985 resultados para 120-751A


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Through scanning electron microscope analysis of sediment microfabric, we have evaluated variations in high-resolution shipboard physical properties (index properties and shear strength), sediment components (smear slide determinations), and shore-based calcium carbonate and biogenic silica data from Site 751 (Kerguelen Plateau). The stratigraphic section at this site records a change in biogenic ooze composition from predominantly calcareous (nannofossil) to siliceous (diatom) ooze from ~23 Ma to the present, reflecting expansion of Antarctic water masses during the late Neogene. The profound change in physical properties and sediment character at 40.1 mbsf (~5-6 Ma) evidently records the northward movement of the Polar Front and a change in absolute accumulation rates of sediment at this site. Trends in geotechnical properties with depth at Site 751 allowed us to subdivide the sedimentary column into a number of geotechnical units that reflect changes in depositional and postdepositional processes with time. Geotechnical properties are sensitive to changing sedimentary inputs of primarily siliceous and calcareous microfossils. This allows us to study the physical nature of biostratigraphically-identified hiatuses and variations in environmental conditions linked to the migration of the Polar Front across this region. The analysis of geotechnical properties permits a more detailed division of the sedimentary column than is possible from shipboard lithologic descriptions alone. Our study of the sedimentary microfabric indicates that randomly oriented, elongate pennate diatom valves compose the sediments with highest porosity and water content values, and the lowest density values (wet bulk, dry bulk, and grain density). Conversely, sediments composed of nannofossils and disassociated nannofossil crystallites and little or no siliceous remains have the lowest porosity and water content values, and the highest density values. Samples of mixed siliceous/calcareous composition have intermediate physical property values, but these vary according to the nature of the sedimentary matrix and the state of preservation of individual skeletal elements.


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One of the primary objectives of Leg 120 was to obtain a high-resolution Neogene stratigraphic section from the Kerguelen Plateau. Site 751, located in the central part of the Raggatt Basin on the Southern Kerguelen Plateau in 1633.8 m of water (57°43.56'S; 79°48.89'E), was selected as the dedicated Neogene site for this objective. High-resolution sampling at Site 751 was used to delineate in detail the Neogene ice-rafted debris (IRD) occurrences on the Kerguelen Plateau. The oldest IRD found at Site 751 was approximately 9.9 Ma, and it was not until approximately 8.5 Ma that significant concentrations of IRD were detected. The first major IRD event at this site occurred in the uppermost Miocene between 6.0 and 5.5 Ma. During this time period, a general climatic cooling and glacial expansion occurred on Antarctica. The late Miocene IRD event was followed by a continuous episode of elevated IRD deposition in the lowermost Pliocene between 4.5 and 4.1 Ma. The 0.4-m.y. duration and the timing of the early Pliocene IRD event on the Kerguelen Plateau corresponds with IRD fluxes observed on the Falkland Plateau and in the Weddell Abyssal Plain. This correspondence of data indicates that a major global climatic event occurred during the early Pliocene. The East Antarctic Ice Sheet may have experienced deglaciation between 4.5 and 4.1 Ma and, as a result, released large volumes of sediment-laden ice into the Southern Ocean.


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Lower Miocene through upper Pleistocene benthic foraminifer assemblage records from Ocean Drilling Program Site 751 on the Southern Kerguelen Plateau (57°44'S, water depth 1634 m) were combined with benthic and planktonic foraminifer oxygen and carbon isotope records and high-resolution CaCO3 data from the same site. Implications for the Neogene productivity and paleoceanography of the southern Indian Ocean are discussed. We used distinctive features of the Miocene d18O and d13C curves for stratigraphic correlation. Coinciding with a lower middle Miocene hiatus from 14.2 to 13.4 Ma, there was a rapid increase in benthic d18O values by 1.2 per mil. This distinct increase occurs in middle Miocene benthic foraminifer oxygen isotope curves from all oceans. No major change, however, in benthic foraminifer faunal composition occurred in this period of growth of the Antarctic ice cap and cooling of deep ocean waters (14.9-14.2 Ma). A drastic change in benthic foraminifer faunas coincided with a hiatus from 8.4 to 5.9 Ma. Shortly after this hiatus, in the latest Miocene, the CaCO3 content of the sediments dropped from 75% to 0%. From that time ( 5.8 Ma) through the early Pliocene, Site 751 has been situated beneath a high biogenic siliceous productivity zone. Carbonate contents of upper Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments vary between 20% and 70%. The benthic foraminifer faunas in the uppermost Pliocene and lower Pleistocene reflect strong bottom current conditions, in contrast to those in the upper Pleistocene, which indicate calm sedimentation and high food supply. High d13C values of planktonic foraminifers compared with low values of benthic foraminifers suggest high primary productivity in the late Pleistocene. The changes in productivity were probably a result of latitudinal migration and meandering of the Polar Frontal Zone.


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