940 resultados para Écran tactile
Les techniques d'imagerie développées pour la surveillance embarquée des structures ont maintenant des applications dans d'autres domaines. Par exemple, le domaine de l'écran tactile est en pleine expansion et de nouvelles technologies commencent à apparaître pour des applications spécifiques. Au niveau médical, des surfaces tactiles pouvant fournir des données sur la répartition du poids et la posture seraient une avancée pour le diagnostique des patients et la recherche. L'écran tactile est une technologie utilisée dans un nombre croissant d'appareils. Les écrans tactiles capacitifs et résistifs dominent le marché, mais ils sont connus pour être difficiles à fabriquer, facilement cassables et coûteux pour les grandes dimensions. Par conséquent, de nouvelles technologies sont encore explorées pour les écrans tactiles de grandes tailles et robustes. Les technologies candidates comprennent des approches basées sur les ondes. Parmi eux, des ondes guidées sont de plus en plus utilisés dans la surveillance des structures (SHM) pour de nombreuses applications liées à la caractérisation des propriétés des matériaux. Les techniques d'imagerie utilisées en SHM telles que Embedded Ultrasonic Structural Radar (EUSR) et Excitelet sont fiables, mais elles ont souvent besoin d'être couplées avec du traitement d'image pour donner de bons résultats. Dans le domaine du NDT (essais non destructifs), les ondes guidées permettent d'analyser les structures sans les détériorer. Dans ces applications, les algorithmes d'imagerie doivent pouvoir fonctionner en temps réel. Pour l'écran tactile, une technique d'imagerie de la pression en temps réel doit être développée afin d'être efficace et performante. Il faut obtenir la position et l'amplitude de la pression appliquée en un ou plusieurs points sur une surface. C'est ici que les algorithmes et l'expertise par rapport aux ondes guidées seront mises de l'avant tout pensant à l'optimisation des calculs afin d'obtenir une image en temps réel. Pour la méthodologie, différents algorithmes d'imagerie sont utilisés pour obtenir des images de déformation d'un matériau et leurs performances sont comparées en termes de temps de calcul et de précision. Ensuite, plusieurs techniques de traitement d'images ont été implantées pour comparer le temps de calcul en regard de la précision dans les images. Pour l'écran tactile, un prototype est conçu avec un programme optimisé et les algorithmes offrant les meilleures performances pour un temps de calcul réduit. Pour la sélection des composantes électroniques, ce sont la vitesse d'exécution et la définition d'image voulues qui permettent d'établir le nombre d'opérations par seconde nécessaire.
Un protocole de tests sur labyrinthe radial permettant d'évaluer la navigation spatial chez l'homme a été réalisé. Ces tests sur labyrinthe radial sont basés sur le protocole utilisé sur l'animal modèle de schizophrénie dans le CNP (Centre de neuroscience psychiatrique) de Lausanne. Les recherches actuelles du CNP ont montré un déficit dans les capacités d'orientation spatiale de ces animaux [13]. Ainsi notre méthodologie consistera à tester des sujets humains dans des tâches de labyrinthe afin d'étudier de la manière la plus équivalente les différents déficits observés dans la pathologie humaine et dans le rat modèle. Cette démarche est à la base d'une approche translationnelle qui combine recherches cliniques et expérimentales. Le travail expérimental a été mené sur deux dispositifs analogues. a) «radial au doigt», ensemble de petits canaux qui peuvent être explorés par le doigt, yeux ouverts ou fermés et dans lesquels des textures différentes tapissent chaque bras. b) «radial sur écran tactile», deux labyrinthes qui comparent deux types d'indice locale, couleurs différentes ou patrons noir-blanc. Dans les deux dispositifs a été prévu une série de tests permettant d'évaluer la mémorisation des indices utilisés en les supprimant temporairement où en les mettant en contradiction. La première perturbation a pour but de tester l'importance du référentiel locale par une rotation de 90° du labyrinthe. La permutation des bras lors d'un dernier essai permet d'induire une situation ou les informations ont été soit correctes spatialement mais incorrectes localement (texture) soit inversement. Ces perturbations des informations sensorielles qui sont fournies au sujet, permettent d'observer les systèmes de repérage et leur poids relatif dans la construction d'un système de référence durant la navigation spatiale. Les résultats du labyrinthe radial au doigt montrent que dans les conditions utilisant les informations visuelles les participants sont sensiblement plus performants. Il est apparu que les informations visuelles prédominent sur les informations proprioceptives et tactiles. Ainsi dans la condition intégrant informations visuospatiales, proprioceptives et tactiles, les sujets basent plus fortement leur navigation spatiale sur les indices visuelles soit locale soit spatiale. Dans cette condition une différence significative de stratégie entre hommes et femmes est apparue. Les hommes se basent majoritairement sur des indices spatiaux tandis que les femmes préfèrent les indices locaux. En présence d'informations tactiles et proprioceptives mais en absence de la vision, les participants utilisent les références spatiale et locale complémentairement sans avoir un système prédominant. Alors que si uniquement les informations proprioceptives sont présentes, les sujets utilisent un système de référence spatiale (globale). Le labyrinthe radial sur écran tactile indique une différence de système de référence selon l'indice local employé. Les couleurs, étant des forts indices locaux, vont favoriser un système de référence local. Au contraire les patrons noirs-blancs sont des indices visiblement très complexes et difficiles à mémoriser qui vont pousser les sujets à utiliser une stratégie de référence spatiale.
L'ensemble de mon travail a été réalisé grâce a l'utilisation de logiciel libre.
To verify the methods used by the clinical trials that assessed the effect of tactile/kinesthetic stimulation on weight gain in preterm infants and highlight the similarities and differences among such studies. This review collected studies from two databases, PEDro and PubMed, in July of 2014, in addition to bibliographies. Two researchers assessed the relevant titles independently, and then chose which studies to read in full and include in this review by consensus. Clinical trials that studied tactile stimulation or massage therapy whether or not associated with kinesthetic stimulation of preterm infants; that assessed weight gain after the intervention; that had a control group and were composed in English, Portuguese, or Spanish were included. A total of 520 titles were found and 108 were selected for manuscript reading. Repeated studies were excluded, resulting in 40 different studies. Of these, 31 met all the inclusion criteria. There were many differences in the application of tactile/kinesthetic stimulation techniques among studies, which hindered the accurate reproduction of the procedure. Also, many studies did not describe the adverse events that occurred during stimulation, the course of action taken when such events occurred, and their effect on the outcome. These studies made a relevant contribution towards indicating tactile/kinesthetic stimulation as a promising tool. Nevertheless, there was no standard for application among them. Future studies should raise the level of methodological rigor and describe the adverse events. This may permit other researchers to be more aware of expected outcomes, and a standard technique could be established.
Diminished balance ability poses a serious health risk due to the increased likelihood of falling, and impaired postural stability is significantly associated with blindness and poor vision. Noise stimulation (by improving the detection of sub-threshold somatosensory information) and tactile supplementation (i.e. additional haptic information provided by an external contact surface) have been shown to improve the performance of the postural control system. Moreover, vibratory noise added to the source of tactile supplementation (e.g. applied to a surface that the fingertip touches) has been shown to enhance balance stability more effectively than tactile supplementation alone. In view of the above findings, in addition to the well established consensus that blind subjects show superior abilities in the use of tactile information, we hypothesized that blind subjects may take extra benefits from the vibratory noise added to the tactile supplementation and hence show greater improvements in postural stability than those observed for sighted subjects. If confirmed, this hypothesis may lay the foundation for the development of noise-based assistive devices (e.g. canes, walking sticks) for improving somatosensation and hence prevent falls in blind individuals. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effects of handedness, sex and the influence of hand placement in extrapersonal space on temporal information processing was investigated by measuring thresholds for perceiving the simultaneity of pairs of tactile stimuli. Simultaneity thresholds of preferred right handed and left handed university students with left hemisphere speech representation were compared using unimanual and bimanual stimulation at three hand placements (midline, lateral and crossed). In unimanual conditions two fingers of one hand were stimulated (single hemisphere), whereas in the bimanual conditions one finger of each hand was stimulated (cross hemispheres). Bimanual minus unimanual thresholds provided an estimate of interhemisphere transmission time (IHTT) regardless of hand placement. The effects of hemispace varied with the type of stimulation. With unimanual stimulation, overall thresholds were longer at the midline placement, however, with bimanual stimulation, thresholds were longer when the hands were spatially separated (crossed and/or uncrossed). Left handers' IHTTs were 8 ms faster than those of right handers. IHTTs in males were faster than females with hands placed in lateral (by 10.8 ms) or crossed (by 9.8 ms) but not midline positions. It was concluded that the cerebral hemispheres are equally capable of discriminating temporal intervals, but that the left hemisphere predominates when there is uncertainty about location of stimulation.
Constructing a veridical spatial map by touch poses at least two problems for a perceptual system. First, as the hand is moved through space, the locations of features may be displaced if there is an uncorrected lag between the moment the hand encounters a feature and the time that feature is encoded on a spatial map. Second, due to the sequential nature of the process, some form of memory, which itself may be subject to spatial distortions, is required for integration of spatial samples. We investigated these issues using a task involving active haptic exploration with a stylus swept back and forth in the horizontal plane at the wrist. Remembered locations of tactile targets were shifted towards the medial axis of the forearm, suggesting a central tendency in haptic spatial memory, while evidence for a displacement of perceived locations in the direction of sweep motion was consistent with processing delays.
Objective: To propose an electronic method for sensitivity evaluation in leprosy and to compare it to the Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments. Methods:Thirty patients attending the Dermatology outpatient clinic of HCFMRP-USP were consecutively evaluated by both the electronic aesthesiometer and Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments on hand and foot test points. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated to determine the variability of the electronic measures and the Kappa coefficient was calculated to determine the agreement between methods according to their categories (altered and non-altered tactile sensitivity). Results: The ICC was approximately 1, demonstrating repeatability. The Kappa coefficient showed more than 75 and 63% agreement on the hand and foot points, respectively. The mean agreement between the 2 methods for the 7 points of the right and left hand was 77.14 and 75.71%, respectively. The mean agreement for all 10 points was 74.33 and 63.66% on the right and left foot, respectively. In cases of disagreement the detection of altered tactile sensitivity by the electronic esthesiometer on the right and left foot was 90.91 and 84.25%, respectively, with no detection by the monofilaments. Conclusion: The results suggest that the electronic esthesiometer is a reliable and easy application, capable of evaluating alterations of tactile sensitivity in leprosy patients. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to assess the behavioral and physiological reactivity of preterm neonates during different phases of a blood collection procedure involving arterial puncture. The sample consisted of 43 preterm and very low birth weight neonates with a postnatal age of 1 to 21 days who were hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The neonates were evaluated during the whole blood collection procedure. The assessment was divided into five consecutive phases: Baseline (BL); Antispsis (A), covering the period of handling of the neonate for antisepsis prior to puncture; Puncture (P): Recovery-Dressing (RD), covering the period of handling of the neonate for dressing until positioning for rest in the isolette; and Recovery-Resting (RR). Facial activity was videotaped and analyzed using the National Facial Coding System (NFCS). The sleep-wake state and heart rate were registered at the bedside. There was a significant increases in NFCS score and heart rate, and more active behavior during phases A, P, and RD relative to BL. Regarding the tactile stimulation of the infant in pre-puncture (A) and post-puncture (RD), it was observed increased NFCS score, heart rate, and active behavior in comparison to the BL an BR phases. There was evidence of distress responses immediately before and after a painful event, quite apart form the pain reaction to the puncture procedure. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Association for the Study of Pain.
Cleaning behavior is a popular example of non-kin cooperation. However, quantitative support for this is generally sparse and the alternative, that cleaners are parasitic: has also been proposed. Although the behaviour involves some of the most complex and highly developed interspecific communication signals known, the proximate causal factors for why clients Seek cleaners are controversial. However, this information is essential to understanding the evolution of cleaning. I tested whether clients seek cleaners in response to parasite infection or whether clients seek cleaners for tactile stimulation regardless of parasite load. Parasite loads oil client fish were manipulated and clients exposed to cleaner fish and control fish hehind glass. I found that parasitized client fish spent more time than unparasitized fish next to a cleaner fish. In addition; parasitized clients spent more rime next to cleaners than next to control fish whereas unparasitized fish were not attracted to cleaners. This study shows, I believe for the first time, which is somewhat surprising, that parasite infection alone causes clients to seek cleaning by cleaners and provides insight into how this behaviour evolved.
The main objective of this review is to provide a descriptive analysis of the biological and physiological markers of tactile sensorial processing in healthy, full-term newborns. Research articles were selected according to the following study design criteria: (a) tactile stimulation for touch sense as an independent variable; (b) having at least one biological or physiological variable as a dependent variable; and (c) the group of participants were characterized as full-term and healthy newborns; a mixed group of full-term newborns and preterm newborns; or premature newborns with appropriate-weight-for-gestational age and without clinical differences or considered to have a normal, healthy somatosensory system. Studies were then grouped according to the dependent variable type, and only those that met the aforementioned three major criteria were described. Cortisol level, growth measures, and urinary catecholamine, serotonin, and melatonin levels were reported as biological-marker candidates for tactile sensorial processing. Heart rate, body temperature, skin-conductance activity, and vagal reactivity were described as neurovegetative-marker candidates. Somatosensory evoked potentials, somatosensory evoked magnetic fields, and functional neuroimaging data also were included.
Las áreas desfavorecidas, por sus características particulares, son poco estudiadas, partiendo de las estrategias de intervención elaboradas a partir de los supuestos que se cumplen en áreas más desarrolladas. A partir de esto se define el objetivo de determinar la estructura poblacional de las poblaciones animales involucradas (ovinos, caprinos y camélidos); las características del suelo y la vegetación. Utilizando una metodología de censo que se basa en la técnica de los conglomerados, se aleatorizan las poblaciones a estudiar y se muestrean todos los individuos de la población elegida. Los resultados que se obtienen permiten inferir las frecuencias de los distintos tipos de animales en cada especie, su composición etaria, sus niveles de producción, su estado de salud y las perspectivas de mejoramiento productivo. Se pretende: estimar parámetros poblacionales sobre caracteres descriptivos de tipos de animales, calidad de productos, producción por unidad animal y unidad de superficie; establecer relaciones entre caracteres descriptivos de color de la capa, calidad de fibra, tipos de vellón, morfología de los animales, genotipos, estadísticas vitales, tamaño y dispersión de las tropas /majadas /hatos en las áreas a estudiar, determinar prevalencia, incidencia e impacto de enfermedades en ovinos, caprinos y camélidos; determinar condición de suelos y pasturas naturales e implantadas en condiciones de altiplano y en el área de Aguada Guzmán (Río Negro). Las actividades de campo se complementan con el trabajo de laboratorio de fibra y de sanidad animal para obtener los resultados finales que luego se correlacionan entre si para obtener conclusiones integrales sobre aspectos analizados.