is to give a gentle introduction to the CE method. We present the CE methodology, the basic algorithm and its modifications, and discuss applications in combinatorial optimization and machine learning. combinatorial optimization


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Consider a network of unreliable links, modelling for example a communication network. Estimating the reliability of the network-expressed as the probability that certain nodes in the network are connected-is a computationally difficult task. In this paper we study how the Cross-Entropy method can be used to obtain more efficient network reliability estimation procedures. Three techniques of estimation are considered: Crude Monte Carlo and the more sophisticated Permutation Monte Carlo and Merge Process. We show that the Cross-Entropy method yields a speed-up over all three techniques.


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The buffer allocation problem (BAP) is a well-known difficult problem in the design of production lines. We present a stochastic algorithm for solving the BAP, based on the cross-entropy method, a new paradigm for stochastic optimization. The algorithm involves the following iterative steps: (a) the generation of buffer allocations according to a certain random mechanism, followed by (b) the modification of this mechanism on the basis of cross-entropy minimization. Through various numerical experiments we demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm and show that the method can quickly generate (near-)optimal buffer allocations for fairly large production lines.