967 resultados para 07-SA-LY_ABCD_1-6


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A four-level decay model in KMgF3:Eu2+ is proposed. The decay profiles of the P-6(7/2) excited state of Eu2+ are biexponential, and the physical implication of each term in the fit equation responsible for the model is interpreted. The evidence obtained spectroscopically for supporting the model is presented. A new method to study energy transfer between Eu2+ and X3+ in KMgF3:Eu-X (X = Gd, Ce, Cr) is established on the basis of the proposed model.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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It is increasingly recognised that chronically activated glia contribute to the pathology of various neurodegenerative diseases, including glaucoma. One means by which this can occur is through the release of neurotoxic, proinflammatory factors. In the current study, we therefore investigated the spatio-temporal patterns of expression of three such cytokines, IL-1β, TNFα and IL-6, in a validated rat model of experimental glaucoma. First, only weak evidence was found for increased expression of IL-1β and TNFα following induction of ocular hypertension. Second, and much more striking, was that robust evidence was uncovered showing IL-6 to be synthesised by injured retinal ganglion cells following elevation of intraocular pressure and transported in an orthograde fashion along the nerve, accumulating at sites of axonal disruption in the optic nerve head. Verification that IL-6 represents a novel marker of disrupted axonal transport in this model was obtained by performing double labelling immunofluorescence with recognised markers of fast axonal transport. The stimulus for IL-6 synthesis and axonal transport during experimental glaucoma arose from axonal injury rather than ocular hypertension, as the response was identical after optic nerve crush and bilateral occlusion of the carotid arteries, each of which is independent of elevated intraocular pressure. Moreover, the response of IL-6 was not a generalised feature of the gp130 family of cytokines, as it was not mimicked by another family member, ciliary neurotrophic factor. Finally, further study suggested that IL-6 may be an early part of the endogenous regenerative response as the cytokine colocalised with growth-associated membrane phosphoprotein-43 in some putative regenerating axons, and potently stimulated neuritogenesis in retinal ganglion cells in culture, an effect that was additive to that of ciliary neurotrophic factor. These data comprise clear evidence that IL-6 is actively involved in the attempt of injured retinal ganglion cells to regenerate their axons.


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En la microcuenca El Coyote localizada en el municipio de Condega, Estelí, se evaluó la calidad del agua superficial de sde febrero del 2010 a febrero del 2011. El propósito fue la identificación de indicadores que faciliten la vigilancia y monitoreo de la calidad del agua . Se integró un sistema multimétrico utilizando las características físicoquímicas y bacteriológicas, macro invertebrados acuáticos, la caracterización morfométrica de la microcuenca y la información resultante a nivel de comunidad (cambios en el uso del suelo). En la determinación de la relación de la calidad del agua con la estructura de la macrofauna acuática (macroinvertebrados) se usó el método Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP/Col ) . La microcuenca tiene 144 afluentes con una forma oval - oblonga - alargada, y su curva hipsométrica refleja un estado de equilibrio relativo de juvenil a madurez. El uso del suelo es inadecuado y su entorno natural fue valorado como subóptimo. Aunque los parámetros fisico químicos indicaron que las aguas son alcalinas, con un nivel aceptable de oxigeno disuelto, categorizadas según el Diagrama de Riverside como aguas aptas par a riego (C2 - S1), y aceptables según valores determinados para DBO 5 y DQO; sin embargo, requieren de un tratamiento de descontaminación previo a su uso doméstico y agropecuario. Además, debido a la presencia de coliformes fecales estas aguas no están aptas para consumo humano . Los macroinvertebrados varían, según la estacionalidad, en riqueza, abundancia y distribución, presentando una disminución en el número de individuos en la época lluviosa (t= 5.21, p<2.18E - 07). E l 6 8 . 91 % de los macroinvertebrados bioin dicadores se distribuyeron en cinco familias : Leptohyphidae , Baetidae , Hydropsychidae , Chironomidae y Physidae , siendo el cariotipo piedra el que present ó mayor diversidad y abundancia . El promedio del BMWP /Col fue de 60.06, indicando una calidad del agua entre dudosa y aceptable , y el índice ASPT de 6.71 señala una contaminación moderada ; estos resultados coincide n con los obtenidos utilizando la batería de indicadores fisicoquímicos y bacteriológicos .


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Fecha: 19-6-1937 / Unidad de ínstalación: Carpeta Rectorado - A-1 / Nº de pág.: 1 (manuscrita)Enmarcada


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Growth parameters were estimated for porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) in the northwest Atlantic Ocean on the basis of vertebral annuli. A total of 578 vertebrae was analyzed. Annuli were validated up to an age of 11 years by using vertebrae from recaptured oxytetracycline-injected and known-age sharks. Males and females grew at similar rates until the size of male sexual maturity, after which the relative growth of the males declined. The growth rate of the females declined in a similar manner at the onset of maturity. Growth curves were consistent with those derived from tag-recapture analyses (GROTAG) of 76 recaptured fish and those based on length-frequency methods with measurements from 13,589 individuals. Von Bertalanffy growth curve parameters (combined sexes) were L∞ = 289.4 cm fork length, K = 0.07 and t0 = –6.06. Maximum age, based on vertebral band pair counts, was 25 and 24 years for males and females, respectively. Longevity calculations, however, indicated a maximum age of 45 to 46 years in an unfished population.


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针对30°楔角的驻定斜爆轰特性,选择在临界爆轰马赫数附近6.8、7.0与7.5等3种不同马赫数来流状态进行数值分析. 在马赫数为6.8、7.0状态下,在斜激波(oblique shock wave,OSW)、斜爆轰波(oblique detonation wave,ODW)与爆燃波交汇处形成的三波点后形成一道激波,在楔面上反射,并透过接触间断面与爆轰波阵面产生的横波相互作用,使得下游流场发生扰动,形成不规则的胞格结构. 斜爆轰波阵面产生的横波呈现上游单向传播与下游双向传播同时并存的现象,对斜爆轰的稳定性产生了影响


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研究结果表明应用双温度培养法进行黑曲霉固体发酵生产纤维素酶时 ,在自然补给氧气、培养基 pH值约6 .5并保持环境湿度约 6 0 %条件下 ,葡萄糖对滤纸酶活力有促进作用 ;葡萄糖、麸皮、(NH4 ) 2 SO4 、水分适宜作为固体培养基基本成分 ;表面活性剂吐温 80对纤维素酶活力促进效果并不明显


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Several specific non-covalent protein complexes were successfully observed by matrix assisted desorption ionization mass spectrometry(MALDI MS). The methods described in this paper include the matrixes use of sinapinic acid(SA) and 6-aza-2-thiothymine (ATT) in neutral pH solution, as well as the improvement of two-layer sample preparation method to achieve a high sensitivity detection of stable non-covalent complexes, Myoglobin-heme complex was found simultaneously with the sinapinic acid matrix in the various pH solution(pH=2 or pH=5), The RNase S complex showed a striking intensity at the first shot, which was decreased with more laser shots. Most importantly, the observation of specific non-covalent complex in the brome mosaic virus(BMV) coat proteins would open up a new possibility to investigate the assembly and disassembly of viral capsids.