968 resultados para 110701 Allergy


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Objective: This study examined associations of asthma and food allergy with symptoms of depression and anxiety at 14 and 21 years of age to determine whether condition-specific associations exist. Methods: Data come from 4972 adolescents in the Mater University Study of Pregnancy. Symptoms of depression and anxiety were assessed using the Youth Self-Report and Young Adult Self-Report. Results: Condition-specific associations between asthma and depression, OR=1.37 [1.12, 1.67] and between food allergy and anxiety, OR=1.26 [1.04, 1.76] were found during adolescence, but not in young adulthood. Whereas asthma was associated with resolved depression, OR=1.70 [1.13, 2.55], food allergy was associated with persistent anxiety, OR=1.26 [1.01, 1.59]. Conclusions: In adolescents, asthma is associated with an increased risk of clinically relevant symptoms of depression and food allergy with and increased risk of clinically relevant symptoms of anxiety. Future research is needed to clarify directionality and mechanisms explaining these relationships. Health professionals should be aware of the increased risk of mental health problems in adolescents with asthma or food allergy.


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Cashew allergy is an evolving clinical problem. A retrospective chart review of 213 children with peanut or tree nut allergy was undertaken over a 42 month period. Anaphylaxis to cashew nut was more common than to peanut ( 74.1% v 30.5%). Children with cashew allergy are at risk of anaphylaxis.


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Background: Biolistic injections provide a needle-free delivery of antigen-laden microparticles to the epithelium. The precision of the injection preferentially targets the Langerhans cell network, which, although ideal for vaccination, might not be suitable for the downregulation of immune responses in immunotherapy. Objective: We sought to determine the ability of biolistic injection of antigen into the epithelium of sensitized mice to inhibit IgE antibody and lung inflammatory responses produced by further exposure to antigen. Methods: Mice were sensitized by means of a needle injection of ovalbumin (OVA) in alum and given a series of biolistic injections of OVA or vehicle control, followed by a boost of OVA in alum. Serum IgE and IgG antibodies were measured before and after the boost. The mice were then challenged intranasally, and the infiltration of inflammatory cells was measured by means of bronchoalveolar lavage. Airway reactivity of the challenged mice was measured by examining responses to methacholine with forced oscillatory techniques. Results: Biolistic injection of OVA into the dorsal skin of sensitized mice markedly inhibited IgE and IgG1 antibody responses induced by boosting. IgG2a antibody responses were reduced rather than stimulated. The eosinophilic inflammation in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid induced by intranasal challenge was also markedly inhibited. Lung hyperreactivity showed an initial increase and then a decrease of responsiveness to methacholine, with elastance returning to the level of unsensitized mice. Biolistic injection into the buccal epithelium was also inhibitory. Conclusions: Biolistic injection of allergen inhibited the boosting of IgE antibody and eosinophilic lung inflammatory responses without inducing TO immunity.


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Latex allergy is a serious, possibly life threatening health hazard in the perioperative environment. Policy and procedures should be developed to identify patients who may be sensitive to latex and to ensure the avoidance of latex products in their care. Healthcare workers should also take steps to avoid exposure and protect themselves from hypersensitivity reactions.


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AIM To assess the effects of eye rubbing on corneal thickness (CT) and intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements obtained 0-30min after habitual eye rubbing in symptomatic patients. METHODS Measurements of IOP and CT were obtained at five locations (central, temporal, superior, nasal and inferior) before, and every 5min for 30min interval after 30s of eye rubbing, for 25 randomly selected eyes of 14 subjects with ocular allergy and 11 age-matched normals. Differences in measurements were calculated in each group [Baseline measurements minus measurements recorded at each time interval after eye rubbing (for IOP), and for each corneal location (for CT)] and comparison were then made between groups (allergic versus control) for differences in any observed effects. RESULTS Within groups, baseline mean IOPs in the allergic patient-group (14.2±3.0 mm Hg) and in the control group (13.1±1.9 mm Hg) were similar at all times, after eye rubbing (P >0.05, for all). The maximum reduction in IOP was 0.8 mm Hg in the control subjects and the maximum increase was also 0.8 mm Hg in the allergic subjects. Between groups (allergic versus control), the changes in IOP remained under 1 mm Hg at all times (P=0.2) after 30min of eye rubbing. Between 0 and 30min of CT measurements after eye rubbing, the mean central CT (CCT), inferior CT (ICT), superior CT (SCT), temporal CT (TCT) and nasal CT (NCT) did not vary significantly from baseline values in the control and allergic-subject groups (P>0.05, for both). Between both groups, changes in CT were similar at all locations (P>0.05) except for the TC which was minimally thinner by about 4.4 µm (P=0.001) in the allergic subjects than in the control subjects, 30min following 30s of eye rubbing. CONCLUSION IOP measured in allergic subjects after 30s of habitual eye rubbing was comparable with that obtained in normal subjects at all times between 0 and 30min. Although, CT in the allergic subjects were similar to those of the control subjects at all times, it varied between +10 and -7.5 µm following eye rubbing, with the temporal cornea showing consistent reductions in thickness in the subjects with allergy. However, this reduction was minimal and was considered to not be clinically relevant.


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Liposome-protamine-DNA nanoparticles (LPD) are safe, effective, and non-toxic adjuvants that induce Th1-like immune responses. We hypothesized that encapsulation of allergens into liposomes could be an appropriate option for immunotherapy. The present study evaluated the immunotherapeutic potential of a recombinant hybrid molecule (rHM) encapsulated in LPD nanoparticles in a murine model of Chenopodium album allergy. BALB/c mice were sensitized with the allergen in alum, and the immunotherapy procedure was performed by subcutaneous injections of LPD-rHM, rHM, or empty LPD at weekly intervals. Sensitized mice developed a Th2-biased immune response characterized by strong specific IgG1 and IgE production, IL-4, and the transcription factor GATA3 in spleen cell cultures. Treatment with the LPD-rHM resulted in a reduction in IgE and a marked increase in IgG2a. The LPD-rHM induced allergen-specific responses with relatively high interferon-gamma production, as well as expression of the transcription factor T-bet in stimulated splenocytes. In addition, lymphoproliferative responses were higher in the LPD-rHM-treated mice than in the other groups. Removal of the nanoparticles from the rHM resulted in a decrease in the allergen's immunogenicity. These results indicate that the rHM complexed with LPD nanoparticles has a marked suppressive effect on the allergic response and caused a shift toward a Th1 pathway.


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Asthma prevalence in children has remained relatively constant in many Western countries, but hospital admissions for younger age groups have increased over time.1 Although the role of outdoor aeroallergens as triggers for asthma exacerbations requiring hospitalization in children and adolescents is complex, there is evidence that increasing concentrations of grass pollen are associated with an increased risk of asthma exacerbations in children.2 Human rhinovirus (HRV) infections are implicated in most of the serious asthma exacerbations in school-age children.3 In previous research, HRV infections and aeroallergen exposure have usually been studied independently. To our knowledge, only 1 study has examined interactions between these 2 factors,4 but lack of power prevented any meaningful interpretation...


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My work describes two sectors of the human bacterial environment: 1. The sources of exposure to infectious non-tuberculous mycobacteria. 2. Bacteria in dust, reflecting the airborne bacterial exposure in environments protecting from or predisposing to allergic disorders. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) transmit to humans and animals from the environment. Infection by NTM in Finland has increased during the past decade beyond that by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Among the farm animals, porcine mycobacteriosis is the predominant NTM disease in Finland. Symptoms of mycobacteriosis are found in 0.34 % of slaughtered pigs. Soil and drinking water are suspected as sources for humans and bedding materials for pigs. To achieve quantitative data on the sources of human and porcine NTM exposure, methods for quantitation of environmental NTM are needed. We developed a quantitative real-time PCR method, utilizing primers targeted at the 16S rRNA gene of the genus of Mycobacterium. With this method, I found in Finnish sphagnum peat, sandy soils and mud high contents of mycobacterial DNA, 106 to 107 genome equivalents per gram. A similar result was obtained by a method based on the Mycobacterium-specific hybridization of 16S rRNA. Since rRNA is found mainly in live cells, this result shows that the DNA detected by qPCR mainly represented live mycobacteria. Next, I investigated the occurrence of environmental mycobacteria in the bedding materials obtained from 5 pig farms with high prevalence (>4 %) of mycobacteriosis. When I used for quantification the same qPCR methods as for the soils, I found that piggery samples contained non-mycobacterial DNA that was amplified in spite of several mismatches with the primers. I therefore improved the qPCR assay by designing Mycobacterium-specific detection probes. Using the probe qPCR assay, I found 105 to 107 genome equivalents of mycobacterial DNA in unused bedding materials and up to 1000 fold more in the bedding collected after use in the piggery. This result shows that there was a source of mycobacteria in the bedding materials purchased by the piggery and that mycobacteria increased in the bedding materials during use in the piggery. Allergic diseases have reached epidemic proportions in urbanized countries. At the same time, childhood in rural environment or simple living conditions appears to protect against allergic disorders. Exposure to immunoreactive microbial components in rural environments seems to prevent allergies. I searched for differences in the bacterial communities of two indoor dusts, an urban house dust shown to possess immunoreactivity of the TH2-type and a farm barn dust with TH1-activity. The immunoreactivities of the dusts were revealed by my collaborators, in vitro in human dendritic cells and in vivo in mouse. The dusts accumulated >10 years in the respiratory zone (>1.5 m above floor), thus reflecting the long-term content of airborne bacteria at the two sites. I investigated these dusts by cloning and sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes from dust contained DNA. From the TH2-active urban house dust, I isolated 139 16S rRNA gene clones. The most prevalent genera among the clones were Corynebacterium (5 species, 34 clones), Streptococcus (8 species, 33 clones), Staphylococcus (5 species, 9 clones) and Finegoldia (1 species, 9 clones). Almost all of these species are known as colonizers of the human skin and oral cavity. Species of Corynebacterium and Streptococcus have been reported to contain anti-inflammatory lipoarabinomannans and immunmoreactive beta-glucans respectively. Streptococcus mitis, found in the urban house dust is known as an inducer of TH2 polarized immunity, characteristic of allergic disorders. I isolated 152 DNA clones from the TH1-active farm barn dust and found species quite different from those found from the urban house dust. Among others, I found DNA clones representing Bacillus licheniformis, Acinetobacter lwoffii and Lactobacillus each of which was recently reported to possess anti-allergy immunoreactivity. Moreover, the farm barn dust contained dramatically higher bacterial diversity than the urban house dust. Exposure to this dust thus stimulated the human dendritic cells by multiple microbial components. Such stimulation was reported to promote TH1 immunity. The biodiversity in dust may thus be connected to its immunoreactivity. Furthermore, the bacterial biomass in the farm barn dust consisted of live intact bacteria mainly. In the urban house dust only ~1 % of the biomass appeared as intact bacteria, as judged by microscoping. Fragmented microbes may possess bioactivity different from that of intact cells. This was recently shown for moulds. If this is also valid for bacteria, the different immunoreactivities of the two dusts may be explained by the intactness of dustborne bacteria. Based on these results, we offer three factors potentially contributing to the polarized immunoreactivities of the two dusts: (i) the species-composition, (ii) the biodiversity and (iii) the intactness of the dustborne bacterial biomass. The risk of childhood atopic diseases is 4-fold lower in the Russian compared with the Finnish Karelia. This difference across the country border is not explainable by different geo-climatic factors or genetic susceptibilities of the two populations. Instead, the explanation must be lifestyle-related. It has already been reported that the microbiological quality of drinking water differs on the two sides of the borders. In collaboration with allergists, I investigated dusts collected from homes in the Russian Karelia and in the Finnish Karelia. I found that bacterial 16S rRNA genes cloned from the Russian Karelian dusts (10 homes, 234 clones) predominantly represented Gram-positive taxa (the phyla Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, 67%). The Russian Karelian dusts contained nine-fold more of muramic acid (60 to 70 ng mg-1) than the Finnish Karelian dusts (3 to 11 ng mg-1). Among the DNA clones isolated from the Finnish side (n=231), Gram-negative taxa (40%) outnumbered the Gram-positives (34%). Out of the 465 DNA clones isolated from the Karelian dusts, 242 were assigned to cultured validly described bacterial species. In Russian Karelia, animal-associated species e.g. Staphylococcus and Macrococcus were numerous (27 clones, 14 unique species). This finding may connect to the difference in the prevalence of allergy, as childhood contacts with pets and farm animals have been connected with low allergy risk. Plant-associated bacteria and plant-borne 16S rRNA genes (chloroplast) were frequent among the DNA clones isolated from the Finnish Karelia, indicating components originating from plants. In conclusion, my work revealed three major differences between the bacterial communtites in the Russian and in the Finnish Karelian homes: (i) the high prevalence of Gram-positive bacteria on the Russian side and of Gram-negative bacteria on the Finnish side and (ii) the rich presence of animal-associated bacteria on the Russian side whereas (iii) plant-associated bacteria prevailed on the Finnish side. One or several of these factors may connect to the differences in the prevalence of allergy.


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The pollen of Parthenium hysterophorus, an alien weed growing wild in India was found to be a potential source of allergic rhinitis. A clinical survey showed that 34% of the patients suffering from rhinitis and 12% suffering from bronchial asthma gave positive skin-prick test reactions to Parthenium pollen antigen extracts. Parthenium-specific IgE was detected in the sera of sixteen out of twenty-four patients suffering from seasonal rhinitis. There was 66% correlation between skin test and RAST.


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Transforming growth factor β signalling through Smad3 in allergy Allergic diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, asthma, and contact dermatitis are complex diseases influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. It is still unclear why allergy and subsequent allergic disease occur in some individuals but not in others. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β is an important immunomodulatory and fibrogenic factor that regulates cellular processes in injured and inflamed skin. TGF-β has a significant role in the regulation of the allergen-induced immune response participating in the development of allergic and asthmatic inflammation. TGF-β is known to be an immunomodulatory factor in the progression of delayed type hypersensitivity reactions and allergic contact dermatitis. TGF-β is crucial in regulating the cellular responses involved in allergy, such as differentiation, proliferation and migration. TGF-β signals are delivered from the cytoplasm to the nucleus by TGF-β signal transducers called Smads. Smad3 is a major signal transducer in TGF-β -signalling that controls the expression of target genes in the nucleus in a cell-type specific manner. The role of TGF-β-Smad3 -signalling in the immunoregulation and pathophysiology of allergic disorders is still poorly understood. In this thesis, the role of TGF-β-Smad -signalling pathway using Smad3 -deficient knock out mice in the murine models of allergic diseases; atopic dermatitis, asthma and allergic contact reactions, was examined. Smad3-pathway regulates allergen induced skin inflammation and systemic IgE antibody production in a murine model atopic dermatitis. The defect in Smad3 -signalling decreased Th2 cytokine (IL-13 and IL-5) mRNA expression in the lung, modulated allergen induced specific IgG1 response, and affected mucus production in the lung in a murine model of asthma. TGF-β / Smad3 -signalling contributed to inflammatory hypersensitivity reactions and disease progression via modulation of chemokine and cytokine expression and inflammatory cell recruitment, cell proliferation and regulation of the specific antibody response in a murine model of contact hypersensitivity. TGF-β modulates inflammatory responses - at least partly through the Smad3 pathway - but also through other compensatory, non-Smad-dependent pathways. Understanding the effects of the TGF-β signalling pathway in the immune system and in disease models can help in elucidating the multilevel effects of TGF-β. Unravelling the mechanisms of Smad3 may open new possibilities for treating and preventing allergic responses, which may lead to severe illness and loss of work ability. In the future the Smad3 signalling pathway might be a potential target in the therapy of allergic diseases.