990 resultados para 178-1103


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Site 1103 was one of a transect of three sites drilled across the Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf during Leg 178. The aim of drilling on the shelf was to determine the age of the sedimentary sequences and to ground truth previous interpretations of the depositional environment (i.e., topsets and foresets) of progradational seismostratigraphic sequences S1, S2, S3, and S4. The ultimate objective was to obtain a better understanding of the history of glacial advances and retreats in this west Antarctic margin. Drilling the topsets of the progradational wedge (0-247 m below seafloor [mbsf]), which consist of unsorted and unconsolidated materials of seismic Unit S1, was very unfavorable, resulting in very low (2.3%) core recovery. Recovery improved (34%) below 247 mbsf, corresponding to sediments of seismic Unit S3, which have a consolidated matrix. Logs were only obtained from the interval between 75 and 244 mbsf, and inconsistencies on the automatic analog picking of the signals received from the sonic log at the array and at the two other receivers prevented accurate shipboard time-depth conversions. This, in turn, limited the capacity for making seismic stratigraphic interpretations at this site and regionally. This study is an attempt to compile all available data sources, perform quality checks, and introduce nonstandard processing techniques for the logging data obtained to arrive at a reliable and continuous depth vs. velocity profile. We defined 13 data categories using differential traveltime information. Polynomial exclusion techniques with various orders and low-pass filtering reduced the noise of the initial data pool and produced a definite velocity depth profile that is synchronous with the resistivity logging data. A comparison of the velocity profile produced with various other logs of Site 1103 further validates the presented data. All major logging units are expressed within the new velocity data. A depth-migrated section with the new velocity data is presented together with the original time section and initial depth estimates published within the Leg 178 Initial Reports volume. The presented data confirms the location of the shelf unconformity at 222 ms two-way traveltime (TWT), or 243 mbsf, and allows its seismic identification as a strong negative and subsequent positive reflection.


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Calcareous nannofossils, pollen, and spores were examined on samples from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 Site 1095 on the continental rise and Sites 1097, 1100, and 1103 on the outer continental shelf of the western Antarctic Peninsula. Stratigraphically useful specimens of calcareous nannofossils occur in Site 1095 sediments assigned to Zones CN15, CN13b, and CN11. Calcareous nannofossils are rare but occur throughout the sedimentary sequences from seismic Units S1 to S3 on the continental shelf. Most of the calcareous nannofossils in Units S1 and S2 are composed of Cretaceous specimens that have been recycled by glacial processes. The occurrence of Dictyococcites in samples within Unit S3 upper Miocene sediments without any reworked specimens suggests those sediments are deposited in an open-ocean environment. These results are consistent with those from foraminifer and radiolarian studies. Pollen and spores including Nothofagidites, the genus for fossil pollen referred to as Nothofagus, are also observed in Unit S3 sediments. The sparse occurrence of pollen and spores, however, makes it difficult to assess the nature of the Antarctic terrestrial vegetation.


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Three selected diamictite samples recovered within sequence group S3 at Sites 1097 (Sample 178-1097A-27R-1, 35-58 cm) and 1103 (Samples 178-1103A-31R-2, 0-4 cm, and 36R-3, 4-8 cm) of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 have been investigated by scanning electron microscope, electron microprobe, and 40Ar-39Ar laser-heating techniques. They contain variable proportions of fragments of volcanic rock groundmass (mostly in the range of 100-150 µm) with textures ranging from microcrystalline to ipocrystalline. Their rounded shapes indicate mechanical reworking. Fresh groundmass glasses, recognized only in grains from samples of Site 1103, show mainly a subalkaline affinity on the basis of total alkali-silica variations. However, they are characterized by relatively high TiO2 and P2O5 contents (1.4-2.8 and 0.1-0.9 wt%, respectively). Because of the small size of homogeneous grains (100-150 µm), they were not suitable for single-grain total fusion 40Ar-39Ar analyses. The incremental laser-heating technique was applied to milligram-sized samples (only for Samples 178-1097A-27R-1, 35-58 cm, and 178-1103A-36R-3, 4-8 cm) and to various small fractions (each consisting of 10 grains for the sample from Site 1097 and 30 grains for samples from Site 1103). The latter approach resulted in more effective resolution of sample heterogeneity. Argon ages from the small fractions show significantly different ranges in the three samples: 75-173 Ma for Sample 178-1097A-27R-1, 35-58 cm, 18-57 Ma for Sample 178-1103A-31R-2, 0-4 cm, and 7.6-50 Ma for Sample 178-1103A-36R-3, 4-8 cm. Ca/K ratios derived from argon isotopes at Site 1103 suggest that the data mainly refer to outgassing of groundmass glass. At Site 1103, we observe an overall apparent age increase with decreasing sample depth. This is compatible with glacial erosion that affected with time deeper levels of a volcanic sequence previously deposited on the continent. The youngest apparent age of 7.6 ± 0.7 Ma detected close to the bottom of Hole 1103A (340 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) is compatible with the age range of the diatom Actinocyclus ingens v. ovalis Zone (6.3-8.0 Ma) determined for the interval 320-355 mbsf and with the maximum ages derived from strontium isotope composition of barnacle fragments obtained at 262-263 mbsf at the same site. Nevertheless, this age cannot be taken as the maximum youngest age of the volcanic sequence sampled by glacial erosion or as the maximum age for the deposition of the Sequence S3 at 340 mbsf unless validated by further research.