999 resultados para 211-4
O cultivo da goiabeira na região de Lavras-MG, vem tendo grande importância, porém não há uma oferta freqüente durante o ano, concentrando muitas vezes a produção em um único período. A prática de podas escalonadas é fundamental para auxiliar o produtor a colher frutos em praticamente todos os meses do ano. Visando a esse escalonamento, objetivou-se a caracterização fenológica da goiabeira 'Pedro Sato', em quatro épocas de poda (setembro, e dezembro de 2003, março e junho de 2004). Foram utilizadas dez plantas, com quatro anos de idade, para cada época de poda. O delineamento foi de blocos casualizados, onde em cada planta foram marcados doze ramos, avaliando-se semanalmente os dados sobre os estádios fenológicos. Com as mensurações, foi possível estabelecer a indicação das diferentes fenofases da cultura, sendo a duração entre a poda e o início da brotação de 30,8 a 39,2 dias; poda ao florescimento de 68,6 a 133 dias; da abertura da flor (floração plena) à maturação do fruto de 118,3 a 148,4 dias; e o ciclo poda à colheita foi em média de 214,2, 211,4, 247,8 e 237,3 dias para as podas realizadas em setembro, dezembro, março e junho.
Pedersöre trafiksäkerhetsplan har utarbetats i samarbete med kommunerna i regionen och Södra Österbottens NTM-central. I planen har nuläget inom trafiksäkerheten, moliteten, verksamhetsmiljön och trafiksystemet utretts, dessutom har trafiksäkerhetsproblem kartlagts med hjälp av olika analyser och förfrågningar. På basen av nulägesanalysen har visionen och målsättningen för trafiksäkerhetsarbetet satts upp samt åtgärdsförslagen bestämts. Planen för förbättrandet av trafikmiljön, handlingsplanerna som samlats för förvaltningarnas trafiksäkerhetsarbete samt handlingsplanen för styrandet av mobiliteten fungerar som stöd för att uppnå målsättningen. På basen av olycksanalysen var situationen inom trafiksäkerheten något sämre i Jakobstadsregionen än i Finland i medeltal. I olyckor som inträffat i Jakobstads-, Pedersöre- och Nykarlebyregionen skadades eller dog fler mopedister än i landet i medeltal. Det dog och skadades lika många motorcyklister som i övriga delar av landet, men antalet döda och skadade för övriga färdsätt var mindre än medeltalet i landet. Singelolyckorna orsakade flest personskador. De allvarligaste olyckorna var fotgängarolyckor, av dessa ledde största delen till personskador. Till antalet skedde flest olyckor för 18-20 åringar, men även för 15-16 åringar skedde många olyckor som ledde till personskador. Av olyckorna som skedde i regionen orsakades årligen kostnader kring 22,1 miljoner euro, kommunernas årliga andel var cirka 3,8 miljoner euro. På basen av invånarenkäten är personbil det vanligaste färdsättet i Jakobstadsregionen. Mätt enligt antalet resor görs en tredjedel av resorna till fots eller med cykel på sommaren, under vintern är motsvarande andel en fjärdedel. Enligt invånarenkäten ansågs skoleleverna vara den mest otrygga trafikantgruppen, de otryggaste färdsätten ansågs vara till fots eller med cykel. För höga körhastigheter och talande i telefon ansågs vara de främsta trafikförseelserna, gatornas och vägarnas underhåll och kvalitet lyftes fram som viktigaste utvecklingsområde. Olycksanalysen samt den riksomfattande och regionala målsättningen fungerade som grund när målsättningen för trafiksäkerhetsarbetet i Jakobstadsregionen sattes. Enligt den riksomfattande målsättningen bör antalet dödsfall i trafiken halveras och antalet skadade minskas med en fjärdedel från nivån år 2010 fram till år 2020. Den kvantitativa målsättningen för minskandet av trafikolyckor relaterades till kommunerna enligt NTM-centralens målsättning i Södra Österbotten. Att nå målsättningarna under den förutsatta tiden är utmanande, eftersom genomförandet av åtgärdsplanen inte enligt beräkningar kommer att bidra till den krävda minskningen av olyckor. Målsättningen kan ändå nås genom effektivt samarbete mellan olika organisationer. För att nå målet bör omfattande resurser användas. Under planeringsarbetet aktiverades kommunernas trafiksäkerhetsgrupper, till stöd för gruppernas verksamhet utarbetades åtgärdsplanerna samt årsrytmen för arbetets olika skeden. Grupperna ansvarar för genomförandet, uppföljandet samt vid behov för uppdaterandet av planen.
We explore the role of crystallinity and inter- or intramolecular forces in chitosan for its solubility in water and demonstrate the expansion of its solubility to a wider pH range. Due to its semicrystalline nature, derived mainly from inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonds, chitosan is water-soluble only at pH < 6. In acidic conditions, its amino groups can be partially protonated resulting in repulsion between positively charged macrochains, thereby allowing diffusion of water molecules and subsequent solvation of macromolecules. We show that chemical disruption of chitosan crystallinity by partial re-acetylation or physical disruption caused by the addition of urea and guanidine hydrochloride broadens the pH-solubility range for this biopolymer.
BACKGROUND Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a noninvasive breast lesion with uncertain risk for invasive progression. Usual care (UC) for DCIS consists of treatment upon diagnosis, thus potentially overtreating patients with low propensity for progression. One strategy to reduce overtreatment is active surveillance (AS), whereby DCIS is treated only upon detection of invasive disease. Our goal was to perform a quantitative evaluation of outcomes following an AS strategy for DCIS. METHODS Age-stratified, 10-year disease-specific cumulative mortality (DSCM) for AS was calculated using a computational risk projection model based upon published estimates for natural history parameters, and Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results data for outcomes. AS projections were compared with the DSCM for patients who received UC. To quantify the propagation of parameter uncertainty, a 95% projection range (PR) was computed, and sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS Under the assumption that AS cannot outperform UC, the projected median differences in 10-year DSCM between AS and UC when diagnosed at ages 40, 55, and 70 years were 2.6% (PR = 1.4%-5.1%), 1.5% (PR = 0.5%-3.5%), and 0.6% (PR = 0.0%-2.4), respectively. Corresponding median numbers of patients needed to treat to avert one breast cancer death were 38.3 (PR = 19.7-69.9), 67.3 (PR = 28.7-211.4), and 157.2 (PR = 41.1-3872.8), respectively. Sensitivity analyses showed that the parameter with greatest impact on DSCM was the probability of understaging invasive cancer at diagnosis. CONCLUSION AS could be a viable management strategy for carefully selected DCIS patients, particularly among older age groups and those with substantial competing mortality risks. The effectiveness of AS could be markedly improved by reducing the rate of understaging.
The role of glutathione (GSH) in protecting plants from chilling injury was analyzed in seedlings of a chilling-tolerant maize (Zea mays L.) genotype using buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), a specific inhibitor of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma EC) synthetase, the first enzyme of GSH synthesis. At 25 degrees C, 1 mM BSO significantly increased cysteine and reduced GSH content and GSH reductase (GR: EC activity, but interestingly affected neither fresh weight nor dry weight nor relative injury. Application of BSO up to 1 mM during chilling at 5 degrees C reduced the fresh and dry weights of shoots and roots and increased relative injury from 10 to almost 40%. Buthionine sulfoximine also induced a decrease in GR activity of 90 and 40% in roots and shoots, respectively. Addition of GSH or gamma EC together with BSO to the nutrient solution protected the seedlings from the BSO effect by increasing the levels of GSH and GR activity in roots and shoots. During chilling, the level of abscisic acid increased both in controls and BSO-treated seedlings and decreased after chilling in roots and shoots of the controls and in the roots of BSO-treated seedlings, but increased in their shoots. Taken together, our results show that BSO did not reduce chilling tolerance of the maize genotype analyzed by inhibiting abscisic acid accumulation but by establishing a low level of GSH. which also induced a decrease in GR activity.
Objective To audit the records of a group of patients who had previously benefited from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for dental phobia.Aim To ascertain if they had returned to the use of intravenous (IV) sedation to facilitate dental treatment. Ten years ago these patients were routinely requiring IV sedation to facilitate dental treatment due to severe dental phobia.Method Sixty patients entered the original pilot project. Of those, 30 were offered CBT and 21 attended. Twenty of those patients (95.2%) were subsequently able to have dental treatment without IV sedation. In this follow-up study the electronic records of 19 of the 20 patients who had originally been successful with CBT were re-audited. Our purpose was to see if there was any record of subsequent IV sedation administration in the intervening ten years.Results Of the 19 successful CBT patients available to follow-up, 100% had not received IV sedation since the study ten years ago. This may suggest the initial benefit of CBT has endured over the ten-year period.Conclusion This study indicates that the use of CBT for patients with dental phobia proves beneficial not only in the initial treatment but that the benefits may endure over time. This results in a significant reduction in health risks to the patient from repeated IV sedation. It may also translate into significant financial savings for dental care providers. Our evidence for CBT as treatment for dental phobia suggests dental services should be implementing this approach now rather than pursuing further research. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
RESUMO: Actividade Física, é qualquer movimento corporal produzido pelos músculos esqueléticos que resultam em energia despendida, acima do nível de repouso (Caspersen et al1985; Baranowski et al 1992). Um indivíduo sedentário que comece uma Actividade Física regular desencadeia um conjunto de adaptações ao esforço, em que algumas destas adaptações serão benéficas em termos de saúde, ajudando na prevenção inicial de várias doenças (Haskell et al 1965; Barata et al 1997). A Aptidão Física é um conjunto de atributos que as pessoas têm ou alcançam, que estão relacionados com os movimentos que as pessoas desempenham (Caspersen et al 1985; Baranowski et al 1992). O objectivo central do presente estudo consistiu em verificar se existem diferenças significativas entre os Praticantes e Não Praticantes de ADEC e a Aptidão Física dos alunos. A amostra foi constituída por 310 sujeitos, 165 rapazes e 145 raparigas pertencentes ao Ensino Secundário de 4 escolas da rede de estágios da ULHT 2010/2011. As Capacidades Físicas foram avaliadas através dos testes do Fitnessgram, a Prática de ADEC e o Índice de Actividade Física foram obtidos através do Questionário de Actividade Desportiva. Conclusões: Os alunos que praticam ADEC são mais aptos do que os alunos que não praticam ADEC. Estes Praticantes apresentam valores mais elevados na Aptidão Aeróbia e no VO2máx., quando comparados com os Não Praticantes. Nas restantes Capacidades Físicas analisadas (Força de Braços, Força Abdominal e Flexibilidade) não foram encontradas diferenças significativas. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre a Prática de ADEC e o IMC. Os Praticantes de ADEC demonstraram ter um IAF superior aos Não Praticantes de ADEC. O Género Feminino apresenta melhores resultados do que o Género Masculino para a Força de Braços. Nas restantes Capacidades Físicas não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre Géneros. Quando analisado o IMC, o Género Feminino apresenta percentagens superiores de Peso Normal relativamente ao Género Masculino. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o Género e a Aptidão Física. Verificou-se que existe diferenças significativas na relação entre o Género e o IAF, o Género Masculino tem um IAF superior ao Género Feminino. Os alunos mais aptos fisicamente são os alunos com maior IAF. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as Modalidades praticadas pelos alunos e o desenvolvimento qualquer das Capacidades Físicas estudadas. ABSTRACT: Physical Activity is any body movement produced by skeletal muscles resulting in energy expenditure above the resting level (Caspersen et al1985; Baranowski et al 1992). A sedentary individual, who starts a regular Physical Activity, triggers a set of adaptations to stress, in which some of these changes will be helpful in terms of health, aiding in primary prevention of several diseases (Haskell et al 1965; Barata et al 1997). Physical Fitness is a set of attributes that people have or achieve, and are related with the movements that people perform (Caspersen et al 1985; Baranowski et al 1992). The main purpose of this study was to determine whether there are significant differences between Practicing and Non-practitioners of ADEC and Physical Fitness of students. The sample consisted of 310 subjects, 165 boys and 145 girls belonging to high school students of 4 schools integrated in the ULHT 2010/2011. The Physical Abilities were assessed through Fitnessgram tests, ADEC practice and the Index of Physical Activity were obtained through the Physical Activity Questionnaire. Conclusions: Students that practice ADEC are more able than students who do not practice ADEC. These students that practice ADEC have higher values in Aerobic Fitness and VO2max when compared to non-practicing students. In the remaining Physical Abilities analyzed (Arm Strength, Abdominal Strength and Flexibility) were not considered significant differences. No significant differences were found between ADEC practice and the BMI. The students that practice ADEC showed higher Physical Activity levels than students who do not practice. Female gender presents better results than the male gender in Arms strength. In the remaining components of Physical Fitness were not found significant differences between genders. When analyzed BMI, female gender has higher percentages of normal weight compared to male gender. No significant differences were found between Gender and Physical Fitness. It was verified that there are significant differences in the relation between gender and Physical Activity levels, the male gender have a higher level of Physical Activity than female gender. The most able students are the ones with higher levels of Physical Activity. There were no significant differences between the sports practiced by students and the development of the studied components of physical fitness.
The unusual chiral heterocyclic systems, trioxabicyclo[3.3.1]nona-3,7-dienes (bridged bisdioxines), are incorporated as novel spacer molecules into macrocyclic polyether ring systems of various sizes (8, 9 as well as 11-15) by cyclocondensation reaction of the! bisacid chloride 4b or bisesters 6,7 and 10, with several ethylene glycols. The 2:2 macrocycles 12-14 are obtained in approximately 50:50 mixtures of diastereomers. These conclusions are mainly based on HPLC data presented in Table I as well as X-ray analyses of (1R,5R)-8c (space group Pbca, a = 10.163(3) Angstrom, b = 18.999(4) Angstrom, c = 36.187(10) Angstrom, V = 6987(3) Angstrom(3), Z = 8, d(calc) = 1.218 g cm(-3), 6974 reflections, R = 0.0553.), mesolrac-11 (space group P (1) over bar, a = 10.472(5) Angstrom, b = 16.390(5) Angstrom, c = 17.211(5) Angstrom, alpha = 98.69(2)degrees, beta = 93.04(2)degrees, gamma = 98.52(2)degrees, V = 2879.3(18) Angstrom(3), Z = 2, d(calc) = 1.173 g cm(-3), 11,162 reflections, R = 0.0945) and meso-12 (space group P2(1)/c, a = 9.927(2), b = 18.166(3), c = 17.820(3) Angstrom, beta = 96.590(10)degrees, V = 3192.3(10)Angstrom(3), Z = 4, D-c = 1.109 g cm(-3), 3490 reflections, R = 0.0646). The 1:1 macrocycles 8b,c are also formed by intramolecular transesterification of the open-chain bisesters 7b,c and their formation is favored by the use of metal ions as templates. The bridged bisdioxine moieties in 8b and 12 are converted into the corresponding chiral tetra-oxaadamantane spacers to afford macrocycles 16 and 17. Preliminary metal ion complexation studies with selected species (8c, 11-14) were also performed.
Foram realizadas análises colpocitológicas das diferentes fases do ciclo estral em 20 fêmeas adultas de cutias (Dasyprocta prymnolopha), assim como a determinação da duração da gestação em outros seis animais. As cutias foram mantidas em regime de cativeiro, nas condições climatológicas encontradas no trópico úmido da Amazônia. Os animais apresentaram reprodução do tipo poliestral continua, portanto não foi observada estação reprodutiva. A duração média dos ciclos estrais de 30,69 ± 4,65 dias e período médio de gestação de 104,33 + 0,57 dias. Com relação ao estudo da citologia esfoliativa, notou-se que no proestro houve frequência maior de células superficiais anucleadas, intermediárias e parabasals; no estro observou-se em número elevado, as células superficiais (anucleadas e nucleadas) e ausência de leucócitos; na fase de metaestro houve aumento de células intermediárias e leucócitos; no diestro, as células parabasals foram observadas em número maior de vezes.
Para avaliar o potencial do araçá-boi para produção de licores, foi estudada a composição química da polpa e o efeíto de alguns parâmetros do processamento, tais como, tipo de líquido extrator, tempo de maceração, proporção polpa/líquido extrator, proporção xarope/extrato c método de preparo do xarope. O araçá-boi apresentou boas características para o processamento de licor, como o pH ácido, altos teores de acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis e carotcnóides totais. Os parâmetros ideais para obtenção de licor de boa qualidade foram: cinco dias de maceração na proporção de 1:2 (p/v) de polpa:álcool de milho, relação de 1:0,5 (v/v) de xarope:cxtrato na formulação, utilizando-se xarope preparado com dissolução do açúcar sob aquecimento.
Os óleos essenciais das folhas e galhos finos de Piper reticulatum e de P. crassinervium, coletados na região norte do Brasil, foram obtidos por arraste à vapor e analisados através de GC/MS. O óleo de P. reticulatum é constituido principalmente por β-elemeno (24,6%) e β-cariofileno (16,7%). Os principais compostos identificados no óleo de P. crassinervium foramβ-cariofileno (17,7%), γ-elemeno (14,4%) e β-elemeno (10,9%).
Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants expressing the three enzymes encoding the biosynthetic route to polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) are described. These plants accumulated more than 4% of their fresh weight (approximately 40% of their dry weight) in the form of PHB in leaf chloroplasts. These very high producers were obtained and identified following a novel strategy consisting of a rapid GC-MS analysis of a large number of transgenic Arabidopsis plants generated using a triple construct, thus allowing the parallel transfer of all three genes necessary for PHB synthesis in a single transformation event. The level of PHB produced was 4-fold greater than previously published values, thus demonstrating the large potential of plants to produce this renewable resource. However, the high levels of the polymer produced had severe effects on both plant development and metabolism. Stunted growth and a loss of fertility were observed in the high-producing lines. Analysis of the metabolite composition of these lines using a GC-MS method that we have newly developed showed that the accumulation of high levels of PHB was not accompanied by an appreciable change in either the composition or the amount of fatty acids. Substantial changes were, however, observed in the levels of various organic acids, amino acids, sugars and sugar alcohols.
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