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Publié, dans les Documents inédits, par Jules Labarte, Inventaire du mobilier de Charles V (Paris, 1879, in-4°).
eingereicht von Friedrich Grünewald, geb. in Offenbach/Main
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Based on previous results obtained from observations and linear wave theory analysis, the hypothesis that large-scale patterns can generate extreme cold events in southeast South America through the propagation of remotely excited Rossby waves was already suggested. This work will confirm these findings and extend their analysis through a series of numerical experiments using a primitive equation model where waves are excited by a thermal forcing situated in positions chosen according to observed convection anomalies over the equatorial region. The basic state used for these experiments is a composite of austral winters with maximum and minimum frequency of occurrence of generalized frosts that can affect a large area known as the Wet Pampas located in the central and eastern part of Argentina. The results suggest that stationary Rossby waves may be one important mechanism linking anomalous tropical convection with the extreme cold events in the Wet Pampas. The combination of tropical convection and a specific basic state can generate the right environment to guide the Rossby waves trigged by the tropical forcing towards South America. Depending on the phase of the waves entering the South American continent, they can favour the advection of anomalous wind at low levels from the south carrying cold and dry air over the whole southern extreme of the continent, producing a generalized frost in the Wet Pampa region. On the other hand, when a basic state based on the composites of minimum frosts is used, an anomalous anticyclone over the southern part of the continent generates a circulation with a south-southeast wind which brings maritime air and therefore humidity over the Wet Pampas region, creating negative temperature anomalies only over the northeastern part of the region. Under these conditions even if frosts occur they would not be generalized, as observed for the other basic state with maximum frequency of occurrence of generalized frosts.
Background/purpose: The introduction of the piggyback technique for reconstruction of the liver outflow in reduced-size liver transplants for pediatric patients has increased the incidence of hepatic venous outflow block (HVOB). Here, we proposed a new technique for hepatic venous reconstruction in pediatric living-donor liver transplantation. Methods: Three techniques were used: direct anastomosis of the orifice of the donor hepatic veins and the orifice of the recipient hepatic veins (group 1); triangular anastomosis after creating a wide triangular orifice in the recipient inferior vena cava at the confluence of all the hepatic veins (group 2); and a new technique, which is a wide longitudinal anastomosis performed at the anterior wall of the inferior vena cava (group 3). Results: In groups 1 and 2, the incidences of HVOB were 27.7% and 5.7%, respectively. In group 3, no patient presented HVOB (P = .001). No difference was noted between groups 2 and 3. Conclusions: Hepatic venous reconstruction in pediatric living-donor liver transplantation must be preferentially performed by using a wide longitudinal incision at the anterior wall of the recipient inferior vena cava. As an alternative technique, triangulation of the recipient inferior vena cava, including the orifices of the 3 hepatic veins, may be used. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Nada de mesas redondas, palestras em s??rie ou apresenta????es em power point. Formados em um c??rculo, 73 dirigentes de 16 pa??ses reuniram-se para discutir o tema ???Qual a lideran??a que eu preciso para favorecer o aprendizado, a inova????o e a coopera????o no servi??o p??blico????, no f??rum ???Aprender, inovar e cooperar: uma conversa entre pares???, organizado pela ENAP e pela Canada School of Public Service (CSPS).