970 resultados para 220923 Radiación visible
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
Propósito y Método del Estudio: El semiconductor más utilizado para su uso en fotocatálisis es el TiO2 debido a sus características como bajo costo, inocuidad y eficiencia fotocatalítica; alguno de los inconvenientes del uso de este material es su capacidad de activarse con radiación UV. En el presente trabajo se modificó al catalizador TiO2 con N a través del método de síntesis coloidal con el propósito de hacerlo fotoactivo bajo radiación visible; se sintetizaron catalizadores modificados a diferentes cantidades teóricas de nitrógeno, los cuales se caracterizaron morfológica y estructuralmente; posteriormente se evaluó la actividad fotocatalítica, bajo radiación visible con una solución de Bisfenol A realizando el seguimiento de la degradación fotocatalítica mediante espectroscopia UV-Vis y cromatografía de líquidos de alta resolución acoplado a espectrometría de masas (HPLC-MS). Contribuciones y Conclusiones: los resultados confirmaron que la incorporación de Nitrógeno al TiO2 provoca cambios en la cristalinidad, morfología y área superficial, así como en su actividad con radiación visible. La evolución fotocatalitica demostró que el catalizador modificado con 5% fue el que presento mayor eficiencia en la degradación de Bisfenol A.
El creciente desarrollo de la industria del cuero y textil en nuestro país, y específicamente en la provincia de Córdoba, ha hecho resurgir en los ultimos años una problemática aún no resuelta que es la elevada contaminación de los recursos hídricos. En ambas industrias, la operación de teñido involucra principalmente colorantes de tipo azoico los cuales son "no biodegradables" y se fragmentan liberando aminas aromáticas cancerígenas. Para abordar esta problemática, la fotocatálisis heterogénea aparece como una nueva tecnología que permitiría la completa mineralización de estos colorantes. A través de radiación y un fotocatalizador sólido adecuado se pueden generan radicales libres eficientes para la oxidación de materia orgánica (colorantes) en medio acuoso. En este sentido, se proponen tamices moleculares mesoporosos modificados con metales de transición (MT) como fotocatalizadores potencialmente aptos para la degradación de estos contaminantes. El propósito principal de este proyecto es el diseño, síntesis, caracterización y evaluación de materiales mesoporosos que presenten actividad fotocatalítica ya sea mediante la modificación de su estructura con diversos metales fotosensibles y/o empleándolos como soporte de óxido de titanio. Se pretende evaluar estos materiales en la degradación de colorantes intentando desplazar su fotosensibilidad hacia la radiación visible para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías con menor impacto ambiental y mayor aprovechamiento de la energía solar. Para ello se sintetizarán materiales del tipo MCM-41 modificados con distintos MT tales como Fe, Cr, Co, Ni y Zn mediante incorporación directa del ión metálico o impregnación. Al mismo tiempo, tanto estos últimos materiales como el MCM-41 silíceo serán empleados como soporte de TiO2. Sus propiedades fisicoquímicas se caracterizarán mediante distintas técnicas instrumentales y su actividad fotocatalítica se evaluará en la degradación de colorantes azoicos bajo radiación visible. Se seleccionará el catalizador más eficiente y se estudiarán los diversos factores que afectan el proceso de fotodegradación. Así mismo, el análisis de la concentración del colorante y los productos presentes en el medio en función del tiempo de reacción permitirá inferir sobre la cinética de la decoloración y postular posibles mecanismos de fotodegradación. Con esta propuesta se espera contribuír al desarrollo de un sector industrial importante en nuestra provincia como es el de las industrias del cuero y textil, mediante la generación de nuevas tecnologías que empleen la energía solar para la degradación de sus efluentes (colorantes). En este sentido, se espera desarrollar nuevos materiales optimizados para lograr la mayor eficiencia fotocatalítica. Esto conduciría entonces hacia la remediación de un problema ambiental de alto impacto tanto para nuestra provincia y nuestro país como para la población mundial, como es la contaminación de los recursos hídricos. Finalmente, con este proyecto se contribuirá a la formación de dos doctorandos y un maestrando, cuyos temas de tesis están vinculados con nuestro objeto de estudio. The increasing development of the textile and leather industries in our country, and specifically in Córdoba, has revived an unresolved problem that is the high contamination of water resources. In both industries, the dyeing involves mainly type azoic dyes which are not biodegradable and break releasing carcinogenic aromatic amines. Heterogeneous photocatalysis appears as a new technology that would allow the complete mineralization of these pollutants. Through radiation and a suitable solid it is possible to generate free radicals for efficient oxidation of organic matter (dyes) in aqueous medium. In this respect, mesoporous molecular sieves modified with transition metals are proposed as potential photocatalysts. The main purpose of this project is the synthesis of mesoporous materials having photocatalytic activity for the degradation of dyes. We will try to move their photosensitivity to visible radiation to develop new technologies with lower environmental impact and greater use of solar energy. Materials MCM-41 modified with metals (Fe, Cr, Co, Ni and Zn) will be synthesized by direct incorporation or impregnation. These materials and the siliceous MCM-41 will be then employed as support of TiO2. The materials will be evaluated in the photocatalytic degradation of azoic dyes under visible radiation. The influence of different factors on the photodegradation proccess will be studied. Kinetic studies will be carried out and a possible reaction way will be proposed. Thus, this work will contribute to the advancement of an important industrial sector and the remediation of an environmental problem with high impact for our province and our country. Moreover, this proyect will contribute to the development of two doctoral tesis and one magister tesis which are vinculated with our study subject.
Se prepararon partículas de nanocomposites basados en TiO2 y nanotubos de carbono multicapa platinizados para la obtención de combustibles solares. Se evaluó la actividad fotocatalítica del material en la producción de hidrógeno, en procesos de degradación de ácido fórmico, y en la obtención de hidrocarburos a partir de la reducción de CO2 en agua. Los nanocomposites fueron sintetizados por medio de la técnica sol-gel. Se estudió el efecto de la proporción y el diámetro de los nanotubos de carbono en la actividad del material bajo iluminación ultravioleta y visible. Se estudió el efecto de la adición de RuO2 (0,5% wt.) en la actividad bajo iluminación visible. Los materiales fueron caracterizados por ATR, XRD, BET, HRTEM y SEM. Se obtuvieron sólidos macroporosos, con contenido de fase anatasa superior al 99% y tamaño cristalino comprendido entre 15 y 21 nm. Los resultados cinéticos mostraron una producción óptima de hidrógeno para el composite TiO2/(5wt.%)MWCNT/Pt(60-80 nm), con eficiencia cuántica y eficiencia energética de 1,27% y 0,27%, respectivamente. En el caso de radiación visible, la producción de hidrógeno fue nula para los composites TiO2/MWCNT/Pt, mientras que para el sistema RuO2/TiO2/MWCNT/Pt se observó que la adicción de MWCNT inhibía la actividad fotocatalítica del composite RuO2/TiO2 en la región del visible. Por otra parte, en los ensayos de reducción de CO2 no se detectó ningún producto de reacción.
El creciente desarrollo de la industria del cuero y textil en nuestro país, y específicamente en la provincia de Córdoba, ha hecho resurgir en los ultimos años una problemática aún no resuelta que es la elevada contaminación de los recursos hídricos. En ambas industrias, la operación de teñido involucra principalmente colorantes de tipo azoico los cuales son "no biodegradables" y se fragmentan liberando aminas aromáticas cancerígenas. Para abordar esta problemática, la fotocatálisis heterogénea aparece como una nueva tecnología que permitiría la completa mineralización de estos colorantes. A través de radiación y un fotocatalizador sólido adecuado se pueden generan radicales libres eficientes para la oxidación de materia orgánica (colorantes) en medio acuoso. En este sentido, se proponen tamices moleculares mesoporosos modificados con metales de transición (MT) como fotocatalizadores potencialmente aptos para la degradación de estos contaminantes. El propósito principal de este proyecto es el diseño, síntesis, caracterización y evaluación de materiales mesoporosos que presenten actividad fotocatalítica ya sea mediante la modificación de su estructura con diversos metales fotosensibles y/o empleándolos como soporte de óxido de titanio. Se pretende evaluar estos materiales en la degradación de colorantes intentando desplazar su fotosensibilidad hacia la radiación visible para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías con menor impacto ambiental y mayor aprovechamiento de la energía solar. Para ello se sintetizarán materiales del tipo MCM-41 modificados con distintos MT tales como Fe, Cr, Co, Ni y Zn mediante incorporación directa del ión metálico o impregnación. Al mismo tiempo, tanto estos últimos materiales como el MCM-41 silíceo serán empleados como soporte de TiO2. Sus propiedades fisicoquímicas se caracterizarán mediante distintas técnicas instrumentales y su actividad fotocatalítica se evaluará en la degradación de colorantes azoicos bajo radiación visible. Se seleccionará el catalizador más eficiente y se estudiarán los diversos factores que afectan el proceso de fotodegradación. Así mismo, el análisis de la concentración del colorante y los productos presentes en el medio en función del tiempo de reacción permitirá inferir sobre la cinética de la decoloración y postular posibles mecanismos de fotodegradación. Con esta propuesta se espera contribuír al desarrollo de un sector industrial importante en nuestra provincia como es el de las industrias del cuero y textil, mediante la generación de nuevas tecnologías que empleen la energía solar para la degradación de sus efluentes (colorantes). En este sentido, se espera desarrollar nuevos materiales optimizados para lograr la mayor eficiencia fotocatalítica. Esto conduciría entonces hacia la remediación de un problema ambiental de alto impacto tanto para nuestra provincia y nuestro país como para la población mundial, como es la contaminación de los recursos hídricos. Finalmente, con este proyecto se contribuirá a la formación de dos doctorandos y un maestrando, cuyos temas de tesis están vinculados con nuestro objeto de estudio.
209 p.
Objective: This study investigated and correlated the kinetic expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A(165) messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) with the associated use or not of an infrared laser and a visible red laser during the wound healing in rats. Background Data: There is a lack of scientific evidence demonstrating the influence of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the expression of VEGF mRNA in vivo. Materials and Methods: Forty-five Wistar rats were randomly allocated to one of three groups: I (n = 5, nonoperated animals), II (n = 25, operated animals), and III (n = 25, animals operated and subjected to laser irradiation). A surgical wound was performed using a scalpel in the right side of the tongue of operated animals. In group III, two sessions of laser irradiation were performed, one right after the surgical procedure (infrared laser, 780 nm, 70mW, 35 J/cm(2)) and the other 48 h later (visible red laser, 660 nm, 40mW, 5J/cm(2)). Five animals each were sacrificed 1, 3, 5, and 7 days postoperatively in groups II and III, and samples of tongue tissue were obtained. The animals of group I were sacrificed on day 7. Total RNA was extracted using guanidine-isothiocyanate-phenol-chloroform method. The results of horizontal electrophoresis after reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction permitted the ratio of VEGF-A(165) mRNA and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase mRNA expression for groups I, II, and III to be assessed (two-way analysis of variance and Tukey test, p<0.05). Results: The expression of VEGF-A(165) mRNA in group II (0.770 +/- 0.098) was statistically greater than that observed in groups I (0.523 +/- 0.164) and III (0.504 +/- 0.069) in the first day after surgery (p<0.05). Significant differences between the groups were not observed in other time periods. Conclusion: LLLT influenced the expression of VEGF-A(165) mRNA during wound healing after a surgical procedure on the tongue of Wistar rats.
A recently developed thermal lens spectrometry configuration has been used to study CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots (QDs) suspended in toluene and tetrahydrofuran (THF) solvents. The special features of this configuration make it very attractive to measure fluorescence quantum yield (eta) excitation spectrum since it simplifies the measurement procedure and consequently improve the accuracy. Furthermore, the precision reached is much higher than in conventional photoluminescence (PL) technique. Two methods, called reference sample and multiwavelength have been applied to determine eta, varying excitation wavelength in the UV-visible region (between 335-543 nm). The eta and PL spectra are practically independent of the excitation wavelength. For CdSe/ZnS QDs suspended in toluene we have obtained eta=76 +/- 2%. In addition, the aging effect on eta and PL has been studied over a 200 h period for QDs suspended in THF. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3343517]
Our objective was to develop a methodology to predict soil fertility using visible near-infrared (vis-NIR) diffuse reflectance spectra and terrain attributes derived from a digital elevation model (DEM). Specifically, our aims were to: (i) assemble a minimum data set to develop a soil fertility index for sugarcane (Sarcharum officinarum L.) (SFI-SC) for biofuel production in tropical soils; (ii) construct a model to predict the SFI-SC using soil vis-NIR spectra and terrain attributes; and (iii) produce a soil fertility map for our study area and assess it by comparing it with a green vegetation index (GVI). The study area was 185 ha located in sao Paulo State, Brazil. In total, 184 soil samples were collected and analyzed for a range of soil chemical and physical properties. Their vis-NIR spectra were collected from 400 to 2500 nm. The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission 3-arcsec (90-m resolution) DEM of the area was used to derive 17 terrain attributes. A minimum data set of soil properties was selected to develop the SFI-SC. The SFI-SC consisted of three classes: Class 1, the highly fertile soils; Class 2, the fertile soils; and Class 3, the least fertile soils. It was derived heuristically with conditionals and using expert knowledge. The index was modeled with the spectra and terrain data using cross-validated decision trees. The cross-validation of the model correctly predicted Class 1 in 75% of cases, Class 2 in 61%, and Class 3 in 65%. A fertility map was derived for the study area and compared with a map of the GVI. Our approach offers a methodology that incorporates expert knowledge to derive the SFI-SC and uses a versatile spectro-spatial methodology that may be implemented for rapid and accurate determination of soil fertility and better exploration of areas suitable for production.
The prominent nitric oxide (NO) donor [Ru(terpy)(bdqi)NO](PF(6))(3) has been synthesized and evaluated with respect to noteworthy biological effects due to its NO photorelease, including vascular relaxation and melanoma cell culture toxicity. The potential for delivering NO in therapeutic quantities is tenable since the nitrosyl ruthenium complex (NRC) must first reach the ""target tissue"" and then release the NO upon stimulus. In this context. NRC-loaded lipid carriers were developed and characterized to further explore its topical administration for applications such as skin cancer treatment. NRC-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) and nanostructured lipid carriers were prepared via the microemulsification method, with average diameters of 275 +/- 15 nm and 211 +/- 31 nm and zeta potentials of -40.7 +/- 10.4 mV and -50.0 +/- 7.5 mV, respectively. In vitro kinetic studies of NRC release from nanoparticles showed sustained release of NRC from the lipid carriers and illustrated the influence of the release medium and the lyophilization process. Stability studies showed that NO is released from NRC as a function of temperature and time and due to skin contact. The encapsulation of NRC in SLN followed by its lyophilization, significantly improved the complex stability. Furthermore, of particular interest was the fact that in the NO photorelease study, the NO release from the NRC-loaded SLN was approximately twice that of just NRC in solution. NRC-loaded SLN performs well enough at releasing and protecting NO degradation in vitro that it is a promising carrier for topical delivery of NO. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work reports oil a novel nitrosyl-ruthenium complex hearing the azanaphthalene ligand quinazoline (qui) ill its coordination sphere. The product crystallizes with ail additional quinazoline molecule, yielding the compound cis-[Ru(bpy)(2)(qui)NO](PF(6))(3).(qui). This feature leads to all absorption band at lambda(max) = 430 nm in CH(3)CN and lambda(max) = 420 nm in phosphate buffer, which promotes the photorelease of nitric oxide under visible light irradiation (lambda > 400 nm), in 1 ethanol: 1 water (v/v) mixture or under physiological pH. Both the intensity and energy of this transition are dependent on solvent and solution pH, suggesting that the transition has a charge transfer nature, and that the association of the second quinazoline molecule with the complex is driven by weak interactions, possibly of the pi-stacking type. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Light conditions during mycelial growth are known to influence fungi in many ways. The effect of visible-light exposure during mycelial growth was investigated on conidial tolerance to UVB irradiation and wet heat of Metarhizium robertsii, an insect-pathogenic fungus. Two nutrient media and two light regimens were compared. Conidia were produced on (A) potato dextrose agar plus yeast extract medium (PDAY) (A1) under dark conditions or (A2) under continuous visible light (provided by two fluorescent lamps with intensity 5.4 W m-2). For comparison, the fungus was also produced on (B) minimal medium (MM) under continuous-dark incubation, which is known to produce conidia with increased tolerance to heat and UVB radiation. The UVB tolerances of conidia produced on PDAY under continuous visible light were twofold higher than conidia produced on PDAY medium under dark conditions, and this elevated UVB tolerance was similar to that of conidia produced on MM in the dark. The heat tolerance of conidia produced under continuous light was, however, similar to that of conidia produced on MM or PDAY in the dark. Conidial yield on PDAY medium was equivalent when the fungus was grown either under continuous-dark or under continuous-light conditions.
In this paper, we describe a model of the human visual system (HVS) based on the wavelet transform. This model is largely based on a previously proposed model, but has a number of modifications that make it more amenable to potential integration into a wavelet based image compression scheme. These modifications include the use of a separable wavelet transform instead of the cortex transform, the application of a wavelet contrast sensitivity function (CSP), and a simplified definition of subband contrast that allows us to predict noise visibility directly from wavelet coefficients. Initially, we outline the luminance, frequency, and masking sensitivities of the HVS and discuss how these can be incorporated into the wavelet transform. We then outline a number of limitations of the wavelet transform as a model of the HVS, namely the lack of translational invariance and poor orientation sensitivity. In order to investigate the efficacy of this wavelet based model, a wavelet visible difference predictor (WVDP) is described. The WVDP is then used to predict visible differences between an original and compressed (or noisy) image. Results are presented to emphasize the limitations of commonly used measures of image quality and to demonstrate the performance of the WVDP, The paper concludes with suggestions on bow the WVDP can be used to determine a visually optimal quantization strategy for wavelet coefficients and produce a quantitative measure of image quality.
The bis(mu-hydroxo) complex [Cu-2(Me-2[9]aneN(2)S)(2)(OH)(2)](PF6)(2) (Me-2[9]aneN(2)S = N,N'-dimethyl-1-thia-4,7-diazacyclononane) results after reaction of [Cu(Me-2[9]aneN(2)S)(MeCN)] (PF6) with dioxygen at -78 degrees C in acetonitrile. The complex has been characterized by X-ray crystallography: orthorhombic, space group Pnma, with a 18.710(3), b 16.758(2), c 9.593(2) Angstrom, and Z = 4. The structure refined to a final R value of 0.051. The complex contains two copper(II) ions bridged by two hydroxo groups with Cu ... Cu 2.866(1) Angstrom. The solid-state magnetic susceptibility study reveals ferromagnetic coupling, the fitting parameters being J = +46+/-5 cm(-1), g = 2.01+/-0.01 and theta = -0.58+/-0.03 K. The frozen-solution e.p.r. spectrum in dimethyl sulfoxide is characteristic of a monomeric copper(II) ion (g(parallel to) 2.300, g(perpendicular to) 2.063; A(parallel to) 156.2 x 10(-4) cm(-1), A(perpendicular to) 9.0 x 10(-4) cm(-1)) with an N2O2 donor set. Thioether coordination to the copper(II) in solution is supported by the presence of an intense absorption assigned to a sigma(S)-->Cu-II LMCT transition at c. 34000 cm(-1). The single-crystal spectrum of [Cu-2(Me-2[9]aneN(2)S)(2)(OH)(2)] (PF6)(2) (273 K) reveals d-->d transitions at 14500 and 18300 cm(-1) and a weak pi(S)-->Cu-II charge-transfer band at approximately 25000 cm(-1).
Laponite-derived materials represent promising materials for optical applications. In this work, Eu(3+)- or Er(3+)-doped laponite xerogels and films were prepared from colloidal dispersion. Homogeneous, crack-free and transparent single layers were deposited on soda-lime substrates with a thickness of 10 mu m. Structural and spectroscopic properties were analyzed by thermal analyses, X-ray diffractometry, transmission electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and luminescence spectroscopy. The addition of a rare earth ion to the laponite does not promote any changes in thermal stability or phase transition. Laponite clay was identified after annealing up to 500 degrees C, with a decrease in basal spacing when the annealing temperature is changed from 100 degrees C to 500 degrees C. Enstatite polymorphs and amorphous silicate phases were observed after heat treatment at 700 degrees C and 900 degrees C. Stationary and time-dependent luminescence spectra in the visible region for Eu(3+), and (5)D(0) lifetime are discussed in terms of thermal treatment and structural evolution. In the layered host, the Eu(3+) ions are distributed in many different local environments. However, Eu(3+) ions were found to occupy at least two symmetry sites, and the ions are preferentially incorporated into the crystalline enstatite for the materials annealed at 700 degrees C and 900 degrees C. A (5)D(0) lifetime of 1.3 ms and 3.1 ms was obtained for Eu(3+) ions in an amorphous silicate and crystalline MgSiO(3) local environment, respectively. Strong Er(3+) emission at the 1550 nm region was observed for the materials annealed at 900 degrees C, with a bandwidth of 44 nm. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.