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The amphiphilic association structures were determined in the system; water, Laureth 4 (approximately C-12(EO)(4)), and the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([bmim][PF6]), using visual observation and small angle x-ray diffraction. The system showed a lamellar liquid crystal solubilizing the ionic liquid ([bmim][PF6]) to a maximum of 15%, an isotropic surfactant solution dissolving the ionic liquid to a maximum of 39%, an isotropic ionic liquid solution with less than 0.5% of water and surfactant and finally, an aqueous solution with only traces of surfactant and ionic liquid. The small angle x-ray diffraction results showed the ionic liquid to be solubilized into the lamellar liquid crystal without changing the dimensions of the amphiphile layer or the interlayer spacing dependence on the water content.


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The relatively hydrophobic ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate has been found to be totally miscible with aqueous ethanol between 0.5 and 0.9 mol fraction ethanol, whereas the ionic liquid is only partially miscible with either pure water or absolute ethanol; the ability to dissolve 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate in a 'green' aqueous solvent system has important implications for cleaning, purification, and separations using ionic liquids.


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1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium fluoride hydrate has been identified crystallographically as a decomposition product created during purification of the hydrophobic ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate. This highlights the need to treat ionic liquids much as one would any other research chemical with potentially hazardous properties, unknown toxicity and/or stability, particularly when searching for 'green solvents'.


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Experimental values for the solubility of carbon dioxide, ethane, methane, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, argon and carbon monoxide in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, [bmim][PF6] - a room temperature ionic liquid - are reported as a function of temperature between 283 and 343 K and at pressures close to atmospheric. Carbon dioxide is the most soluble and hydrogen is the least soluble of the gases studied with mole fraction solubilities of the order of 10-2 and 10-4, respectively. All the mole fraction solubilities decrease with temperature except for hydrogen for which a maximum is observed at temperatures close to 310 K. From the variation of solubility, expressed as Henry's law constants, with temperature, the partial molar thermodynamic functions of solvation such as the standard Gibbs energy, the enthalpy, and the entropy are calculated. The precision of the experimental data, considered as the average absolute deviation of the Henry's law constants from appropriate smoothing equations, is better than ±1%. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Raman spectra of polymer electrolytes based on poly(ethylene glycol) dimethyl ether (PEGdME) with LiClO(4), PEGdME/LiClO(4), and the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, PEGdME/[bmim]PF(6), are compared. Raman spectroscopy suggests stronger interactions in PEGdME/LiClO(4) than PEGdmE/[bmim]PF(6), thus corroborating previous results obtained by molecular dynamics simulations. Quantum Chemistry methods have been used to calculate vibrational frequencies and the equilibrium structure of segments of the polymer chain around the cation. A consistent picture has been obtained from Raman spectroscopy, density functional theory (DFT) calculations, and molecular dynamics simulations for these polymer electrolytes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ion transport in a polymer-ionic liquid (IL) soft matter composite electrolyte is discussed here in detail in the context of polymer-ionic liquid interaction and glass transition temperature The dispersion of polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA) in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (BMIPF6) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (BMITFSI) resulted in transparent composite electrolytes with a jelly-like consistency The composite ionic conductivity measured over the range -30 C to 60 C was always lower than that of the neat BMITFSI/BMIPF6 and LiTFSI-BMITFSI/LiTFSI-BMIPF6 electrolytes but still very high (>1 mS/cm at 25 degrees C up to 50 wt% PMMA) While addition of LiTFSI to IL does not influence the glass T-g and T-m melting temperature significantly dispersion of PMMA (especially at higher contents) resulted in increase in T-g and disappearance of T-m In general the profile of temperature-dependent ionic conductivity could be fitted to Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher (VTF) suggesting a solvent assisted ion transport However for higher PMMA concentration sharp demarcation of temperature regimes between thermally activated and solvent assisted ion transport were observed with the glass transition temperature acting as the reference point for transformation from one form of transport mechanism to the other Because of the beneficial physico-chemical properties and interesting ion transport mechanism we envisage the present soft matter electrolytes to be promising for application in electrochromic devices (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Raman spectra in the range of the totally symmetric stretching mode of the [PF6]− anion, νs(PF6), have been measured for 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquids [CnC1im][PF6], for n = 4, 6, and 8, as a function of pressure at room temperature. The ionic liquids [C6C1im][PF6] and [C8C1im][PF6] remain in an amorphous phase up to 3.5 GPa, in contrast to [C4C1im][PF6], whichcrystallizes above ∼0.5 GPa. Equations of state based either on a group contribution model or Carnahan-Starling-van der Waals model have been used to estimate the densities of the ionic liquids at high pressures. The shifts of the vibrational frequency of νs(PF6) with density observed in [C6C1im][PF6] and in [C8C1im][PF6] have been calculated by a hard-sphere model of a pseudo-diatomic solute under short-range repulsive interactions with the neighboring particles. The stochastic model of Kubo for vibrational dephasing has been used to obtain the amplitude of vibrational frequency fluctuation, ⟨Δω 2⟩, and the relaxation time of frequency fluctuation, τ c , as a function of density by Raman band shape analysis of the νs(PF6) mode of [C6C1im][PF6] and [C8C1im][PF6].


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Electrochemical oxidation of hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) has been studied at a platinum microelectrode (10 mu m diameter) in five room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs): [C(4)mim][OTf], [C(4)dmim][NTf2], [C(4)mim][PF6],. [C(6)mim][FAP], and [P-14,P-6,P-6,P-6][FAP] (where [C-n mim](+) = 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium, [C(n)dmim](+) = 1-alkyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium, [P-14,P-6,P-6,P-6](+) = tris(p-hexyl)-tetradecylphosphonium, [OTf](-) = trifluoromethlysulfonate, [NTf2](-) = bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [PF6](-) = hexafluorophosphate, and [FAP](-) = trifluorotris(pentafluoroethyl)phosphate). In four of the RTILs ([C(4)dmim][NTf2], [C(4)mim][PF6], [C(6)mim][FAP], and [P-14,P-6,P-6,P-6][FAP]), no clear oxidative signal was observed. In [C(4)mim][OTf], a chemically irreversible oxidation peak was observed on the oxidative sweep with no signal seen on the reverse scan. The oxidative signal showed an adsorptive stripping peak type followed by near steady-state limiting current behavior. Potential step chronoamperometry was carried out on the reductive wave, giving a diffusion coefficient and solubility of 1.6 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) and 7 mM, respectively (at 25 degrees C). Using these data, we modeled the oxidation signal kinetically, assuming adsorption preceded oxidation and that adsorption was approximately Langmuirian. The oxidation step was described by an electrochemically fully irreversible Tafel law/Butler-Volmer formalism. Modeling indicated a substantial buildup of H2S in the double layer in excess of the coverage that would be expected for a monolayer of chemisorbed H2S, reflecting high solubility of the gas in [C(4)mim][OTf] and possible attractive interactions with the [OTf](-) anions accumulated at the electrode at potentials positive of the potential of zero charge. Solute enrichment of the double layer in the solution adjacent to the electrode appears a novel feature of RTIL electrochemistry.


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The presence of local anisotropy in the bulk, isotropic, and ionic liquid phases-leading to local mesoscopic inhomogeneity-with nanoscale segregation and expanding nonpolar domains on increasing the length of the cation alkyl-substituents has been proposed on the basis of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. However, there has been little conclusive experimental evidence for the existence of intermediate mesoscopic structure between the first/second shell correlations shown by neutron scattering on short chain length based materials and the mesophase structure of the long chain length ionic liquid crystals. Herein, small angle neutron scattering measurements have been performed on selectively H/D-isotopically substituted 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ionic liquids with butyl, hexyl, and octyl substituents. The data show the unambiguous existence of a diffraction peak in the low-Q region for all three liquids which moves to longer distances (lower Q), sharpens, and increases in intensity with increasing length of the alkyl substituent. It is notable, however, that this peak occurs at lower values of Q (longer length scale) than predicted in any of the previously published MD simulations of ionic liquids, and that the magnitude of the scattering from this peak is comparable with that from the remainder of the amorphous ionic liquid. This strongly suggests that the peak arises from the second coordination shells of the ions along the vector of alkyl-chain substituents as a consequence of increasing the anisotropy of the cation, and that there is little or no long-range correlated nanostructure in these ionic liquids.


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Heterogeneous dynamics within a time range of nanoseconds was investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of 1 -butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([bmim]Cl). After identifying groups of fast and slow ions, it was shown that the separation between the location of the center of mass and the center of charge of cations, d(CMCC), is a signature of such difference in ionic mobility. The distance d(CMCC) can be used as a signature because it relaxes in the time window of the dynamical heterogeneity. The relationship between the parameter dcmcc and conformations of the side alkyl chain in [bmim] is discussed. Since the relatively slow relaxation of dcmcc is a consequence of coexisting polar and nonpolar domains in the bulk, the MD simulations reveal a subtle interplay between structural and dynamical heterogeneity in ionic liquids.


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Ground state energy, structure, and harmonic vibrational modes of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium triflate ([bmim][Tf]) clusters have been computed using an all-atom empirical potential model. Neutral and charged species have been considered up to a size (30 [bmim][Tf] pairs) well into the nanometric range. Free energy computations and thermodynamic modeling have been used to predict the equilibrium composition of the vapor phase as a function of temperature and density. The results point to a nonnegligible concentration of very small charged species at pressures (P ~ 0.01 Pa) and temperatures (T 600 K) at the boundary of the stability range of [bmim][Tf]. Thermal properties of nanometric neutral droplets have been investigated in the 0 T 700 K range. A near-continuous transition between a liquidlike phase at high T and a solidlike phase at low T takes place at T ~ 190 K in close correspondence with the bulk glass point Tg ~ 200 K. Solidification is accompanied by a transition in the dielectric properties of the droplet, giving rise to a small permanent dipole embedded into the solid cluster. The simulation results highlight the molecular precursors of several macroscopic properties and phenomena and point to the close competition of Coulomb and dispersion forces as their common origin.


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Raman spectra of the ionic liquids, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([C(4)mim][PF(6)]), 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([C(6)mim]Cl), and 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([C(6)mim][PF(6)]), and binary mixtures thereof, have been assigned using ab initio MP2 calculations. The previously reported anti and gauche forms of the [C(4)mim](+) cation have been observed, and this study reveals this to be a general feature of the long-chain I-alkyl derivatives. Analysis of mixtures Of [C(6)mim]Cl and [C(6)mim][PF(6)] has provided information on the nature of the hydrogen bonding between the imidazolium headgroup and the anions, and the invariance of the essentially 50:50 mixture of the predominant conformers informs on the nature of glass formation in these systems.