663 resultados para 1367


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We present the results on the distribution and kinematics of HI gas with higher sensitivity and in one case of higher spectral resolution as well than reported earlier, of three irregular galaxies CGCG 097073, 097079 and 097087 (UGC 06697) in the cluster Abell 1367. These galaxies are known to exhibit long (50 - 75 kpc) tails of radio continuum and optical emission lines (H alpha) pointing away from the cluster centre and arcs of starformation on the opposite sides of the tails, These features as well as the HI properties, with two of the galaxies (CGCG 097073 and 097079) exhibiting sharper gradients in HI intensity on the side of the tails, are consistent with the HI gas being affected by the ram pressure of the intracluster medium. However the HI emission in all the three galaxies extends to much smaller distances than the radio-continuum and H alpha tails, and are possibly still bound to the parent galaxies. Approximately 20 - 30 per cent of the HI mass is seen to accumulate on the downstream side due to the effects of ram pressure.


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Vorbesitzer: Gustav Freytag


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The neutron capture (n,gamma) cross-section for 27-Co-58 theoretically presents a single resonance for 9 eV. However, after plotting the processed library, a discontinuity is made clear as the cross section plummets down to cero in a small range of energy where the peak of the resonance would be expected.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una evaluación realista de la incertidumbre en los ensayos de ruido transmitido al interior de una sala según el Anexo IV del Real Decreto 1367/2007, contemplando todas las posibles causas que intervienen en la incertidumbre de forma que las imprecisiones observadas en los ejercicios de intercomparación se cubran con un único ensayo. Otra parte fundamental del trabajo es cuantificar la fuente de incertidumbre generada en la elección del punto de medición. En primer lugar se realiza la medición del nivel continuo equivalente ponderado A en habitaciones de distinto tamaño, a la que llegan los distintos tipos de ruido emitido desde el exterior de las mismas. El siguiente paso es realizar un análisis de los niveles medidos, tanto en su distribución espacial como en su evolución temporal, incidiendo en los valores máximos, LAeq,5s. A continuación se comprueba si la distribución de los niveles medidos se ajusta a una distribución normal mediante el software de análisis estadístico STATGRAPHICS. Determinando, en base al tamaño de las muestras escogidas, por medio de análisis estadísticos, la aportación a la incertidumbre generada en la elección del punto de medida, cuantificando su valor. Por último se realiza una medición del ruido de actividades según el Real Decreto 1367/2007, aportando una evaluación de la incertidumbre, teniendo en cuenta todas las fuentes que la generan, mediante el enfoque clásico de la GUM. ABSTRACT. The objective of this work is to carry out a realistic assessment of the uncertainty in the trials of noise transmitted into the interior of a room according to Annex IV of the Royal Decree 136772997, considering all of the causes involved in uncertainty in such a way that the inaccuracies observed in intercomparison exercises are covered with a single trial. Another fundamental part of the work is to quantify the source of uncertainty in the choice of the point of measurement. First is the weighted equivalent of the continuous level measurement in rooms of different sizes, which reach different types of noise emitted from outside of them. The next step is to perform an analysis of the measured levels, both in their spatial distribution and their temporal evolution, influencing the maximum values, LAeq,5s. Then it is checked to see whether the distribution of the measured levels conforms to a normal distribution using the STATGRAPHICS statistical analysis software. Determining therefore, based on the size of the selected samples, through statistical analysis, the contribution to the uncertainty generated in the choice of the measurement point, quantifying its value. At last is the measure of the noise of activities according to the Royal Decree 1367/2007, providing an assessment of the uncertainty, taking into account all sources that generate it, using the classical approach to the GUM.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image from the historic paper map series entitled: Lutece ... plan de la ville de Paris ..., par M.L.C.D.L.M. ; A. Coquart, delineavit et sculp. It was published by Jean & Pierre Cot in 1705. Scale [ca. 1:10,000]. This image is of map 5 entitled: Cinquiême plan de la ville de Paris son accroissement et sa quatriême clôture commancée sous Charles V. l'an 1367 et finie sous Charles VI. l'an 1383: tiré des devis et marchez faits avec le ouvriers, des procez verbaux de toisez et receptions des ouvrages des comptes rendus par ceux qui en eurent la conduite, de la chronique m.s. de St. Denis et d'autres titres et manuscrits qui sont conservez en la Chambre des Comptes et dans Biblioteques. The map represents Paris, 1367 to 1383. Map in French.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the European Datum 1950, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 31N projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, towns and villages, roads, built-up areas and selected buildings, fortification, ground cover, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes index, text, and notes.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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