966 resultados para 14.65.Bt


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We develop a relativistic quark model for pion structure, which incorporates the nontrivial structure of the vacuum of quantum chromodynamics as modelled by instantons. Pions are bound states of quarks and the strong quark-pion vertex is determined from an instanton induced effective Lagrangian. The interaction of the constituents of the pion with the external electromagnetic field is introduced in gauge invariant form. The parameters of the model, i.e., effective instanton radius and constituent quark mass, are obtained from the vacuum expectation values of the lowest dimensional quark and gluon operators and the low-energy observables of the pion. We apply the formalism to the calculation of the pion form factor by means of the isovector nonforward parton distributions and find agreement with the experimental data. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has been praised for its ingenuity in mobilising finance to implement sustainable development practices in non-industrialised countries (known as Non-Annex 1 parties under the Kyoto Protocol). During the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (2008-2012), a large number of clean development mechanism projects have been registered with the CDM board. In addition to the large number of registered CDM projects, there are significant numbers of proposed projects stalled in implementation due to the cumbersome and lengthy CDM approval process. Despite this regulatory criticism it is recognised that the role performed by the CDM is essential for achieving a significant reduction in global green house gas emissions. This is because the CDM funds sustainable development in countries that lack capacity to do so on their own. It is anticipated that some form of CDM instrument will continue post the 2012 timeframe and that reform of the mechanism will be focused around making the mechanism’s approval and implementation processes faster and more efficient.


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[ES] En la antigua Grecia existió una floreciente literatura de tema gastronómico, poco conocida porque sólo se ha conservado una pequeña parte de ella. Uno de los escasos ejemplos que conservamos es el Ἀττικὸν Δεῖπνον de Matrón de Pítane, que, por medio de la parodia de los poemas homéricos, describe un pantagruélico banquete en el que predominan los platos de pescado. El anfitrión, los comensales, incluso los alimentos servidos adoptan las maneras de los héroes y los dioses, creándose un profundo contraste entre la forma seria y el contenido ligero, con el único propósito de divertir.


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The study was conducted in pond to determine the fecundity and gonadosomatic index of chapila, Gudusia chapra. The male fish was found to attain sexual maturity at 7.7 cm and 7.41 g and that of the female at 9.3 cm and 14.65 g by standard-length and body-weight respectively. The investigated fishes were found to be male and female at the ratio of 1:3 and generally female was found to be larger than male. The fish was found to spawn for several months with two spawning peaks, one in April and another in August as indicated by the peaks of gonadosomatic index and ova diameter. Fecundity of the fish ranged from 25,220 to 154,528 with an average value of 72,383 and was found to increase with the increase in length and weight of the fish. The relationships between fecundity and standard-length, body-weight, gonad-length and gonad weight of the fish were found to be linear and significant.


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本论文由2 个相对独立的部分组成: S-DABO 类衍生物体外抗HIV 活性及 其机制研究和AZT-氟喹喏酮类偶联物体外抗HIV-1 活性及其机制研究。 HIV 逆转录酶抑制剂一直是抗HIV 药物研发的热点。该类抑制剂靶定在病 毒复制周期早期,为HAART 疗法提供了很多新的药物组合。目前FDA 批准上 市的逆转录酶抑制剂虽然有很多,但由于较严重的毒副作用、HIV 病毒易变异、 耐药性的出现等问题还需要开发更多的新的逆转录酶抑制剂。本论文对23 个 S-DABO 类化合物和8 个AZT-氟喹喏酮类偶联物的体外抗HIV 活性进行检 测,并对其中活性较高的化合物进行靶点和机制研究。 23 个S-DABO 类化合物采用对C8166 细胞的毒性试验,对HIV-1ⅢB 诱导的 合胞体形成的抑制试验和对HIV-1ⅢB 急性感染的MT-4 细胞的保护试验进行抗 HIV-1 活性初步筛选。试验结果发现所有化合物均对多种HIV 宿主细胞毒性小, 其中22 个化合物具有抗HIV-1 活性,特别是化合物RZK-4 和RZK-5,其对 HIV-1ⅢB 诱导的合胞体形成的SI 值(Selective index)分别为>16666 和>38462; RZK-4 和RZK-5 对HIV-1ⅢB 急性感染的MT-4 细胞的保护的SI 值分别为2666.67 和2150.54,与相应的阳性对照药品NVP(Nevirapine)的SI 值相接近。以p24 抗原水平为指标,对其中20 个化合物的抗HIV-1 活性进行确证,发现这20 个 化合物均能抑制 HIV-1ⅢB p24 抗原的产生,其中RZK-4 和RZK-5 的EC50 值分 别为5.93 和5.74ng/ml,比相应的阳性对照药品NVP(Nevirapine)的EC50 值 要低(27.3ng/ml)。这些化合物对试验株HIV-1MN、临床分离株HIV-1KM018、非 核苷类抑制剂耐药株HIV-1ⅢB A17 也有较好的抑制效果。但这23 个S-DABO 类化合物对HIV-2 病毒株均无抑制作用。通过检测化合物对感染与未感染细胞的 融合的抑制、对HIV-1 逆转录酶和蛋白酶活性的抑制、对慢性感染H9 细胞 (H9/HIV-1ⅢB)中病毒复制的抑制等试验来探讨化合物的抗HIV-1 机制。结果 显示:有20 个化合物对HIV-1 蛋白酶(PR)有抑制作用,其中有17 个化合物 对HIV-1 逆转录酶(RT)有抑制作用;但所有化合物均不能抑制感染与未感染 细胞的融合,也不能抑制慢性感染H9 细胞中病毒的复制。试验结果表明,这 23 个S-DABO 类化合物主要通过抑制HIV-1 逆转录酶来发挥作用,它们是典型 的非核苷类RT 抑制剂。 8 个AZT-氟喹喏酮类偶联物采用对C8166 细胞的毒性试验,对HIV-1ⅢB 诱导的合胞体形成的抑制试验和对HIV-1ⅢB急性感染的MT-4 细胞的保护试验 进行抗HIV-1 活性初步筛选。试验结果发现其中2 个化合物SRLZ 和SROZ 有 较显著的抗HIV-1 活性,其对HIV-1ⅢB诱导的合胞体形成抑制的SI 值分别为 >41667 和>105263;对HIV-1ⅢB 急性感染的MT-4 细胞的保护的SI 值分别为 30162 和 6368,与AZT(Zidothymidine)的SI 值相近似。以p24 抗原水平为 指标,对其抗HIV-1活性进行确证,发现化合物SRLZ和SROZ均能抑制HIV-1ⅢB p24 抗原的产生,其EC50 值分别为 0.71 和2.1ng/ml,比相应的阳性对照药品AZT 的EC50 值要低(3.5ng/ml)。化合物SRLZ 和SROZ 对临床分离株HIV-1KM018 也有较好的抑制活性,其EC50 值分别为1.4 和22ng/ml。通过检测化合物对慢 性感染H9 细胞(H9/HIV-1ⅢB)中病毒复制的抑制试验来探讨化合物的抗HIV-1 机制,结果表明化合物SRLZ 和SROZ 均不能抑制慢性感染H9 细胞中病毒的 复制。通过检测化合物对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制作用来检测其抗菌活性,化合 物SRLZ 和SROZ 对金黄色葡萄球菌有较好的抑制作用,其MIC(Minimum inhibitory concentration)值分别为14.65 和7.32μg/ml,与其相应的阳性对照药 物的MIC 值相类似。试验结果表明:药物—药物偶连这种化学修饰方法并没有 改变AZT-氟喹喏酮类偶联物的抗HIV 作用靶点,但也没有较大地影响到其体 外抗病毒活性和抗微生物活性。


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1997 年5~ 8 月至1998 年4~ 8 月, 对昆明地区的花卉害虫及天敌进行了考 察和标本采集, 共采到花卉害虫及天敌标本4500 多号, 经鉴定分14 目, 65 科, 158 属, 205 种。标本保存在中国科学院昆明动物研究所。


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由于大部分集体山林由集体统一经营,存在林木产权不明晰、经营机制不灵活、利益分配不合理等突出问题,林农作为集体林业经营主体的地位没有得到有效落实,严重制约了林业生产力的进一步发展。为解放林业生产力,就迫切需要对集体林权制度进行深化改革。为此,辽宁省自2005年3月1日在本溪市开展集体林权制度改革试点工作,至11月份在全省推开。目前辽宁省林权改革的主体改革已经基本完成,工作的重点已经转向了配套改革。 本文采用问卷调查、专家座谈、统计资料相结合的方式,主要从林农家庭尺度入手,分析了改革对当地居民和社会的影响;在此基础上,比较分析了辽宁省各种改革经营模式的特点;综合当地政府、金融、协会等机构在技术、政策、资金等方面的支撑,将尺度上推到区域尺度,分析了林权改革后林业产业的发展进程,为产业集群和区域经济的发展提供建议;分析改革过程中出现的问题和困难,并提出相应的整改方案和优化对策,从而为各方面利益关系的梳理和林业的健康发展提供建议。 结果表明,改革工作已取得一定积极成效:1)林权改革有效激发了林农的生产积极性,加速了林业投资。从2005年开始林业投资额增速明显加快,尤其是2004-2005和2007-2008年间,增长率分别达到了75.88%和39.42%。2)促进了林业增收。2004年后林业收入增长明显加速,尤其是2007年林业收入增长幅度达到57.44%。3)促进了林农就业。90.42%的林农表示从事林业生产的劳动时间有所增加。从2006年开始,外出务工人员增长率明显放缓,研究区在2005-2008年共有9.85万外出务工林农返乡务林。4)促进了当地公益事业的发展与社会和谐。辽宁省用于公益事业的资金占林权改革直接经济收益的9.30%;改革在一定程度上缩小了贫富差距,促进了农村民主进程、经济发展与和谐稳定。5)“林权交易中心”成立后,林权交易蓬勃发展,联户经营的林农户数和林地面积分别占调查总数的14.65%和25.44%,从而为林业产业的发展创造了条件。6)根据各地的资源特点,改革发展了不同特色的经营模式。辽东以抚顺、本溪、丹东为代表,主要经营模式有林下参、五味子、细辛等中草药,红松果和核桃等经济林,山野菜,柞蚕,用材林,鹿业养殖等;辽中以铁岭为代表,主要经营模式有中草药、山野菜、榛子和梨等经济林等;辽西以朝阳为代表,经营模式以山杏、大扁杏、大枣、梨、桃、苹果等经济林为主。 但在改革的过程中也出现了一些问题,这些问题主要表现为:1)由于利益分配等的不同,不同利益主体对林权改革的关注和认知存在一定差异,有些差异可能影响林权改革工作的推进。2)许多林农即使获得了林业资源的经营权,自身也难有财力支撑其经营投入,林权改革工作资金缺口大。有林业贷款的林农仅占调查总数的15.71%,而最近几年有林业贷款意愿的林农却占调查总数的32.95%。3)在金融借贷、林业保险和生态补偿机制、法律规章制度、协会等合作机制等方面,改革配套措施进展缓慢。4)市场培育和产业发展太慢。仅有34.97%和88.56%的林农和林业工作人员表示对当地林产品的市场走向有所了解,且其所掌握的市场信息往往比较简单和模糊,远远不能准确、及时和充分满足市场需求。5)林业部门职责转变太慢。林权改革前后,林农从林业部门获得的主要服务基本上没有什么变化。 针对改革过程中遇到的困难,只有适时跟进配套改革措施,采取有效方法和机制梳理各方面利益关系,才能实现林业的大发展。 林权改革突破了林业发展长期以来的体制障碍和产权禁区,实现了林地所有权与林木所有权的分离,对林地资源、农村就业和经济、产业发展、生态安全等方面都将产生重大而深远的影响。加强对林权改革的长期监测和持续评价工作,具有积极意义。


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The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of short-term resistance training on the body composition profile and muscle function in a group of Anorexia Nervosa restricting type (AN-R) patients. The sample consisted of AN-R female adolescents (12.8 ± 0.6 years) allocated into the control and intervention groups (n¼18 each). Body composition and relative strength were assessed at baseline, after 8 weeks and 4 weeks following the intervention. Body mass index (BMI) increased throughout the study (p = 0.011). Significant skeletal muscle mass (SMM) gains were found in the intervention group (p = 0.045, d = 0.6) that correlated to the change in BMI (r = 0.51, p < 0.031). Meanwhile, fat mass (FM) gains were significant in the control group (p = 0.047, d = 0.6) and correlated (r > 0.60) with change in BMI in both the groups. Significant relative strength increases (p < 0.001) were found in the intervention group and were sustained over time.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia, ramo de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde


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BACKGROUND: To plan and implement services to persons who inject drugs (PWID), knowing their number is essential. For the island of Montréal, Canada, the only estimate, of 11,700 PWID, was obtained in 1996 through a capture-recapture method. Thirteen years later, this study was undertaken to produce a new estimate. METHODS: PWID were defined as individuals aged 14-65 years, having injected recently and living on the island of Montréal. The study period was 07/01/2009 to 06/30/2010. An estimate was produced using a six-source capture-recapture log-linear regression method. The data sources were two epidemiological studies and four drug dependence treatment centres. Model selection was conducted in two steps, the first focusing on interactions between sources and the second, on age group and gender as covariates and as modulators of interactions. RESULTS: A total of 1480 PWID were identified in the six capture sources. They corresponded to 1132 different individuals. Based on the best-fitting model, which included age group and sex as covariates and six two-source interactions (some modulated by age), the estimated population was 3910 PWID (95% confidence intervals (CI): 3180-4900) which represents a prevalence of 2.8 (95% CI: 2.3-3.5) PWID per 1000 persons aged 14-65 years. CONCLUSIONS: The 2009-2010 estimate represents a two-third reduction compared to the one for 1996. The multisource capture-recapture method is useful to produce estimates of the size of the PWID population. It is of particular interest when conducted at regular intervals thus allowing for close monitoring of the injection phenomenon.


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Body image refers to an individual's internal representation ofhis/her outer self (Cash, 1994; Thompson, Heinberg, Altabe, & Tantleff-Dunn, 1999). It is a multidimensional construct which includes an individual's attitudes towards hislher own physical characteristics (Bane & McAuley, 1998; Cash, 1994; Cash, 2004; Davison & McCabe, 2005; Muth & Cash, 1997; Sabiston, Crocker, & Munroe-Chandler, 2005). Social comparison is the process of thinking about the self in relation to others in order to determine if one's opinions and abilities are adequate and to assess one's social status (Festinger, 1954; Wood, 1996). Research investigating the role of social comparisons on body image has provided some information on the types and nature of the comparisons that are made. The act of making social comparisons may have a negative impact on body image (van den Berg et ai., 2007). Although exercise may improve body image, the impact of social comparisons in exercise settings may be less positive, and there may be differences in the social comparison tendencies between non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. The present study examined the nature of social comparisons that female collegeaged non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers made with respect to their bodies, and the relationship of these social comparisons to body image attitudes. Specifically, the frequency and direction of comparisons on specific tal-gets and body dimensions were examined in both non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. Finally, the relationship between body-image attitudes and the frequency and direction with which body-related social comparisons were made for non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers were examined. One hundred and fifty-two participants completed the study (n = 70 non or ill infrequent exercisers; n = 82 exercisers). Participants completed measures of social physique anxiety (SPA), body dissatisfaction, body esteem, body image cognitions, leisure time physical activity, and social comparisons. Results suggested that both groups (non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers) generally made social comparisons and most frequently made comparisons with same-sex friends, and least frequently with same-sex parents. Also, both groups made more appearance-related comparisons than non-appearance-related comparisons. Further, both groups made more negative comparisons with almost all targets. However, non or infrequent exercisers generally made more negative comparisons on all body dimensions, while exercisers made negative comparisons only on weight and body shape dimensions. MANOV As were conducted to examine if any differences on social comparisons between the two groups existed. Results of the MANOVAs indicated that frequency of comparisons with targets, the frequency of comparisons on body dimensions, and direction of comparisons with targets did not differ based on exercise status. However, the direction of comparison of specific body dimensions revealed a significant (F (7, 144) = 3.26,p < .05; 1]2 = .132) difference based on exercise status. Follow-up ANOVAs showed significant differences on five variables: physical attractiveness (F (1, 150) = 6.33,p < .05; 1]2 = .041); fitness (F(l, 150) = 11.89,p < .05; 1]2 = .073); co-ordination (F(I, 150) = 5.61,p < .05; 1]2 = .036); strength (F(I, dO) = 12.83,p < .05; 1]2 = .079); muscle mass or tone (F(l, 150) = 17.34,p < .05; 1]2 = 1.04), with exercisers making more positive comparisons than non or infrequent exercisers. The results from the regression analyses for non or infrequent exercisers showed appearance orientation was a significant predictor of the frequency of social comparisons N (B = .429, SEB = .154, /3 = .312,p < .01). Also, trait body image measures accounted for significant variance in the direction of social comparisons (F(9, 57) = 13.43,p < .001, R2adj = .68). Specifically, SPA (B = -.583, SEB = .186, /3 = -.446,p < .01) and body esteem-weight concerns (B = .522, SEB = .207, /3 = .432,p < .01) were significant predictors of the direction of comparisons. For exercisers, regressions revealed that specific trait measures of body image significantly predicted the frequency of comparisons (F(9, 71) = 8.67,p < .001, R2adj = .463). Specifically, SPA (B = .508, SEB = .147, /3 = .497,p < .01) and appearance orientation (B = .457, SEB = .134, /3 = .335,p < .01) were significant predictors of the frequency of social comparisons. Lastly, for exercisers, the results for the regression of body image measures on the direction of social comparisons were also significant (F(9, 70) = 14.65,p < .001, R2adj = .609) with body dissatisfaction (B = .368, SEB = .143, /3 = .362,p < .05), appearan.ce orientation (B = .256, SEB = .123, /3 = .175,p < .05), and fitness orientation (B = .423, SEB = .194, /3 = .266,p < .05) significant predictors of the direction of social comparison. The results indicated that young women made frequent social comparisons regardless of exercise status. However, exercisers m,a de more positive comparisons on all the body dimensions than non or infrequent exercisers. Also, certain trait body image measures may be good predictors of one's body comp~son tendencies. However, the measures which predict comparison tendencies may be different for non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. Future research should examine the effects of social comparisons in different populations (i.e., males, the obese, older adults, etc.). Implications for practice and research were discussed.