989 resultados para 1857-1930


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Enfocar la formación del magisterio y su actuación en el País Vasco. Magisterio (escuelas normales, inspección y oposiciones), alfabetización y Enseñanza Primaria en el País Vasco, y formación y situación del magisterio vasco. Estudia tres instituciones básicas en la configuración del magisterio, al margen de sus relaciones con el País Vasco: las escuelas normales y otras instituciones auxiliares, la inspección y el sistema de oposiciones. Explica la situación económica, institucional, ideológica, religiosa y la instrucción primaria en el País Vasco. Estudia el magisterio vasco, tanto en su formación como en las demandas de obtención de un maestro que conociese la lengua y peculiaridades del País Vasco. Archivo General de Guipúzcoa, Archivo Provincial de Álava, Archivo Municipal de San Sebastián, Archivo Municipal de Tolosa, Archivo General de la Administracion, Archivo de la Real Academia de Historia, Archivo de la Universidad de Valladolid. Periódicos y revistas. Fuentes impresas. Las conclusiones que se derivan giran alrededor de los temas tratados en cada una de las tres partes. Así tenemos una serie de conclusiones acerca del magisterio, otro conjunto referente a la alfabetización y la enseñanza primaria en el País Vasco, y finalmente, otras cuantas conclusiones relativas a la formación y la situación del magisterio vasco.


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My doctoral dissertation is on Johan Jakob Tikkanen (1857 1930), the first professor of art history in Finland, and his significance and methods in the context of late 19th and early 20th-century European art history. Tikkanen was one of the pioneering scholars in the field of medieval art research, and, along with Anton Springer, Heinrich Wölfflin, Aloïs Riegl, Adolfo Venturi, Franz Wickhoff, Julius von Schlosser, Aby Warburg, Emile Mâle and others, one of the scholars who defined art history as an independent academic discipline. Tikkanen s scholarly interests and his methods resemble those of many formalistically oriented German and Austrian art historians of his time. He became well known throughout Europe, mainly for his studies on illustrated medieval manuscripts. Tikkanen s dissertation, Der Malerische Styl Giotto s Versuch zu einer Characteristik Desselben, from 1884 was regarded in its day as the best form-analytical study on the painter. It has a central position in the present thesis, as it already included nearly all the methods that Tikkanen used and elaborated upon throughout his career. Giotto also gives a good perspective for comparing Tikkanen s ideas with a long art-historical tradition. Tikkanen was profoundly interested in artistic creativity. In his own words, he wanted to study das künstlerische Können , artistic ability, instead of das künstlerische Wollen or artistic will, which was an important theoretical issue in art history in the late 19th century. This starting point led him to the history of style and iconographical research. Along with the Danish art historian, Julius Lange, he was one of the first scholars who began to study the meaning of gestures and postures in art. In my dissertation I have emphasized the importance of Tikkanen s personal art education. I regard it as having influenced both his scholarly argumentation and his working methods. I have also written a short overview of the situation of art history in Finland and in Northern Countries before Tikkanen s time in order to give an idea of his scientific background. My thesis is a critical and historiographical study on J. J. Tikkanen s role in the development of art history and its methodology.


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Correspondence, reports, minutes, manuscripts, and clippings relating to the activities of Wolf, Mowshowitch, and the Joint Foreign Committee, as well as to the political situation of Jews in various countries and to the Paris Peace Conference. Papers of Lucien Wolf include his diary, lectures on English-German relations and English-Russian relations; bibliography of Wolf's works on Jewish themes; clippings of Wolf's articles; congratulations on his seventieth birthday; article on his last interview with Chamberlain; and correspondence with parents, 1869-1882, A. Abrahams, 1914-1925, Chief Rabbi Dr. J.H. Hertz, 1892-1923, Clara Melchior, 1913-1929, Jacob Schiff, 1910, Maxim Vinawer, 1917, Mark Wischnitzer, 1926-1928, Lord Robert Cecil, 1916-1919, Lord Rothschild, 1906, Cyrus Adler, Count J. Bernstorff, Szymon Ashkenazy, Solomon Dingol, Louis Marshall, Claude G. Montefiore, Sir Edward Sassoon, Jacob Schiff, Lord William Selborne, Nakhum Sokolow, Oscar Straus, Chaim Weizmann, the American Jewish Congress, 1916-1923, Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden, 1913, and Jewish Historical Society of England.


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t. I. Al lector, por J. M. Pérez-Sarmiento. Discurso pronunciado por H. Holguin y Caro, al descubrirse la estatua de Nariño, en Bogotá Oración funebre, pronunciada por R. M. Carrasquilla, al inaugurar el sepulero del general Nariño en la catedral de Bogotá. Causa al autor del papel titulado "Derechos del hombre" ... reos: D. Antonio Nariño y D. José Antonio Ricaurte ... 1794 à 1807 [documentos]


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Cover title.


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Microfilm of ms. collection in the Library of Congress.


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Includes Bibliographic Notes.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.