977 resultados para “The Sofa”


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Several groups all over the world are researching in several ways to render 3D sounds. One way to achieve this is to use Head Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs). These measurements contain the Frequency Response of the human head and torso for each angle. Some years ago, was only possible to measure these Frequency Responses only in the horizontal plane. Nowadays, several improvements have made possible to measure and use 3D data for this purpose. The problem was that the groups didn't have a standard format file to store the data. That was a problem when a third part wanted to use some different HRTFs for 3D audio rendering. Every of them have different ways to store the data. The Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics or SOFA was created to provide a solution to this problem. It is a format definition to unify all the previous different ways of storing any kind of acoustics data. At the moment of this project they have defined some basis for the format and some recommendations to store HRTFs. It is actually under development, so several changes could come. The SOFA[1] file format uses a numeric container called netCDF[2], specifically the Enhaced data model described in netCDF 4 that is based on HDF5[3]. The SoundScape Renderer (SSR) is a tool for real-time spatial audio reproduction providing a variety of rendering algorithms. The SSR was developed at the Quality and Usability Lab at TU Berlin and is now further developed at the Institut für Nachrichtentechnik at Universität Rostock [4]. This project is intended to be an introduction to the use of SOFA files, providing a C++ API to manipulate them and adapt the binaural renderer of the SSR for working with the SOFA format. RESUMEN. El SSR (SoundScape Renderer) es un programa que está siendo desarrollado actualmente por la Universität Rostock, y previamente por la Technische Universität Berlin. El SSR es una herramienta diseñada para la reproducción y renderización de audio 2D en tiempo real. Para ello utiliza diversos algoritmos, algunos orientados a sistemas formados por arrays de altavoces en diferentes configuraciones y otros algoritmos diseñados para cascos. El principal objetivo de este proyecto es dotar al SSR de la capacidad de renderizar sonidos binaurales en 3D. Este proyecto está centrado en el binaural renderer del SSR. Este algoritmo se basa en el uso de HRTFs (Head Related Transfer Function). Las HRTFs representan la función de transferencia del sistema formado por la cabeza y el torso del oyente. Esta función es medida desde diferentes ángulos. Con estos datos el binaural renderer puede generar audio en tiempo real simulando la posición de diferentes fuentes. Para poder incluir una base de datos con HRTFs en 3D se ha hecho uso del nuevo formato SOFA (Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics). Este nuevo formato se encuentra en una fase bastante temprana de su desarrollo. Está pensado para servir como formato estándar para almacenar HRTFs y cualquier otro tipo de medidas acústicas, ya que actualmente cada laboratorio cuenta con su propio formato de almacenamiento y esto hace bastante difícil usar varias bases de datos diferentes en un mismo proyecto. El formato SOFA hace uso del contenedor numérico netCDF, que a su vez esta basado en un contenedor más básico llamado HRTF-5. Para poder incluir el formato SOFA en el binaural renderer del SSR se ha desarrollado una API en C++ para poder crear y leer archivos SOFA con el fin de utilizar los datos contenidos en ellos dentro del SSR.


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Vol .1. Round the sofa. My Lady Ludlow -- v. 2. The accursed race. The doom of the Griffiths. Half a life-time ago. The poor Clare. The half-brothers.


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Objective Arterial lactate, base excess (BE), lactate clearance, and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score have been shown to correlate with outcome in severely injured patients. The goal of the present study was to separately assess their predictive value in patients suffering from traumatic brain injury (TBI) as opposed to patients suffering from injuries not related to the brain. Materials and methods A total of 724 adult trauma patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS) ≥ 16 were grouped into patients without TBI (non-TBI), patients with isolated TBI (isolated TBI), and patients with a combination of TBI and non-TBI injuries (combined injuries). The predictive value of the above parameters was then analyzed using both uni- and multivariate analyses. Results The mean age of the patients was 39 years (77 % males), with a mean ISS of 32 (range 16–75). Mortality ranged from 14 % (non-TBI) to 24 % (combined injuries). Admission and serial lactate/BE values were higher in non-survivors of all groups (all p < 0.01), but not in patients with isolated TBI. Admission SOFA scores were highest in non-survivors of all groups (p = 0.023); subsequently septic patients also showed elevated SOFA scores (p < 0.01), except those with isolated TBI. In this group, SOFA score was the only parameter which showed significant differences between survivors and non-survivors. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis revealed lactate to be the best overall predictor for increased mortality and further septic complications, irrespective of the leading injury. Conclusion Lactate showed the best performance in predicting sepsis or death in all trauma patients except those with isolated TBI, and the differences were greatest in patients with substantial bleeding. Following isolated TBI, SOFA score was the only parameter which could differentiate survivors from non-survivors on admission, although the SOFA score, too, was not an independent predictor of death following multivariate analysis.


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INTRODUCTION Patients admitted to intensive care following surgery for faecal peritonitis present particular challenges in terms of clinical management and risk assessment. Collaborating surgical and intensive care teams need shared perspectives on prognosis. We aimed to determine the relationship between dynamic assessment of trends in selected variables and outcomes. METHODS We analysed trends in physiological and laboratory variables during the first week of intensive care unit (ICU) stay in 977 patients at 102 centres across 16 European countries. The primary outcome was 6-month mortality. Secondary endpoints were ICU, hospital and 28-day mortality. For each trend, Cox proportional hazards (PH) regression analyses, adjusted for age and sex, were performed for each endpoint. RESULTS Trends over the first 7 days of the ICU stay independently associated with 6-month mortality were worsening thrombocytopaenia (mortality: hazard ratio (HR) = 1.02; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.01 to 1.03; P <0.001) and renal function (total daily urine output: HR =1.02; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.03; P <0.001; Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) renal subscore: HR = 0.87; 95% CI, 0.75 to 0.99; P = 0.047), maximum bilirubin level (HR = 0.99; 95% CI, 0.99 to 0.99; P = 0.02) and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) SOFA subscore (HR = 0.81; 95% CI, 0.68 to 0.98; P = 0.028). Changes in renal function (total daily urine output and renal component of the SOFA score), GCS component of the SOFA score, total SOFA score and worsening thrombocytopaenia were also independently associated with secondary outcomes (ICU, hospital and 28-day mortality). We detected the same pattern when we analysed trends on days 2, 3 and 5. Dynamic trends in all other measured laboratory and physiological variables, and in radiological findings, changes inrespiratory support, renal replacement therapy and inotrope and/or vasopressor requirements failed to be retained as independently associated with outcome in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS Only deterioration in renal function, thrombocytopaenia and SOFA score over the first 2, 3, 5 and 7 days of the ICU stay were consistently associated with mortality at all endpoints. These findings may help to inform clinical decision making in patients with this common cause of critical illness.


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El siguiente documento se desarrolla con el objetivo de analizar dos propuestas de discurso brindadas por personajes conocedores de temas como liderazgo y emprendimiento, que por medio de sus discursos logran transmitir mensajes que a su vez logran crear recordación en la mente de sus oyentes. Todo este análisis busca generar una conciencia más amplia sobre el efecto que tiene el discurso en la mente de cualquier individuo que está en proceso de aprendizaje y formación académica, para que de esta forma y con base en este análisis se pueda brindar una posible alternativa de formación diferente a la que ya se encuentra actualmente planteada dentro de la facultad de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario; la cual desarrolló un espacio educativo con tintes netamente interactivos denominado “El Sofá”. En “El Sofá”, se invitan dos figuras reconocidas dentro del ámbito empresarial, para que estos a su vez puedan dar a conocer los diferentes conocimientos y experiencias que han adquirido sobre cierto tema en especifico.


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Die hygroskopischen Eigenschaften sind wichtige Parameter des atmosphärischen Aerosols. Sie beeinflussen sowohl direkt über den Strahlungsantrieb, als auch indirekt über die Wechselwirkung von Aerosol und Wolken die globale Strahlungsbilanz und somit das Klima. Auch die Sichtweiteveränderung ist von ihnen abhängig. Sie beeinflussen die Partikeldeposition in der Lunge und müssen zur Vermeidung von Artefaktbildung bei der Aerosolmessung berücksichtigt werden.
Die vorliegende Dissertation beinhaltet Messungen des wasserlöslichen Volumenanteils und des hygroskopischen Wachstumsfaktors des atmosphärischen Aerosols. Mit diesen Untersuchungen konnte der überwiegende Teil (50 nm bis 4 µm Partikeldurchmesser) des für atmosphärische Prozesse relevanten Größenbereichs gleichzeitig größenaufgelöst und detailliert erfasst werden. Messungen wurden in ruralen, semi-urbanen und frei-troposphärischen Luftmassen durchgeführt. Messverfahren sind die SoFA (Water-Soluble Fraction of Large and Giant Atmospheric Particles)-Methode und der HTDMA (Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer). Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die SoFA-Methode weiterentwickelt.
Ein umfangreiches Messprogramm zeigt, dass der mittlere lösliche Volumenanteil des Aerosols mit Werten von ca. 59 % geringe Variationen zwischen den Messstandorten aufweist, lediglich in frei-troposphärischen Luftmassen liegt er mit 66 % erwartungsgemäß höher. Betrachtet man die Daten größenaufgelöst, so zeigt sich, dass im Größenbereich zwischen 200 und 500 nm Partikeldurchmesser der lösliche Volumenanteil ein Maximum aufweist. Ein in semi-urbanem Aerosol gemessener Jahresgang weist, vor allem für Partikel kleiner 300 nm, im Sommer geringere Werte als im Winter auf. Unterhalb 300 nm Partikeldurchmesser treten üblicherweise zwei, oberhalb bis zu drei Partikeltypen unterschiedlicher Hygroskopizität auf: der fast unlösliche Partikeltyp mit löslichen Volumenanteilen bis 12 %, der wahrscheinlich aus Ruß, sekundärem organischem, mineralischem und biologischem Material besteht; der teilweise lösliche Partikeltyp (50 bis 75 %), der als Mischpartikel anzusprechen ist; schließlich der überwiegend lösliche Partikeltyp (ca. 90 %), der wahrscheinlich durch Wolkenprozessierung entsteht. Der Unterschied zwischen den Messstandorten ist auch hier gering. Üblicherweise dominieren die löslicheren Partikeltypen mit relativen Anteilen von 60 bis 95 %, wobei sich ein Minimum der Häufigkeit der löslicheren Partikel zwischen 1.5 und 2.5 µm zeigt. Abschließende größenaufgelöste Modellrechnungen zum Aerosol-Feuchtewachstum unterstreichen die Relevanz dieser Untersuchungen für Strahlungs- und Wolkenprozesse.


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El concepto de actividad física es concebido de diferentes formas. Mostrando que existen varios factores que afectan de manera directa e indirecta la percepción que los sujetos construyen entorno a él, generando así una aproximación a diferentes definiciones de la actividad física desde varias perspectivas y dimensiones, donde predomina una noción netamente biológica. Este estudio pretende analizar, como desde las clases sociales se concibe la actividad física en sus conceptos y prácticas considerando los modelos de determinantes y determinación social para la salud. Con fin de comprender como los autores de la literatura científica conciben la actividad física y la relación con las clases sociales, desde una perspectiva teórica de los determinantes sociales de la salud y la teoría de la determinación social, se realizó una revisión documental y análisis de contenido de los conceptos y prácticas de la actividad física que se han considerado en los últimos 10 años. Para ello se seleccionaron las bases de datos PubMed y BVS (Biblioteca Virtual de Salud) por sus énfasis en publicaciones de salud mundialmente. Mostrando que la actividad física es concebida dominantemente desde una perspectiva biológica que ejerce una mirada reduccionista. Las relaciones entre actividad física y las clases sociales están claramente establecidas, sin embargo, estas relaciones pueden discrepar teniendo en cuenta el concepto de clase social, el contexto y la orientación de los autores y las poblaciones objetos de estudio. Obteniendo como resultado que los estudios documentados, revisados y analizados muestran una clara tendencia al modelo de determinantes; no obstante, algunos estudios en sus análisis se orientan hacia el modelo de determinación social. En cuanto al concepto de clases sociales los autores consideran una combinación de factores culturales y económicos sin atreverse a adoptar un concepto específico.


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Objectives To investigate the factors associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) from birth to age 2 years, whether recent advice has been followed, whether any new risk factors have emerged, and the specific circumstances in which SIDS occurs while cosleeping (infant sharing the same bed or sofa with an adult or child). Design Four year population based case-control study. Parents were interviewed shortly after the death or after the reference sleep (within 24 hours) of the two control groups. Setting South west region of England (population 4.9 million, 184 800 births). Participants 80 SIDS infants and two control groups weighted for age and time of reference sleep: 87 randomly selected controls and 82 controls at high risk of SIDS (young, socially deprived, multiparous mothers who smoked). Results The median age at death (66 days) was more than three weeks less than in a study in the same region a decade earlier. Of the SIDS infants, 54% died while cosleeping compared with 20% among both control groups. Much of this excess may be explained by a significant multivariable interaction between cosleeping and recent parental use of alcohol or drugs (31% v 3% random controls) and the increased proportion of SIDS infants who had coslept on a sofa (17% v 1%). One fifth of SIDS infants used a pillow for the last sleep (21% v 3%) and one quarter were swaddled (24% v 6%). More mothers of SIDS infants than random control infants smoked during pregnancy (60% v 14%), whereas one quarter of the SIDS infants were preterm (26% v 5%) or were in fair or poor health for the last sleep (28% v 6%). All of these differences were significant in the multivariable analysis regardless of which control group was used for comparison. The significance of covering the infant’s head, postnatal exposure to tobacco smoke, dummy use, and sleeping in the side position has diminished although a significant proportion of SIDS infants were still found prone (29% v 10%). Conclusions Many of the SIDS infants had coslept in a hazardous environment. The major influences on risk, regardless of markers for socioeconomic deprivation, are amenable to change and specific advice needs to be given, particularly on use of alcohol or drugs before cosleeping and cosleeping on a sofa.


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Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) improves through the use of CPR feedback devices. Most feedback devices integrate the acceleration twice to estimate compression depth. However, they use additional sensors or processing techniques to compensate for large displacement drifts caused by integration. This study introduces an accelerometer-based method that avoids integration by using spectral techniques on short duration acceleration intervals. We used a manikin placed on a hard surface, a sternal triaxial accelerometer, and a photoelectric distance sensor (gold standard). Twenty volunteers provided 60 s of continuous compressions to test various rates (80-140 min(-1)), depths (3-5 cm), and accelerometer misalignment conditions. A total of 320 records with 35312 compressions were analysed. The global root-mean-square errors in rate and depth were below 1.5 min(-1) and 2 mm for analysis intervals between 2 and 5 s. For 3 s analysis intervals the 95% levels of agreement between the method and the gold standard were within -1.64-1.67 min(-1) and -1.69-1.72 mm, respectively. Accurate feedback on chest compression rate and depth is feasible applying spectral techniques to the acceleration. The method avoids additional techniques to compensate for the integration displacement drift, improving accuracy, and simplifying current accelerometer-based devices.


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Fishery catch data on yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) were examined to study the effects of El Niño events between 1990 and 1999 for an area in the northeastern tropical Pacific (18−24°N, 112−104°W). The data were extracted from a database of logbook records from the Mexican tuna purse-seine f leet. Latitudinal distribution of the catches increased from south to north for the 10-year period. Highest catches and effort were concentrated between 22°N and 23°N. This area accumulated 48% of the total catch over the 10year period. It was strongly correlated with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. At least two periods of exceptionally high catches occurred following El Niño events in 1991 and 1997. Peaks of catches were triggered by the arrival of positive anomalies of sea surface temperature (SST) to the area. A delay of two to four months was observed between the occurrence of maximum SST anomalies at the equator and peaks of catch. Prior to these two events, negative SST anomalies were the dominant feature in the study area and catch was extremely low. This trend of negative SST anomalies with low catches followed by positive SST anomalies and high catches may be attributed to northward yellowfin tuna migration patterns driven by El Niño forcing, a result that contrasts with the known behavior of decreasing relative abundance of these tuna after El Niño events in the eastern Pacific. However, this decrease in relative abundance may be the result of a local or subregional effect.


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Background Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is key to increase survival from cardiac arrest. Providing chest compressions with adequate rate and depth is difficult even for well-trained rescuers. The use of real-time feedback devices is intended to contribute to enhance chest compression quality. These devices are typically based on the double integration of the acceleration to obtain the chest displacement during compressions. The integration process is inherently unstable and leads to important errors unless boundary conditions are applied for each compression cycle. Commercial solutions use additional reference signals to establish these conditions, requiring additional sensors. Our aim was to study the accuracy of three methods based solely on the acceleration signal to provide feedback on the compression rate and depth. Materials and Methods We simulated a CPR scenario with several volunteers grouped in couples providing chest compressions on a resuscitation manikin. Different target rates (80, 100, 120, and 140 compressions per minute) and a target depth of at least 50 mm were indicated. The manikin was equipped with a displacement sensor. The accelerometer was placed between the rescuer's hands and the manikin's chest. We designed three alternatives to direct integration based on different principles (linear filtering, analysis of velocity, and spectral analysis of acceleration). We evaluated their accuracy by comparing the estimated depth and rate with the values obtained from the reference displacement sensor. Results The median (IQR) percent error was 5.9% (2.8-10.3), 6.3% (2.9-11.3), and 2.5% (1.2-4.4) for depth and 1.7% (0.0-2.3), 0.0% (0.0-2.0), and 0.9% (0.4-1.6) for rate, respectively. Depth accuracy depended on the target rate (p < 0.001) and on the rescuer couple (p < 0.001) within each method. Conclusions Accurate feedback on chest compression depth and rate during CPR is possible using exclusively the chest acceleration signal. The algorithm based on spectral analysis showed the best performance. Despite these encouraging results, further research should be conducted to asses the performance of these algorithms with clinical data.