738 resultados para Água do mar, aproveitamento, Brasil, Região Nordeste


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.


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Traz os debates e discussões realizadas na Audiência Pública, realizada em 24 de abril de 2012, na Câmara dos Deputados. Aborda a situação da aviação, fazendo um recorte nas regiões Norte e Nordeste.


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Na região do Gurupi, nordeste do Pará, Brasil, afloram corpos granitóides em janelas erosivas das coberturas fanerozóicas. Eles representam marcadores importantes da evolução geotectônica da área e neste trabalho são investigados a partir de estudos isotópicos Sm-Nd e datações 207Pb/206Pb em monocristais de zircão. A maioria dos corpos tem gênese relacionada aos processos geológicos que formaram grande parte desse segmento crustal, onde se insere o Cráton São Luis. Tais processos remontam a um ambiente de interação entre arcos de ilhas e núcleos arqueanos, durante o Paleoproterozóico (2,15 – 2,07Ga). Um corpo granitóide, de idade eo-cambriana, (549± 4Ma) foi formado durante a reativação tectônica que retrabalhou a borda sudoeste do cráton e que gerou o Cinturão de Cisalhamento Gurupi.


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The environmental characteristics can modify the acoustics of a species due to habitat, time of day and year. Therefore, this study investigated the relationships between seasons, tide, daily cycle of tides, times of day and different habitat and noise emission of S. guianensis. Sound recordings occurred in the Curral’s Cove and Lagoon Complex of Guaraíras (CLG) in the municipality of Tibau do Sul/RN. Whistles are emitted with lower frequency during rainy season and spring tide while clicks are higher; whistles, clicks and calls have higher frequency during ebb tide. These modifications can be related with turbidity and prey availability. The whistles and clicks occurrence are higher at night probably because luminosity is lower. Furthermore, the whistles and clicks frequency reduction overnight allows the sound to travel longer distance and helps the view which is limited; but the minimum frequency increase was needed to catch the prey. The low occurrence of calls could be related to the small group size. The acoustic changes at night may be partly influenced by light levels as prey availability that is larger in this period. Whistle frequencies and click initial frequency are higher in CLG than Curral’s cove that permitted good precision. However, click central frequency is lower and may be connected to tracking the area. Several factors may be associated with such modifications as background noise, bottom and others. This study supports the hypothesis that S. guianensis presents an acoustic plasticity according to the local conditions where the species is embedded and adapts to the environmental changes.


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The main issues related to water conservation in urban centers are the increase in water supply cost, demand growth, pollution and differences in the distribution of water resources. Water conservation, the controlled and efficient use of water, includes both measures as reasonable means of water reuse. Thus, conservation practices are an effective way to meet demand and supply water to new activities and users without jeopardizing the supplying water bodies and preserving the natural environment. This study aims to examine the water management of a shopping mall and the use of rainwater harvesting combined with greywater reuse. For buildings in general, water loss is common due to leaks in the hydraulic and restroom equipment. These losses, which are caused by a high volume of water used and wasted in the system, are often the result of design errors, incorrect maintenance procedures and users' bad habits In southern Brazil, where there is rainfall almost all year long, water shortages occasionally occur, particularly in some winter mouths. One difficulty that appears on rainwater studies is the proper determination of rainwater volume that can be used to address water supply systems. In this work, the simulation method was used to determine this volume. Thus, simulations with the following variables: rainfall, catchment area and water consumption were performed. For mall's hydraulic systems, segmented alternatives are adopted. That is, focusing on the use of rainwater or greywater reuse. Other alternatives of effluent reuse have been slightly discussed due to sanitary issues, those are effluents from toilets and kitchen sinks. The adoption of greywater may be feasible if there is a significant flow of greywater to comply water demand for toilet flushing. The inspections made in this study found that the quantity of sinks was insufficient to supply an adequate amount of water to toilets and urinals. The greywater reuse system was found to be infeasible in terms of demand and supply of water. Conversely, the rainwater harvesting system was entirely feasible and easily supplied water to all restrooms and contributed to the cooling of the air conditioning system with a short payback period. One of the challenges of this work was the need to compare the actual water consumption with a water consumption parameter used in buildings. Thus, a method that addresses the generation of specific consumption indexes for specific activity (like a mall) was used. The water consumption indices showed that this mall has a satisfactory water management program.


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A formação da Lagoa dos Patos foi condicionada pelo desenvolvimento de uma barreira múltipla, arenosa, sob a influência das oscilações eustáticas ocorridas durante o Quaternário. Os aspectos geomorfológicos da margem lagunar desta barreira evidenciam a existência de pelo menos quatro ciclos de transgressão e regressão. Os processos de sedimentação que os acompanharam, proporcionaram a compartimentação da laguna mediante o crescimento de pontais arenosos, mecanismo que deu origem a Lagoa - do Casamento e ao Saco do Cocuruto. Os sedimentos do fundo destes corpos lagunares são arenosos e silticos. As fácies arenosas ocorrem nas partes marginais e rasas e tem suas caracteristicas texturais influenciadas pelo tipo de material das áreas fonte, da natureza, intensidade e tempo de atuação dos agentes de sedimentação. As fácies silticas ocupam as porções centrais, mais profundas. As zonas intermediárias são atapetadas por fácies transicionais areno-silticas e silto-arenosas.Os terrenos quaternários da margem lagunar, retrabalhados durante os ciclos transgressivos, constituem a principal fonte dos sedimentos lagunares. Parte do material siltico trazido em suspensão pelas águas da Lagoa dos Patos que ingressam na Lagoa do Casamento, provém das terras altas que margeiam a provincia Costeira. Os principais agentes envolvidos nos processos de sedimentação são o vento, as ondas e as correntes lagunares. A circulação das águas é também influenciada pelos sistemas fluviais atuantes na região. A sedimentação se processa em um ambiente de águas rasas e doces, levemente ácidas, oxidantes nas margens e pouco redutoras nas partes centrais. A atividade biológica bentônica é reduzida e relacionada a uma pequena fauna de moluscos. A evolução geomorfológica da área controlou os aspectos maiores da sedimentação no corpo lagunar. Tentativas de caracterização ambiental baseadas em análise granulométrica mostraram que os métodos de FOLK & WARD (1957), PASSEGA & BYRANJEE (1969) e DOEGLAS (1968),são efetivamente úteis na descrição e interpretação de ambientes recentes de sedimentação onde os parâmetros físicos são conhecidos. Entretanto a sua utilização como critério único na determinação paleo-ambiental fica prejudicada, pois a sedimentação em uma província costeira e policíclica e promovida por vários ambientes definidos que se deslocam no tempo e no espaço. Ocorre muitas vêzes que o rápido retrabalhamento de materiais depositados em ambientes de alta energia é incapaz de apagar as características texturais herdadas do ciclo anterior A maior parte dos sedimentos das fácies arenosas do fundo lagunar tem propriedades semelhantes aos depositados em ambientes praiais e eólicos.


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Para alcançar o desenvolvimento sustentável a energia tem um papel chave, sendo responsável por boa parte da poluição em todas as atividades humanas. O uso de energias renováveis é altamente desejável quando se quer reduzir ou eliminar essa poluição sem perder a oportunidade de desenvolvimento de uma atividade produtiva qualquer. No presente trabalho delimitou-se a região alvo como sendo o extremo nordeste do estado, conhecida como “Campos de cima da Serra”, a qual possui características comuns que facilitam a aplicação do estudo. Estudou-se duas alternativas que atendem as condições de sustentabilidade, por serem renováveis, e o atendimento em pequena escala, fator predominante para que se possa viabilizar pequenos empreendimentos em locais de difícil acesso e baixa densidade demográfica, características comuns da região em estudo. A utilização de resíduos em pequenas serrarias tem características e dificuldades peculiares que foram analisadas com cuidado para oferecer a melhor alternativa do ponto de vista técnico, econômico e ambiental. O conhecimento do porte, do tipo de madeira produzida e, consequentemente, do tipo de resíduo gerado, além das necessidades energéticas das empresas, é fundamental para selecionar a melhor alternativa e determinar a tecnologia mais adequada. O presente estudo mostrou que essa tecnologia é a gaseificação do resíduo e a utilização do gás produzido num motor de combustão interna. Obteve-se um gás combustível possível de ser utilizado, desde que sua limpeza seja feita adequadamente. Nas residências da região é muito comum a utilização do fogão a lenha devido ao clima frio. Ao mesmo tempo se observa que o aquecimento de água para o banho é feito com chuveiro elétrico, equipamento barato, mas de alta demanda de potência. Essa característica prejudica o abastecimento de energia elétrica da região, já com dificuldades por ser ponta de rede. Estudou-se um equipamento auxiliar que pode ser usado em conjunto com o fogão a lenha para aquecer água nas residências, liberando energia elétrica para outras cargas mais nobres e diminuindo os níveis de queda de tensão principalmente no horário de ponta. O estudo determinou a potência útil do equipamento e identificou possíveis dificuldades que devem ser evitadas. A análise das perdas mais significativas permite que se otimize o sistema a partir dos dados levantados.


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VANTI, Nadia. Mapeamento das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior da Região Nordeste do Brasil na Web. Informação & informação, Londrina, v. 15, p. 55-67, 2010


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This study had a multidisciplinary focus, investigating the areas of health and education, and proposes to discuss the formation of health professionals, requiring their understanding of the factors involved in the production of knowledge, given that this formation has an impact on the quality of human and social life. The aim of this work was to investigate the relationship existing between the process of physical therapist formation and the practical activities developed during the undergraduate course in the Northeast of Brazil. This is an exploratory descriptive study with qualitative significance. The sample consisted of 73 subjects (33 professors and 40 students) from 6 physical therapy courses at different institutions in the Northeast of Brazil. Data collection was conducted through focus group interviews. In addition, we used a school assessment instrument from the health area. The data, analyzed using dialectical hermeneutics, showed that the Northeast of Brazil has the second largest number of physical therapy courses in the country, with 93 (11 public and 82 private) out of a total of 510. These numbers represent a growth of 1062.5% since 1991. The pedagogical projects are guided by National Curricular Directives as well as by the country s health system. The prevalent pedagogy is that of transmission, and the contents/disciplines are generally not integrated with practice, a situation that hinders the integrality and interdisciplinarity of health care. It can be concluded that there is a need for implementing integrated curricula and for better qualified professors to effectively put this process into practice


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One of the greatest challenges of demography, nowadays, is to obtain estimates of mortality, in a consistent manner, mainly in small areas. The lack of this information, hinders public health actions and leads to impairment of quality of classification of deaths, generating concern on the part of demographers and epidemiologists in obtaining reliable statistics of mortality in the country. In this context, the objective of this work is to obtain estimates of deaths adjustment factors for correction of adult mortality, by States, meso-regions and age groups in the northeastern region, in 2010. The proposal is based on two lines of observation: a demographic one and a statistical one, considering also two areas of coverage in the States of the Northeast region, the meso-regions, as larger areas and counties, as small areas. The methodological principle is to use the General Equation and Balancing demographic method or General Growth Balance to correct the observed deaths, in larger areas (meso-regions) of the states, since they are less prone to breakage of methodological assumptions. In the sequence, it will be applied the statistical empirical Bayesian estimator method, considering as sum of deaths in the meso-regions, the death value corrected by the demographic method, and as reference of observation of smaller area, the observed deaths in small areas (counties). As results of this combination, a smoothing effect on the degree of coverage of deaths is obtained, due to the association with the empirical Bayesian Estimator, and the possibility of evaluating the degree of coverage of deaths by age groups at counties, meso-regions and states levels, with the advantage of estimete adjustment factors, according to the desired level of aggregation. The results grouped by State, point to a significant improvement of the degree of coverage of deaths, according to the combination of the methods with values above 80%. Alagoas (0.88), Bahia (0.90), Ceará (0.90), Maranhão (0.84), Paraíba (0.88), Pernambuco (0.93), Piauí (0.85), Rio Grande do Norte (0.89) and Sergipe (0.92). Advances in the control of the registry information in the health system, linked to improvements in socioeconomic conditions and urbanization of the counties, in the last decade, provided a better quality of information registry of deaths in small areas


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Modem production systems accommodate broody hens in high densities, leading to the accumulation of excrement under the cages. This substrate is excellent for the development of sinantropic flies. Thus, the accomplishment of surveys in these places becomes essential, in order to plan better strategies of control. The present work aimed at studying the entornofauna and the seasonality of the species of dipterous present in the Crisdan poultry house located in the Municipality of Sao Joao da Boa Vista, the State of São Paulo, Brazil. In the period of January of 2001 to December of 2002, 1,012,595 flies were captured using the "jug-trap". The species were identified: Drosophi-la repleta (Wollaston, 1858), Musca domestica (Linnaeus, 1758), Ophyra spp., Hennetria illucens (Linnaeus, 1758), Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus, 1761), Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794), and Sepsidae. More frequently D. repleta and M. domestica had added 99.47% of the dipterous. Increased rainfall and the collection months influenced the sampling of dipterous (P < 0.05). Drosophila repleta was the most abundant species, representing 91% of all captured flies. However, this diptera did not develop at the surveyed site since immatures were not captured therein.


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Brazil is one of the major centers of diversity for polyploid cotton plants; these plants belong to the genus Gossypium, which has three known species: G. hirsutum, G. barbadense and G. mustelinum. The Northeast is the only region where the three species occur, the last group being endemic. Northeast s cotton plants can be important sources of variability for genetic breeding. It is believed that great part of local diversity is being lost, due to economic, political, cultural and agricultural problems. In an attempt to mitigate this loss and delineate conservation strategies it is necessary to know how the species are found where they occur. The objective was to characterize and determine how plants are maintained in situ in the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba at the beginning of the XXI century. The in situ characterization of G. hirsutum and G. barbadense was conducted through structured interviews with the cotton plants owners and through the analysis of the environment. The data were collected during expeditions undertaken between the years 2004 to 2005. Twenty-two plants were collected in the state of Paraíba, forty-four in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, one hundred and forty-six in the state of Ceará, forty in the state of Maranhão and ninety-one plants in the state of Piauí. All plants collected in the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte belonged to moco type. Moco cotton plants also predominated in the other states, representing 92%, 62% and 78% of plants collected in Ceará, Piauí and Maranhão, respectively. The other cotton plants collected belong to the species G. barbadense. The cotton plants were found in situ as dooryard plants, roads side, feral populations, cultivation or local varieties. Great part were dooryard plants (45.2%), being major in Piauí and Maranhão. Cultivation predominated in Ceará; in Rio Grande do Norte feral populations were the most frequent and, in Paraíba, local varieties. The maintenance of moco plants is related, mainly, to the phytotherapic domestic use (20.9%) and to confection of lamp wicks (29.7%). Few inhabitants in Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí and none in Maranhão used harvest the plants, storage the seeds or gin; however, in Ceará, 40.5% of owners affirmed that they harvested and commercialized the fiber. It was found that the maintenance of species is dependent of the fragile cultural habits of local inhabitants, therefore the maintenance in situ is not a suitable way to conservation of genetic resources. The efforts must be directed to the continuity of collections, maintenance and characterization ex situ