979 resultados para 1a,25-(OH)2 D3


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To compare the effects of vitamin D analogs versus calcitriol on serum levels of Ca, P and parathyroid hormone (PTH). A compound better than calcitriol should increase the Ca x P product less than calcitriol for an equivalent decrease in PTH levels.


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Substantive evidence implicates vitamin D receptor (VDR) or its natural ligand 1a,25-(OH)2 D3 in modulation of tumor growth. However, both human and animal studies indicate tissue-specificity of effect. Epidemiological studies show both inverse and direct relationships between serum 25(OH)D levels and common solid cancers. VDR ablation affects carcinogen-induced tumorigenesis in a tissue-specific manner in model systems. Better understanding of the tissue-specificity of vitamin D-dependent molecular networks may provide insight into selective growth control by the seco-steroid, 1a,25-(OH)2 D3. This commentary considers complex factors that may influence the cell- or tissue-specificity of 1a,25-(OH)2 D3/VDR growth effects, including local synthesis, metabolism and transport of vitamin D and its metabolites, vitamin D receptor (VDR) expression and ligand-interactions, 1a,25-(OH)2 D3 genomic and non-genomic actions, Ca2+ flux, kinase activation, VDR interactions with activating and inhibitory vitamin D responsive elements (VDREs) within target gene promoters, VDR coregulator recruitment and differential effects on key downstream growth regulatory genes. We highlight some differences of VDR growth control relevant to colonic, esophageal, prostate, pancreatic and other cancers and assess the potential for development of selective prevention or treatment strategies.


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The effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2)D3], a steroid hormone with immunomodulating properties, on nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) proteins was examined in in vitro activated normal human lymphocytes by Western blot analysis. Over a 72-hr period of activation, the expression of the 50-kDa NF-kappa B, p50, and its precursor, p105, was increased progressively. When cells were activated in the presence of 1,25(OH)2D3, the levels of the mature protein as well as its precursor were decreased. The effect of the hormone on the levels of p50 was demonstrable in the cytosolic and nuclear compartments; it required between 4 and 8 hr and was specific, as 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were ineffective. Besides p50, 1,25(OH)2D3 decreased the levels of another NF-kappa B protein, namely c-rel. In addition, 1,25(OH)2D3 decreased the abundance of a specific DNA-protein complex formed upon incubation of nuclear extracts from activated lymphocytes with a labeled NF-kappa B DNA binding motif. Further, 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibited the transcriptional activity of NF-kappa B in Jurkat cells transiently transfected with a construct containing four tandem repeats of the NF-kappa B binding sequence of the immunoglobulin kappa light chain gene linked to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene. These observations demonstrate directly that there is de novo synthesis of NF-kappa B during human lymphocyte activation and suggest that this process is hormonally regulated.


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Foram feitos estudos morfométrico, imunoistoquímico e ultra-estrutural do espessamento intimal difuso (DIT) das artérias de 7 ovinos com sinais clínicos de calcinose enzoótica espontânea causada pela ingestão da planta Nierembergia veitchii. As lesões caracterizavam-se por deposição de sais de cálcio na média como placas e estrias que, com frequência faziam saliência para a luz, criando rugosidades e irregularidades da íntima. Não foram observadas calcificações na artéria pulmonar e no sistema venoso. Microscopicamente, as calcificações das artérias restringiam-se quase que exclusivamente à média. Na imunoistoquimica, foi verificada a-actina nas células da média e nas do espessamento intimal. Receptores para 1,25(OH)2D3 foram evidenciados nos núcleos das células musculares da média, da íntima e das células endoteliais. As análises morfométricas em microscopia ótica revelaram, nas artérias, DIT irregularmente distribuido sem relação com a intensidade dos processos de calcificação subjacente nem com a espessura da média remanescente. A morfometria das alterações ultra-estruturais das células musculares lisas da média e da íntima espessada, mostrou que nessas últimas foi verificado aumento de até 318% na fração volumétrica das organelas de síntese em detrimento dos elementos contráteis, quando comparados com os valores das células da média. Essas modificações indicam a transformação das células musculares lisas de um tipo contrátil para células de tipo sintético. Entre essses dois extremos foram evidenciadas diversas formas intermediárias. Foram observadas evidências histológicas e ultra-estruturais da transformação e migração de células da média através das fenestras da lâmina elástica interna, para a íntima, onde proliferam e formam o DIT. Foi concluído que o DIT é um componente constante nas lesões arterioscleróticas nas calcinoses dos ovinos induzidas pela planta N. veitchii e que as células predominantes são células musculares lisas provenientes de predecessoras da média. Foi constatado que o DIT só excepcionalmente apresenta calcificação, vascularização, presença de células espumosas e fendas de colesterol. Não foram vistas áreas de necrose. Sugere-se que o fator indutor das alterações arteriais é o 1,25(OH)2D3 contido em N. veitchii.


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The use of metal implants in dental and orthopedic surgery is continuously expanding and highly successful. While today longevity and load-bearing capacity of the implants fulfill the expectations of the patients, acceleration of osseointegration would be of particular benefit to shorten the period of convalescence. To further clarify the options to accelerate the kinetics of osseointegration, within this study, the osteogenic properties of structurally identical surfaces with different metal coatings were investigated. To assess the development and function of primary human osteoblasts on metal surfaces, cell viability, differentiation, and gene expression were determined. Titanium surfaces were used as positive, and surfaces coated with gold were used as negative controls. Little differences in the cellular parameters tested for were found when the cells were grown on titanium discs sputter coated with titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, gold, and chromium. Cell number, activity of cell layer-associated alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and levels of transcripts encoding COL1A1 and BGLAP did not vary significantly in dependence of the surface chemistry. Treatment of the cell cultures with 1,25(OH)2 D3 /Dex, however, significantly increased ALP activity and BGLAP messenger RNA levels. The data demonstrate that the metal layer coated onto the titanium discs exerted little modulatory effects on cell behavior. It is suggested that the microenvironment regulated by the peri-implant tissues is more effective in regulating the tissue response than is the material of the implant itself.


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Background: Vitamin D deficiency is common. Recently Roche Diagnostics removed their Elecsys Vitamin D3 (25OH) electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) from use, citing deteriorating traceability to the reference method (liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry; LCMSMS). We investigated the performance of the Roche assay (2 assay formulations) against an LCMSMS method and the widely used DiaSorin radioimmunoassay (RIA) method.

Methods: Two sets of samples from separate populations were assayed for vitamin D. The first set was assayed using three different methods: RIA (DiaSorin) in 2004, polyclonal ECLIA (Roche) in early 2009 and LCMSMS in early 2010. The second set was assayed using polyclonal and monoclonal ECLIA (Roche) and LCMSMS in mid-2010.

Results: The correlation of the polyclonal ECLIA with the RIA was poor (ECLIA = 0.45 x RIA + 19, r2 = 0.59, n = 773). LCMSMS results correlated with RIA (RIA = 0.86 x LCMSMS + 4, r2 = 0.69, n = 49) better than with polyclonal ECLIA (polyclonal ECLIA = 0.55 x LCMSMS + 6, r2 = 0.62, n = 55) despite a storage interval of 6 years.

In recently collected samples monoclonal and polyclonal immunoassays gave similar results (monoclonal ECLIA = 0.93 polyclonal ECLIA -3, r2 = 0.60, n = 153). The correlation between monoclonal Roche ECLIA and LCMSMS in these samples was very poor (monoclonal ECLIA = 0.31 x LCMSMS + 23, r2 = 0.27).

Conclusions: At the time of its removal from the market, the Roche Elecsys Vitamin D3 (25OH) assay showed unacceptable performance, underestimating vitamin D levels. It seems that this bias preceded the introduction of the monoclonal assay. The worldwide distribution of the assay and the duration of this bias likely led to a significant number of patients starting supplementation unnecessarily.


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BACKGROUND: There is evolving evidence that vitamin D insufficiency may contribute to food allergy, but findings vary between populations. Lower vitamin D-binding protein (DBP) levels increase the biological availability of serum vitamin D. Genetic polymorphisms explain almost 80% of the variation in binding protein levels. OBJECTIVE: We sought to investigate whether polymorphisms that lower the DBP could compensate for adverse effects of low serum vitamin D on food allergy risk. METHODS: From a population-based cohort study (n = 5276) we investigated the association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25[OH]D3) levels and food allergy at age 1 year (338 challenge-proven food-allergic and 269 control participants) and age 2 years (55 participants with persistent and 50 participants with resolved food allergy). 25(OH)D3 levels were measured using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and adjusted for season of blood draw. Analyses were stratified by genotype at rs7041 as a proxy marker of DBP levels (low, the GT/TT genotype; high, the GG genotype). RESULTS: Low serum 25(OH)D3 level (≤50 nM/L) at age 1 years was associated with food allergy, particularly among infants with the GG genotype (odds ratio [OR], 6.0; 95% CI, 0.9-38.9) but not in those with GT/TT genotypes (OR, 0.7; 95% CI, 0.2-2.0; P interaction = .014). Maternal antenatal vitamin D supplementation was associated with less food allergy, particularly in infants with the GT/TT genotype (OR, 0.10; 95% CI, 0.03-0.41). Persistent vitamin D insufficiency increased the likelihood of persistent food allergy (OR, 12.6; 95% CI, 1.5-106.6), particularly in those with the GG genotype. CONCLUSIONS: Polymorphisms associated with lower DBP level attenuated the association between low serum 25(OH)D3 level and food allergy, consistent with greater vitamin D bioavailability in those with a lower DBP level. This increases the biological plausibility of a role for vitamin D in the development of food allergy.


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El objetivo del experimento fue evaluar el efecto del Hidroxicolecalciferol [HyD (25 –OH- D3)] en pollos de engorde, atraves de porcentajes de ceniza, calcio, fosforo y diagnostico de síndrome de hueso negro, se evaluaron dos tratamientos ( HyD y Testigo) con seis repeticiones para cada uno en dos tiempos a los 21 y 35 días de edad en análisis de ceniza, calcio y fosforo para lo cual se extrajo una tibia por pollo, dichos análisis resultaron con diferencias no significativas en ambas edades, las evaluaciones dieron como resultado que de los 21 día a los 35 días disminuyen su valor, ceniza baja de 43.8% a 36.8% en el testigo y de 42.4% a 37.7% en HyD, calcio de 15.6% a 13.4% para el testigo y de 16% a 14.5% para HyD de igual manera para los porcentaje de fosforo de 21 a 35 días con 7.6% a 6.5% para testigo y 7.5% a 6.7% para HyD. A los 35 días los resultados son mayores en el grupo HyD, 37.7% HyD,36.8% testigo en ceniza, calcio 14.5% HyD, testigo 13.4% y fosforo 6.7% HyD , 6.5% para testigo, las diferencias de 21 a 35 días son notorias y conservan la parte proporcional en que los porcentajes estan en ceniza calcio y fosforo, pero estas disminuyen para una misma variable de los 21 días de edad a los 35, sin encontrar diferencia significativas. A los 35 días se realizo análisis de síndrome de hueso negro con un total de 22 repeticiones por tratamiento, la extracción de dicha muestra (tibia) se realizo en planta de proceso, el análisis determino diferencias entre las aves muestreadas dando los mejores resultados aquellas que fueron alimentadas con Hidroxicolecalciferol [HyD (25 –OH- D3)], se observo en los resultados que en el grupo con HyD alcanzo un 91% de individuos sanos superando significativamente al testigo que solo llego a un 77% de individuos sanos, empleando un grado de libertad y 0.05 de significancia, lo que indica diminución de la presencia del síndrome de hueso negro, producto del HyD, empleando la línea genética Cobb 500, y alimentando los pollos del día cero al día 21 con diferencias de tratamiento e igual alimento del día 22 al día 35.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) play a central role in regulating immune activation and responses to self. DC maturation is central to the outcome of antigen presentation to T cells. Maturation of DCs is inhibited by physiological levels of 1α,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1α,25(OH)2D3] and a related analog, 1α,25(OH)2-16-ene-23-yne-26,27-hexafluoro-19-nor-vitamin D3 (D3 analog). Conditioning of bone marrow cultures with 10−10 M D3 analog resulted in accumulation of immature DCs with reduced IL-12 secretion and without induction of transforming growth factor β1. These DCs retained an immature phenotype after withdrawal of D3 analog and exhibited blunted responses to maturing stimuli (CD40 ligation, macrophage products, or lipopolysaccharide). Resistance to maturation depended on the presence of the 1α,25(OH)2D3 receptor (VDR). In an in vivo model of DC-mediated antigen-specific sensitization, D3 analog-conditioned DCs failed to sensitize and, instead, promoted prolonged survival of subsequent skin grafts expressing the same antigen. To investigate the physiologic significance of 1α,25(OH)2D3/VDR-mediated modulation of DC maturity we analyzed DC populations from mice lacking VDR. Compared with wild-type animals, VDR-deficient mice had hypertrophy of subcutaneous lymph nodes and an increase in mature DCs in lymph nodes but not spleen. We conclude that 1α,25(OH)2D3/VDR mediates physiologically relevant inhibition of DC maturity that is resistant to maturational stimuli and modulates antigen-specific immune responses in vivo.


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The 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25-(OH)2vitamin D3] analog KH1060 exerts very potent effects on cell proliferation and cell differentiation via the vitamin D receptor (VDR). However, the activities of KH1060 are not associated with an increased affinity for the VDR. We now show that increased stabilization of the VDR-KH1060 complex could be an explanation for its high potencies. VDR half-life studies performed with cycloheximide-translational blocked rat osteoblast-like ROS 17/2.8 cells demonstrated that, in the absence of ligand, VDR levels rapidly decreased. After 2 hr, less than 10% of the initial VDR level could be measured. In the presence of 1,25-(OH)2vitamin D3, the VDR half-life was 15 hr. After 24 hr. less than 20% of the initial VDR content was detectable, whereas, at this time-point, when the cells were incubated with KH1060 80% of the VDR was still present. Differences in 1,25-(OH)2vitamin D3- and KH1060-induced conformational changes of the VDR could underlie the increased VDR stability. As assessed by limited proteolytic digestion analysis, both 1,25-(OH)2vitamin D3 and KH1060 caused a specific conformational change of the VDR. Compared with 1,25-(OH)2vitamin D3, KH1060 induced a conformational change that led to a far more dramatic protection of the VDR against proteolytic degradation. In conclusion, the altered VDR stability and the possibly underlying change in VDR conformation caused by KH1060 could be an explanation for its enhanced bioactivity.


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Hydrotalcite-like compounds of formula Ni1-xAl(x)(OH)2(CO3)x/2 . nH2O (x = 0.1 to 0.25), having the same structure as that of alpha-Ni(OH)2, have been synthesized by substituting nickel hydroxide with aluminum. Of these, the compounds of compositions x greater-than-or-equal-to 0.2 are found to have prolonged stability in strong alkaline medium. The electrodes comprising stabilized alpha-Ni(OH)2 of x = 0.2 composition are rechargeable with discharge-capacity values of 240 (+/- 15) mAh-g-1 and are attractive for applications in various alkaline secondary cells employing nickel-positive electrodes.


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Calcium and vitamin D are essential nutrients for bone metabolism Vitamin D can either be obtained from dietary sources or cutaneous synthesis. The study was conducted in subtropic weather; therefore, some might believe that the levels of solar radiation would be sufficient in this area. To evaluate calcium and vitamin D supplementation in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis living in a sunny country. A 3-month controlled clinical trial with 64 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, mean age 62 +/- A 8 years. They were randomly assigned to either the supplement group, who received 1,200 mg of calcium carbonate and 400 IU (10 mu g) of vitamin D(3,) or the control group. Dietary intake assessment was performed, bone mineral density and body composition were measured, and biochemical markers of bone metabolism were analyzed. Considering all participants at baseline, serum vitamin D was under 75 nmol/l in 91.4% of the participants. The concentration of serum 25(OH)D increased significantly (p = 0.023) after 3 months of supplementation from 46.67 +/- A 13.97 to 59.47 +/- A 17.50 nmol/l. However, the dose given was limited in effect, and 86.2% of the supplement group did not reach optimal levels of 25(OH)D. Parathyroid hormone was elevated in 22.4% of the study group. After the intervention period, mean parathyroid hormone tended to decrease in the supplement group (p = 0.063). The dose given (400 IU/day) was not enough to achieve 25(OH)D concentration, considered optimal for bone health.