990 resultados para 172-1064
Background: This open-label, randomised phase III study was designed to further investigate the clinical activity and safety of SRL172 (killed Mycobacterium vaccae suspension) with chemotherapy in the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Patients and methods: Patients were randomised to receive platinum-based chemotherapy, consisting of up to six cycles of MVP (mitomycin, vinblastine and cisplatin or carboplatin) with (210 patients) or without (209 patients) monthly SRL172. Results: There was no statistical difference between the two groups in overall survival (primary efficacy end point) over the course of the study (median overall survival of 223 days versus 225 days; P = 0.65). However, a higher proportion of patients were alive at the end of the 15-week treatment phase in the chemotherapy plus SRL172 group (90%), than in the chemotherapy alone group (83%) (P = 0.061). At the end of the treatment phase, the response rate was 37% in the combined group and 33% in the chemotherapy alone group. Patients in the chemotherapy alone group had greater deterioration in their Global Health Status score (-14.3) than patients in the chemotherapy plus SRL172 group (-6.6) (P = 0.02). Conclusion: In this non-placebo controlled trial, SRL172 when added to standard cancer chemotherapy significantly improved patient quality of life without affecting overall survival times. © 2004 European Society for Medical Oncology.
Contenido: Naturaleza del conocimiento humano : el significado de la abstracción en Santo Tomás (II) / Octavio Nicolás Derisi – Nacimiento, vida y transfiguración del filósofo griego / Cesáreo López Salgado – La transformación ockhamista de la teoría de la suposición / Ignacio Miralbell – La noción de lugar en Guillermo de Ockham / Olga L. Larre ; J. E. Bolzán – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía
O chamado Grupo dos Trinta e Dois Constituintes revisou o projeto de Constituição, do Relator Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM), e reduziu o texto para duzentos e cinquenta artigos. O Deputado Israel Pinheiro (PMDB-MG) declara que o texto constitucional ficou mais organizado, mais articulado, após a revisão. Não houve preocupação em tocar nos pontos polêmicos do projeto, mas apenas de enxugar o texto original, deixando para a lei ordinária o que não é constitucional. O Senador Virgílio Távora (PDS-CE) considera que foi uma tentativa válida de auxílio. O Deputado Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB-SP), a quem foi entregue a nova versão, considerou que é uma contribuição importante, assim como outras tantas que chegarão. Balanço da primeira semana de entrega das emendas populares a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). Representantes de empregados em empresas de telecomunicações de todo o país entregam emenda na qual pedem a manutenção do monopólio estatal nos serviços de telecomunicação e a criação do Conselho Nacional de Comunicação, que garanta a cada brasileiro o direito à informação livre e sem censura. Representantes das cooperativas entregam emenda na qual pedem a auto-gestão dos seus negócios, o ensino do cooperativismo e a isenção de impostos. Roberto Rodrigues, representante das cooperados, diz que quando a cooperativa vende algum insumo para o cooperado, cobrando dele um diferencial referente ao custo operacional da cooperativa, não pode haver incidência de imposto. O Deputado Ivo Vanderlinde (PMDB-SC) considera positivo o fortalecimento do cooperativismo. O Deputado Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) mostra entusiasmo ao receber as emendas populares. Fernando Gabeira, jornalista e escritor, convoca o povo a participar.
Parlamentares de todos os partidos procuram o consenso em torno do projeto de Constituição. O Deputado Israel Pinheiro Filho (PMDB-MG) esclarece que a preocupação é encontrar um texto constitucional que seja mais reduzido, mais enxuto, mas que represente a vontade da sociedade brasileira. Pacifistas denunciam a fabricação indiscriminada de armas nucleares, quarenta e dois anos após a Bomba de Hiroshima. O atual projeto de Constituição admite o uso da energia nuclear somente para fins pacíficos. O Deputado Fabio Feldmann (PMDB-SP) esclarece que muitas pessoas defendem a bomba atômica como um instrumento da paz, o que é um claro absurdo. Ele apoia a emenda popular proposta pela Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência (SBPC) que proíbe a bomba atômica brasileira. Sessão Extraordinária da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) debateu a Reforma Agrária. O Deputado Roberto Jefferson (PTB-RJ) criticou a esquerda e considera que a distinção entre terras improdutivas e terras inexploradas deve ser feita pela justiça, pois a violência inviabilizará a Reforma Agrária. O Deputado Aldo Arantes (PC do B-GO) afirma que o atual projeto é a expressão da vontade dos latifundiários e propõe limite ao tamanho das propriedades rurais.
In an optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) laser system, residual phase dispersion should be compensated as much as possible to shorten the amplified pulses and improve the pulse contrast ratio. Expressions of orders of the induced phases in collinear optical parametric amplification (OPA) processes are presented at the central signal wavelength to depict a clear physics picture and to simplify the design of phase compensation. As examples, we simulate two OPCPA systems to compensate for the phases up to the partial fourth-order terms, and obtain flat phase spectra of 200-nm bandwidth at 1064 nm and 90-nm at 800 nm.
A compact 10-TW/100-fs level ultrashort-pulse and ultra-intense laser system at 1064 nm based on optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) scheme is described, at which the pump and seed for the optical parametric amplification (OPA) process is optically synchronized. We investigated the output stability and the conversion efficiency of the system. Moreover, a design toward higher peak power output is given and an optically synchronized amplifier based on the concept of OPCPA at 800 nm is preliminarily explored.
The laser-induced damage (LID) behavior of narrow-band interference filters was investigated with a Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm under single-pulse mode and free-running mode. The absorption measurement of such coatings was performed with surface thermal lensing (STL) technique. The damage morphologies under the two different laser modes were also studied in detail. It was found that all the filters exhibited a pass-band-center-dependent absorption and laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) behavior, but the damage morphologies were diverse. The explanation was given with the analysis of the electric field distribution and the operational behavior of the irradiation laser. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ta2O5膜采用传统的电子束蒸发方法制备,并在氧气中673 K的条件下进行了退火12 h处理。首先在1-on-1体系下对Ta2O5膜进行了532和1064 nm波长下的激光损伤阈值(LIDT) 研究,然后在n-on-1体系下分别对532,800和1064 nm三种波长下的激光损伤阈值进行了研究。结果表明在n-on-1体系下Ta2O5膜在532和1064 nm波长下的阈值均高于1-on-1体系下的阈值。此外,在n-on-1体系下,薄膜的阈值随波长增加而增大。同时发现,在氧气中进行退火对Ta2O5膜的光学性能
We investigate the influence of vacuum organic contaminations on laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of optical coatings. Anti-reflective (AR) coatings at 1064 nm made by Ta2O5/SiO2 are deposited by the ion beam sputtering method. The LIDTs of AR coatings are measured in vacuum and in atmosphere, respectively. It is exhibited that contaminations in vacuum are easily to be absorbed onto optical surface because of lower pressure, and they become origins of damage, resulting in the decrease of LIDT from 24.5 J/cm(2) in air to 15.7 J/cm(2) in vacuum. The LIDT of coatings in vacuum has is slightly changed compared with the value in atmosphere after the organic contaminations are wiped off. These results indicate that organic contaminations are the main reason of the LIDT decrease in vacuum. Additionally, damage morphologies have distinct changes from vacuum to atmosphere because of the differences between the residual stress and thermal decomposability of filmy materials.
采用电子束蒸发方式制备了两种不同材料组合的分光膜,分别对其在波长1064 nm激光辐照下的损伤阈值进行了测试,用Alpha-Step 500台阶仪对破斑进行了深度测量。实验结果表明,破斑呈现出表面层的剥落和深坑破坏两种形态。表面层的剥落深度在一定范围内不随能量密度的变化而变化;深坑破坏深浅不一,是膜内缺陷融化、汽化及喷发的综合作用的结果,是损伤阈值降低的主要原因。
采用矢量法设计了三硼酸锂晶体上1064 nm、532 nm和355 nm三倍频增透膜,结果表明1064 nm、532 nm和355 nm波长的剩余反射率分别为0.0017%、0.0002%和0.0013%。根据误差分析,薄膜制备时沉积速率精度控制在+5.5%时,1064 nm、532 nm和355 nm波长的剩余反射率分别增加至0.20%、0.84%和1.89%。当材料折射率的变化控制在+3%时,1064 nm处的剩余反射率增大为0.20%,532 nm和355 nm处分别达0.88%和0.24%。与薄膜