19 resultados para Áxis


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OBJETIVO: Estudo anatômico do áxis através de tomografia computadorizada (TC) em crianças de dois a dez anos de idade, mensurando a angulação das lâminas, espessura e comprimento de lâminas e pedículos e espessura da massa lateral. MÉTODOS: Estudou-se 64 TCs da coluna cervical de indivíduos com idades entre 24 e 120 meses, de ambos os sexos e sem deformidades cervicais. Correlacionaram-se as variáveis estudadas com os grupos etários e sexo dos pacientes. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do teste t. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que na faixa etária entre 24-48 meses, 5,5% das lâminas e 8,3% dos pedículos possuem espessura menores do que 3,5mm, espessura necessária para colocação de um parafuso. Entre 49-120 meses não há lâminas com espessuras menores do que 3,5mm e 1,2% dos pedículos possuem espessura menor do que 3,5mm. Em ambos os grupos etários não há comprimento de lâminas e pedículos menores do que 12 mm e massas laterais maiores do que 12 mm. CONCLUSÃO: A análise das dimensões obtidas no estudo permite, na maioria dos casos, a colocação de parafusos de 3,5mm nas lâminas e pedículos do áxis de crianças. Nível de Evidência II, Desenvolvimento de critérios diagnósticos em pacientes consecutivos.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar casos de espondilolistese traumática do áxis e descrevê-los com relação à epidemiologia, classificação, déficit neurológico, tempo de consolidação e tratamento. MÉTODO: Análise retrospectiva dos prontuários dos pacientes tratado de 2002 a 2010 no IOT-HCFMUSP. Critério de inclusão: fratura da pars interarticularis de C2. RESULTADOS: 68% dos pacientes do sexo masculino com idade média de 39,1 anos. Utilizamos a classificação de Effendi, modificada por Levine-Edwards. Observamos fratura do tipo I em cinco pacientes (31,2%) e tipo II em oito pacientes (50%). Apenas três pacientes (18%) apresentaram fratura do tipo IIa. Não houve casos do tipo III. Mecanismo: Oito acidentes automobilísticos e quatro quedas. Outros mecanismos: atropelamento e mergulho. Tratamento: tração com halo craniano em onze pacientes. Foram usados gesso minerva e halo-gesso. Tempo de consolidação: 3,6 meses. Tempo de seguimento: 9,6 meses. DISCUSSÃO: Nossos resultados confirmam que fratura do enforcado apresenta bom prognóstico. Não houve necessidade de cirurgia em nenhum caso. A incidência de déficit neurológico é baixa. Nenhum paciente apresentou fratura instável, tipo III. CONCLUSÃO: Este trabalho sugere que a espondilolistese traumática do áxis continua sendo uma lesão satisfatoriamente tratada de forma conservadora na maioria dos casos. Nível de Evidência IV, Série de casos.


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Purpose: Electronic Portal Imaging Devices (EPIDs) are available with most linear accelerators (Amonuk, 2002), the current technology being amorphous silicon flat panel imagers. EPIDs are currently used routinely in patient positioning before radiotherapy treatments. There has been an increasing interest in using EPID technology tor dosimetric verification of radiotherapy treatments (van Elmpt, 2008). A straightforward technique involves the EPID panel being used to measure the fluence exiting the patient during a treatment which is then compared to a prediction of the fluence based on the treatment plan. However, there are a number of significant limitations which exist in this Method: Resulting in a limited proliferation ot this technique in a clinical environment. In this paper, we aim to present a technique of simulating IMRT fields using Monte Carlo to predict the dose in an EPID which can then be compared to the measured dose in the EPID. Materials: Measurements were made using an iView GT flat panel a-SI EPfD mounted on an Elekta Synergy linear accelerator. The images from the EPID were acquired using the XIS software (Heimann Imaging Systems). Monte Carlo simulations were performed using the BEAMnrc and DOSXVZnrc user codes. The IMRT fieids to be delivered were taken from the treatment planning system in DICOMRT format and converted into BEAMnrc and DOSXYZnrc input files using an in-house application (Crowe, 2009). Additionally. all image processing and analysis was performed using another in-house application written using the Interactive Data Language (IDL) (In Visual Information Systems). Comparison between the measured and Monte Carlo EPID images was performed using a gamma analysis (Low, 1998) incorporating dose and distance to agreement criteria. Results: The fluence maps recorded by the EPID were found to provide good agreement between measured and simulated data. Figure 1 shows an example of measured and simulated IMRT dose images and profiles in the x and y directions. "A technique for the quantitative evaluation of dose distributions", Med Phys, 25(5) May 1998 S. Crowe, 1. Kairn, A. Fielding, "The Development of a Monte Carlo system to verify Radiotherapy treatment dose calculations", Radiotherapy & Oncology, Volume 92, Supplement 1, August 2009, Pages S71-S71.


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We present broad-band pulsation and spectral characteristics of the accreting X-ray pulsar OAO 1657-415 with a 2.2 d long Suzaku observation carried out covering its orbital phase range similar to 0.12-0.34, with respect to the mid-eclipse. During the last third of the observation, the X-ray count rate in both the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) and the HXD-PIN instruments increased by a factor of more than 10. During this observation, the hardness ratio also changed by a factor of more than 5, uncorrelated with the intensity variations. In two segments of the observation, lasting for similar to 30-50 ks, the hardness ratio is very high. In these segments, the spectrum shows a large absorption column density and correspondingly large equivalent widths of the iron fluorescence lines. We found no conclusive evidence for the presence of a cyclotron line in the broad-band X-ray spectrum with Suzaku. The pulse profile, especially in the XIS energy band, shows evolution with time but not so with energy. We discuss the nature of the intensity variations, and variations of the absorption column density and emission lines during the duration of the observation as would be expected due to a clumpy stellar wind of the supergiant companion star. These results indicate that OAO 1657-415 has characteristics intermediate to the normal supergiant systems and the systems that show fast X-ray transient phenomena.


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A Czerny Mount double monochromator is used to measure Raman scattered radiation near 90" from a crystalline, Silicon sample. Incident light is provided by a mixed gas Kr-Ar laser, operating at 5145 A. The double monochromator is calibrated to true wavelength by comparison of Kr and Ar emission Une positions (A) to grating position (A) display [1]. The relationship was found to be hnear and can be described by, y = 1.219873a; - 1209.32, (1) where y is true wavelength (A) and xis grating position display (A). The Raman emission spectra are collected via C"*""*" encoded software, which displays a mV signal from a Photodetector and allows stepping control of the gratings via an A/D interface. [2] The software collection parameters, detector temperature and optics are optimised to yield the best quality spectra. The inclusion of a cryostat allows for temperatmre dependent capabihty ranging from 4 K to w 350 K. Silicon Stokes temperatm-e dependent Raman spectra, generally show agreement with Uterature results [3] in their frequency haxdening, FWHM reduction and intensity increase as temperature is reduced. Tests reveal that a re-alignment of the double monochromator is necessary before spectral resolution can approach literature standard. This has not yet been carried out due to time constraints.


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El propósito del presente estudio diagnóstico, es el de analizar el proceso de reconstrucción de la identidad del Pueblo Indígena Muisca de la Localidad de Bosa, en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C desde el año de 1999 hasta el 2013. Este diagnóstico tiene como punto de partida, el análisis de la pérdida del territorio ancestral por parte de esta comunidad de indígenas urbanos, debido a los proceso de expansión y de urbanización legales e ilegales que tienen lugar en el territorio. Con base en el análisis de los anteriores fenómenos, se estudian las características principales de las comunidades e individuos indígenas presentes en las ciudades, y los retos que enfrentan las instituciones oficiales en materia de desarrollar políticas de reconocimiento con base en modelos de planificación indígena.


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Mapeamentos geológicos feitos pelo autor na região do Arroio Cambaizinho - são Gabriel/RS, resultaram na definição do Complexo Cambaizinho, representado pelas seqüências meta-sedimentar e máfica-ultramáfica, intimamente associadas ao longo de toda a extensão da associação supracrustal. A seqüência meta-se dimentar é constitu1da por gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos dominan tes, anfibolitos bandados e quartzitos subordinados, derivados de sedimentos areno-pelítico-carbonatados estruturados, de forma ritmica em ambiente subaquoso. Niveis composicionais de ocorrência restrita contendo estaurolita, definem o grau metamórfico (médio) para esta região. Intercalações de serpentinitos, xistos magnesianos variados e anfibolitos a granulação fina, na forma de camadas e/ou lentes interestratificadas nos meta-sedimentos indicam suas derivações a partir de derrames e/ou intrusões , ígneas de pequena profundidade de composição básica-ultrabásica. Este juntamente com níveis de sedimentos qu1micos intercalados e corpos de gabros, constituem a seqüência máfica-ultramáfica. O complexo, representa o segmento norte de um cintu rão supracrustal polideformado de forma geométrica aproximadamente linear, com orientação NNE, que se extende desde a localidade de Passo do Ivo, situado mais a sul, até a região objeto deste trabalho. Quatro fases de deformação dúcteis foram das para a área, estando as duas primeiras (Dl e D2) identifica associadas xx aos eventos metamórficos regionais Ml e M2. O metamorfismo mais antigo (Ml), assinalado por paragêneses diagnósticas em metapelitos alcançou o fácies anfibolito (zona da estaurolita), estando representado em outras litologias pela ocorrência de olivina metamórfica em paragênese com tremolita e/ou talco (meta-serpentinitos) e hornblenda mais oligoclásio/andesina em meta-básicas. O M2, mais jovem, atingiu o fácies xistos verdes, cujas assembléias mineralógicas se associam à foliação S2, de distribuição ir regular ao longo do cinturão. As condições fisicas de Ml foram de média P/T, similares às do metamorfismo Dalradiano. Intrusões graniticas na forma de lâminas (corpos ta bulares) durante a segunda fase de deformação D2, datados pelo mé todo Rb/Sr em 661 :: 29 Ma e agrupados sob a denominação de Granatóides Sanga do Jobim, fornecem idades mínimas para o complexo. Os vários grupos composiciconais da seqüência máfic~ -ultramáfica, individualizados com base em critérios petrográf~ cos e conteúdo de elementos maiores correspondem a: serpentinitos e olivina-talco ultramafitos (cumulados komatilticos); xis tos magnesianos à talco e clorita e anfibólio xistos (komatiitos); clorita-hornblenda xistos (basaltos komatiiticos), litos e metagabros (basaltos e gabros tolelticos). anfibo Estes vários tipos litológicos foram originados através de diferentes graus de fusão parcial do manto como indicado pelo hiato composicional de MgO (11 à 17%) e os diferentes padrões de ETR existentes entre os anfibolitos/metagabros (toleitos) e os serpentinitos/xistos magnesianos (komatiltos).As variações composicionais no interior de cada grupo, foram controladas pelo fracionamento (acumulação ou extração) de olivina e pouco ortopiroxênio (serpentinitos e olivina-talco ultramafitos)clinopiroxênios (clorita e anfibólios xistos, clorita hornblenda xistos), clinopiroxênio e plagioclásio (anfibolitos e metagabros). As abundâncias e os padrões de ERTL (elementos terras raras leves) enriquecidos, juntamente com os baixos valores das razões A1203/Ti02 e CaO/Ti02 das amostras de xistos magnesiinos das camadas A e B sugerem derivações deste material a partir de baixas percentagens de fusão de um manto enriquecido em mentos incompatíveis. As anomalias negativas de Ce e Eu na ele maio ria das rochas da seqüência máfica-ultramáfica indicam que protólitos ígneossofreram alterações em ambiente submarino.


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The ultrastructure of the ovariole sheath along the Diatraea saccharalis ovariole was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Each ovariole is surrounded by an epithelial sheath, a tunica propria and scattered lumen cells. These three components of the ovariole sheath show different ultrastructural features along the ovariole, in the germarium or in the vitellarium; these differences are more evident in the epithelial sheath cells. The epithelial sheath is composed by two layers of cells, the external one running longitudinally and the internal one running circularly in the ovariole. These cells, in vitellarium, present cytoplasmic bundles of myofilaments that are arranged parallel to the long axis of the cells; these myofilaments are apparently related to the contraction movements of the follicles within the ovariole. The acellular tunica propria, composed of finely filamentous material, is attached to the adjacent follicle cells by adhesive dense plates. Between the epithelial sheath and the tunica propria there is a population of lumen cells, with morphological features of secretory activity.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this article, we discuss the contributions of Didactics for intentional pedagogical action of teachers devoted to children education. In this sense, we initially say to be essential the reflections which aim to search for foundations focused on the mobilization of future teachers for the action-reflection-action about the educational phenomena, aiming at the unveiling, with rigor and objectivity, of its multiple determinations within the capitalist relations . We believe that such unveiling is only possible in the light of a world view, a method and a praxis constituted in unison with historical materialism and its dialectic. Afterwards, we reflect on some of the principles of the Historical-Cultural Theory to understand of the active and mediator role teachers have in the process of humanization of young children and contributions of dialectical materialism to this reflection. Finally are detailed some aspects of a Didactics focused on training teachers for Children and early elementary school years’ education, which have guided our actions as teachers of the Pedagogy Course and reiterated by teachers’ narratives about their experience both in life and teaching, in search of new systematization modes, targeting an educational praxis due to the redefinition (theorization) and on the teaching practice by its very subjects.


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The development and maintenance of periapical lesion occurs as a result of bacterial infection of the root canal system. Faced with the failure of endodontic treatment, retreatment is the first option with great potential for success, when performed with proper disinfection of the root canal system. Case report: Patient aged 39 years needing dental care show at clinical examination moderate gingival bleeding in the region of tooth 22 and the presence of radiographic periapical bone rarefaction due to unsatisfactory endodontic treatment. It was indicated the endodontic retreatment. We performed procedures to remove the filling material, root canal preparation using manual and mechanical techniques and completion with the use of root canal medication based on calcium hydroxide. After root canal filling, clinical and radiographic success were demonstrated for the case. Conclusion: We conclude that the non-surgical retreatment with disinfection and proper use of medication to the base of calcium hydroxide promoted success after outcome monitoring for 2 years and 8 months (AU)


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Two-component regulatory systems require highly specific interactions between histidine kinase (transmitter) and response regulator (receiver) proteins. We have developed a novel genetic strategy that is based on tightly regulated synthesis of a given protein to identify domains and residues of an interacting protein that are critical for interactions between them. Using a reporter strain synthesizing the nonpartner kinase VanS under tight arabinose control and carrying a promoter-lacZ fusion activated by phospho-PhoB, we isolated altered recognition (AR) mutants of PhoB showing enhanced activation (phosphorylation) by VanS as arabinose-dependent Lac+ mutants. Changes in the PhoBAR mutants cluster in a “patch” near the proposed helix 4 of PhoB based on the CheY crystal structure (a homolog of the PhoB receiver domain) providing further evidence that helix 4 lies in the kinase-regulator interface. Based on the CheY structure, one mutant has an additional change in a region that may propagate a conformational change to helix 4. The overall genetic strategy described here may also be useful for studying interactions of other components of the vancomycin resistance and Pi signal transduction pathways, other two-component regulatory systems, and other interacting proteins. Conditionally replicative oriRR6Kγ attP “genome targeting” suicide plasmids carrying mutagenized phoB coding regions were integrated into the chromosome of a reporter strain to create mutant libraries; plasmids encoding mutant PhoB proteins were subsequently retrieved by P1-Int-Xis cloning. Finally, the use of similar genome targeting plasmids and P1-Int-Xis cloning should be generally useful for constructing genomic libraries from a wide array of organisms.