1000 resultados para 175-1084


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As a result of both culture and sediment core studies, the ratio of germanium (Ge) to silicon (Si) in diatom shells has been proposed as a proxy for monitoring whole-ocean changes in seawater Ge/Si, a ratio affected by changes in continental weathering. However, because of the difficulties of extracting and cleaning diatom frustules from deep-sea sediments, only samples from highly pure diatom oozes in the Antarctic region have been previously analyzed. Here we present data on diatom Ge/Si ratios, (Ge/Si)opal, for the time interval between 3.1 and 1.9 Ma from a mid-latitude, coastal upwelling area where significant terrigenous sediment input complicated the sample processing and analyses. In general, our (Ge/Si)opal values show the same decreasing trend after 2.6 Ma than previously measured in Antarctic sediments (Shemesh et al., 1989. Paleoceanography 4, 221-231), but with a noisier background that may reflect the local imprint of proximal continental input superimposed upon global changes in the ocean reservoir. The time of initiation of large-scale North Hemisphere glaciation at ~2.6 Ma is characterized by a declining pattern of diatom Ge/Si ratios, which could have resulted from a global increase in the input of riverine Si due to enhanced silica weathering and/or equatorward (northward) intrusions of subantarctic waters enriched in silica. High (Ge/Si)opal ratios are associated with high opal contents from the same sediment samples and with warm climate as indicated by depleted benthic foraminiferal d18O values from the North and Equatorial Atlantic. Cold periods signified by enriched benthic d18O values, on the contrary, are associated with lower (Ge/Si)opal ratios. We interpret diatom Ge/Si values to reflect the prevailing weathering state on the continents, with greater chemical weathering during warm and wet periods of the Pliocene and less during cooler and drier intervals.


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An important discovery during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175, when investigating the record of upwelling off Namibia, was the finding of a distinct Late Pliocene diatom maximum spanning the lower half of the Matuyama reversed polarity chron (MDM, Matuyama Diatom Maximum) and centered around 2.6-2.0 Ma. This maximum was observed at all sites off southwestern Africa between 20°S and 30°S, and is most strongly represented in sediments of Site 1084, off Lüderitz, Namibia. The MDM is characterized by high biogenic opal content, high numbers of diatom valves, and a diatom flora rich in Southern Ocean representatives (with Thalassiothrix antarctica forming diatom mats) as well as coastal upwelling components. Before MDM time, diatoms are rare until ca. 3.6 Ma. After the MDM, in the Pleistocene, the composition of the diatom flora points to increased importance of coastal upwelling toward the present, but is accompanied by a general decrease in opal and diatom deposition. Here we present a simple conceptual model as a first step in formalizing a possible forcing mechanism responsible for the record of opal deposition in the upwelling system off Namibia. The model takes into account Southern Ocean oceanography, and a link with deepwater circulation and deepwater nutrient chemistry which, in turn, are coupled to the evolution of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). The model proposes that between the MDM and the Mid-Pleistocene climate revolution, opal deposition off Namibia is not directly tied to glacial-interglacial fluctuations (as seen in the global d18O record), but that, instead, a strong deepwater link exists with increased NADW production (as seen in the deepwater d13C record) accounting for higher supply of silicate to the thermocline waters that feed the upwelling process. The opal record of Site 1084 shows affinity to eccentricity on the 400-kyr scale but not for the 100-kyr scale. This points toward long-term geologic processes for delivery of silica to the ocean.


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The Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175 recovered a unique series of stratigraphically continuous sedimentary sections along the SW African margin, an area which is presently affected by active coastal upwelling. The accumulation rates of organic and inorganic carbon are a major component of this record. Four Leg 175 sites (1082, 1084, 1085, 1087) are chosen as part of a latitudinal transect from the present northern to southern boundaries of the Benguela Current upwelling system, to decipher the Pliocene-Pleistocene history of biogenic production and its relationship with global and local changes in oceanic circulation and climate. The pattern of CaCO3 and Corg mass accumulation rates (MARs) over 0.25-Myr intervals indicates that the evolution of carbon burial is highly variable between the northern and the southern Benguela regions, as well as between sites that have similar hydrological conditions. This, as well as the presence over most locations of high-amplitude, rapid changes of carbon burial, reflect the partitioning of biogenic production and patterns of sedimentation into local compartments over the Benguela margin. The combined mapping of CaCO3 and Corg MARs at the study locations suggests four distinct evolutionary periods, which are essentially linked with major steps in global climate change: the early Pliocene, the mid-Pliocene warm event, a late Pliocene intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation and the Pleistocene. The early Pliocene spatially heterogeneous patterns of carbon burial are thought to reflect the occurrence of mass-gravitational movements over the Benguela slope which resulted in disruption of the recorded biogenic production. This was followed (3.5-3 Ma) by an episode of peak carbonate accumulation over the whole margin and, subsequently, by the onset of Benguela provincialism into a northern and a southern sedimentary regime near 2 Ma. This mid and late Pliocene evolution is interpreted as a direct response to changes in the ventilation of bottom and intermediate waters, as well as to dynamics of the subtropical gyral circulation and associated wind stress.


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We examine the link between organic matter degradation, anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO), and sulfate depletion and explore how these processes potentially influence dolomitization. We determined rates and depths of AMO and dolomite formation for a variety of organic-rich sites along the west African Margin using data from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 175. Rates of AMO are calculated from the diffusive fluxes of CH4 and SO4, and rates of dolomite formation are calculated from the diffusive flux of Mg. We find that the rates of dolomite formation are relatively constant regardless of the depth at which it is forming, indicating that the diffusive fluxes of Mg and Ca are not limiting. Based upon the calculated log IAP values, log K(sp) values for dolomite were found to narrowly range between -16.1 and -16.4. Dolomite formation is controlled in part by competition between AMO and methanogenesis, which controls the speciation of dissolved CO2. AMO increases the concentration of CO3[2-] through sulfate reduction, favoring dolomite formation, while methanogenesis increases the pCO2 of the pore waters, inhibiting dolomite formation. By regulating the pCO2 and alkalinity, methanogenesis and AMO can regulate the formation of dolomite in organic-rich marine sediments. In addition to providing a mechanistic link between AMO and dolomite formation, our findings provide a method by which the stability constant of dolomite can be calculated in modern sediments and allow prediction of regions and depth domains in which dolomite may be forming.


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We compare a compilation of 220 sediment core d13C data from the glacial Atlantic Ocean with three-dimensional ocean circulation simulations including a marine carbon cycle model. The carbon cycle model employs circulation fields which were derived from previous climate simulations. All sediment data have been thoroughly quality controlled, focusing on epibenthic foraminiferal species (such as Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi or Planulina ariminensis) to improve the comparability of model and sediment core carbon isotopes. The model captures the general d13C pattern indicated by present-day water column data and Late Holocene sediment cores but underestimates intermediate and deep water values in the South Atlantic. The best agreement with glacial reconstructions is obtained for a model scenario with an altered freshwater balance in the Southern Ocean that mimics enhanced northward sea ice export and melting away from the zone of sea ice production. This results in a shoaled and weakened North Atlantic Deep Water flow and intensified Antarctic Bottom Water export, hence confirming previous reconstructions from paleoproxy records. Moreover, the modeled abyssal ocean is very cold and very saline, which is in line with other proxy data evidence.


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Distinctive light-dark color cycles in sediment beneath the Benguela Current Upwelling System indicate repetitive alternations in sediment delivery and deposition. Geochemical proxies for paleoproductivity and for depositional conditions were employed to investigate the paleoceanographic processes involved in creating these cycles in three mid-Pleistocene intervals from ODP Sites 1082 and 1084. Concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC) vary between 3.5 and 17.1%. Concentrations of CaCO3 vary inversely to TOC and Al, which suggests that both carbonate dissolution and terrigenous dilution contribute to the light-dark cycles. Opal concentrations are independent of both TOC and CaCO3, therefore eliminating diatom production and lateral transport of shelf material as causes of the light-dark cycles. d13Corg and d15Ntot values do not vary across light-dark sediment intervals, implying that the extent of relative nutrient utilization did not change. The stable d15Ntot values represent a balanced change in nitrate supply and export production and therefore indicate that productivity was elevated during deposition of the TOC-rich layers. Parallel changes in concentrations of indicator trace elements and TOC imply that changes in organic matter delivery influenced geochemical processes on the seafloor by controlling consumption of pore water oxygen. Cu, Ni, and Zn are enriched in the darker sediment as a consequence of greater organic matter delivery. Redox-sensitive metals vary due to loss (Mn and Ba) or enrichment (Mo) under reducing conditions created by TOC oxidation. Organic matter delivery impacts subsequent geochemical changes such as carbonate dissolution, sulfate reduction and the concentration of metals. Thus, export production is considered ultimately responsible for the generation of the color cycles.


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