1000 resultados para 152.142


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Esta investigación descriptiva, tiene como objetivo presentar el diseño y análisis de la validez de contenido de un instrumento que evalúa el nivel en que se encuentran los elementos modeladores de la percepción de riesgo los cuales se han denominado determinantes. La estrategia metodológica contempló la identificación de estos determinantes, con base en una revisión de estudios y planteamientos realizados por expertos en diferentes campos relacionados con la gestión y percepción del riesgo. Una vez identificados se agruparon en cuatro dimensiones: determinantes vinculados a la persona, los vinculados al entorno, los relacionados con la comprensión del riesgo y los asociados a la organización, a partir de esto se diseñó un instrumento que responde a una serie de ítems sobre cada uno de los cuales se manifiesta el nivel de acuerdo o desacuerdo, utilizando una escala tipo Likert. Se espera que con la información resultado de la aplicación del instrumento se obtenga un perfil de la población analizada, a través de este se podrán definir las áreas foco a intervenir, buscando una percepción de riesgos más adecuada. Finalmente se desarrolló una validación de contenido por expertos, siguiendo el método de validación Delphi.


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The Early–mid Cretaceous marks the confluence of three major continental-scale events in eastern Gondwana: (1) the emplacement of a Silicic Large Igneous Province (LIP) near the continental margin; (2) the volcaniclastic fill, transgression and regression of a major epicontinental seaway developed over at least a quarter of the Australian continent; and (3) epeirogenic uplift, exhumation and continental rupturing culminating in the opening of the Tasman Basin c. 84 Ma. The Whitsunday Silicic LIP event had widespread impact, producing both substantial extrusive volumes of dominantly silicic pyroclastic material and coeval first-cycle volcanogenic sediment that accumulated within many eastern Australian sedimentary basins, and principally in the Great Australian Basin system (>2 Mkm3 combined volume). The final pulse of volcanism and volcanogenic sedimentation at c. 105–95 Ma coincided with epicontinental seaway regression, which shows a lack of correspondence with the global sea-level curve, and alternatively records a wider, continental-scale effect of volcanism and rift tectonism. Widespread igneous underplating related to this LIP event is evident from high paleogeothermal gradients and regional hydrothermal fluid flow detectable in the shallow crust and over a broad region. Enhanced CO2 fluxing through sedimentary basins also records indirectly, large-scale, LIP-related mafic underplating. A discrete episode of rapid crustal cooling and exhumation began c. 100–90 Ma along the length of the eastern Australian margin, related to an enhanced phase of continental rifting that was largely amagmatic, and probably a switch from wide–more narrow rift modes. Along-margin variations in detachment fault architecture produced narrow (SE Australia) and wide continental margins with marginal, submerged continental plateaux (NE Australia). Long-lived NE-trending cross-orogen lineaments controlled the switch from narrow to wide continental margin geometries.


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Background The incidence of malignant mesothelioma is increasing. There is the perception that survival is worse in the UK than in other countries. However, it is important to compare survival in different series based on accurate prognostic data. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Cancer and Leukaemia Group B (CALGB) have recently published prognostic scoring systems. We have assessed the prognostic variables, validated the EORTC and CALGB prognostic groups, and evaluated survival in a series of 142 patients. Methods Case notes of 142 consecutive patients presenting in Leicester since 1988 were reviewed. Univariate analysis of prognostic variables was performed using a Cox proportional hazards regression model. Statistically significant variables were analysed further in a forward, stepwise multivariate model. EORTC and CALGB prognostic groups were derived, Kaplan-Meier survival curves plotted, and survival rates were calculated from life tables. Results Significant poor prognostic factors in univariate analysis included male sex, older age, weight loss, chest pain, poor performance status, low haemoglobin, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, and non-epithelial cell type (p<0.05). The prognostic significance of cell type, haemoglobin, white cell count, performance status, and sex were retained in the multivariate model. Overall median survival was 5.9 (range 0-34.3) months. One and two year survival rates were 21.3% (95% CI 13.9 to 28.7) and 3.5% (0 to 8.5), respectively. Median, one, and two year survival data within prognostic groups in Leicester were equivalent to the EORTC and CALGB series. Survival curves were successfully stratified by the prognostic groups. Conclusions This study validates the EORTC and CALGB prognostic scoring systems which should be used both in the assessment of survival data of series in different countries and in the stratification of patients into randomised clinical studies.


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Background Family members play a crucial role in supporting the recovery of loved ones with psychosis. The journey of recovery is not only traversed by the person experiencing the mental illness but also by their family. Interventions to support these families have traditionally either focused on psychoeducation or addressed problematic interactions or expressed emotion. Family programmes have far less frequently emphasized supporting family members' adjustment to the challenges posed by their relative's disorder or their recovery from associated distress. The study compared a control condition that received only a psychoeducational booklet (Information) and a condition also receiving a correspondence-based interactive recovery-oriented intervention (Connections). The Connections group was expected to show greater improvements in recovery knowledge, well-being, experiences of caregiving, hopefulness and distress. Method A randomized controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of two correspondence-based family interventions delivered to 81 carers of relatives with psychosis. Results Intent-to-treat analyses showed no differential outcomes between conditions, but an analysis of participants who substantially completed their allocated treatment showed that carers receiving Connections had significantly more improvements in well-being, positive experiences of caregiving and distress. Conclusions Correspondence interventions that support carer's recovery may result in more positive mental health for those who complete key elements of the programme compared with information alone. However, many carers do not complete a correspondence programme and this may limit its impact.


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This study explores the effect of trade openness on deforestation. Previous studies do not find a clear effect of trade openness on deforestation. We use updated data on the annual rate of deforestation for 142 countries from 1990 to 2003, treat trade and income as endogenous, and take into consideration an adjustment process by applying a dynamic model. We find that an increase in trade openness increases deforestation for non-OECD countries while slowing down deforestation for OECD countries. There is a possibility that both capital-labor and environmental-regulation effects have a negative impact on deforestation in developing countries, whereas the opposite holds in developed countries. © 2012 Springer Japan.


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Site-specific geotechnical data are always random and variable in space. In the present study, a procedure for quantifying the variability in geotechnical characterization and design parameters is discussed using the site-specific cone tip resistance data (qc) obtained from static cone penetration test (SCPT). The parameters for the spatial variability modeling of geotechnical parameters i.e. (i) existing trend function in the in situ qc data; (ii) second moment statistics i.e. analysis of mean, variance, and auto-correlation structure of the soil strength and stiffness parameters; and (iii) inputs from the spatial correlation analysis, are utilized in the numerical modeling procedures using the finite difference numerical code FLAC 5.0. The influence of consideration of spatially variable soil parameters on the reliability-based geotechnical deign is studied for the two cases i.e. (a) bearing capacity analysis of a shallow foundation resting on a clayey soil, and (b) analysis of stability and deformation pattern of a cohesive-frictional soil slope. The study highlights the procedure for conducting a site-specific study using field test data such as SCPT in geotechnical analysis and demonstrates that a few additional computations involving soil variability provide a better insight into the role of variability in designs.


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ESR investigations at X band and optical-absorption measurements have been reported in single crystals of copper (n) diethyldithiocarbamate Cu[S 2CN(C2H5)2]2 diluted to 0.2% with the corresponding zinc complex. The measurements have been made both at room and liquid-oxygen temperatures. ESR measurements gave the following values for the parameters in spin Hamiltonian g11=2.1085, g=2.023(6), A63= 142.4×10-4 cm-1, A65 = 152.0×10-4 cm-1, B = 22.4×10-4 cm-1, Q~3×10-4 cm-1. Polarized optical absorption study has made possible a proper assignment of the absorption bands to their corresponding transitions. This has led to information regarding the ordering of the MO levels of the complex. The coefficients used in the MO description of the complex have been calculated from the observed parameters. The results show that the metal ligand BIσ bond is purely covalent and that the out-of-plane w bonding is appreciably covalent whereas the in-plane Π bonding is ionic. Further, it is noted that the metal ligand binding is more covalent with sulfur as ligand than with oxygen or nitrogen.


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In a recent work [U. Harbola, B. K. Agrawalla, and S. Mukamel, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 074107 (2014)], we have presented a superoperator (Liouville space) diagrammatic formulation of spontaneous and stimulated optical signals from current-carrying molecular junctions. We computed the diagrams that contribute to the spontaneous light emission SLE (fluorescence and Raman) signal using a diagrammatic method which clearly distinguishes between the Raman and the fluorescence contributions. We pointed out some discrepancies with the work of Galperin, Ratner and Nitzan (GRN) [M. Galperin, M. A. Ratner and, A. Nitzan, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 144109 (2009)]. In their response [M. Galperin, M. A. Ratner and A. Nitzan, “Comment on‘ Frequency-domain stimulated and spontaneous light emission signals at molecular junctions’” [J. Chem. Phys. 141, 074107 (2014)], J. Chem. Phys. 142, 137101 (2015)] to our work, GRN have argued that there are no differences in the choice of Raman diagrams in both works. Here we reply to their points and show where the differences exist.


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Contenido: Itinerario de la inteligencia a la verdad III : la inmaterialidad o el acto constitutivo del conocimiento IV : de la verdad natural a la verdad revelada / Octavio N. Derisi – Estudio sobre la esencia (cont.) / Francisco Ugarte Corcuera -- Aristóteles y las disputas escolásticas del siglo XIII / Omar Argerami – El alma humana o ente intelectual en potencia según Tomás de Aquino / Ricardo Marimón Batlló – La significación de las artes liberales en la educación cristiana / P. H. Randle – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Aspectos fundamentales del conocimiento humano. II. El conocimiento intelectivo / Octavio N. Derisi -- El ser y los entes / Octavio N. Derisi -- Poder y persona en la sociedad humana / Pedro E. Baquero Lazcano -- Refutaciones actuales de la "falacia naturalista" / Carlos I. Massini -- La sabiduría en Santo Tomás : ascensión a la intimidad con Dios por la participación de la verdad y el amor / Ciro Schmidt Andrade -- Consideraciones en torno al tema de los valores / Mieczyslaw Gogacz -- Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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A Executiva do PMDB se reuniu para definir como será conduzida a convenção do partido. Na convenção, o partido tomará posição sobre diversos temas da Constituinte e, para isso, foi feito um questionário que será distribuído a todos os convencionais. O Deputado Mário Covas (PMDB-SP) diz que uma definição sobre os temas ligados ao programa do partido é importante para a futura negociação com os demais partidos. O Senador Affonso Camargo (PMDB-PR) acredita que essa parte da convenção que vai aferir a opinião do partido com relação aos temas da Constituinte deve ajudar muito na busca da unidade do PMDB. O Senador Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PMDB-SP) relata que o fundamental é que a convenção leve a resultados e que o debate seja esclarecedor, sem ser impositivo. O Deputado Jorge Arbage leu um comunicado do Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) Ulysses Guimarães condenando a aplicação da Lei de Segurança Nacional contra políticos da oposição. A Deputada Rose de Freitas (PMDB-ES) defende o poder de crítica da oposição. O Deputado Paulo Delgado (PT-MG) acredita que a aplicação rigorosa do regimento interno possibilita a criação de projeto de decisão que impeça o Poder Executivo de ameaçar a liberdade de opinião no país. O Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) inaugura o gabinete da liderança no Congresso Nacional. O Deputado Roberto Freire (PCB-PE) relata que a bancada do partido é pequena, mas tem apresentado propostas que conseguem aglutinar amplas frentes democráticas na Constituinte, e afirma que o espaço do partido foi conquistado com muita luta e tende a ampliar-se. Servidora da Casa explica que entidades sindicais estarão mobilizadas em todo o país no Dia Nacional de Coleta de Assinaturas para as emendas populares. Três emendas populares chegaram à Assembleia Nacional Constituinte. A primeira emenda trata dos direitos das crianças; a segunda da questão da censura e a terceira da criação de defensorias do cidadão e assistência aos idosos. Nenhuma das três emendas poderão ser apreciadas pelo Plenário, por não estarem de acordo com o Regimento Interno.


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Prefeitos das capitais brasileiras gostariam de mudar a proposta de reforma tributária do atual projeto de Constituição e se reuniram com os deputados Fernando Bezerra (PMDB-PE) e José Serra (PMDB-SP), Relatores da Subcomissão e Comissão de Tributos, para sugerir mudanças. Saturnino Braga, Prefeito do Rio de Janeiro, diz que os prefeitos apóiam a proposta do anteprojeto, mas desejam algum benefício imediato para o ano de 1988. O Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) abre seu 8º Congresso Extraordinário, que debaterá teses da Constituinte e irá propor a fusão das centrais sindicais. O PMDB também realiza uma Convenção Nacional decisiva, pois o partido dirá o que quer ver escrito na nova Constituição e os convencionais deverão se manifestar sobre o mandato presidencial e sobre o sistema de governo. O Senador Iram Saraiva (PMDB-GO) gostaria que todas as votações importantes da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) fossem transmitidas ao vivo pelas emissoras de rádio e de televisão e já apresentou uma proposta para que essas transmissões sejam obrigatórias. Várias entidades foram às ruas coletar assinaturas para as emendas populares. Cidadãos opinam sobre a importância dessas emendas. Segundo dados do Centro de Acompanhamento da Constituinte da Universidade de Brasília - UNB, cerca de quarenta emendas populares estão circulando pelas cidades brasileiras. O Senador Francisco Rollemberg (PMDB-SE) relata a importância da manisfestação do povo com relação aos temas da Constituinte.


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O monopólio do petróleo é tema polêmico e discutido na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). O Deputado Airton Cordeiro (PDT-PR) relata que o petróleo é fundamental para a vida nacional e que o monopólio precisa ser mantido. O novo projeto da Constituição garante o monopólio estatal do petróleo nas áreas de pesquisa, lavra, refino e transporte, mas não trata dos contratos de risco. O Senador Pompeu de Souza (PMDB-DF) considera que os contratos de risco quebram o monopólio estatal. O Senador Humberto Lucena (PMDB-PB) esclarece sobre os prazos para as emendas dos constituintes e sobre as condições para a apresentação de emendas populares, como contribuições importantes na nova Constituição. Uma das emendas populares que chegaram ao Congresso Nacional trata do direito das crianças. O Deputado Nelson Aguiar (PMDB-ES) encampou a emenda que visa instituir pela primeira vez o princípio do direito do menor. Insatisfeitos com a Reforma Tributária, prefeitos e secretários municipais de finanças das capitais e de grandes cidades se reúnem no Congresso Nacional e elaboram uma lista de reivindicações que deverá ser entregue ao Presidente da Assembléia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), Ulysses Guimarães. As principais reivindicações são : aumento de dez para vinte e cinco por cento da cota do Fundo de Participação dos Municípios, destinação de cinco por cento do Imposto de Renda para estados e municípios e de setenta e cinco por cento do IPVA para os municípios . Os prefeitos querem também que a Reforma Tributária seja implantada logo após a promulgação da Constituição. A Prefeita de Fortaleza Maria Luiza Fontenelle reivindica a participação maior dos municípios na arrecadação. A principal luta dos prefeitos é contra a extinção do Imposto Sobre Serviço (ISS), que seria transformado em uma taxa estadual. O Prefeito de Recife, Jarbas Vasconcellos relata que o fim do ISS prejudicará os municípios de grande e médio porte. O Deputado Evaldo Gonçalves (PFL-PB) acredita que a Constituinte dará tratamento diferenciado em favor dos municípios e estados, quando tratar do problema do sistema tributário nacional.