936 resultados para 12930-026


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This paper describes inter-specific differences in the distribution of sediment in the gut compartments and in the enzyme and bacterial profiles along the gut of abyssal holothurian species - Oneirophanta mutabilis, Psychropotes longicauda and Pseudostichopus villosus sampled from a eutrophic site in the NE Atlantic at different times of the year. Proportions of sediments, relative to total gut contents, in the pharynx, oesophagus, anterior and posterior intestine differed significantly in all the inter-species comparisons, but not between inter-seasonal comparisons. Significant differences were also found between the relative proportions of sediments in both the rectum and cloaca of Psychropotes longicauda and Oneirophanta mutabilis. Nineteen enzymes were identified in either gut-tissue or gut-content samples of the holothurians studied. Concentrations of the enzymes in gut tissues and their contents were highly correlated. Greater concentrations of the enzymes were found in the gut tissues suggesting that they are the main source of the enzymes. The suites of enzymes recorded were broadly similar in each of the species sampled collected regardless of the time of the year, and they were similar to those described previously for shallow-water holothurians. Significant inter-specific differences in the gut tissue concentrations of some of the glycosidases suggest dietary differences. For example, Psychropotes longicauda and Pseudostichopus villosus contain higher levels of chitobiase than Oneirophanta mutabilis. There were no seasonal changes in bacterial activity profiles along the guts of O. mutabilis and Pseudostichopus villosus. In both these species bacterial activity and abundance declined between the pharynx/oesophagus and anterior intestine, but then increased along the gut and became greatest in the rectum/cloaca. Although the data sets were more limited for Psychropotes longicauda, bacterial activity increased from the anterior to the posterior intestine but then declined slightly to the rectum/cloaca. These changes in bacterial activity and densities probably reflect changes in the microbial environment along the guts of abyssal holothurians. Such changes suggest that there is potential for microbial breakdown of a broader range of substrates than could be otherwise be achieved by the holothurian itself. However, the present study found no evidence for sedimentary (microbial) sources of hydrolytic enzymes.


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This series of research vignettes is aimed at sharing current and interesting research findings from our team of international Entrepreneurship researchers. This vignette, written by Dr. Rene Bakker, examines the evidence on the effects of a entrepreneurs’ personal networks on small firm performance, and the factors that moderate this relationship.


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La Iglesia y la existencia cristiana / José Rovai -- Avaricia, propiedad privada y bienes superfluos / Gustavo E. Podestá -- Teología natural y teología cristiana / Ricardo Ferrara -- Evangelización, cultura, universidad / Eduardo Briancesco -- En torno a la cristología de Marcos / Ramón Treviajno Echeverría -- La evangelización del mundo de hoy en América Latina / Eduardo F. Pironio -- La Biblia y la teología, hoy / Jorge Mejía -- Algunas reflexiones sobre la exhortación apostólica del Papa Pablo VI: “De Beatae Mariae Virginis cultu recte instituendo et augendo” / Heriberto King -- Evangelizar desde el acontecimiento / Arturo Prins -- Notas bibliográficas -- Libros recibidos -- Crónica de la Facultad


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A Subcomissão dos Negros, Populações Indígenas, Deficientes e Minorias recebe representantes do Triângulo Rosa, grupo de liberação homossexual do Rio de Janeiro, que trouxeram propostas em benefício dos homossexuais do país. João Antônio Mascarenhas, presidente do grupo, disse que as propostas foram bem aceitas pelos constituintes. A Subcomissão do Poder Legislativo recebe os ex-parlamentares Flávio Marcílio, Nelson Marquezan e Célio Borja para debater o fortalecimento do Congresso Nacional. O ex-deputado Flávio Marcílio, que já foi presidente da Câmara, acredita que o Congresso terá as suas prerrogativas restauradas. A Subcomissão de Saúde, Seguridade e do Meio Ambiente recebeu Roberto Santos, Ministro da Saúde, Ézio Cordeiro, Presidente do Instituto Nacional de Assistência Médica da Previdência Social (INAMPS) e outros convidados da área, que debateram sobre os problemas da saúde e da previdência social. O relator Carlos Mosconi comentou sobre a unificação do sistema de saúde. A Subcomissão dos Direitos dos Trabalhadores e Servidores Públicos recebe Almir Pazzianotto, Ministro do Trabalho, que falou sobre problemas trabalhistas e a lei de greve. O Ministro afirmou que as greves devem ser tratadas pelo Legislativo. O constituinte Ronan Tito teceu comentários sobre a palestra. A Comissão do Sistema Tributário, Orçamento e Finanças da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) ouviu Mário Henrique Simonsen, ex-ministro, que defendeu a independência total do Banco Central, com mandato da diretoria por 6 anos. O deputado Bosco França (PMDB-SE) disse que a participação do ex-ministro foi polêmica, mas engrandecedora.


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