782 resultados para “Do-it-yourself” work


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Games are powerful and engaging. On average, one billion people spend at least 1 hour a day playing computer and videogames. This is even more true with the younger generations. Our students have become the < digital natives >, the < gamers >, the < virtual generation >. Research shows that those who are most at risk for failure in the traditional classroom setting, also spend more time than their counterparts, using video games. They might strive, given a different learning environment. Educators have the responsibility to align their teaching style to these younger generation learning styles. However, many academics resist the use of computer-assisted learning that has been "created elsewhere". This can be extrapolated to game-based teaching: even if educational games were more widely authored, their adoption would still be limited to the educators who feel a match between the authored games and their own beliefs and practices. Consequently, game-based teaching would be much more widespread if teachers could develop their own games, or at least customize them. Yet, the development and customization of teaching games are complex and costly. This research uses a design science methodology, leveraging gamification techniques, active and cooperative learning theories, as well as immersive sandbox 3D virtual worlds, to develop a method which allows management instructors to transform any off-the-shelf case study into an engaging collaborative gamified experience. This method is applied to marketing case studies, and uses the sandbox virtual world of Second Life. -- Les jeux sont puissants et motivants, En moyenne, un milliard de personnes passent au moins 1 heure par jour jouer à des jeux vidéo sur ordinateur. Ceci se vérifie encore plus avec les jeunes générations, Nos étudiants sont nés à l'ère du numérique, certains les appellent des < gamers >, d'autres la < génération virtuelle >. Les études montrent que les élèves qui se trouvent en échec scolaire dans les salles de classes traditionnelles, passent aussi plus de temps que leurs homologues à jouer à des jeux vidéo. lls pourraient potentiellement briller, si on leur proposait un autre environnement d'apprentissage. Les enseignants ont la responsabilité d'adapter leur style d'enseignement aux styles d'apprentissage de ces jeunes générations. Toutefois, de nombreux professeurs résistent lorsqu'il s'agit d'utiliser des contenus d'apprentissage assisté par ordinateur, développés par d'autres. Ceci peut être extrapolé à l'enseignement par les jeux : même si un plus grand nombre de jeux éducatifs était créé, leur adoption se limiterait tout de même aux éducateurs qui perçoivent une bonne adéquation entre ces jeux et leurs propres convictions et pratiques. Par conséquent, I'enseignement par les jeux serait bien plus répandu si les enseignants pouvaient développer leurs propres jeux, ou au moins les customiser. Mais le développement de jeux pédagogiques est complexe et coûteux. Cette recherche utilise une méthodologie Design Science pour développer, en s'appuyant sur des techniques de ludification, sur les théories de pédagogie active et d'apprentissage coopératif, ainsi que sur les mondes virtuels immersifs < bac à sable > en 3D, une méthode qui permet aux enseignants et formateurs de management, de transformer n'importe quelle étude de cas, provenant par exemple d'une centrale de cas, en une expérience ludique, collaborative et motivante. Cette méthode est appliquée aux études de cas Marketing dans le monde virtuel de Second Life.


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In this short review we report the basic notions needed for understanding the population genetics of clonal diploids. We focus on the consequences of clonality on the distribution of genetic diversity within individuals, between individuals and between populations. We then summarise how to detect clonality in mainly sexual populations, conversely, how to detect sexuality in mainly clonal populations and also how genetic differentiation between populations is affected by clonality in diploids. This information is then used for building recipes on how to analyse and interpret genetic polymorphism data in molecular epidemiology studies of clonal diploids.


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High skills are today seen as being of vital importance to economies, industries, companies and individuals. The engineering industry is no exception and the graduate engineer has a key position in this regard. In the research reported in this paper, the authors use in-depth interviews with industry experts to investigate the provision of undergraduate engineering education in the UK. The current and future skill needs of industry are examined. A typology of future engineering roles and their requisite attributes is proposed. Implications for undergraduate engineering are also discussed.


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CONTEXT: Orthotopic liver transplantation is an excellent treatment approach for hepatocellular carcinoma in well-selected candidates. Nowadays some institutions tend to Expand the Milan Criteria including tumor with more than 5 cm and also associate with multiple tumors none larger than 3 cm in order to benefit more patients with the orthotopic liver transplantation. METHODS: The data collected were based on the online database PubMED. The key words applied on the search were "expanded Milan criteria" limited to the period from 2000 to 2009. We excluded 19 papers due to: irrelevance of the subject, lack of information and incompatibility of the language (English only). We compiled patient survival and tumor recurrence free rate from 1 to 5-years in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma submitted to orthotopic liver transplantation according to expanded the Milan criteria from different centers. RESULTS: Review compiled data from 23 articles. Fourteen different criteria were found and they are also described in detail, however the University of California - San Francisco was the most studied one among them. CONCLUSION: Expanded the Milan criteria is a useful attempt for widening the preexistent protocol for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in waiting-list for orthotopic liver transplantation. However there is no significant difference in patient survival rate and tumor recurrence free rate from those patients that followed the Milan criteria.


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Headed on the first page with the words "Nomenclatura hebraica," this handwritten volume is a vocabulary with the Hebrew word in the left column, and the English translation on the right. While the book is arranged in sections by letter, individual entries do not appear in strict alphabetical order. The small vocabulary varies greatly and includes entries like enigma, excommunication, and martyr, as well as cucumber and maggot. There are translations of the astrological signs at the end of the volume. Poem written at the bottom of the last page in different hand: "Women when good the best of saints/ that bright seraphick lovely/ she, who nothing of an angel/ wants but truth & immortality./ Verse 2: Who silken limbs & charming/ face. Keeps nature warm."


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Following the decisive victory won by the Syriza party in Greece’s general election on September 20th, this commentary explores the key question of whether the third bailout programme can work, where the previous two programmes failed. Whereas most observers argue that the third one cannot work because it merely represents a continuation of an approach that has manifestly failed, the authors argue that a closer inspection of the conditions today give grounds for cautious optimism.


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Transportation Department, Technology Sharing Program, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação - Especialidade de Comunicação e Artes


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A presente dissertação de doutoramento propõe-se a analisar criticamente a noção de obra de arte participativa, traduzida pela designação de obra “faça-você- -mesmo”, que apela à participação ativa e ao agenciamento do público que se tornam parte integrante do processo criativo engendrado pela obra. A nossa reflexão sobre a obra “faça-você-mesmo” insere-se no contexto da “cultura da participação” e da expansão dos media sociais e tem como principal objeto de estudo a obra participativa nas artes digitais. Esta tese postula uma análise das práticas participativas nas artes digitais à luz de uma genealogia artística e crítica que atravessa o século XX e é marcada pela experimentação com a ativação do público e a abertura da obra, traduzindo-se numa instabilização de limites entre arte, quotidiano e sociedade. A nossa abordagem metodológica enraíza-se numa tradição de pensamento crítico e interdisciplinar próprio das humanidades sendo que recorremos à articulação entre teoria crítica e análise de casos concretos. Assim, de modo a compreender a experiência do público com a obra participativa, elaborámos um conjunto de conceitos que nos permitem conceber uma estética da participação nas artes digitais. Paralelamente, de forma a conhecermos o universo temático das práticas participativas nas artes digitais, criámos uma proposta de três linhas temáticas no âmbito das quais analisámos múltiplas obras concretas, colocando-as em relação com os seus contextos sociais, culturais e políticos. As obras “faça-você-mesmo”, descritas nesta dissertação, tendem a situar-se numa posição intermédia entre os dois extremos das práticas artísticas autónomas “auto- -reflexivas” e dos projetos artísticos comunitários, que visam facilitar discussões e sugerir soluções para problemas concretos. Algumas das obras participativas discutidas neste estudo possuem caraterísticas em comum com a atitude “faça-você-mesmo” preconizada por determinadas formas de ativismo político, nomeadamente, a organização não-hierárquica, a autonomia e a participação direta dos voluntários. Ao convocar a participação do público, a obra “faça-você-mesmo” constitui-se como um projeto dialógico de experimentação criativa que se pode articular com uma dimensão política. Porém, este estudo salienta que a obra de arte participativa deve ser vista à luz de uma tensão entre disrupção e incorporação, liberdade e controlo que carateriza a dinâmica das redes digitais e do capitalismo contemporâneo. A presente dissertação propõe de modo fundamentado três linhas de investigação futura. Primeiramente, a exploração do campo das práticas curatoriais e museológicas em ambientes participativos. Seguidamente, a análise do modo como o campo da arte contemporânea e a condição do artista vão evoluir sob a influência do acesso generalizado aos meios de produção e distribuição artística nomeadamente através da World Wide Web. Por fim, o estudo dos novos regimes de interação e expressividade das imagens nas redes digitais.


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"November 1979"--T.p. verso.


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Thesis submitted in the fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Electronic and Telecomunications Engineering