991 resultados para 159-960


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Radiolarian cherts in the Tethyan realm of Jurassic age were recently interpreted as resulting from high biosiliceous productivity along upwelling zones in subequatorial paleolatitudes the locations of which were confirmed by revised paleomagnetic estimates. However, the widespread occurrence of cherts in the Eocene suggests that cherts may not always be reliable proxies of latitude and upwelling zones. In a new survey of the global spatio-temporal distribution of Cenozoic cherts in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sediment cores, we found that cherts occur most frequently in the Paleocene and early Eocene, with a peak in occurrences at ~50 Ma that is coincident with the time of highest bottom water temperatures of the early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) when the global ocean was presumably characterized by reduced upwelling efficiency and biosiliceous productivity. Cherts occur less commonly during the subsequent Eocene global cooling trend. Primary paleoclimatic factors rather than secondary diagenetic processes seem therefore to control chert formation. This timing of peak Eocene chert occurrence, which is supported by detailed stratigraphic correlations, contradicts currently accepted models that involve an initial loading of large amounts of dissolved silica from enhanced weathering and/or volcanism in a supposedly sluggish ocean of the EECO, followed during the subsequent middle Eocene global cooling by more vigorous oceanic circulation and consequent upwelling that made this silica reservoir available for enhanced biosilicification, with the formation of chert as a result of biosilica transformation during diagenesis. Instead, we suggest that basin-basin fractionation by deep-sea circulation could have raised the concentration of EECO dissolved silica especially in the North Atlantic, where an alternative mode of silica burial involving widespread direct precipitation and/or absorption of silica by clay minerals could have been operative in order to maintain balance between silica input and output during the upwelling-deficient conditions of the EECO. Cherts may therefore not always be proxies of biosiliceous productivity associated with latitudinally focused upwelling zones.


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Analyses of the palynofacies and sporomorph thermal alteration indices (TAI) of sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 959 to 962 in the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana Transform Margin, West Africa were undertaken to (1) determine the source and depositional conditions of the organic matter in the sediments, (2) refine a paleobathymetric curve derived from other data for Site 959, which drilled the most continuous sedimentary sequence from Pleistocene to Albian and (3) interpret the paleothermal history of the area. Twelve types of dispersed organic matter were identified: amorphous organic matter (AOM), marine palynomorphs, algae, resins, black debris, yellow-brown fragments, black-brown fragments, cuticles, plant tissue, wood, sporomorphs and fungi, The relative abundances of these organic matter components at each site were analyzed using cluster analysis, resulting in the identification of seven palynofacies assemblages at Site 959, five each at sites 960 and 961, and four at Site 962. Amorphous organic matter (which is chiefly marine derived), black debris and wood have played the most significant role in defining palynofacies assemblages. The palynofacies assemblages show some correlation with lithologic units, sediment sources and depositional environments. Previous palynofacies studies in passive margins have demonstrated that changes in the ratio of AOM to terrestrial organic matter are related primarily to proximal-distal positions of depositional environments relative to the shoreline. However, this assumption does not always hold true for a transform margin where tectonic factors play an important role in the organic matter distribution, at least in the early stages of evolution. Lithofacies, CCD paleodepths for the North Atlantic, trace fossil association, benthic foraminifera and palynofacies data were the criteria used for reconstructing a paleobathymetric curve for Site 959. A cyclicity in the organic matter distribution of the Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene pelagic sediments could be related to fluctuations in productivity of biosiliceous and calcareous organisms, and sedimentation rates. A drastic increase in the amount of AOM and a decrease in black debris and wood in the carbonate and clastic rocks (Lithologic Unit IV) overlying the tectonized Albian sediments (Lithologic Unit V) at Sites 959 and 960 coincide with the presence of an unconformity. Qualitative color analysis of palynomorphs was undertaken for all sites, although the main focus was on Site 959 where detailed organic geochemical data were available. At Site 959, TAI values indicate an immature stage of organic maturation (<2) down to the black claystones of Lithologic Unit III at about 918.47 mbsf. Below this, samples show an increase with depth to a moderately mature stage (>2 except for the claystone samples between 1012.52 and 1036.5 mbsf, and one limestone sample at 1043.4 mbsf), reaching peak levels of 2.58 to 3.0 in the tectonized Albian sediments below the unconformity. These TAI values show a positive correlation with the Tma x values derived from Rock-Eval pyrolysis data. The highest values recorded in the basal tectonized units at all the sites (Sites 960-962 have mean values between 2.25 and 3.13) may be related to high heat flow during the intracontinental to syntransform basin stage in the region.


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Está pronto o calendário das sessões extraordinárias para o debate dos temas polêmicos da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte. O Deputado Bocayuva Cunha (PDT-RJ) espera a participação popular e que a sociedade possa acompanhar a posição dos partidos e dos constituintes em relação aos temas a serem debatidos. O PT quer discutir mais os temas sociais. O Deputado Vladimir Palmeiras (PT-RJ) declara que a bancada terá uma intervenção mais sistemática no Plenário, no sentido de afirmar que a redução da jornada de trabalho e a estabilidade no emprego são pontos essenciais para discussão do texto constitucional. Reunião do Grupo Interpartidário, com representantes do PMDB, PT, PDT, PCB e PFL, buscam o consenso. O Deputado Antonio Brito (PMDB-RS) afirma que a sabedoria de uma Constituinte é tentar estabelecer o que o país tem em comum, para criar uma Constituição duradoura. Na reunião interpartidária, os constituintes debateram os artigos do anteprojeto que tratam da censura, da criação de um conselho de comunicação social e da reforma agrária e definiram dezenove pontos em torno dos quais buscarão uma posição de consenso nas votações em Plenário. O Deputado Roberto Freire (PCB-PE) destaca a importância do diálogo entre os partidos. O Deputado Mário Covas (PMDB-SP) declara que há uma preocupação comum que é a de ter uma Constituição que reflita os anseios da sociedade brasileira. O Deputado Plínio Arruda Sampaio (PT-SP) afirma que há uma intenção dos grupos progressistas de comporem uma grande aliança para que esta Constituição represente um avanço. O Deputado Alceni Guerra (PFL-PR) defende que a Constituição deve representar o que pensa a sociedade brasileira e deve também ser flexível, para que tanto um governo de esquerda como um de direita possa governar o país. O Deputado Antonio Brito (PMDB-RS) ressalta que, pela primeira vez, os partidos estão negociando e que é isto o que deve ser uma Constituinte. Dom Luciano Mendes, Presidente da Confederação Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB), entrega três emendas populares ao Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) Ulysses Guimarães . Dom Luciano ressalta a importância das emendas populares.


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A great deal has been written on the part which birds play in the dispersal of freshwater fauna. This article summarises literature on the dispersal of aquatic animals by birds and aquatic insects.


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Background: A single case of paternal co-transmission ofmitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in humans has been reported so far. Objective: To find potential instances of non-maternal inheritance of mtDNA. Methods: Published medical case studies (of single patients) were searched for irregular mtDNA patterns by comparing the given haplotype information for different clones or tissues with the worldwide mtDNA database as known to date-a method that has proved robust and reliable for the detection of flawed mtDNA sequence data. Results: More than 20 studies were found reporting clear cut instances with mtDNAs of different ancestries in single individuals. As examples, cases are reviewed from recent published reports which, at face value, may be taken as evidence for paternal inheritance of mtDNA or recombination. Conclusions: Multiple types (or recombinant types) of quite dissimilar mitochondrial DNA from different parts of the known mtDNA phylogeny are often reported in single individuals. From re-analyses and corrigenda of forensic mtDNA data, it is apparent that the phenomenon of mixed or mosaic mtDNA can be ascribed solely to contamination and sample mix up.


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本研究利用扫描电镜、透射电镜及光镜首次对我国特有的灵长类动物藏酋猴的精子形态结构进行了观察研究. 藏酋猴精子在大体结构上, 如头的形状、顶体大小、核的结构等, 与猕猴属其它种类相似, 其主要特征是顶体发达. 总长(79.96±0.29μm)及头长(5.97±0.05μm)、尾中段(11.98±O.05μm)与尾主段的长度(62.01±0.32μm)与红面猴(Macaca arctoides)及猕猴属其它种类存在明显差异(P<0.001). 结果表明藏酋猴与红面猴应分属于不同的种组, 与 Fooden 关于藏酋猴分类的结论一致。


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以探讨添加脂肪酸钙对放牧肉牛(婆罗门和BMY)超数排卵效果及血中雌二醇(E2)和孕酮(P4)水平的影响为目的.将48头供体分为Ⅰ(放牧或对照组)、Ⅱ(放牧+浓缩饲料500 g/d)和Ⅲ(放牧+浓缩饲料500 g/d+脂肪酸钙100 g/d)3组,从同期发情处理开始到冲胚结束试验期32 d,并对供体牛在8个处理时段进行采血,用放射免疫分析法(RIA)分析E2和P4水平.试验结果表明:Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ组供体牛超数排卵的排卵率分别为75.4%,74.4%和81.7%(P>0.05),受精率分别为81.4%,55.6%和93.2%(P>0.05);获胚(卵)数分别为7.0枚,6.3枚和7.3枚(P>0.05),可用胚数分别为3.9枚,2.6枚和4.7枚,Ⅲ组显著高于Ⅱ组(P<0.05);E2平均水平分别为0.57 pg/mL,0.47 pg/mL和0.63 pg/mL(P>0.05),P4平均水平分别为3.53 ng/mL,5.03 ng/mL和3.74 ng/mL,Ⅱ组高于Ⅰ,Ⅲ组(P<0.01).表明适量添加脂肪酸钙能改善全放牧肉牛的营养、增强体质,促进排卵与受精,增加超数排卵的可用胚数;能使供体牛的E2和P4水平比对照组有所提高;添加效果冬、春季优于夏、秋季.


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RNA hairpins containing UNCG, GNRA, CUUG (N = A, U, C or G, R = G or A) loops are unusually thermodynamic stable and conserved structures. The structural features of these hairpin loops are very special, and they play very important roles in vivo. They are prevalent in rRNA, catalytic RNA and non-coding mRNA. However, the 5' C(UUCG)G 3' hairpin is not found in the folding structure of 88 human mRNA coding regions. It is also different from rRNA in that there is no preference for certain sequences among tetraloops in these 88 mRNA folding structures.


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The methane hydration process is investigated in a semi-continuous stirred tank reactor. Liquid temperatures and reaction rates without stirrer are compared with those occurring with stirrer, while at the same time better stirring conditions of the methane hydration process are given by the experiments. Some basic data of fluid mechanics, for example, stirring Reynolds number, Froucle number and stirrer power, are calculated during the methane hydration process, which can be applied to evaluate stirrer capacity and provide some basic data for a scaled up reactor. Based on experiment and calculations in this work, some conclusions are drawn. First, the stirrer has great influence on the methane hydration process. Batch stirring is helpful to improve the mass transfer and heat transfer performances of the methane hydration process. Second, induction time can be shortened effectively by use of the stirrer. Third, in this paper, the appropriate stirring velocity and stirring time were 320 rpm and 30 min, respectively, at 5.0 MPa, for which the storage capacity and reaction time were 159.1 V/V and 370 min, respectively. Under the condition of the on-flow state, the initial stirring Reynolds number of the fluid and the stirring power were 12,150 and 0.54 W, respectively. Fourth, some suggestions, for example, the use of another type of stirrer or some baffles, are proposed to accelerate the methane hydration process. Comparing with literature data, higher storage capacity and hydration rate are achieved in this work. Moreover, some fluid mechanics parameters are calculated, which can provide some references to engineering application.