994 resultados para 105-647A


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Basalt samples recovered from the lowermost 37 m of Leg 105 Hole 647A in the Labrador Sea are fine- to medium grained, have microphenocrysts of clinopyroxene, and show little evidence of alteration. Chemically, these rocks are low potassium (0.01-0.09 wt% K20), olivine- to quartz-normative tholeiites that are also depleted in other incompatible elements. In terms of many of the incompatible trace elements, the Labrador Sea samples are similar both to iV-type midocean ridge basalts (MORBs) and to the terrestrial Paleocene volcanic rocks in the Davis Strait region of Baffin Island and West Greenland. However, significant differences are found in their strontium and neodymium isotope systematics. Hole 647A samples are more depleted in epsilon-Nd (+9.3) and are anomalously rich in 87Sr/86Sr (0.7040) relative to the Davis Strait basalts (epsilon-Nd +2.54 to + 8.97; mean 87Sr/86Sr, 0.7034). We conclude that the Hole 647A and Davis Strait basalts may have been derived from a similar depleted mantle source composition. In addition, the Davis Strait magmas were generated from mantle of more than one composition. We also suggest that there is no geochemical evidence from the Hole 647A samples to support or to refute the existence of foundered continental crust in the Labrador Sea.


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In this preliminary biometric study of the calcareous nannofossil species Chiasmolithus expansus, Chiasmolithus oamaruensis, and Chiasmolithus altus from the upper middle Eocene to lower Oligocene of Sites 647 and 748, we document a complete gradation of forms among all three species. Chiasmolithus oamaruensis has significantly higher morphologic variance than the other species. The Chiasmolithus population at each site changes from C. expansus to C. oamaruensis and then to C. altus. This may not reflect a true evolutionary sequence because a major reversal in shape change of the central cross-bar structure accompanies this sequence, and because C. altus is morphologically closer to C. expansus than it is to C. oamaruensis. The change in the width of the cross-bar structure is primarily a result of changes in the alignment of the central connecting bar, rather than of changes in the cross-bar angle. At Site 748, two fluctuations in morphology produce sample populations intermediate between all three species. In addition, reported stratigraphic and paleogeographic occurrences of C. oamaruensis and C. altus show different latitudinal distributions. These morphological and distributional patterns may be explained by a continuous morphologic gradient between C. oamaruensis and C. altus, with C. oamaruensis occurring more commonly in cool-water paleoenvironments, and C. altus occurring more commonly in cold-water paleoenvironments. Thus, paleoenvironmental fluctuations at Site 748 may be the cause of the morphologic fluctuations in Chiasmolithus. This hypothesis can be tested against previously proposed evolutionary models by more detailed sampling of sections along a latitudinal transect.


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Eocene to Holocene sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 647 (Leg 105) in the southern Labrador Sea, approximately 200 km south of the Gloria Drift deposits, were investigated for their biogenic silica composition. Three sections of different diagenetic alteration products of primary siliceous components could be distinguished: (1) opal-A was recorded in the Miocene and the early Oligocene time intervals with strongly corroded siliceous skeletons in the Miocene and mostly well preserved biogenic opal in the early Oligocene; (2) opal-CT precipitation occurs between 250-440 meters below seafloor (mbsf) (earliest Oligocene to late Eocene); (3) between 620-650 mbsf (early/middle Eocene), biogenic opal was transformed to clay minerals by authigenesis of smectites. Using accumulation rates of biogenic opal, paleoproductivity was estimated for the early Oligocene to late Eocene interval. A maximum productivity of biogenic silica probably occurred between 35.5 and 34.5 Ma (early Oligocene). No evidence for opal sedimentation during most of middle Eocene was found. However, at the early/middle Eocene boundary (around 52 Ma), increased opal fluxes were documented by diagenetic alteration products of siliceous skeletons.


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Dinoflagellate cysts were recovered throughout the Paleogene succession of Hole 647A, which contains an almost complete deep-water record of early Eocene through early late Oligocene sedimentation in the Labrador Sea. Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy is in general accord with that provided by other microfossil groups and is consistent with a lower Eocene age, as determined by nannofossils, for basal sediments in Hole 647A. These sediments overlie oceanic crust of Chron 24 age. Dinocyst assemblages indicate outer neritic to oceanic conditions throughout, although the persistent occurrence of Wetzeliellaceae specimens in the lower Eocene suggests a greater influence from shelf environments during this time. Lower Eocene dinocyst assemblages are similar to coeval assemblages from the Rockall Plateau, but those from the middle to upper Eocene have mixed affinities and may be related to the intensification of the proto-Gulf Stream from middle Eocene time. Oligocene dinocyst assemblages suggest the influence of both arctic and North Atlantic wate rmasses at this site. The presence of protoperidineacean species in the upper Eocene and Oligocene may indicate increased availability of nutrients, perhaps related to increased upwelling or the effects of water-mass mixing. Productive samples are dominated by dinocysts and acritarchs, while sporomorphs are represented mainly by bisaccate pollen. Preservational differences within samples may reflect mixing of penecontemporaneous dinocyst populations during the Eocene, and all samples examined may have a considerable allochthonous component. Variability in relative abundance of many species during the Eocene may be related to fluctuating water-mass properties. A total 175 dinocyst and acritarch taxa were recorded from 53 productive samples from the Paleogene. Only one Paleogene sample was barren of palynomorphs. Of three Miocene samples processed, all were barren.


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Many marine radiogenic isotope records show both spatial and temporal variations, reflecting both the degree of mixing of distinct sources in the oceans and changes in the distribution of chemical weathering on the continents. However, changes in weathering and transport processes may themselves affect the composition of radiogenic isotopes released into seawater. The provenance of physically weathered material in the Labrador Sea, constrained through the use of Ar-Ar ages of individual detrital minerals, has been used to estimate the relative contributions of chemically weathered terranes releasing radiogenic isotopes into the Labrador Sea. A simple box-model approach for balancing observed Nd-isotope variations has been used to constrain the relative importance of localised input in the Labrador Sea, and the subsequent mixing of Labrador Sea Water into North Atlantic Deep-Water. The long-term pattern of erosion and deep-water formation around the North Atlantic seems to have been a relatively stable feature since 1.5 Ma, although there has been a dramatic shift in the nature of physical and chemical weathering affecting the release of Hf and Pb isotopes. The modelled Nd isotopes imply a relative decrease in water mass advection into the Labrador Sea between 2.4 and 1.5 Ma, accompanied by a decrease in the rate of overturning, possibly caused by an increased freshwater input into the Labrador Sea.


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Geochemical analyses of the middle Eocene through lower Oligocene lithologic Unit IIIC (260-518 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) indicate a relatively constant geochemical composition of the detrital fraction throughout this depositional interval at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 647 in the southern Labrador Sea. The main variability occurs in redox-sensitive elements (e.g., iron, manganese, and phosphorus), which may be related to early diagenetic mobility in anaerobic pore waters during bacterial decomposition of organic matter. Initial preservation of organic matter was mediated by high sedimentation rates (36 m/m.y.). High iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) contents are associated with carbonate concretions of siderite, manganosiderite, and rhodochrosite. These concretions probably formed in response to elevated pore-water alkalinity and total dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations resulting from bacterial sulfate reduction, as indicated by nodule stable-isotope compositions and pore-water geochemistry. These nodules differ from those found in upper Cenozoic hemipelagic sequences in that they are not associated with methanogenesis. Phosphate minerals (carbonate-fluorapatite) precipitated in some intervals, probably as the result of desorption of phosphorus from iron and manganese during reduction. The bulk chemical composition of the sediments differs little from that of North Atlantic Quaternary abyssal red clays, but may contain a minor hydrothermal component. The silicon/ aluminum (Si/Al) ratio, however, is high and variable and probably reflects original variations in biogenic opal, much of which is now altered to smectite and/or opal CT. An increase in the sodium/potassium (Na/K) ratio in the upper Eocene corresponds to the beginning of coarsergrained feldspar flux to the site, possibly marking the onset of more vigorous deep currents. Although the Site 647 cores provide a nearly complete high-resolution, high-latitude Eocene-Oligocene record, the high sedimentation rate and somewhat unusual diagenetic conditions have led to variable alteration of benthic foraminifers and fine-fraction carbonate and have overprinted the original stable-isotope records. Planktonic foraminifers are less altered, but on the whole, there is little chance of sorting out the nature and timing of environmental change on the basis of our stable-isotope analyses.


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Authigenic carbonates were recovered in lower to middle Eocene claystones at Ocean Drilling Program Site 647 in the Labrador Sea. Detailed chemical, petrographic, and X-ray investigations reveal that these diagenetic carbonates have a complex mineralogical composition. At least five different carbonate phases are identified: calcium-rich rhodochrosite, rhodochrosite, manganosiderite, siderite, and calcite. Manganese carbonates are the dominant carbonate phases formed throughout the section. Textural analyses show two major generations of carbonate formation. Early cementation of micritic carbonate in burrow structures was followed by carbonate cementation forming microsparry to sparry crystals. At approximately 620 meters below seafloor (mbsf), three concretions of iron carbonates occur, which indicates a special pore-water chemistry. Thin section analyses from this level show (1) several generations of diagenetic carbonates, (2) widespread secondary cavity formation in burrow structures, and (3) various cement precipitations in voids. We suggest that this level represents a hiatus or highly condensed sequence, as indicated by (1) the low carbonate content in host sediments, (2) carbonate dissolution reflected by the high ratio of benthic to planktonic foraminifers, and (3) complex diagenetic alteration in the carbonate concretions. Iron and manganese enrichments observed in lithologic Unit IV may have been derived from a hydrothermal source at the adjacent, then active, Labrador Sea mid-ocean ridge. Authigenic smectites forming numerous pseudomorphs of siliceous microfossils are precipitated in burrow structures. We propose that diagenetic smectite formation from biogenic opal and iron oxyhydroxide (analogous to smectite formation in surface sediments of the East Pacific area) occurred in the Labrador Sea during the early and middle Eocene.


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