979 resultados para 114-703
Quantitative analysis of upper Eocene-upper Oligocene calcareous nannofossil assemblages from five Ocean Drilling Program sites in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean sectors of the Southern Ocean reveals an abrupt increase in cool-water taxa at the top of magnetic Subchron C13R ca. 35.9 Ma, coincident with an enrichment of ~1? d18O in the planktonic foraminifers at these sites. The synchrony of the abrupt increase in cool-water taxa in the Southern Ocean renders this event a useful biostratigraphic datum at southern high latitudes. This earliest Oligocene cool-water taxa increase was the sharpest and largest during the late Eocene-late Oligocene interval and indicates a drop in surface-water temperature of more than 3°C in the Southern Ocean. This suggests that the earliest Oligocene d18O shift represents primarily a temperature signal; a small portion (~0.2?) is attributable to a global ice-volume increase.
】目的: 研究4'- 乙酰胺苯基4- 胍基苯甲酸酯(AGB)抗 HIV-1 活性及作用靶点。方法: 通过 AGB对宿主细胞的毒性实验、合胞体抑制实验、融合阻断实验、对HIV-1感染细胞的保护作用实 验和对HIV-1急性感染细胞p24抗原产生的抑制作用等试验,观察AGB对HIV-1复制的影响和作 关键词: AGB; HIV-1; 病毒进入; 杀微生物剂; 杀精子活性 中图分类号: R967; 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 0253-357X(2005)11-0660-05 本研究为国家高技术研究发展计划(2003AA219142)、国 家科技攻关计划 (2004BA719A14)、中国科学院知识创新 工程重要方向(KSCX2-SW-216; KSCX12-SW-11)、云南 省科技攻关计划(2004NG12)和云南省生育调节与少数民 族优生研究重点实验室资助项目 通讯作者: 郑永唐; Tel: +86-871-5195684; Fax:+86-871-5191823; E-mail: zhengyt@mail.kiz.ac.cn 在我国, 人免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)危害日趋严重,处在全国低流行 与局部地区及特定人群高流行并存的态势。卫生部 的数据显示,截止2005 年3 月底,全国累计报告 HIV 感染者114 703 例。专家估计我国实际HIV 感 染者超过100 万人。预计到2010 年, 全国HIV感染 者将突破千万。截止2004 年底, 云南省累计报告的 HIV 感染者已达28 391 人, 是全国流行最严重的地 区。艾滋病流行正由高危人群向一般人群传播。 新的证据显示近年来由性传播途径感染的比例有所 上升, 女性感染者的比例有较大幅度的上升, 迫切需 要发展一种女性可自主控制的方法 [1]。杀微生物剂 是可以局部用药于阴道和宫颈、能够杀灭或抑制 包括HIV等病毒性和细菌性病原体、人工合成或天 然的药物。具有避孕作用的杀微生物剂更是近年 来的研究热点,也具有广阔的应用前景[2,3]。 顶体酶是存在于精子顶体内的一种类胰蛋白 酶, 它是受精过程中的一种重要的蛋白水解酶, 此酶 能水解卵细胞的透明带, 使精子能够与卵细胞相融 合; 顶体酶还能促进生殖系统中激肽的释放, 后者能 够增强精子的活力和促进精子的运动, 顶体酶的失 活将导致不孕[4]。AGB(4'- 乙酰胺苯基 4- 胍基苯甲 酸酯)是顶体酶的抑制剂, 实验表明在多种动物中有 很好的杀精子作用[5-7]。Bourimbaiar等[8]曾报道AGB 还具有体外抗HIV-1的作用, 活性较N-9高, 且毒性 较小。在本实验中, 我们发现AGB 的体外抗HIV-1 活性主要是阻断HIV-1 进入细胞。 用机制。结果: AGB抑制HIV-1IIIB诱导C8166细胞形成合胞体, EC50为39.5 μg/ml; 抑制HIV-1感染 细胞上清中HIV-1 p24抗原的表达, EC50为33.36 μg/ml; 阻断HIV-1慢性感染H9细胞与正常C8166 细胞间融合的作用。结论: AGB具有阻断HIV-1 进入宿主细胞的作用,是一种有前景的具杀精子 作用的杀微生物剂。
Radiolarian cherts in the Tethyan realm of Jurassic age were recently interpreted as resulting from high biosiliceous productivity along upwelling zones in subequatorial paleolatitudes the locations of which were confirmed by revised paleomagnetic estimates. However, the widespread occurrence of cherts in the Eocene suggests that cherts may not always be reliable proxies of latitude and upwelling zones. In a new survey of the global spatio-temporal distribution of Cenozoic cherts in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sediment cores, we found that cherts occur most frequently in the Paleocene and early Eocene, with a peak in occurrences at ~50 Ma that is coincident with the time of highest bottom water temperatures of the early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) when the global ocean was presumably characterized by reduced upwelling efficiency and biosiliceous productivity. Cherts occur less commonly during the subsequent Eocene global cooling trend. Primary paleoclimatic factors rather than secondary diagenetic processes seem therefore to control chert formation. This timing of peak Eocene chert occurrence, which is supported by detailed stratigraphic correlations, contradicts currently accepted models that involve an initial loading of large amounts of dissolved silica from enhanced weathering and/or volcanism in a supposedly sluggish ocean of the EECO, followed during the subsequent middle Eocene global cooling by more vigorous oceanic circulation and consequent upwelling that made this silica reservoir available for enhanced biosilicification, with the formation of chert as a result of biosilica transformation during diagenesis. Instead, we suggest that basin-basin fractionation by deep-sea circulation could have raised the concentration of EECO dissolved silica especially in the North Atlantic, where an alternative mode of silica burial involving widespread direct precipitation and/or absorption of silica by clay minerals could have been operative in order to maintain balance between silica input and output during the upwelling-deficient conditions of the EECO. Cherts may therefore not always be proxies of biosiliceous productivity associated with latitudinally focused upwelling zones.
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 114 recovered nannofossil-bearing sediments from seven sites in the high latitudes of the South Atlantic Ocean. Cretaceous sections were recovered from Sites 698 and 700, located on the Northeast Georgia Rise and its lower flanks, respectively. These contain distinctive high-latitude nannofossil floras similar to those from high-latitude areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Most of the biostratigraphic datums used to date the upper Campanian to Maestrichtian interval appear to lie at approximately the same level in both hemispheres. The FAD of Nephrolithus frequens is confirmed to be diachronous with an earlier occurrence in high latitudes. The LAD of Monomarginatus primus n. sp. also appears to be diachronous with a later LAD in the high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Fossiliferous Paleocene to lowermost Miocene sediments were recovered at all seven sites, from the Northeast Georgia Rise in the west to the Meteor Rise in the east. These nannofossil floras, although restricted in diversity and only poorly preserved, are sufficiently distinctive to allow the recognition of 19 zones and three subzones, which are used to date and correlate the cores recovered. Only Site 704 on the Meteor Rise yielded a substantial section of Miocene to Quaternary nannofossil-rich sediments. The nannofossil floras of this section are of very low diversity, with usually fewer than eight species present. Some stratigraphic ranges of important biostratigraphic datum species are observed to be different in the high-latitude sections from those recorded from low-latitude areas. The LAD of Reticulofenestra bisecta, when calibrated by magnetostratigraphy, appears to occur earlier in Hole 699A (within Chron C6CR) than in Hole 703A and possibly Hole 704B and in other published accounts of lower latitude sites in the South Atlantic. The FAD of Nannotetrina fulgens/N. cristata appears to occur later in Hole 702B (Chron C20R) than it does in other published accounts of lower latitude sites in the South Atlantic. Diachroneity is also suspected in the stratigraphic ranges of Chiasmolithus solitus and Chiasmolithus oamaruensis, although poor magnetostratigraphic results through the critical interval prevent confirmation of this. Differences in the relative stratigraphic ranges of lsthmolithus recurvus and Cribrocentrum coenurumlC. reticulatum at Sites 699 and 703 are noted. These possibly suggest warmer surface waters on the eastern side (Site 703) of the middle to late Eocene South Atlantic than those on the western side (Site 699). The diversities of the nannofossil floras and the presence of the warm-water genera Discoaster, Sphenolithus, Helicosphaera, and Amaurolithus reflect the changing surface water temperatures throughout the Cenozoic. Warmer periods are inferred for the late Paleocene to early middle Eocene, late middle Eocene to late Eocene, latest Oligocene to earliest Miocene, and possibly the Pliocene. Colder periods are inferred for the middle Eocene, most of the Oligocene, and the Miocene. Dramatic changes in the nannofossil floras of the Pleistocene of Site 704 are thought to reflect a rapidly changing environment. Monomarginatus primus, a new species from the Upper Cretaceous strata of Hole 700B, is described.
Calcareous nannofossil assemblages were studied from Sites 699 and 703, drilled during ODP Leg 114 to the west and east, respectively, of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the subantarctic South Atlantic Ocean. Recovery at the two sites consists of an almost continuous sequence of upper Eocene-lower Oligocene sediments. This study describes the calcareous nannofossil assemblages at the transition between the Eocene and Oligocene and correlates these assemblages with those described in lower latitude sections. Quantitative analyses were performed on several important taxa in order to improve the biostratigraphic resolution and permit some paleoenvironmental interpretations. Several discrepancies were noted between the two sites and between the Eocene and Oligocene assemblages. The Eocene assemblages show a great number of species and warmer water conditions; the early Oligocene assemblages are less diversified and are indicative of cooler conditions. The Eocene/Oligocene boundary was not defined by planktonic foraminifers because of the strong dissolution, poor recovery, and drilling disturbances. On the other hand, the calcareous nannofossil assemblage allowed recognition of the interval where the Eocene/Oligocene boundary can possibly be placed.