1000 resultados para 177-1091


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) cores permit us to extend the study of millennial-scale climate variability beyond the time period that is generally accessible for piston cores (i.e., the last glacial cycle). ODP Leg 177 provided for the first time continuous high sedimentation rate cores along a north-south transect from 41°to 53°S across the main subdivisions of the Southern Ocean (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.177.101.1999). The main purpose of this drilling was to investigate the Pleistocene and Holocene paleoceanographic history of this region, documented in the sedimentary records. ODP Sites 1094, 1093, 1091, and 1089 accumulated throughout the Pleistocene at rates >10 cm/k.y. and are the most detailed Pleistocene climatic records ever retrieved from the Southern Ocean. These sections provide a unique opportunity to fill an important gap in the knowledge of the paleoclimatic evolution of the high southern latitude regions. The composite sections at each site were generated shipboard using magnetic susceptibility, gamma ray attenuation (GRA) density, and reflectance data to correlate the drill holes and splice together an optimal (complete and undisturbed) record of the sedimentary sequence at each site. A preliminary magnetic polarity stratigraphy was generated on the 'archive' halves of the core sections from each hole, using the shipboard pass-through magnetometer after demagnetization at a single peak alternating field (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999). During July 1998, we sampled core sections spanning the mid-Pleistocene interval (0.65-1.2 Ma) from Sites 1094, 1093, and 1091 at the ODP Bremen Core Repository and have since then analyzed the stable isotopic ratios of foraminifers in samples from Sites 1094 and 1091. Our goals for these studies are to establish detailed chronology for the mid-Pleistocene Southern Ocean records from Leg 177 using high-resolution stable isotope analyses, and furthermore, to trace the evolution of millennial-scale variability in proxy records from older glacial and interglacial periods characterized by higher-frequency variation. Here, we report on our stratigraphic results to date and describe the laboratory methods employed for sample preparation and stable isotope analysis. Furthermore, we provide tab-delimited text files of the age models.


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Seven sites were drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 177 in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (SO) on a transect over the Antarctic Circumpolar Current from the Subantarctic to the Antarctic Zone. At four sites sediments were recovered with a Pliocene/Pleistocene sediment package of up to 580 m allowing the refinement of previous diatom zonation concepts. Samples were analyzed on stratigraphic distribution and abundance of diatom species. A refined diatom biozonation tied to the geomagnetic polarity record is proposed. For the middle and late Pleistocene two zonations applicable to the northern and southern area of the SO were constructed, considering different latitudinal distributions of biostratigraphic diatom marker species. The southern zonation for the Pleistocene relies on the occurrence of species of the genus Rouxia, R. leventerae and R. constricta n. sp. as well as on a revised last occurrence datum (LOD) of Actinocyclus ingens (0.38 Ma, late marine isotope stage (MIS) 11). The use of these new stratigraphic marker species refines the temporal resolution for biostratigraphic age assignment to up to 0.1 Myr. In particular the LOD of R. leventerae as an indicator for the MIS 6/5 boundary (Termination II) will improve future dating of carbonate-free Antarctic sediments. These new data were obtained from sediments of Sites 1093 and 1094 (Antarctic Zone). The northern zonation for the middle and late Pleistocene time interval is based on the Pleistocene abundance pattern of Hemidiscus karstenii which was already proposed by previous investigations (e.g. Gersonde and Barcena, 1998). One new species (R. constricta) and two new combinations (Fragilariopsis clementia, Fragilariopsis reinholdii) are proposed in this study.


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Magnetic polarity stratigraphies from ODP Leg 177 'high resolution' sites indicate Brunhes sedimentation rates in the 12-25 cm/kyr range, with a trend of decreasing sedimentation rates with increasing age. Magnetite is the principal remanence-carrying mineral. Downcore alteration of magnetite and authigenic growth of iron sulfides introduces a high coercivity diagenetic remanence carrier (pyrrhotite). The change in pore water sulfate with depth in the sediment tends to be in step with the decrease in magnetization intensity, indicating the link between sulfate reduction and magnetite dissolution. Shipboard pass-through magnetometer data are generally very noisy due to a combination of weak magnetization intensities, drilling-related core deformation, and the influence of authigenic iron sulfides. Post-cruise progressive demagnetization of discrete samples aids the magnetostratigraphic interpretation, as these measurements are less influenced by low magnetization intensities and drilling-related deformation. The magnetostratigraphic interpretations provide much-needed calibration for biostratigraphic events in the high latitude southern oceans. Apart from the ODP Hole 745B (Kerguelen Plateau), published Plio-Pleistocene magnetostratigraphies from ODP sites in the Southern Ocean are poorly constrained. For this reason, we compare interpolated ages of 11 radiolarian events and one diatom event that occur at Hole 745B and Leg 177 sites.