1000 resultados para 2-arachidonoylglycerol
Pharmacological activation of cannabinoid CB(1) and CB(2) receptors is a therapeutic strategy to treat chronic and inflammatory pain. It was recently reported that a mixture of natural triterpenes α- and β-amyrin bound selectively to CB(1) receptors with a subnanomolar K(i) value (133 pM). Orally administered α/β-amyrin inhibited inflammatory and persistent neuropathic pain in mice through both CB(1) and CB(2) receptors. Here, we investigated effects of amyrins on the major components of the endocannabinoid system.
The effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids, ECs) are both mediated by activation of the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. Exogenous activation of these receptors by THC could therefore alter EC levels. We tested this hypothesis in healthy volunteers (n = 25) who received a large intravenous dose of THC (0.10 mg/kg). Effects on the EC system were quantified by serial measurements of plasma ECs after THC administration. Eleven blood samples were drawn during the first 5 h after THC administration and two more samples after 24 and 48 h. THC, its metabolites THC-OH (biologically active) and THC-COOH (non-active), and the ECs anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) were quantified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. EC-plasma levels showed a biphasic response after THC injection reaching maximal values at 30 min. Anandamide increased slightly from 0.58 ± 0.21 ng/ml at baseline to 0.64 ± 0.24 ng/ml (p < 0.05) and 2-AG from 7.60 ± 4.30 ng/ml to 9.50 ± 5.90 ng/ml (p < 0.05). After reaching maximal concentrations, EC plasma levels decreased markedly to a nadir of 300 min after THC administration (to 0.32 ± 0.15 ng/ml for anandamide and to 5.50 ± 3.01 ng/ml for 2-AG, p < 0.05). EC plasma concentrations returned to near baseline levels until 48 h after the experiment. THC (0.76 ± 0.16 ng/ml) and THC-OH (0.36 ± 0.17 ng/ml) were still measurable at 24 h and remained detectible until 48 h after THC administration. Although the underlying mechanism is not clear, high doses of intravenous THC appear to influence endogenous cannabinoid concentrations and presumably EC-signalling.
Analisar a associação recíproca entre fatores de risco cardiometabólico, níveis de adipocitocinas (leptina e adiponectina de alto peso molecular), endocanabinoides (anandamida [AEA] e 2-araquidonoilglicerol [2-AG]), compostos canabimiméticos (N-oleoiletanolamina [OEA] e N-palmitoiletanolamina [PEA]) e polimorfismos em genes codificadores de componentes do sistema endocanabinoide (enzima de degradação de endocanabinoides FAAH [gene FAAH] e receptor endocanabinoide CB1 [gene CNR1]) e do receptor PPAR-α [gene PPARA], em indivíduos com diferentes graus de adiposidade. Duzentos indivíduos, entre 18 e 60 anos, com diferentes graus de índice de massa corporal (IMC) compuseram a amostra, dividida em dois grupos: cem eutróficos (IMC < 25 kg/m2) e 100 obesos (IMC ≥ 30 kg/m2), com 50 homens e 50 mulheres em cada grupo. Os obesos ficaram assim distribuídos: grau 1, com IMC < 35 kg/m2 (n=54), 27 homens e 27 mulheres; grau 2, com IMC < 40 kg/m2 (n=32), 16 homens e 16 mulheres e grau 3, com IMC ≥ 40 kg/m2 (n=14), 7 homens e 7 mulheres. Todos os indivíduos foram recrutados entre funcionários, estudantes e residentes do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, bem como voluntários do quadro da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e selecionados com base em amostra de conveniência. Todos foram avaliados por parâmetros antropométricos, determinação da pressão arterial, análises laboratoriais e genotipagem, para determinar seu perfil metabólico, níveis de endocanabinoides e adipocitocinas e rastreamento dos polimorfismos FAAH 385C>A, CNR1 3813A>G e PPARA 484C>G. Foram excluídos do estudo aqueles com história de comorbidades crônicas, doenças inflamatórias agudas, dependência de drogas de qualquer natureza e em uso de medicação nos dez dias anteriores à entrada no estudo. A atividade inflamatória, avaliada pela proteína C reativa ultrassensível (PCRUS), acompanhou o grau de resistência insulínica. Os níveis de PEA se associaram negativamente com a adiposidade visceral e resistência insulínica, sugerindo um melhor perfil metabólico, enquanto que os níveis de 2-AG se associaram positivamente com a PCRUS, apontando para piora nesse perfil. Os polimorfismos estudados não se associaram com o fenótipo obeso ou insulinorresistente. A presença do alelo 3813G no gene CNR1 mostrou associação independente com níveis reduzidos de adiponectina em obesos, sugerindo pior perfil metabólico nesse grupo. A presença do alelo 484G no gene PPARA, associando-se com níveis mais elevados de IMC e LDL-colesterol nos eutróficos pode indicar maior predisposição desses indivíduos para o desenvolvimento de obesidade e dislipidemia aterosclerótica. O genótipo homozigoto AA na posição 385 do gene FAAH e os níveis de PCRUS foram as principais associações, diretas e independentes, com os níveis de AEA, indicando claramente disfunção da enzima de degradação da AEA e, possivelmente, contribuindo para um perfil cardiometabólico mais vulnerável em portadores dessa variante genética.
Male infertility is a major cause of problems for many couples in conceiving a child. Recently, lifestyle pastimes such as alcohol, tobacco and marijuana have been shown to have further negative effects on male reproduction. The endocannabinoid system (ECS), mainly through the action of anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) at cannabinoid (CB(1), CB(2)) and vanilloid (TRPV1) receptors, plays a crucial role in controlling functionality of sperm, with a clear impact on male reproductive potential. Here, sperm from fertile and infertile men were used to investigate content (through LC-ESI-MS), mRNA (through quantitative RT-PCR), protein (through Western Blotting and ELISA) expression, and functionality (through activity and binding assays) of the main metabolic enzymes of AEA and 2-AG (NAPE-PLD and FAAH, for AEA; DAGL and MAGL for 2-AG), as well as of their binding receptors CB(1), CB(2) and TRPV1. Our findings show a marked reduction of AEA and 2-AG content in infertile seminal plasma, paralleled by increased degradation: biosynthesis ratios of both substances in sperm from infertile versus fertile men. In addition, TRPV1 binding was detected in fertile sperm but was undetectable in infertile sperm, whereas that of CB(1) and CB(2) receptors was not statistically different in the two groups. In conclusion, this study identified unprecedented alterations of the ECS in infertile sperm, that might impact on capacitation and acrosome reaction, and hence fertilization outcomes. These alterations might also point to new biomarkers to determine male reproductive defects, and identify distinct ECS elements as novel targets for therapeutic exploitation of ECS-oriented drugs to treat male fertility problems.
Le système dopaminergique (DA) méso-corticolimbique du cerveau, qui prend son origine dans l'aire tegmentaire ventrale (ATV), est fortement impliqué dans les comportements motivés et la toxicomanie. Les drogues d'abus activent ce système et y induisent une plasticité synaptique de longue durée. Les neurones DA de l'ATV reçoivent sur leur arborisation dendritique une grande densité de terminaisons glutamatergiques. Les drogues d'abus induisent une potentialisation à long terme (PLT) de ces contacts glutamatergiques. La PLT est une augmentation prolongée de la transmission synaptique, qui semble sous-tendre la mémoire et l'apprentissage. Les endocannabinoïdes (ECs) sont des neurotransmetteurs qui agissent de façon rétrograde sur des récepteurs présynaptiques (CB1) pour diminuer la libération des neurotransmetteurs comme le glutamate. Les neurones libèrent les ECs à partir de leur compartiment somatodendritique suite à une stimulation des afférences et la dépolarisation membranaire qui s’ensuit. La neurotensine (NT) est un neuropeptide retrouvé de façon abondante dans le système DA du cerveau. Il a été découvert que la NT peut induire la libération des ECs dans le striatum. En faisant appel à une combinaison d’approches immunohistochimique, électrophysiologique et pharmacologique chez la souris, nous avons confirmé dans la première étude de cette thèse la présence des récepteurs CB1 sur les terminaisons glutamatergiques des neurones DA de l'ATV, et avons montré que leur activation induit une diminution de la libération de glutamate. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que des trains de stimulation peuvent induire la libération des ECs. Nous avons découvert qu'en présence d'un antagoniste des récepteurs CB1, il y a facilitation de l’induction de la PLT. Cette observation suggère que les ECs ont un effet inhibiteur sur l’induction de la PLT, plutôt que sur son expression. Nous avons déterminé que le 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) est l’EC qui est principalement responsable de cette action inhibitrice. Finalement, la PLT induite en présence d’un antagoniste CB1 est aussi dépendante d'une activation des récepteurs NMDA du glutamate. Les travaux réalisés dans la deuxième étude de cette thèse ont montré que la NT est présente dans une sous-population de terminaisons axonales glutamatergiques dans l’ATV. Une application exogène de NT induit une diminution prolongée de l'amplitude des courants postsynaptiques excitateurs (CPSEs). Cette diminution est bloquée en présence d'un antagoniste non-sélectif des récepteurs à la NT, ainsi qu'en présence d'un antagoniste sélectif pour le récepteur de NT de type 1 (NTS1). Confirmant l’implication d’une production d’ECs, la baisse des CPSEs par la NT a été bloquée en présence d’un antagoniste des récepteurs CB1 ou d’un bloqueur de la synthèse de 2-AG. La chélation du calcium intracellulaire n'empêchait pas l’effet inhibiteur de la NT sur les CPSEs, cependant, l'inhibition des protéines G ou de la phospholipase C a complètement bloqué la dépression synaptique induite par la NT. Par ailleurs, nos travaux ont montré que la nature prolongée de la dépression synaptique induite par la NT exogène s’explique par une libération soutenue des ECs, et non pas à une activation prolongée des NTR. Finalement, notre observation qu’un antagoniste des récepteurs de la NT ne facilite pas l’induction de la PLT, comme le fait un antagoniste du récepteur CB1, suggère que la stimulation répétitive des afférences glutamatergiques nécessaire à l’induction de la PLT n’induit pas de libération des ECs via la libération de NT, nous permettant ainsi de conclure que la sécrétion de NT n'agit pas dans ces conditions comme un facteur de régulation négative de la PLT.
Les dérivés de l’opium (opioïdes) et du cannabis (cannabinoïdes) présentent de nombreuses propriétés intéressantes. Suite à l’identification de leurs récepteurs respectifs, diverses stratégies pharmacologiques ont tenté d’exploiter leurs propriétés analgésiques. Le clonage des récepteurs cannabinoïdes CB1 et CB2 a favorisé la découverte de composés endogènes pour ces récepteurs, les endocannabinoïdes, dont les deux plus étudiés sont l’anandamide et le 2-arachidonyl glycérol (2-AG). Cette découverte a également mené à l’identification d’enzymes qui catalysent l’inactivation de ces cannabinoïdes endogènes : une amidohydrolase des acides gras ou FAAH ainsi qu’une monoacylglycérol lipase ou MAGL. Le système cannabinoïde endogène est régulé à la hausse dans une variété de processus pathologiques, tels que les douleurs inflammatoire et neuropathique. Cette augmentation est habituellement interprétée comme une réaction physiologique visant à rétablir l’homéostasie et elle a notamment été observée en périphérie. Les endocannabinoïdes semblent donc agir de façon spécifique à des moments clés dans certains tissus ciblés afin de minimiser les conséquences reliées au déclenchement de ces douleurs. Cette observation est très intéressante d’un point de vue thérapeutique puisqu’elle suggère la possibilité de cibler les enzymes de dégradation des endocannabinoïdes dans le but d’augmenter leurs concentrations locales et d’ainsi prolonger leur action neuromodulatrice. En périphérie, l’activation des récepteurs cannabinoïdes induit des effets antinociceptifs bénéfiques tout en minimisant les effets indésirables souvent associés à leur activation centrale. Nous avons orienté nos travaux vers la modulation périphérique de ce système endogène à l’aide d’inhibiteurs des enzymes de dégradation des endocannabinoïdes afin d’évaluer leur potentiel thérapeutique et d’élucider les mécanismes d’action qui sous-tendent leurs effets dans des modèles animaux de douleurs inflammatoire et neuropathique. Nous avons démontré que cette approche permet de soulager les symptômes associés à ces deux types de douleurs, et ce via les récepteurs CB1 et CB2. Les systèmes cannabinoïde et opioïde présentent des similitudes, dont des localisations similaires le long des voies de la douleur, des mécanismes d’action relayés par des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G et des propriétés pharmacologiques communes telles que l’analgésie. Le système opioïde est impliqué dans les effets antinociceptifs induits par les cannabinoïdes. À l’inverse, le rôle joué par le système cannabinoïde dans ceux induits par la morphine demeure incertain. Nous avons démontré que les effets antinociceptifs périphériques et spinaux produits par la morphine sont diminués chez les souris génétiquement modifiées chez lesquelles l’expression des récepteurs CB1 ou CB2 a été éliminée, laissant supposer un rôle pour ces récepteurs dans les effets de la morphine. Nous avons de plus démontré que la diminution de l'analgésie produite par la morphine dans ces souris n'est pas causée par un dysfonctionnement des récepteurs opioïdes mu (MOP) ni par une régulation à la baisse de ces récepteurs. Nos résultats confirment l'existence d'interactions fonctionnelles entre les systèmes cannabinoïde et opioïde au niveau périphérique et spinal. Ces observations sont prometteuses d’un point de vue thérapeutique puisqu’une modulation périphérique ciblée des niveaux d’endocannabinoïdes et d’opioïdes endogènes permettrait de produire des effets analgésiques bénéfiques potentiellement synergiques tout en minimisant les effets indésirables associés à l’activation centrale de ces systèmes.
Hemopressin (Hp), a 9-residue alpha-hemoglobin-derived peptide, was previously reported to function as a CB(1) cannabinoid receptor antagonist (1). In this study, we report that mass spectrometry (MS) data from peptidomics analyses of mouse brain extracts identified N-terminally extended forms of Hp containing either three (RVD-Hp alpha) or two (VD-Hp alpha) additional amino acids, as well as a beta-hemoglobinderived peptide with sequence similarity to that of hemopressin (VD-Hp beta). Characterization of the alpha-hemoglobin-derived peptides using binding and functional assays shows that in contrast to Hp, which functions as a CB(1) cannabinoid receptor antagonist, both RVD-Hp alpha and VD-Hp alpha function as agonists. Studies examining the increase in the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 levels or release of intracellular Ca(2+) indicate that these peptides activate a signal transduction pathway distinct from that activated by the endo-cannabinoid, 2-arachidonoylglycerol, or the classic CB(1) agonist, Hu-210. This finding suggests an additional mode of regulation of endogenous cannabinoid receptor activity. Taken together, these results suggest that the CB(1) receptor is involved in the integration of signals from both lipid-and peptide-derived signaling molecules.-Gomes, I., Grushko, J. S., Golebiewska, U., Hoogendoorn, S., Gupta, A., Heimann, A. S., Ferro, E. S., Scarlata, S., Fricker, L. D., Devi, L. A. Novel endogenous peptide agonists of cannabinoid receptors. FASEB J. 23, 3020-3029 (2009). www.fasebj.org
Gli endocannabinoidi (EC) sono una classe di composti che mimano gli effetti del Δ9-tetraidrocannabinolo. Essi comprendono l’anandamide (AEA) ed il 2-arachidonoilglicerolo (2-AG), molecole che interagiscono preferenzialmente con due specifici recettori, il CB1 ed il CB2. Più recente è la scoperta di due molecole EC simili, il palmitoiletanolamide (PEA) e l’oleiletanolamide (OEA), che tuttavia agiscono legando recettori diversi tra cui il PPARα ed il TRVP1. Studi sperimentali dimostrano che il sistema degli EC è attivato in corso di cirrosi epatica ed è coinvolto nel processo fibrogenico e nella patogenesi delle alterazioni emodinamiche tipiche della malattia. Esso partecipa alla patogenesi di alcune delle maggiori complicanze della cirrosi quali ascite, encefalopatia, cardiomiopatia ed infezioni batteriche. Scopo del presente studio è stato quello di studiare il ruolo degli EC nella patogenesi delle infezioni batteriche in corso di cirrosi. A tale scopo sono stati eseguiti un protocollo clinico ed uno sperimentale. Nel protocollo sperimentale la cirrosi è stata indotta mediante somministrazione di CCl4 per via inalatoria a ratti maschi Wistar. In tale protocollo i livelli circolanti di tutti gli EC sono risultati significativamente aumentati a seguito della somministrazione di LPS. La somministrazione dell’antagonista del recettore CB1, Rimonabant, inoltre, è stata efficace nel ridurre del 50% la mortalità a 24 ore dei ratti trattati col farmaco rispetto ai ratti trattati col solo LPS. Parallelamente il Rimonabant ha determinato una riduzione dell’espressione genica di molecole pro-infiammatorie e sostanze vasoattive. Lo studio clinico, condotto su 156 pazienti, ha confermato l’attivazione del sistema degli EC in corso di cirrosi epatica. Inoltre è stata identificata una forte correlazione tra il PEA e l’OEA e l’emodinamica sistemica ed una associazione con alcune delle maggiori complicanze. L’analisi statistica ha inoltre individuato l’OEA quale predittore indipendente di insufficenza renale e di sopravvivenza globale.
The cannabinoid system (CS) is implicated in the regulation of hepatic fibrosis, steatosis and inflammation, with cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2) being involved in regulation of pro- and antifibrogenic effects. Daily cannabis smoking is an independent risk factor for the progression of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C and a mediator of experimental alcoholic steatosis. However, the role and function of CS in alcoholic liver fibrosis (ALF) is unknown so far. Thus, human liver samples from patients with alcoholic liver disease (ALD) were collected for analysis of CB1 expression. In vitro, hepatic stellate cells (HSC) underwent treatment with acetaldehyde, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol H(2)O(2), endo- and exocannabinoids (2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and [THC]), and CB1 antagonist SR141716 (rimonabant). In vivo, CB1 knockout (KO) mice received thioacetamide (TAA)/ethanol (EtOH) to induce fibrosis. As a result, in human ALD, CB1 expression was restricted to areas with advanced fibrosis only. In vitro, acetaldehyde, H(2)O(2), as well as 2-AG and THC, alone or in combination with acetaldehyde, induced CB1 mRNA expression, whereas CB1 blockage with SR141716 dose-dependently inhibited HSC proliferation and downregulated mRNA expression of fibrosis-mediated genes PCα1(I), TIMP-1 and MMP-13. This was paralleled by marked cytotoxicity of SR141716 at high doses (5-10 μmol/L). In vivo, CB1 knockout mice showed marked resistance to alcoholic liver fibrosis. In conclusion, CB1 expression is upregulated in human ALF, which is at least in part triggered by acetaldehyde (AA) and oxidative stress. Inhibition of CB1 by SR141716, or via genetic knock-out protects against alcoholic-induced fibrosis in vitro and in vivo.
The major endocannabinoids (ECs) arachidonoylethanolamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and related N-ethanolamines act as full and partial agonists at CB(1), CB(2), GPR55, PPAR and TRPV1 receptors to various degrees. These receptors are also expressed in immune cells like monocytes/macrophages where they regulate different cellular processes. In this study, potentially bioactive lipids in fetal bovine sera (FBS) were quantified by GC/MS. We found that several commercial FBS contain ECs and bioactive amounts of 2-AG (250-700 nM). We show that residual 2-AG from FBS can activate primary macrophages and increase migration and RANKL-stimulated osteoclastogenesis. Furthermore, 2-AG high-content sera specifically upregulated LPS-stimulated IL-6 expression in U937 cells. Polymyxin B beads may be used to selectively and efficiently remove 2-AG from sera, but not arachidonic acid and N-ethanolamines. In conclusion, 2-AG in cell culture media may significantly influence cellular experiments. CD14+ mononuclear cells which strongly express surface CB receptors may be particularly sensitive towards residual 2-AG from FBS. Therefore, the EC content in culture media should be controlled in biological experiments involving monocytes/macrophages.
Despite extensive research on the trafficking of anandamide (AEA) across cell membranes, little is known about the membrane transport of other endocannabinoids, such as 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). Previous studies have provided data both in favor and against a cell membrane carrier-mediated transport of endocannabinoids, using different methodological approaches. Because AEA and 2-AG undergo rapid and almost complete intracellular hydrolysis, we employed a combination of radioligand assays and absolute quantification of cellular and extracellular endocannabinoid levels. In human U937 leukemia cells, 100 nm AEA and 1 μm 2-AG were taken up through a fast and saturable process, reaching a plateau after 5 min. Employing differential pharmacological blockage of endocannabinoid uptake, breakdown, and interaction with intracellular binding proteins, we show that eicosanoid endocannabinoids harboring an arachidonoyl chain compete for a common membrane target that regulates their transport, whereas other N-acylethanolamines did not interfere with AEA and 2-AG uptake. By combining fatty acid amide hydrolase or monoacyl glycerol lipase inhibitors with hydrolase-inactive concentrations of the AEA transport inhibitors UCM707 (1 μm) and OMDM-2 (5 μm), a functional synergism on cellular AEA and 2-AG uptake was observed. Intriguingly, structurally unrelated AEA uptake inhibitors also blocked the cellular release of AEA and 2-AG. We show, for the first time, that UCM707 and OMDM-2 inhibit the bidirectional movement of AEA and 2-AG across cell membranes. Our findings suggest that a putative endocannabinoid cell membrane transporter controls the cellular AEA and 2-AG trafficking and metabolism.
The Cannabis plant and its products consist of an enormous variety of chemicals. Some of the 483 compounds identified are unique to Cannabis, for example, the more than 60 cannabinoids, whereas the terpenes, with about 140 members forming the most abundant class, are widespread in the plant kingdom. The term “cannabinoids” [note: “ ” represents a group of C21 terpenophenolic compounds found until now uniquely in Cannabis sativa L. (1). As a consequence of the development of synthetic cannabinoids (e.g., nabilone [2], HU-211 [dexanabinol; ref. (3), or ajulemic acid [CT-3; ref. 4]) and the discovery of the chemically different endogenous cannabinoid receptor ligands (“endocannabinoids,” e.g., anandamide, 2-arachidonoylglycerol) (5,6), the term ’“phytocannabinoids’” was proposed for these particular Cannabis constituents (7).
High-content screening led to the identification of the N-isobutylamide guineensine from Piper nigrum as novel nanomolar inhibitor (EC50 = 290 nM) of cellular uptake of the endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA). Noteworthy, guineensine did not inhibit endocannabinoid degrading enzymes fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) or monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) nor interact with cannabinoid receptors or fatty acid binding protein 5 (FABP5), a major cytoplasmic AEA carrier. Activity-based protein profiling showed no inhibition of serine hydrolases. Guineensine also inhibited the cellular uptake of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). Preliminary structure–activity relationships between natural guineensine analogs indicate the importance of the alkyl chain length interconnecting the pharmacophoric isobutylamide and benzodioxol moieties for AEA cellular uptake inhibition. Guineensine dose-dependently induced cannabimimetic effects in BALB/c mice shown by strong catalepsy, hypothermia, reduced locomotion and analgesia. The catalepsy and analgesia were blocked by the CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant (SR141716A). Guineensine is a novel plant natural product which specifically inhibits endocannabinoid uptake in different cell lines independent of FAAH. Its scaffold may be useful to identify yet unknown targets involved in endocannabinoid transport.
Free arachidonic acid is functionally interlinked with different lipid signaling networks including those involving prostanoid pathways, the endocannabinoid system, N-acylethanolamines, as well as steroids. A sensitive and specific LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of arachidonic acid, prostaglandin E2, thromboxane B2, anandamide, 2-arachidonoylglycerol, noladin ether, lineoyl ethanolamide, oleoyl ethanolamide, palmitoyl ethanolamide, steroyl ethanolamide, aldosterone, cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone, progesterone, and testosterone in human plasma was developed and validated. Analytes were extracted using acetonitrile precipitation followed by solid phase extraction. Separations were performed by UFLC using a C18 column and analyzed on a triple quadrupole MS with electron spray ionization. Analytes were run first in negative mode and, subsequently, in positive mode in two independent LC-MS/MS runs. For each analyte, two MRM transitions were collected in order to confirm identity. All analytes showed good linearity over the investigated concentration range (r>0.98). Validated LLOQs ranged from 0.1 to 190ng/mL and LODs ranged from 0.04 to 12.3ng/mL. Our data show that this LC-MS/MS method is suitable for the quantification of a diverse set of bioactive lipids in plasma from human donors (n=32). The determined plasma levels are in agreement with the literature, thus providing a versatile method to explore pathophysiological processes in which changes of these lipids are implicated.
Endogenous ligands of cannabinoid receptors have been discovered recently and include some N-acylethanolamines (NAEs; e.g., N-arachidonoylethanolamine) and some 2-acylglycerols (e.g., sn-2-arachidonoylglycerol). Previously, we found these compounds to be active biologically when administered per os in large quantities to mice. In the present work, piglets were fed diets with and without 20:4n−6 and 22:6n−3 fatty acid precursors of NAEs, in levels similar to those found in porcine milk, during the first 18 days of life, and corresponding brain NAEs were assessed. In piglets fed diets containing 20:4n−6 and 22:6n−3, there were increases in several biologically active NAEs in brain homogenates—20:4n−6 NAE (4-fold), 20:5n−3 NAE (5-fold), and 22:5n−3 and 22:6n−3 NAE (9- to 10-fold). These results support a mechanism we propose for dietary long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids influences on brain biochemistry with presumed functional sequelae. This paradigm will enable targeted investigations to determine whether and why specific populations such as infants, elderly, or persons suffering from certain clinical conditions may benefit from dietary long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.