47 resultados para 12074


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Private-sector organizations play a critical role in shaping the food environments of individuals and populations. However, there is currently very limited independent monitoring of private-sector actions related to food environments. This paper reviews previous efforts to monitor the private sector in this area, and outlines a proposed approach to monitor private-sector policies and practices related to food environments, and their influence on obesity and non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention. A step-wise approach to data collection is recommended, in which the first (‘minimal’) step is the collation of publicly available food and nutrition-related policies of selected private-sector organizations. The second (‘expanded’) step assesses the nutritional composition of each organization's products, their promotions to children, their labelling practices, and the accessibility, availability and affordability of their products. The third (‘optimal’) step includes data on other commercial activities that may influence food environments, such as political lobbying and corporate philanthropy. The proposed approach will be further developed and piloted in countries of varying size and income levels. There is potential for this approach to enable national and international benchmarking of private-sector policies and practices, and to inform efforts to hold the private sector to account for their role in obesity and NCD prevention.


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This study addresses calls for closer examination of board dynamics by offering an inside view of director interactions. Video-observations of three board meetings at each of two Australian corporations matched with director interviews and secondary data reveal distinct patterns of director interactions, their sources of variation and impact on perceived board effectiveness. Our data reveal that director interactions are multi-dimensional and dynamic: while group interactions across agenda items are similar, with a few directors leading the discussion, the contributing directors change across items. Moreover, directors’ inclusiveness and evenness of participation are associated with higher perceptions of board effectiveness. Last, we find that director interactions change with the nature of the items, board climate and board meeting arrangements. The study contributes to the literature by moving beyond the individual-level analysis of directors’ skills or independence, and offering a detailed view of how the joint group and individual dimensions of board dynamics affect board functioning.


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Background: The Queensland Pharmacist Immunisation Pilot which ran in 2014 was Australia’s first to allow pharmacists to administer vaccinations. Aim: An aim of the pilot was to investigate the benefits of trained pharmacists administering vaccinations in a community pharmacy setting. Methods: Participant demographics and previous influenza vaccination experiences were recorded using GuildCare software. Participants also completed a ‘post-vaccination satisfaction survey’ following their influenza vaccination. Results: A total of 10889 participant records and 8737 satisfaction surveys were analysed. Overall, 1.9% of participants lived with a chronic illness, and 22.5% took concomitant medications. As part of the consultation before receiving the influenza vaccination, participants acknowledged the opportunity to discuss other aspects of their health with the pharmacist, including concerns about their general health, allergies, and other medications they were taking. It was worth noting that 17.5% of people would not have received an influenza vaccination if the pharmacist vaccination service was unavailable. Additionally, approximately 10% of all participants were eligible to receive a free vaccination from the National Immunisation Program, but still opted to receive their vaccine from a pharmacist. Conclusion: The findings from this pilot demonstrate the benefit of a pharmacist vaccination program in increasing vaccination rates, and have helped pave the way for expanding the scope of practice for pharmacists.


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Tunnel-regenerated multiple-active-region (TRMAR) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with high quantum efficiency and high brightness have been proposed and fabricated. We have proved experimentally that the efficiency of the electrical luminescence and the on-axis luminous intensity of such TRMAR LEDs scaled linearly approximately with the number of the active regions. The on-axis luminous intensity of such TRMAR LEDs with only 3 mum GaP current spreading layer have exceeded 5 cd at 20 mA dc operation under 15 degrees package. The high-quantum-efficiency and high-brightness LEDs under the low injection level were realized. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The negative impact of political violence on adolescent adjustment is well established. Less is known about factors that affect adolescents' positive outcomes in ethnically divided societies, especially influences on prosocial behaviors toward the out-group, which may promote constructive relations. For example, understanding how inter-group experiences and attitudes motivate out-group helping may foster inter-group co-operation and help to consolidate peace. The current study investigated adolescents' overall and out-group prosocial behaviors across two time points in Belfast, Northern Ireland (N = 714 dyads; 49% male; Time 1: M = 14.7, SD = 2.0, years old). Controlling for Time 1 prosocial behaviors, age, and gender, multi-variate structural equation modeling showed that experience with inter-group sectarian threat predicted fewer out-group prosocial behaviors at Time 2 at the trend level. On the other hand, greater experience of intra-group non-sectarian threat at Time 1 predicted more overall and out-group prosocial behaviors at Time 2. Moreover, positive out-group attitudes strengthened the link between intra-group threat and out-group prosocial behaviors one year later. Finally, experience with intra-group non-sectarian threat and out-group prosocial behaviors at Time 1 was related to more positive out-group attitudes at Time 2. The implications for youth development and inter-group relations in post-accord societies are discussed.


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After World War II, most industrialising nations adopted some form of welfare-state approach to balance the economic activities of self-interested agents and social welfare. In the realm of scientific research and innovation, this often meant that governments took primary responsibility for funding public research organisations, including research universities and government laboratories. Over the past four decades, however, the significance of private funding for agricultural research has increased, and academic scientists now often work in public-private partnerships. We argue that this trend needs to be carefully monitored because public goods are likely to be overlooked and undervalued in such arrangements. In the interest of developing indicators to monitor the trend, we document public and private funding for agricultural research and agricultural innovation in four countries: the USA, the UK, Ireland and Germany. Our results show that although neoliberalism is evident in each country, it is not homogeneous in its application and impacts, suggesting that national and institutional contexts matter. This article is directed at stimulating debates on the relationships between university research, agricultural innovation and public goods.


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En la actualidad n las organizaciones enfocan mayores recursos para obtener productividad y unos mejor recursos humanos quien desarrolla de manera eficiente y eficaz el trabajo, por tal razón, invierten en la administración del talento humano. Las competencias laborales, incorporadas en la gestión del talento humano, conforman un eje central del trabajo institucional, por ende son parte fundamental para el funcionamiento en las organizaciones. Las investigaciones e implementación de dicha administración de talento humano, realizadas en diversas regiones del mundo, nos dan como resultados un impacto positivo del enfoque de gestión para competencias y utilización de los subsistemas de talento humano para el manejo y desarrollo óptimo del personal en las organizaciones. En el presente estudio que se realizó, se puede detectar que no existe una adecuada administración de talento humano dentro de cada organización. Lo que impide una productividad eficiente y optimización de recursos.


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1917/09/06 (Numéro 12074).


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Malgré plusieurs chimiothérapies suivies d’une transplantation et d’une immunothérapie, 40% des patients avec un neuroblastome (NB) à haut risque subissent une progression de la maladie ou une rechute. L’échec de ces traitements est attribué à la présence de cellules initiatrices de tumeur (TIC) qui expriment le marqueur CD133 et qui sont souvent résistantes aux agents chimiothérapeutiques. Les cellules Natural Killer (NK), qui possèdent un effet anti-tumoral, peuvent être utilisées dans le cadre du développement de nouvelles approches immuno-thérapeutiques. Nous posons l’hypothèse que les cellules NK activées éliminent efficacement les TIC et contribuent à la réduction des risques de rechute. De plus, il est possible d’augmenter l’effet anti-tumoral des cellules NK contre le NB. L’activité cytotoxique des cellules NK est augmentée par des cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes (pDC) activées. A la suite de la stimulation de leurs récepteurs Toll-like les pDC produisent de grandes quantités d'interféron-alpha (IFN-α). Nous avons étudié les propriétés lytiques des cellules NK contre des lignées cellulaires de NB à la suite de leur activation par l’IFN-α ou des pDC activées. Nos résultats révèlent une augmentation de l’activité cytolytique des cellules NK contre ces lignées en réponse à une stimulation par les pDC activées. De plus, les cellules de NB CD133+ ou celles résistantes à l’immunothérapie dirigée contre le GD2 sont sensibles à la lyse médiée par les cellules NK stimulées par les pDC. Nous avons examiné les mécanismes cellulaires impliqués dans la lyse des cellules de NB. Nous montrons que cette cytotoxicité est médiée en partie par TRAIL induisant l'apoptose et en partie par la libération des granules cytotoxiques. Ainsi, ces résultats permettent de proposer une nouvelle approche immuno-thérapeutique complémentaire au traitement par l’anticorps anti-GD2 pour les patients atteints de NB à haut risque.


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Short video produced by the National Physical Laboratories on class 3B and 4 laser controlled areas