849 resultados para Échelle roulante
Les effets des lésions de la moelle épinière sur la locomotion sont souvent évalués sur un tapis roulant avec une surface plane, ce qui demande peu d’implication active des structures supraspinales. L’objectif du présent travail est d’évaluer si un type d’entraînement nécessitant une plus grande part de contrôle volontaire (c.-à-d. supraspinal) pourrait améliorer la récupération de la marche chez le chat après une hémilésion unilatérale spinale au niveau thoracique (T10). Pour ce faire, pendant 6 semaines les chats ont été entrainés sur un tapis roulant conventionnel ou sur un tapis-échelle roulante, tâche requérant un placement des pattes plus précis. Les paramètres de la marche ont été évalués par cinématique et électromyographie (EMG) avant et une fois par semaine pendant 6 semaines après lésion. Nos résultats comparant la marche sur tapis conventionnel à celle sur échelle roulante montrent des différences dans les excursions angulaires et les couplages entre les membres. On observe aussi des différences dans l’amplitude des EMG notamment une augmentation de la deuxième bouffée du muscle Semitendineux (St) sur l’échelle roulante. Après l’hémilésion spinale cette bouffée disparait du côté de la lésion tandis qu’elle est maintenue du côté intact. Après l’entrainement sur échelle roulante, on observe des changements de trajectoire de la patte et une disparition du pied tombant (foot drag) qui suggèrent une amélioration du contrôle de la musculature distale. Nos résultats montrent que le patron locomoteur observé sur tapis conventionnel est influencé par le type d’entraînement procuré. De plus, certains paramètres de la locomotion suggèrent que l’entraînement sur échelle roulante, qui requiert plus de contrôle supraspinal, favorise une meilleure récupération de la marche après lésion spinale.
Espaces et sociétés, N.79, modes de vie et société portugaise, pág. 93-106
Similarly to other organisms, Vertebrates changed during the Cenozoic Era. Mammals are the only ones to change quickly; their well mineralised bones and teeth are often fossilised. They are highly diverse and even isolated teeth can be identified. They are thus a good tool for establishing a biochronological framewoork. Among Mammals, Rodents with a short lifetime evolve more quickly than the large Mammals. In Europe, the first elaborated zonation was investigated by the Regional Committee on Neogene Stratigraphy and issued as the MN Zonation (Mammals Neogene) by Mein, 1976. During the following years, progress in knowledge lead to new charts. The latest one resulted from collective work (de Bruijn et al., 1992). Bîochronology gives relative data; if we desire to have numerical age estimates, we must correlate these results with radiometrie data, marine biostratigraphîcal units or the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale. For Europe, these results are summarised by Steininger et al. (1989-1996) and Steininger (1999). After some recents developments on MN Zonation, here is discussed the succession of Neogene small mammals Portuguese localities. Fortunately these localities are in majority inbedded in marine context. Their assigment to MN Zones is proposed and correlations with the spanish Aragonian Scale (Daams el al., 1999) are also suggested. In fact, some differences appear between Portugal and Aragonian assemblages, probably for ecological reasons. Therefore, the MN zonation is always useful for short and long distance biochronological correlations.
The aim of this paper is to present McHale's coparenting scale,a self-administered questionnaire enabling assessment of the quality of coparenting, and first steps in structural and construct validation of the French version. A total of 41 French speaking Swiss families and 84 US families completed this questionnaire and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, a measure of marital satisfaction. The results of the Swiss families correspond to those of US families: first, items distributed into four factors (family integrity, conflict, affection and disparagement) and second, a partial link was found between quality of coparenting and marital adjustment. This finding supports the construct validity of the questionnaire, reflecting the established link between these two family sub-systems. Given that coparenting quality has a major influence on children's socio-affective development, the questionnaire will find great use in assessing not just negative features of coparenting, such as conflicts and disparagement, but also positive components such as warmth and support. This will be an important asset for research as well as clinical purposes.
We have examined the internal validity of the Levenson's locus of control scales (IPC, Internal, Powerful others and Chances), translated by Loas et al. (1994). The impact of different demographic variables on the Levenson's locus of control scales was assessed. After, we studied the relation between the IPC scales and the NEO PI R, personality inventory that measures the big five. A large sample (n=200) of subjects of different age, gender and profession and a sample of Swiss students (n=161) responding anonymously were used. The reliability of the IPC scale is acceptable. The analyses of the impact of the demographic variables show that gender and level of education have an influence on the I (intern) scale. Age, gender, level of education and profession have an impact on the P (powerful others) scale. The analyses of the relationship between locus of control and personality showed that there was a negative correlation between I (intern) and Neuroticism and a positive correlation between I and Extraversion and Consciousness. The P (powerful others) scale correlate positively with Neuroticism and negatively with Openness and Agreability. The C scale (chance) correlate positively with Neuroticism. Our study also gives the researchers and the practitioner a reference score table according to the gender, the age, the level of education and the profession.
BACKGROUND: Peer pressure is regarded as an important determinant of substance use, sexual behavior and juvenile delinquency. However, few peer pressure scales are validated, especially in French or German. Little is known about the factor structure of such scales or the kind of scale needed: some scales takes into account both peer pressure to do and peer pressure not to do, while others consider only peer pressure to do. The aim of the present study was to adapt French and German versions of the Peer Pressure Inventory, which is one of the most widely used scales in this field. We considered its factor structure and concurrent validity. METHODS: Five thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven young Swiss men filled in a questionnaire on peer pressure, substance use, and other variables (conformity, involvement) in a cohort study. RESULTS: We identified a four-factor structure, with the three factors of the initial Peer Pressure Inventory (involvement, conformity, misconduct) and adding a new one (relationship with girls). A non-valued scale (from no peer pressure to peer pressure to do only) showed stronger psychometric qualities than a valued scale (from peer pressure not to do to peer pressure to do). Concurrent validity was also good. Each behavior or attitude was significantly associated with peer pressure. CONCLUSION: Peer pressure seems to be a multidimensional concept. In this study, peer pressure to do showed the strongest influence on participants. Indeed, peer pressure not to do did not add anything useful. Only peer pressure to do affected young Swiss men's behaviors and attitudes and was reliable.
INTRODUCTION: Anhedonia is defined as a diminished capacity to experience pleasant emotion and is commonly included among the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. However, if patients report experiencing a lower level of pleasure than controls, they report experiencing as much pleasure as controls with online measurements of emotion. OBJECTIVE: The Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale (TEPS) measures pleasure experienced in the moment and in anticipation of future activities. The TEPS is an 18-item self-report measurement of anticipatory (10 items) and consummatory (eight items) pleasure. The goal of this paper is to assess the psychometric characteristics of the French translation of this scale. METHODS: A control sample was composed of 60 women and 22 men, with a mean age of 38.1 years (S.D.: 10.8). Thirty-six were without qualification and 46 with qualified professional diploma. A sample of 21 patients meeting DSM IV-TR criteria for schizophrenia was recruited among the community psychiatry service of the department of psychiatry in Lausanne. They were five women and 16 men; mean age was of 34.1 years (S.D.: 7.5). Ten obtained a professional qualification and 11 were without qualification. None worked in competitive employment. Their mean dose of chlorpromazine equivalent was 431mg (S.D.: 259). All patients were on atypical antipsychotics. The control sample fulfilled the TEPS and the Physical Anhedonia Scale (PAS). The patient sample fulfilled the TEPS and was independently rated on the Calgary Depression Scale and the Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptoms. For comparison with controls, patients were matched on age, sex and professional qualification. This required the supplementary recruitment of two control subjects. RESULTS: Results with the control sample indicate that the TEPS presents an acceptable internal validity with Crombach alphas of 0.84 for the total scale, 0.74 for the anticipatory pleasure scale and 0.79 for the consummatory pleasure scale. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the model is well adapted to our data (chi(2)/dl=1.333; df=134; p<0.0006; root mean square residual, RMSEA=0.064). External validity measured with the PAS showed R=-0.27 (p<0.05) for the consummatory scale and R=-0.26 for the total score. Comparisons between patients and matched controls indicated that patients were significantly lower than control on anticipatory pleasure (t=2.7, df(40), 2-tailed p=0.01; cohen's d=0.83) and on total score of the TEPS (t=2.8, df (40), 2-tailed p=0.01; cohen's d=0.87). The two samples did not differ on consummatory pleasure. The anticipatory pleasure factor and the total TEPS showed significant negative correlation with the SANS anhedonia, respectively R=-0.78 (p<0.01) for the anticipatory factor and R=-0.61 (p<0.01) for the total TEPS. There was also a negative correlation between the anticipatory factor and the SANS avolition of R=-0.50 (p<0.05). These correlations were maintained, with partial correlations controlling for depression and chlorpromazine equivalents. CONCLUSION: The results of this validation show that the French version of the TEPS has psychometric characteristics similar to the original version. These results highlight the discrepancy between results of direct or indirect report of experienced pleasure in patients with schizophrenia. Patients may have difficulties in anticipating the pleasure of future enjoyable activities, but not in experiencing pleasure once in an enjoyable activity. Medication and depression do not seems to modify our results, but this should be better controlled in a longitudinal study. The anticipatory versus consummatory pleasure distinction appears to be useful for the development of new psychosocial interventions, tailored to improve desire in patients suffering from schizophrenia. Major limitations of the study are the small size of patient sample and the under representation of men in the control sample.
Échelle(s) : 1:4 000, échelle d'un quart de millimètre par mètre
Contexte :¦Les affections neuromusculaires sont des maladies rares, le plus souvent d'origine génétique et dont le degré de sévérité est variable. Certaines sont progressives et conduisent à une perte de l'indépendance motrice et à une insuffisance respiratoire, tandis que d'autres permettent une vie proche de la normale.¦Les progrès des connaissances en génétique moléculaire ont permis d'améliorer significativement la connaissance des mécanismes physiopathologiques de ces maladies et ont également ouverts la voie à de nouvelles possibilités thérapeutiques. Concernant les maladies les plus graves, le but premier de ces thérapies sera de tenter de préserver la marche indépendante le plus longtemps possible. Toutefois, les patients ayant déjà perdu la marche et qui dépendent de la fonction de leur membres supérieurs pour garder une certaine indépendance devront également pouvoir être inclus dans des essais thérapeutiques et bénéficier des traitements reconnus efficaces.¦De nouveaux moyens de mesure de la fonction motrice des membres supérieurs doivent être développés non seulement dans la perspective de ces éventuels essais thérapeutiques pour ces patients limités à la chaise roulante, mais également dans le but de pouvoir évaluer plus précisément l'histoire naturelle des maladies même après la perte de la marche indépendante.¦Objectifs:¦Evaluer la fonction motrice des membres supérieurs chez des patients myopathes ayant perdu la marche indépendante par mesure cinématique.¦Méthode :¦Mesure de l'activité des membres supérieurs et le profil de cette activité par mesure cinématique (Physilog) chez:¦-Vingt-cinq patients atteints d'une myopathie en chaise roulante.¦-Vingt-cinq sujets contrôle assis¦Ces mesures seront comparées aux scores obtenus à l'échelle de Mesure de Fonction Motrice (Bérard et al, 2005) et plus précisément à l'axe D3 de cette échelle qui évalue les fonctions distales.¦Les patients seront vus à deux reprises pour une période de deux fois deux heures pendant laquelle ils porteront le Physilog. Il leur sera demandé d'effectuer une série d'exercices afin d'évaluer la fonction motrice des membres supérieurs (manger un yaourt avec une cuillère, verser un verre d'eau et le boire, se toucher selon les possibilités la tête, le front, la bouche, le cou, jouer à la console Wii) Le score de Brooke sera également testé. Chaque exercice sera répété plusieurs fois afin de d'assurer de la qualité des résultats.¦Système portable Physilog :¦Physilog est un système de mesure ambulatoire. La version utilisée dans cette étude est composée de 2 capteurs miniatures et d'une unité numérique portable légère (~215 g), qui filtre, amplifie et sauvegarde les signaux fournis par les capteurs sur une carte mémoire (Physilog-BioAGM, CH).¦Afin de pouvoir enregistrer l'activité des deux membres supérieurs, deux appareils Physilog (4 capteurs) seront utilisés par patient. Deux capteurs seront fixés sur chaque membre supérieur. Les capteurs sont fixés sur la peau à l'aide d'une bande autocollante.¦Les capteurs mis au point par le LMAM (laboratoire de mesure et d'analyse du mouvement) mesurent la rotation angulaire et l'accélération au niveau des membres supérieurs. L'algorithme utilisé dans cette étude a été développé dans le laboratoire LMAM à l'EPFL et a fait l'objet d'une thèse.¦Résultats escomptés :¦Les résultats de l'étude pilote montrent que le Physilog permet de quantifier de manière fiable et reproductible la fonction des membres supérieurs durant des activités courantes de la vie quotidienne et pourrait donc devenir un moyen d'évaluation fiable des nouveaux traitements.