992 resultados para 202-1242


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Multiproxy geologic records of d18O and Mg/Ca in fossil foraminifera from sediments under the Eastern Pacific Warm Pool (EPWP) region west of Central America document variations in upper ocean temperature, pycnocline strength, and salinity (i.e., net precipitation) over the past 30 kyr. Although evident in the paleotemperature record, there is no glacial-interglacial difference in paleosalinity, suggesting that tropical hydrologic changes do not respond passively to high-latitude ice sheets and oceans. Millennial variations in paleosalinity with amplitudes as high as 4 practical salinity units occur with a dominant period of 3-5 ky during the glacial/deglacial interval and 1.0-1.5 ky during the Holocene. The amplitude of the EPWP paleosalinity changes greatly exceeds that of published Caribbean and western tropical Pacific paleosalinity records. EPWP paleosalinity changes correspond to millennial-scale climate changes in the surface and deep Atlantic and the high northern latitudes, with generally higher (lower) paleosalinity during cold (warm) events. In addition to Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) dynamics, which play an important role in tropical hydrologic variability, changes in Atlantic-Pacific moisture transport, which is closely linked to ITCZ dynamics, may also contribute to hydrologic variations in the EPWP. Calculations of interbasin salinity average and interbasin salinity contrast between the EPWP and the Caribbean help differentiate long-term changes in mean ITCZ position and Atlantic-Pacific moisture transport, respectively.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 202, Pleistocene calcareous nannofossils were recovered from several sites situated between 16°S and 8°N latitude. These sites are under the influence of coastal or equatorial upwelling and offer the opportunity to refine biostratigraphic patterns using alternative events from those used in "standard" zonations (Martini, 1971; Okada and Bukry, 1980, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(80)90016-X). Differences in the positions of the studied sites determine changes in sedimentation rates, which range from ~0.8 to 6 cm/k.y. (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2003, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.202.101.2003). These differences are due to the proximity to the continent and to organic production.


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In this study we review a global set of alkenone- and foraminiferal Mg/Ca-derived sea surface temperatures (SST) records from the Holocene and compare them with a suite of published Eemian SST records based on the same approach. For the Holocene, the alkenone SST records belong to the actualized GHOST database (Kim, J.-H., Schneider R.R., 2004). The actualized GHOST database not only confirms the SST changes previously described but also documents the Holocene temperature evolution in new oceanic regions such as the Northwestern Atlantic, the eastern equatorial Pacific, and the Southern Ocean. A comparison of Holocene SST records stemming from the two commonly applied paleothermometry methods reveals contrasting - sometimes divergent - SST evolution, particularly at low latitudes where SST records are abundant enough to infer systematic discrepancies at a regional scale. Opposite SST trends at particular locations could be explained by out-of-phase trends in seasonal insolation during the Holocene. This hypothesis assumes that a strong contrast in the ecological responses of coccolithophores and planktonic foraminifera to winter and summer oceanographic conditions is the ultimate reason for seasonal differences in the origin of the temperature signal provided by these organisms. As a simple test for this hypothesis, Eemian SST records are considered because the Holocene and Eemian time periods experienced comparable changes in orbital configurations, but had a higher magnitude in insolation variance during the Eemian. For several regions, SST changes during both interglacials were of a similar sign, but with higher magnitudes during the Eemian as compared to the Holocene. This observation suggests that the ecological mechanism shaping SST trends during the Holocene was comparable during the penultimate interglacial period. Although this "ecology hypothesis" fails to explain all of the available results, we argue that any other mechanism would fail to satisfactorily explain the observed SST discrepancies among proxies.


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Abundant hydroclimatic evidence from western Amazonia and the adjacent Andes documents wet conditions during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1, 18-15 ka), a cold period in the high latitudes of the North Atlantic. This precipitation anomaly was attributed to a strengthening of the South American summer monsoon due to a change in the Atlantic interhemispheric sea surface temperature (SST) gradient. However, the physical viability of this mechanism has never been rigorously tested. We address this issue by combining a thorough compilation of tropical South American paleorecords and a set of atmosphere model sensitivity experiments. Our results show that the Atlantic SST variations alone, although leading to dry conditions in northern South America and wet conditions in northeastern Brazil, cannot produce increased precipitation over western Amazonia and the adjacent Andes during HS1. Instead, an eastern equatorial Pacific SST increase (i.e., 0.5-1.5 °C), in response to the slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during HS1, is crucial to generate the wet conditions in these regions. The mechanism works via anomalous low sea level pressure over the eastern equatorial Pacific, which promotes a regional easterly low-level wind anomaly and moisture recycling from central Amazonia towards the Andes.


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Deputados progressistas da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) se unem para apresentar emendas. Divididos em vinte e nove grupos, avaliam o substitutivo do Relator Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM). O Deputado Plínio Arruda Sampaio (PT-SP) considera que, se formarem uma base sólida, os progressistas terão melhores condições de negociar com os outros grupos. O Deputado Vivaldo Barbosa (PDT-RJ) informa dos pontos de consenso do grupo. Na Sessão para discussão de emendas populares, o debate dos direitos dos trabalhadores teve com ponto polêmico a estabilidade no emprego. Luiz Carlos Mandelli, representando o movimento pela livre iniciativa, critica a emenda que dá estabilidade ao empregado. O Deputado Mário Lima (PMDB-BA) afirma que os empresários estão cometendo um equívoco muito grande, pois o trabalhador quando tem estabilidade no emprego produz mais e melhor. Outra emenda popular propõe que o serviço de transporte coletivo seja estatizado. Ela foi defendida por João Bosco, Presidente da CONAN (Confederação Nacional das Associações de Moradores), que considera que cabe às prefeituras a gestão, planejamento e operacionalização do transporte coletivo. A CONAN ainda reivindica 25% do orçamento nacional para a construção de casas populares. Dalva Stella Medeiros (Vice-presidente da CONAN) defende que o poder público deve assumir o direito à moradia popular para todos os cidadãos. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadã gostaria de saber se os constituintes estão pensando em fazer uma Constituição voltada para pequenos interesses ou para os interesses da grande maioria da população. O Deputado Assis Canuto (PFL-RO) responde que há uma tendência de particularizar a Constituição brasileira, mas cabe a sociedade e aos constituintes fazerem uma Constituição para todos os brasileiros.