992 resultados para Óxido de tungsténio (VI)
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Used as catalysts even in organic and inorganic molecules, as additives on catalysts, electrochromic films on smart windows the tungsten trioxide have been largely studied on the lasts decades, but there is just a few about it's luminescence. Using as precursors nitric acid and sodium tungstate the tungsten trioxide were been prepared thru wet process then treating on thermic and hydrothermal treatments. Where been evaluated the effects of methodology, nitric acid concentration, duration and temperature of treatments. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman scattering spectroscopy (RSS), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy (PLS) and X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL). Hydrated phases of tungsten trioxide were obtained through hydrothermal treatments and the non-hydrated phases occur with thermic treatments. The acid concentration has the ability to determine the major phase formed as well the temperature determine the hydratation of the product. With lower temperatures dihydrate phase were preferable formed and with the rise of temperature, the water molecules were lost up to the fractionary hydratation and then the non-hydrated phase with higher temperatures depending on the atmosphere used on the thermal treatment. Doping the system with europium ions even substituting tungsten or in the interstices of the matrix were not been successful, as well the XEOL spectroscopy intensity were null and quite low for ultraviolet and visible excitation photoluminescence because of oxygen defect levels localized into the prohibited band.
Used as catalysts even in organic and inorganic molecules, as additives on catalysts, electrochromic films on smart windows the tungsten trioxide have been largely studied on the lasts decades, but there is just a few about it's luminescence. Using as precursors nitric acid and sodium tungstate the tungsten trioxide were been prepared thru wet process then treating on thermic and hydrothermal treatments. Where been evaluated the effects of methodology, nitric acid concentration, duration and temperature of treatments. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman scattering spectroscopy (RSS), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy (PLS) and X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL). Hydrated phases of tungsten trioxide were obtained through hydrothermal treatments and the non-hydrated phases occur with thermic treatments. The acid concentration has the ability to determine the major phase formed as well the temperature determine the hydratation of the product. With lower temperatures dihydrate phase were preferable formed and with the rise of temperature, the water molecules were lost up to the fractionary hydratation and then the non-hydrated phase with higher temperatures depending on the atmosphere used on the thermal treatment. Doping the system with europium ions even substituting tungsten or in the interstices of the matrix were not been successful, as well the XEOL spectroscopy intensity were null and quite low for ultraviolet and visible excitation photoluminescence because of oxygen defect levels localized into the prohibited band.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
This work presents a study on the production of biodiesel by esterification reaction of oleic acid with methanol using batch reactor and different catalysts based on CeO2 and WO3 and HZSM-5. Acid treatment was performed in order to increase the catalytic activity. Different characterization techniques were performed, among them X-ray diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric analysis TGA/DTA, Spectroscopy in the Region in Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The effects of independent variables: temperature, molar ratio of oil: alcohol and the amount of catalyst and their interactions on the dependent variable (conversion of oleic acid to the corresponding ester). Overall, through the results obtained in the characterization was observed that the applied treatments were efficient, however the XRF technique, indicated that tungsten oxide leaching could occur during the preparation of the materials. The treatments performed on HZSM-5 caused no significant changes in the structure indicating that the zeolite was quite resistant to the treatments used. It was evaluated using complete 23 factorial design. For the catalysts investigated, the best reaction conditions were obtained when using higher levels of the independent variables temperature and amount of catalyst. However, for the variable molar ratio the lowest level showed significant yields for most of the synthesized catalyst, obtaining maximum conversion to the OC (67.97%), OW (74.37%), HZSM-5 (61.16%) OC-OW 1 (75.93%), OC-OW 2 (82.57%), OC-OW 3 (79.15%), S/OC-OW 1 (86.90%), S/OC-OW 2 (91.04%), S/OC-OW 3 (88.60%), S/OC-OW/H 1 (92.34%), S/OC-OW/H 2 (100%) and S/OC-OW/H 3 (98.16%). According to the experimental design, the temperature has the biggest influence on the reaction variable for all the synthesized catalysts. Among the catalysts investigated S/OC-OW/H 2 e S/OC-OW/H 3 were more effective. Reuse tests showed that the catalyst activity decreased after each cycle, indicating that the regeneration process was effective. The leaching test indicated that the catalysts are heterogeneous in the evaluated operating range. The catalysts investigated showed themselves promising for the production of biodiesel.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
As doenças infecciosas emergentes e o desenvolvimento de resistência aos antibióticos, por parte das bactérias patogénicas e fungos, a um ritmo alarmante são uma questão de extrema preocupação. Apesar do aumento do conhecimento da patogénese microbiana e aplicação de terapias modernas, a taxa de mortalidade associada a infecções microbianas ainda permanece alta. Muitas destas infecções têm origem nos alimentos e água que ingerimos. Torna-se, portanto, urgente procurar novas estratégias e encontrar novos agentes antimicrobianos, a partir de substâncias naturais e inorgânicas para desenvolver novos fármacos ou agentes para controlar as infecções microbianas. É aqui, que a nanotecnologia entra em acção com o conceito de embalagem activa. Esta beneficia do uso de nanopartículas para aumentar a segurança e a qualidade de um produto pois estas possuem actividade antimicrobiana. A maioria das embalagens é feita de papel, que possui óptimas propriedades e características (baixo custo, porosidade e biodegrabilidade), tornando-se um substrato cobiçado em diversas áreas de investigação. Neste trabalho, uniu-se as vantagens do papel com as propriedades antimicrobianas das nanopartículas. Assim, impregnaram-se diferentes substratos de papel com nanopartículas, com o objectivo de testar qual o que apresenta maior actividade antibacteriana. Para tal utilizou-se o cartão, o saco de refeições de take-away, papel de mesa e papel de talheres, os quais foram impregnados com nanopartículas de prata, cobre, óxido de zinco e óxido de tungsténio, com concentrações variadas. Estas nanopartículas foram testadas em cinco bactérias diferentes: Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC6538), Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA) (RN4220) e Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC29212), Escherichia coli (ATCC8739) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC9027) e numa levedura Candida albicans (ATCC10231). Dos testes anti-bacterianos realizados, concluiu-se que os melhores resultados foram obtidos para o cartão com AgNPs. Utilizando o cartão como substrato e as nanopartículas de prata como agente anti-bacteriano, estudou-se a influência da concentração de AgNPs (2, 10, 25 e 50mM). A concentração de 50mM revelou-se mais eficaz, em especial para a bactéria Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC9027).
The main goal of this work was to produce nanosized ceramic materials of the family of the tungstates (tungstates of cerium and strontium), and test them for their catalytic activity in processes involving the transformation of methane (CH4). The methodology used for the synthesis of the ceramic powders involved the complexation combining EDTA-citrate. The materials characterization was performed using simple and differential thermogravimetry, x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The microstructure analysis was performed using the refinement by the Rietveld method, and the crystallite size and distribution of the materials was elucidate by the Scherrer and Williamson-Hall methods. The conditions of the synthesis process for the three envisaged materials (SrWO4, SrWO4 using tungsten oxide concentrate as raw material, and Ce2(WO4)3) were adjusted to obtain a single phase crystalline material. The catalytic tests were carried out in the presence of methane and synthetic air, which is composed of 21% O2 and 79% N2. The analysis of the conversion of the reaction was done with the aid of an fourier transform infrared device (FTIR). The analysis showed that, structurally, the SrWO4 produced using raw materials of high and poor purity (99% and 92%, respectively) are similar. The ideal parameters of calcination, in the tested range, are temperature of 1000 °C and time of calcination 5 hours. For the Ce2(WO4)3, the ideal calcination time and are temperature 15 hours and 1000°C, respectively. The Williamson-Hall method provided two different distributions for the crystallite size of each material, whose values ranged between the nanometer and micrometer scales. According to method of Scherrer, all materials produced were composed of nanometric crystallites. The analyses of transmission electron microscopy confirmed the results obtained from the Williamson- Hall method for the crystallite size. The EDS showed an atomic composition for the metals in the SrWO4 that was different of the theoretical composition. With respect to the catalytic tests, all materials were found to be catalytically active, but the reaction process should be further studied and optimized.
Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this work, hydrotalcite, a layered double hydroxide, had its ion exchange properties combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxide to produce a magnetic adsorbent, HT-Fe 500. These magnetic composites can be used as adsorbents for anionic contaminants in water and subsequently removed from the medium by a simple magnetic process. Removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions using HT-Fe 500 was achieved using batch adsorption experiments. The adsorption capacity, calculated with the Langmuir-Freundlich model showed to be dependent on temperature, reaching values of 25.93 and 48.31 mg g-1, respectively, for temperatures of 25 and 30 ºC.
Bifunctional catalysts based on zircon oxide modified by tungsten (W = 10, 15 and 20 %) and by molybdenum oxide (Mo= 10, 15 e 20 %) containg platinum (Pt = 1%) were prepared by the polymeric precursor method. For comparison, catalysts the tungsten base was also prepared by the impregnation method. After calcinations at 600, 700 and 800 ºC, the catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction, fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis, nitrogen adsorption and scanning electron microscopy. The profile of metals reduction was determined by temperature programmed reduction. The synthesized catalysts were tested in n-heptane isomerization. X-ray diffractogram of the Pt/WOx-ZrO2 and Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts revealed the presence of tetragonal ZrO2 and platinum metallic phases in all calcined samples. Diffraction peaks due WO3 and ZrO2 monoclinic also were observed in some samples of the Pt/WOx-ZrO2 catalysts. In the Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts also were observed diffraction peaks due ZrO2 monoclinic and Zr(MoO4)2 oxide. These phases contained on Pt/WOx-ZrO2 and Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts varied in accordance with the W or Mo loading and in accordance with the calcination temperature. The infrared spectra showed absorption bands due O-W-O and W=O bonds in the Pt/WOx-ZrO2 catalysts and due O-Mo-O, Mo=O and Mo-O bonds in the Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts. Specific surface area for Pt/WOx-ZrO2 catalysts varied from 30-160 m2 g-1 and for the Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts varied from 10-120 m2 g-1. The metals loading (W or Mo) and the calcination temperature influence directly in the specific surface area of the samples. The reduction profile of Pt/WOx-ZrO2 catalysts showed two peaks at lower temperatures, which are attributed to platinum reduction. The reduction of WOx species was evidenced by two reduction peak at high temperatures. In the case of Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts, the reduction profile showed three reduction events, which are attributed to reduction of MoOx species deposited on the support and in some samples one of the peak is related to the reduction of Zr(MoO4)2 oxide. Pt/WOx-ZrO2 catalysts were active in the n-heptane isomerization with high selectivity to 3-methyl-hexane, 2,3- dimethyl-pentane, 2-methyl-hexane among other branched hydrocarbons. The Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts practically didn't present activity for the n-heptane isomerization, generating mainly products originating from the catalytic cracking
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia