939 resultados para 13th - 16th centuries


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This project considered the development of municipal self-government (particularly the Magdeburg-law type) in Ukraine through the late Middle Ages in the context of central and eastern European history, using a comparative analysis of different forms of self-government. The Magdeburg Law was brought to the lands of old Rus by German colonists in the period of the Galician-Volhynian State (in the late 13th-early 14th centuries). Municipal self-government based on this law in Ukraine was now however an external artificial phenomenon, but rather an intrinsic need that emerged during the historical development of the society. The Magdeburg Law reached Ukraine through Poland and acquired certain features which were different from the form used in German towns, and Ukrainian towns further adapted the Magdeburg model to their own circumstances. It was "purest" in the western part of the region, while further to the east Magdeburg-Law-type municipal government appeared later, was further removed from its original form, and had a weaker influence on the historical development of the towns. The Magdeburg Law came to be a legalisation of a historically determined process of the emergence of an urban estate.


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This dissertation is about collective action issues in common property resources. Its focus is the “threshold hypothesis,” which posits the existence of a threshold in group size that drives the process of institutional change. This hypothesis is tested using a six-century dataset concerning the management of the commons by hundreds of communities in the Italian Alps. The analysis seeks to determine the group size threshold and the institutional changes that occur when groups cross this threshold. There are five main findings. First, the number of individuals in villages remained stable for six centuries, despite the population in the region tripling in the same period. Second, the longitudinal analysis of face-to-face assemblies and community size led to the empirical identification of a threshold size that triggered the transition from informal to more formal regimes to manage common property resources. Third, when groups increased in size, gradual organizational changes took place: large groups split into independent subgroups or structured interactions into multiple layers while maintaining a single formal organization. Fourth, resource heterogeneity seemed to have had no significant impact on various institutional characteristics. Fifth, social heterogeneity showed statistically significant impacts, especially on institutional complexity, consensus, and the relative importance of governance rules versus resource management rules. Overall, the empirical evidence from this research supports the “threshold hypothesis.” These findings shed light on the rationale of institutional change in common property regimes, and clarify the mechanisms of collective action in traditional societies. Further research may generalize these conclusions to other domains of collective action and to present-day applications.


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Proceedings of the First International Congress on Construction History : Madrid, 20th-24th January 2003


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Earlier histories of the Scottish parliament have been somewhat constitutional in emphasis and have been exceedingly critical of what was understood to be parliament's subservience to the crown. Estimates by constitutional historians of the extreme weakness of parliament rested on an assessment of the constitutional system. The argument was that many of its features were not consistent with a reasonably strong parliament. Because the 'constitution' is apparently fragmented, with active roles played by bodies such as the lords of articles, the general council and the convention of estates, each apparently suggesting that parliament was inadequate, historians have sometimes failed to appreciate the positive role played by the estates in the conduct of national affairs. The thesis begins with a discussion of the reliability of the printed text of APS and proceeds to an examination of selected aspects of the work of parliament in a period from c 1424-c 1625. The belief of constitutional historians such as Rait that conditions In Scotland proved unfavourable to the interests and. effectiveness of parliament in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, is also examined. Chapter 1 concludes that APS is a less than reliable text, particularly for the reign of James I. Numerous statutes were excluded from the printed text and they are offered below for the first time. These statutes have been a useful addition to our understanding of the reign of James I. Chapter 2 analyses the motives behind the schemes for shire representation and concludes that neither constitutional theory nor political opportunism explains the support which James I and James VI gave to these measures. Both these monarchs were motivated by the realisation that their particular ambitions were dependent on winning the support of the estates whose ranks should include representatives from the shires. Chapter 3 examines the method of electing the lords of articles, the composition of this committee, and some aspects of its operation. The conclusion is that in the main the estates were the deciding force in the choice of the lords of articles. The committee's composition was more a reflection of a desire for a balance between representatives from north and south of the Forth and for the most important burghs and clergy to be selected than an attempt at electing government favourites. The articles did exercise a significant control over the items which came before parliament but this control was not absolute and applied to government as well as private legislation. Chapter 4 questions the traditional view that the general council and convention of estates were the same body. It is argued that they were two different institutions with different powers, but that they nevertheless worked within certain limits and were careful not to usurp the authority of parliament. Chapter 5 concedes that taxation was sometimes decided outside parliament; that the irregularity of taxation certainly weakened the bargaining power of the estates and that the latter did not appear to capitalise on these occasions when taxation was an issue. But the tendency was to ensure that, whether in or out of parliament, the decision to impose taxation was taken by a large number of each estate. The infrequency of taxation was a direct consequence of an unwillingness among the estates to agree to a regular taxation and their preference to ensure for the crown an alternative source of income. Moreover taxation was one issue, which more than any other, would be subject to contentious opposition by the estates, and could lead to the crown's defeat. Chapter 6 is concerned with ecclesiastical representation after the Reformation and the church's attitudes to the possibility of ministerial representation. Some ministers had doctrinal misgivings but the majority came to believe that the church's absence from parliament bad severely reduced. the influence of the church. That no agreement was forthcoming on a system of ministerial representation, particularly after 1597, is attributable to the estates' unwillingness to compromise and, not to the strength of opposition in the church. Chapter 7 examines the institutions which are sometime seen as 'rivals' of parliament and concludes that institutions such as the privy council were generally very careful in matters which needed the approval of parliament, and seemed aware of the greater authority of parliament. Chapter 8 which illustrates how parliament had the right to be consulted in all important matters of state, brings together the main points of the earlier chapters and offers further illustrations of the essential role which parliament played in the conduct of national affairs. Whether or not the system can be regarded as constitutionally sound, the estates in Scotland could observe parliament's day-to-day operation with some satisfaction. All in all, there is little convincing evidence that parliament was as weak as some historians would have us believe.


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Estudo comparativo dos processos de construção da realeza e do papel dos eclesiásticos em diferentes reinos ibéricos


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This study presents results on a developed methodology to characterize ground layers in Portuguese workshops. In this work a set of altarpieces of the 15th and 16th centuries, assigned to Coimbra painting workshop was studied, overall the masters Vicente Gil (doc. Coimbra 1498–1525), Manuel Vicente (doc. Coimbra 1521–1530) and Bernardo Manuel (act. c. 1559–94), father, son and grandson, encompassing from late gothic to mannerist periods. The aim of the study is to compare ground layers, fillers and binders of Coimbra workshop, and to correlate their characteristics to understand the technical evolution of this family of painters, using complementary microscopic techniques. The cross-sections from the groups of paintings were examined by optical microscopy and the results were integrated through the analysis obtained by μ-X–ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X–ray Spectrometry, μ-confocal Raman and occasionally with μ-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy imaging. Ground layers are of calcium sulfate, present as gesso grosso (mainly anhydrite with small amounts of gypsum) in the first and last phases of the workshop and gesso mate (mainly gypsum with small amounts of anhydrite) in an intermediate period. Binders have protein and oleic characteristics.


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En "Estructura y dinámica del dominio de Santo Toribio de Liébana (siglos XIII-XVI)" se trata de explicar las características diferenciales que presenta un dominio monástico del área septentrional de la Península Ibérica. En la primera parte, siglo XIII y principios del siglo XIV, se considera que la pobreza material que ostenta el cenobio, observable en el escaso volumen de la renta y en las sucesivas enajenaciones de bienes efectuadas por sectores jerarquizados locales, es el resultado de la dispar consolidación de las estructuras feudales en el espacio. Frente a áreas cercanas al emplazamiento del monasterio en donde el señor limita la movilidad campesina y extrae excedentes elevados y estables, existen otras, consideradas como la "periferia" del dominio, en donde la pervivencia del ejercicio del derecho de retorno limitaba seriamente la consolidación de la propiedad dominical señorial. En dichas áreas, la estabilización de los derechos de propiedad del señor sólo se concretó a partir de la conformación de estructuras coercitivas de poder a nivel local que anularon el ejercicio efectivo del retorno familiar. En la segunda parte, siglos XIV-XVI, se analizan las estrategias específicas que permitieron el incremento del volumen de la renta en el largo plazo. Frente a las tesis que sostienen una temprana parcelación de la reserva y una conmutación de las prestaciones de trabajo, se observa aquí, por el contrario, el aumento de su extensión en los siglos finales de la Edad Media. Al mismo tiempo se detecta un proceso de parcelación de las tenencias campesinas, impulsado por el señor, que propiciaba un incremento de los fuegos sobre los que recaían las exacciones. Ambos aspectos, apropiación señorializada del espacio y aumento de la tasa de la renta, fueron el resultado del ejercicio efectivo de la coacción política.


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En "Estructura y dinámica del dominio de Santo Toribio de Liébana (siglos XIII-XVI)" se trata de explicar las características diferenciales que presenta un dominio monástico del área septentrional de la Península Ibérica. En la primera parte, siglo XIII y principios del siglo XIV, se considera que la pobreza material que ostenta el cenobio, observable en el escaso volumen de la renta y en las sucesivas enajenaciones de bienes efectuadas por sectores jerarquizados locales, es el resultado de la dispar consolidación de las estructuras feudales en el espacio. Frente a áreas cercanas al emplazamiento del monasterio en donde el señor limita la movilidad campesina y extrae excedentes elevados y estables, existen otras, consideradas como la "periferia" del dominio, en donde la pervivencia del ejercicio del derecho de retorno limitaba seriamente la consolidación de la propiedad dominical señorial. En dichas áreas, la estabilización de los derechos de propiedad del señor sólo se concretó a partir de la conformación de estructuras coercitivas de poder a nivel local que anularon el ejercicio efectivo del retorno familiar. En la segunda parte, siglos XIV-XVI, se analizan las estrategias específicas que permitieron el incremento del volumen de la renta en el largo plazo. Frente a las tesis que sostienen una temprana parcelación de la reserva y una conmutación de las prestaciones de trabajo, se observa aquí, por el contrario, el aumento de su extensión en los siglos finales de la Edad Media. Al mismo tiempo se detecta un proceso de parcelación de las tenencias campesinas, impulsado por el señor, que propiciaba un incremento de los fuegos sobre los que recaían las exacciones. Ambos aspectos, apropiación señorializada del espacio y aumento de la tasa de la renta, fueron el resultado del ejercicio efectivo de la coacción política.


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En "Estructura y dinámica del dominio de Santo Toribio de Liébana (siglos XIII-XVI)" se trata de explicar las características diferenciales que presenta un dominio monástico del área septentrional de la Península Ibérica. En la primera parte, siglo XIII y principios del siglo XIV, se considera que la pobreza material que ostenta el cenobio, observable en el escaso volumen de la renta y en las sucesivas enajenaciones de bienes efectuadas por sectores jerarquizados locales, es el resultado de la dispar consolidación de las estructuras feudales en el espacio. Frente a áreas cercanas al emplazamiento del monasterio en donde el señor limita la movilidad campesina y extrae excedentes elevados y estables, existen otras, consideradas como la "periferia" del dominio, en donde la pervivencia del ejercicio del derecho de retorno limitaba seriamente la consolidación de la propiedad dominical señorial. En dichas áreas, la estabilización de los derechos de propiedad del señor sólo se concretó a partir de la conformación de estructuras coercitivas de poder a nivel local que anularon el ejercicio efectivo del retorno familiar. En la segunda parte, siglos XIV-XVI, se analizan las estrategias específicas que permitieron el incremento del volumen de la renta en el largo plazo. Frente a las tesis que sostienen una temprana parcelación de la reserva y una conmutación de las prestaciones de trabajo, se observa aquí, por el contrario, el aumento de su extensión en los siglos finales de la Edad Media. Al mismo tiempo se detecta un proceso de parcelación de las tenencias campesinas, impulsado por el señor, que propiciaba un incremento de los fuegos sobre los que recaían las exacciones. Ambos aspectos, apropiación señorializada del espacio y aumento de la tasa de la renta, fueron el resultado del ejercicio efectivo de la coacción política.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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RESUMO No presente trabalho, realizamos um estudo sobre a sintaxe histórica da língua portuguesa, focalizando as construções com se apassivador/indeterminador. Partindo de uma concepção de língua histórica, considerada em sua dimensão sociolinguística (COSERIU, 1979a; LABOV, 1972, 1982), analisamos a situação de variação e mudança linguística por que passam tais construções na gramática do português arcaico. Para tanto, utilizamos quatro corpora, representativos da prosa literária e não-literária do português dos séculos XIII, XIV, XV e XVI. Paralelamente ao estudo linguístico deste sintaticismo no referido período, esboçamos também um estudo historiográfico recuperando as reflexões dedicadas ao tema das construções com se pelas tradições gramaticais portuguesa e brasileira, bem como pelos estudos filológicos e linguístico-históricos. ABSTRACT In this paper, we carry out a study on Portuguese historical syntax, focusing on the se constructions. Based on a conception of historical language, considered in its sociolinguistic dimension (COSERIU, 1979a; LABOV, 1972, 1982), we analyze linguistic variation and change which these constructions undergo in the grammar of Old Portuguese. We used four corpora, representative of literary and non-literary Portuguese prose of the of 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. Parallel to the syntactic study, we also outline a study recovering the reflections on the theme of the se constructions by Brazilian and Portuguese grammatical tradition, as well as by the philological and historical linguistic studies.


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This article studies the chronology of the New Kingdom Egyptian copper mining in the southern Arabah valley, and particularly Timna, traditionally dated in the 13th– 12th centuries BCE. a reassessment is made of the local archaeological evidence and especially of the findings of the Hejazi Qurayya pottery in archaeological assemblages of the southern Levant. It is argued that the chronology of the New Kingdom activities at Timna needs a revision towards lower dates.