1000 resultados para 112-680


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We have measured the concentrations of (1) pore-water sulfide and (2) solid-phase pyrite, iron monosulfide (=acid volatile sulfide), elemental sulfur, and extractable and nonextractable organic ("kerogen") sulfur in sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 680 and 686. Pore-water sulfide defines classic "bell-shaped" profiles. Maximum concentrations of 6 to 12 mM occur where sulfate is exhausted, or is most depleted, at depths between 15 and 50 mbsf. Sulfide resulting from bacterial sulfate reduction reacts in three ways: (1) some is reoxidized to elemental sulfur in surface sediments; (2) some reacts with detrital iron minerals to form iron monosulfide and pyrite, primarily in the top meter or two of the sediment; and (3) some reacts with, and is incorporated into, kerogen. Incorporation of reduced sulfur into kerogen occurs over the top 15 m of the sediment at both Sites 680 and 686, after the main phase of pyrite formation. Up to 45% of the total sedimentary sulfur is organically bound, and concentrations of 12 wt% sulfur are reached in the kerogen. These values are like those measured in lithologically similar, but more deeply buried, sediments from the Monterey Formation.


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The evolution of pore fluids migrating through the forearc basins, continental massif, and accretionary prism of the Peru margin is recorded in the sequence of carbonate cements filling intergranular and fracture porosities. Petrographic, mineralogic, and isotopic analyses were obtained from cemented clastic sediments and tectonic breccias recovered during Leg 112 drilling. Microbial decomposition of the organic-rich upwelling facies occurs during early marine diagenesis, initially by sulfate-reduction mechanisms in the shallow subsurface, succeeded by carbonate reduction at depth. Microcrystalline, authigenic cements formed in the sulfate-reduction zone are 13C-depleted (to -20.1 per mil PDB), and those formed in the carbonate-reduction zone are 13C-enriched (to +19.0 per mil PDB). Calcium-rich dolomites and near-stoichiometric dolomites having uniformly heavy d18O values (+2.7 to +6.6 per mil PDB) are typical organic decomposition products. Quaternary marine dolomites from continental-shelf environments exhibit the strongest sulfate-reduction signatures, suggesting that Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations created a more oxygenated water column, caused periodic winnowing of the sediment floor, and expanded the subsurface penetration of marine sulfate. We have tentatively identified four exotic cement types precipitated from advected fluids and derived from the following diagenetic environments: (1) meteoric recharge, (2) basalt alteration, (3) seafloor venting and (4) hypersaline concentration. Coarsely crystalline, low-magnesium (Lo-Mg) calcite cements having pendant and blocky-spar morphologies, extremely negative d18O values (to -7.5 per mil PDB), and intermediate d13C values (-0.4 per mil to +4.6 per mil PDB) are found in shallow-marine Eocene strata. These cements are evidently products of meteoric diagenesis following subaerial emergence during late Eocene orogenic movements, although the strata have since subsided to greater than 4,000 m below sea level. Lo-Mg calcite cements filling scaly fabrics in the late Miocene accretionary prism sediments are apparently derived from fluids having lowered magnesium/calcium (Mg/Ca) and 18O/16O ratios; such fluids may have reacted with the subducting oceanic crust and ascended through the forearc along shallow-dipping thrust faults. Micritic, high-magnesium (Hi-Mg) calcite cements having extremely depleted d13C values (to -37.3%c PDB), and a benthic fauna of giant clams (Calyptogena sp.) supported by a symbiotic, chemoautotrophic metabolism, provide evidence for venting of methane-charged waters at the seafloor. Enriched d18O values (to +6.6%c PDB) in micritic dolomites from the continental shelf may be derived from hypersaline fluids that were concentrated in restricted lagoons behind an outer-shelf basement ridge, reactivated during late Miocene orogenesis.


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Porewaters in site 680 Peru Margin sediments contain dissolved sulfide over a depth of approximately 70 m which, at a sedimentation rate of 0.005 cm/yr, gives a sediment exposure time to dissolved sulfide of about 1.4 Myr. Reactions with dissolved sulfide cause the site 680 sediments to show a progressive decrease in a poorly-reactive silicate iron fraction, defined as the difference between iron extracted by dithionite (FeD) at room temperature and that extracted by boiling concentrated HCl (FeH), normalised to the total iron content (FeT). Straight line plots are obtained for ln[(FeH - FeD)/FeT] against time of burial, from which a first order rate constant of 0.29 1/Myr (equivalent to a half-life of 2.4 Myr) can be derived for the sulfidation of this silicate iron. Comparable half-lives are also found for the same poorly-reactive iron fraction in the nearby site 681 and 684 sediments. This silicate Fe fraction comprises 0.8-1.0% Fe, only 30-60% of which reacts even with 1.5-3 million years exposure to dissolved sulfide. Diagenetic models based on porewater concentrations of sulfate and sulfide, and solid phase iron contents, at site 680 are consistent in indicating that this poorly-reactive iron fraction is only sulfidized on a million year time scale. Silicate iron not extracted by HCl can be regarded as unreactive towards dissolved sulfide on the time scales encountered in marine sediments.


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Two distinct hydrogeochemical regimes currently dominate the Peruvian continental margin. One, in shallower water (150-450 m) shelf to upper-slope regions, is characterized by interstitial waters with strong positive chloride gradients with depth. The maximum measured value of 1043 mM chloride at Site 680 at ITS corresponds to a degree of seawater evaporation of ~2 times. Major ion chemistry and strontioum isotopic composition of the interstitial waters suggest that a subsurface brine that has a marine origin and is of pre-early Miocene "age," profoundly influences the chemistry and diagenesis of this shelf environment. Site 684 at ~9°S must be closest to the source of this brine, which becomes diluted with seawater and/or interstitial water as it flows southward toward Site 686 at ~13?S (and probably beyond) at a rate of approximately 3 to 4 cm/yr, since early Miocene time. The other regime, in deep water (3000-5000 m) middle to lower-slope regions, is characterized by interstitial waters with steep negative and nonsteady-state chloride gradients with depth. The minimum measured value of 454 mM chloride, at Site 683 at ITS, corresponds to ~20% dilution of seawater chloride The most probably sources of these low-chloride fluids are gas hydrate dissociation and mineral (particularly clay) dehydration reactions. Fluid advection is consistent with (1) the extent of dilution shown in the chloride profiles, (2) the striking nonsteady-state depth profiles of chlorides at Sites 683 and 688 and of 87Sr/86Sr ratios at Site 685, and (3) the temperatures resulting from an average geothermal gradient of 50°C/km and required for clay mineral dehydration reactions. Strontium isotope data reveal two separate fluid regimes in this slope region: a more northerly one at Sites 683 and 685 that is influenced by fluids with a radiogenic continental strontium signature, and a southerly one at Sites 682 and 688 that is influenced by fluids with a nonradiogenic oceanic signatures. Stratigraphically controlled fluid migration seems to prevail in this margin. Because of its special tectonic setting, Site 679 at ITS is geochemically distinct. The interstitial waters are characterized by seawater chloride concentrations to -200 mbsf and deeper by a significantly lower chloride concentration of about two-thirds of the value in seawater, suggesting mixing with a meteoric water source. Regardless of the hydrogeochemical regime, the chemistry and isotopic compositions of the interstitial waters at all sites are markedly modified by diagenesis, particularly by calcite and dolomite crystallization.


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Abundances of organic carbon, sulfur, and reactive iron in sediments of three upwelling environments (Peru, Oman and Benguela) suggest that organic carbon/reduced sulfur ratios (C/S-ratios) in this category of marine sediments deviate considerably from previously established empirical ratios in normal marine sediments. To clarify the discrepancies, we investigated those components of the diagenetic system that limit the formation of pyrite: sulfate concentrations and reduction rates in pore waters, availability of reactive iron, and the quantity and quality of organic matter. All three limitations are evident in our sample pools. The results suggest that C/S-ratios in recent and fossil marine sediments rich in organic matter may be unsuitable as paleoenvironmental indicators.


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The first experimentally determined temperature dependent oxygen-18 fractionation factor between dolomite and water at low temperatures [Vasconcelos et al. 1995 doi:10.1130/G20992.1] allows now the precise calculation of temperatures during early diagenetic dolomite precipitation. We use d18O values of early diagenetic dolomite beds sampled during ODP Legs 112 and 201 on the Peru continental margin (Sites 1227, 1228 and 1229) [Meister et al. 2007, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00870.x] to calculate paleo-porewater temperatures at the time of dolomite precipitation. We assumed unaltered seawater d18O values in the porewater, which is supported by d18O values of the modern porewater presented in this study. The dolomite layers in the Pleistocene part of the sedimentary columns showed oxygen isotope temperatures up to 5 °C lower than today. Since Sites 1228 and 1229 are located at 150 and 250 m below sealevel, respectively, their paleo-porewater temperatures would be influenced by considerably colder surface water during glacial sealevel lowstands. Thus, Pleistocene dolomite layers in the Peru Continental margin probably formed during glacial times. This finding is consistent with a model for dolomite precipitation in the Peru Margin recently discussed by Meister et al. [Meister et al. 2007, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00870.x], where dolomite forms episodically at the sulphate methane interface. It was shown that the sulphate methane interface migrates upwards and downwards within the sedimentary column, but dolomite layers may only form when the sulphate-methane interface stays at a fixed depth for a sufficient amount of time. We hypothesize that the sulphate-methane interface persists within TOC-rich interglacial sediments, while this zone is buried by TOC-poor sedimentation during glacial times. Thus, the presented oxygen isotope data provide additional information on the timing of early diagenetic dolomite formation and a possible link between episodicity in dolomite formation and sealevel variations. A similar link between early diagenesis and oceanography may also explain spacing of dolomite layers in a Milankovitch type pattern observed in the geological record, such as in the Miocene Monterey Formation.


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New heat-flow values were obtained in the central Peru Trench area during site surveys and drilling of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 112 by measuring temperatures with ordinary surface heat-flow probes and in the drill holes and by estimating from bottom-simulating reflectors resulting from gas hydrates. The values determined by these methods are consistent with each other within the limits of error. When combined with existing data, heat-flow distribution from the trench to the coast was delineated. Heat flow is lower than 40 mW/m**2 at the bottom of the trench and 40 to 50 mW/m**2 on the landward slope. The low heat flow at the trench bottom can be explained partly by a high sedimentation rate. Heat flow is variable about where the Mendana Fracture Zone meets the trench. This low heat flow might result from hydrothermal circulation in the fracture zone, which some scientists believe is a new propagating rift. On the landward slope, no significant difference in heat flow is recognized between the northern side and the southern side of the fracture zone, in spite of differences in the age of the subducting plate and the tectonic history. Heat flow on the landward slope may be slightly higher than that in most other subduction zones.