1000 resultados para 163-990
Results of 40Ar-39Ar Ar dating constrain the age of the submerged volcanic succession, part of the seaward-dipping reflector sequence of the Southeast Greenland volcanic rifted margin, recovered during Leg 163. At the 63ºN drilling transect, the fully normally magnetized volcanic units at Holes 989B (Unit 1) and 990A (Units 1 and 2) are dated at 57.1 ± 1.3 Ma and 55.6 ± 0.6 Ma, respectively. This correlates with a common magnetochron, C25n. The underlying, reversely magnetized lavas at Hole 990A (Units 3-13) yield an average age of 55.8 ± 0.7 Ma and may correlate with C25r. The argon data, however, are also consistent with eruption of the lavas at Site 990 during the very earliest portion of C24. If so, the normally polarized units have to be correlated to a cryptochron (e.g., C24r-11 at ~55.57 Ma). The lavas at Holes 989B and 990A have typical oceanic compositions, implying that final plate separation between Greenland and northwest Europe took place at ~56 Ma. The age for Hole 989B lava is younger than expected from the seismic interpretations, posing questions about the structural evolution of the margin. An age of 49.6 ± 0.2 Ma for the basaltic lava at Site 988 (~66ºN) points to the importance of postbreakup tholeiitic magmatism at the rifted margin. Together with results from Leg 152, a virtually complete time frame for ~12 m.y. of pre-, syn-, and postbreakup volcanism during rifted margin evolution in Southeast Greenland can now be assembled. This time frame includes continental type volcanism at ~61-60 Ma, synbreakup volcanism beginning at ~57 Ma, and postbreakup volcanism at ~49.6 Ma. These discrete time windows coincide with distinct periods of tholeiitic magmatism from the onshore East Greenland Tertiary Igneous Province and is consistent with discrete mantle-melting events triggered by plume arrival (~61-60 Ma) under central Greenland, continental breakup (~57-54 Ma), and passage of the plume axis beneath the East Greenland rifted margin after breakup (~50-49 Ma), respectively.
Thirty-five samples from the drill core of the three Leg 163 sites (Sites 988, 989, and 990) off the southeast coast of Greenland were analyzed for 27 major, minor, and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and for 25 trace elements, including 14 rare-earth elements (REEs), by an inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometer (ICP/MS). Sr- and Nd-isotope data are reported for seven samples and oxygen-isotope data are reported for 19 plagioclase separates. In addition, a reconnaissance survey of the composition of the main mineral phases, plagioclase, pyroxene, and oxides was determined on an electron microprobe to provide the basic information required for petrogenetic modeling. Olivine pseudomorphs are present in many of the samples, but in no case was an olivine grain found that was fresh enough to give a reliable analysis. The chemical and isotopic data recorded here were determined to provide a comparison with the larger data sets acquired by the Edinburgh, Copenhagen, and Leicester laboratories from both Legs 152 and 163 drill cores. This will permit a detailed comparison of the North Atlantic flood basalt province as a whole with the better known Columbia River, Deccan, and Karoo continental flood basalt provinces, for which substantial chemical data sets are already available at Washington State University.
Seismic velocities in rocks are influenced by the properties of the solid, the pore fluid, and the pore space. Cracks dramatically affect seismic velocities in rocks; their influence on the effective elastic moduli of rocks depends on their shape and concentration. Thin cracks (or fractures) substantially lower the moduli of a rock relative to the effect of spherical voids (or vesicles), and lower moduli are reflected by lower P- and S-wave velocities. The objective of this research is to determine the types and concentrations of cracks and their influence on the seismic properties of subaerially erupted basalts drilled from Hole 990A on the Southeast Greenland margin during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 163. Ellipsoidal cracks are used to model the voids in the rocks. The elastic moduli of the solid (grains) are also free parameters in the inverse modeling procedure. The apparent grain moduli reflect a weighted average of the moduli of the constituent minerals (e.g., plagioclase, augite, and clay minerals). The results indicate that (1) there is a strong relationship between P-wave velocity and porosity, suggesting a similarity of pore shape distributions, (2) the distribution of crack types within the massive, central region of aa flows from Hole 990A is independent of total porosity, (3) thin cracks are the first to be effectively sealed by alteration products, and (4) grain densities (an alteration index) and apparent grain moduli of the basalt samples are directly related.
Voluminous, subaerial magmatism resulted in the formation of extensive seaward-dipping reflector sequences (SDRS) along the Paleogene Southeast Greenland rifted margin. Drilling during Leg 163 recovered basalts from the SDRS at 66ºN (Site 988) and 63ºN (Sites 989 and 990). The basalt from Site 988 is light rare-earth-element (REE) enriched (La(n)/Yb(n) = 3.4), with epsilon-Nd(t=60) = 5.3, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7034, and 206Pb/204Pb = 17.98. It is similar to tholeiites recovered from the Irminger Basin during Leg 49 and to light-REE-enriched tholeiites from Iceland. Drilling at Site 989, the innermost of the sites on the 63ºN transect, was proposed to extend recovery of the earliest part of the SDRS initiated during Leg 152. These basalts are, however, younger than those from Site 917 and are compositionally similar to basalts from the more seaward Sites 990 and 915. Many of the basalts from Sites 989 and 990 show evidence of contamination by continental crust (e.g., epsilon-Nd(t=60) extends down to -3.7, 206Pb/204Pb extends down to 15.1). We suggest that the contaminant is a mixture of Archean granulite and amphibolite and that the most contaminated basalts have assimilated ~5% of crust. Uncontaminated basalts are isotopically similar to basalts from Site 918, on the main body of the SDRS, and are light-REE depleted. Consistent with previous models of the development of this margin, we show that at the time of formation of the basalts from Sites 989 and 990 (1) melting was at relatively shallow levels in a fully-fledged rift zone; (2) fragments of continental crust were present in the lithosphere above the zones of melt generation; and (3) the sublithospheric mantle was dominated by a depleted Icelandic plume component.
Ocean Drilling Program Hole 990A penetrated 131 m of subaerially emplaced Paleocene flood basalts on the Southeast Greenland margin with a recovery of 74%. Shipboard P-wave velocity (Vp), density, and magnetic susceptibility were measured with 2- to 15-cm intervals on the core. Individual flow units were divided into four zones based on the observed petrophysical characteristics. From the top, these are Zone I (<7 m thick with a Vp of ~2.5 km/s), Zone II (3-5 m thick with a strongly increasing Vp from 2.5 to 5.5 km/s), Zone III (up to 20 m thick with a Vp of ~5.5-6.0 km/s), and Zone IV (<2 m thick with a strongly decreasing Vp from 6.0 to 2.5 km/s). Eighteen samples were selected from three of the fourteen penetrated basalt units for geochemical, petrological, and petrophysical studies focusing on the altered, low-velocity upper lava Zones I and II. Zone I is strongly altered to >50% clay minerals (smectite) and iron hydroxides, and the petrophysical properties are primarily determined by the clay properties. Zone II is intermediately altered with 5%-20% clay minerals, where the petrophysical properties are a function of both the degree of alteration and porosity variations. Shipboard and shore-based measurements of the same samples show that storage permanently lowers the elastic moduli of basalt from Zones I to III. This is related to the presence of even small quantities of swelling clays. The data show that alteration processes are important in determining the overall seismic properties of flood basalt constructions. The degree and depth of alteration is dependent on the primary lava flow emplacement structures and environment. Thus, the interplay of primary emplacement and secondary alteration structures determine the elastic properties of basalt piles. Rock property theories for sand-clay systems are further used to model the physical property variations in these altered crystalline rocks.
We performed a clinico-pathological study of 163 untreated cases of chronic hepatitis C. Eighty five percent of the patients were clinically asymptomatic and their physical examinations sbowed unremarkable or minimal changes at the time of the liver biopsy Liver function tests tended to present slight abnormalities, involving mild elevations of the activity of the aminotransferases and gamma-glutamil transferase levels. In spite of these mild abnormalities advanced chronic liver disease ivas histologically detected in eighty nine percent of the patients, mainly showing chronic active hepatitis. The most characteristic histological finding ivas an interlobular bile duct damage which correlated with the presence of tymphoid aggregates in the portal tracts and with the development of fibrosis.
Haematological cancers in adults include a range of diseases including leukaemias, lymphomas and myeloma, all of which differ in diagnosis and management. Collectively they account for about 1 in 14 cancers. This guidance provides a profile of the major haematological malignancies with brief reference to relevant epidemiological factors and management implications. It emphasises the collaborative and specialised nature of the clinical haematology service currently being delivered in the Cancer Centre and Cancer Units on a hub and spoke basis. The guidance sets out recommendations aimed at strengthening the current clinical service, which should continue to operate as a network, facilitating rapid referrals and the use of shared protocols. Specifically, it recommends that patients should be managed by a multi-disciplinary approach and that the provision of diagnostic facilities including radiological and cytogenetic analysis must be sufficient to provide high quality and timely information. åÊ
Au haut du fol. 1, une main du XIVe s. a écrit: Pos. fratris. Jo. Petri.
Deux sphinx, scènes d’embaumement, motifs décoratifs, une formule funéraire.
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade da recria de novilhas leiteiras em pastagens de inverno puras ou consorciadas, sob sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária. O experimento foi realizado no Município de Castro, PR. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial, com duas categorias de animais - leves, com 192±40,9 kg, e pesados, com 278±41,2 kg -, e dois tipos de pastagem: consorciada, composta de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum), aveia-preta (Avena strigosa), trevo branco (Trifolium repens) e trevo vermelho (Trifolium pratense); e pastagem pura de azevém anual. Foi utilizado o método de pastoreio contínuo com lotação variável, com altura de manejo de 20 cm. A pastagem com azevém anual proporcionou ganho de peso médio diário significativamente superior (0,93±0,032 kg por dia por animal) ao da pastagem consorciada (0,79±0,032 kg por dia por animal). Os animais leves apresentaram maior ganho de peso por hectare (3,54±0,163 kg ha-1 por dia) do que os pesados (2,99±0,163 kg ha-1 por dia), o que foi influenciado pelo tipo de pastagem: animais leves apresentaram melhor desempenho em pastagem pura, e animais pesados em pastagem consorciada. A recria de novilhas leiteiras é viável durante a fase de pastagens de sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária.