1000 resultados para 111-504B


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Magnetic properties measurements were performed on 47 samples drilled during Leg 111 of the Ocean Drilling Program and oxide petrography was studied in 32 samples taken at depths throughout the sheeted dike complex in Hole 504B. Integration of these data with results from previous DSDP legs shows that while natural remanent magnetization is constant with depth, magnetic susceptibility increases and median demagnetizing field and the Q ratio decrease with depth in the section. These trends appear to be a result of an increase in deuteric oxidation and a decrease in hydrothermal alteration of primary titanomagnetite with depth. A distinct change in stable magnetic inclination occurs between the extrusive basalts and the sheeted dikes and may be a result of tectonic rotation of the upper extrusive basalts.


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Seismic velocities have been measured at confining pressures to 600 MPa for eight samples of sheeted dike rock obtained from Hole 504B during Leg ODP 111. The compressional- and shear-wave velocities are, in general, higher than the velocities measured in overlying dike rocks obtained from the hole during DSDP Leg 83. The velocity gradients observed in Layer 2C result from decreasing porosity with depth and increasing metamorphic grade. The laboratory-measured velocities of the Leg 111 dike rocks are similar to those of dike rocks reported for the Bay of Islands, Samail, and Troodos ophiolites.


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During ODP Leg 111 Hole 504B was extended 212 m deeper into the sheeted dikes of oceanic Layer 2, for a total penetration of 1288 m within basement. Study of the mineralogy, chemistry, and stable isotopic compositions of the rocks recovered on Leg 111 has confirmed and extended the previous model for hydrothermal alteration at the site: axial greenschist hydrothermal metamorphism was followed by seawater recharge and subsequent off-axis alteration. The dikes are depleted in 18O (mean delta18O = +5.1 ? +/- 0.6 ?) relative to fresh mid-ocean ridge basalt. Oxygen isotopic data on whole rocks and isolated secondary minerals indicate temperatures during axial metamorphism of 250°-350°C and water/rock ratios about one. Increasing amounts of actinolite with depth in the dike section, however, suggest that temperatures increased downward in the dikes. Pyrite + pyrrhotite + chalcopyrite + magnetite was the stable sulfide + oxide mineral assemblage during axial alteration, but these minerals partly re-equilibrated later at temperatures less than 200°C. The dikes sampled on Leg 111 contain an average of 500 ppm sulfur, slightly lower than igneous values. The delta34S values of sulfide average 0?, which indicates the presence of basaltic sulfide and incorporation of little or no seawater-derived sulfide into the rocks. These data are consistent with models for the presence of rock-dominated sulfur in deep hydrothermal fluids. The presence of anhydrite at 1176 m within basement indicates that unaltered seawater can penetrate to significant depths in the crust during recharge.


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Basalts recovered from Hole 504B during ODP Leg 111 are more or less altered, but there is no sign of strong shear stress or widespread penetrative deformation; hence, they retain well their primary (igneous) structures and textures. The effect of alteration is recognized as the partial or total replacement of primary minerals (olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase) by secondary minerals and as the development of secondary minerals in open spaces (e.g., veins, fractures, vugs, or breccia matrix). The secondary minerals include zeolite (laumontite and stilbite), prehnite, chlorite, epidote, Plagioclase (albite and/or oligoclase), amphibole (anthophyllite, cummingtonite, actinolite, and hornblende), sodic augite, sphene, talc, anhydrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, Fe-Ti oxide, and quartz. Selected secondary minerals from several tens of samples were analyzed by means of an electron-probe microanalyzer; the results are presented along with brief considerations of their compositional features. In terms of the model basaltic system, the following two types of low-variance (three-phase) mineral assemblages were observed: prehnite-epidote-laumontite and prehnite-actinolite-epidote; both include chlorite, albite and/or oligoclase, sphene, and quartz. The mineral parageneses delineated by these low-variance mineral assemblages suggest that the metamorphic grade ranges from the zeolite facies to the prehnite-actinolite facies. The common occurrence of prehnite indicates that greenschist facies conditions were not attained even in the deepest level of Hole 504B, which, in a strict sense, contradicts the previous interpretation that the lower portion of Hole 504B suffered greenschist facies alteration.


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The effect of oxygen fugacity (fO2) on the partition relationship of Mg and Fe between Plagioclase and sillicate liquid was investigated at 1 atm for basaltic samples recovered during ODP Leg 111 from Hole 504B. Samples 111-504B-143R-2 (Piece 8) and 111-504B-169R-1 (Piece 1) have Plagioclase as the liquidus phase. The distribution coefficient of Mg between Plagioclase and melt is constant at about 0.04 against the variation of fO2, whereas that of Fe (total Fe) varies from 0.3 at f(O2) = 0.2 atm to 0.03 at f(o2) = 10**-11.5 at 1200°C. The distribution coefficient of Mg is slightly higher than that calculated from the phenocryst and bulk-rock compositions, suggesting a kinetic disequilibrium effect on the distribution of Mg in Plagioclase. Because Mg, Fe, and Fe3+ have similar diffusion coefficients in silicate melt, the disequilibrium effect is greatly reduced for the exchange reaction of Mg and total Fe between Plagioclase and liquid. The exchange partition coefficient is highly dependent on fo2, with log fo2 ranging from -0.7 to - 11.5 at approximately 1200°C. Using this relationship, the f(O2) of crystallization of the magmas is estimated to be near the one defined by the fayalite-quartz-magnetite assemblage.


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Petrography and isotope geochemical characteristics of H, O, S, Sr, and Nd have been described for basalts recovered from Hole 504B during Leg 111 of the Ocean Drilling Program. The petrographic and chemical features of the recovered basalts are similar to those obtained previously (DSDP Legs 69, 70, and 83); they can be divided into phyric (plagioclase-rich) and aphyric (Plagioclase- and clinopyroxene-rich) basalts and show low abundances of TiO2, Na2O, K2O, and Sr. This indicates that the basalts belong to Group D, comprising the majority of the upper section of the Hole 504B. The diopside-rich nature of the clinopyroxene phenocrysts and Ca-rich nature of the Plagioclase phenocrysts are also consistent with the preceding statement. The Sr and Nd isotope systematics (average 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70267 ± 0.00007 and average 143Nd/144Nd = 0.513157 ± 0.000041) indicate that the magma sources are isotopically heterogeneous, although the analyzed samples represent only the lowermost 200-m section of Hole 504B. The rocks were subjected to moderate hydrothermal alteration throughout the section recovered during Leg 111. Alteration is limited to interstices, microfractures, and grain boundaries of the primary minerals, forming chlorite, actinolite, talc, smectite, quartz, sphene, and pyrite. In harmony with the moderate alteration, the following alteration-sensitive parameters show rather limited ranges of variation: H2O = 1.1 ±0.2 wt%, dD = - 38 per mil ± 4 per mil, d180 = 5.4 per mil ± 0.3 per mil, total S = 562 ± 181 ppm, and d34S = 0.8 per mil ± 0.3 per mil. Based on these data, it was estimated that the hydrothermal fluids had dD and d180 values only slightly higher than those of seawater, the water/rock ratios were as low as 0.02-0.2, and the temperature of alteration was 300°-400°C. Sulfur exists predominantly as pyrite and in minor quantities as chalcopyrite. No primary monosulfide was detected. This and the d34S values of pyrite (d34S = 0.8 per mil) suggest that primary pyrrhotite was almost completely oxidized to pyrite by reaction with hydrothermal fluids containing very little sulfate.


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