1000 resultados para ± 0.00007
OBJECTIVE: To study the in-hospital evolution of patients aged 65 years and older, with acute myocardial infarction, who were treated by direct coronary angioplasty with no fibrinolytic therapy. METHODS: We studied 885 patients divided into 2 groups as follows: group I (GI) - 293 (33.4%) patients aged ³ 65 years (72±5 years), and group II (GII) - 592 patients aged < 65 years (57±9 years). Multivessel disease was more frequent in GI (63.5% x 49.7%; p=0.001). A greater number of GII patients were class I or II of the clinical Killip-Kimball classification (K) (80.2% x 67.2%; p=0.00002), while a significant number of GI patients were KIII and KIV (24.3% x 12.8%; p=0.00003). RESULTS: Group I had a lower index of success (84.6% x 94%; p=0.0002) and a greater in-hospital mortality (12.2% x 4.7%; p=0.00007). The predictors of mortality in GI were as follows: previous infarction (20.5% x 6.3%; p=0.02), anterior location (13.4% x 6.4%; p=0.03), and male sex (10.4% x 4.4%; p=0.007). CONCLUSION: Elderly patients had more severe acute myocardial infarction and more extensive disease, a lower index of success, and greater in-hospital mortality. Previous infarction, anterior location and male sex were identified as predictors of mortality in the elderly group (GI).
The MgAl2O4 ceramics were prepared by the conventional solid-state ceramic route and the dielectric properties studied in the microwave frequency region (3–13 GHz). The phase purity and crystal structure were identified using the X-ray diffraction technique. The MgAl2O4 spinel ceramics show interesting microwave dielectric properties (εr = 8.75, Qux f = 68 900 GHz (loss tangent = 0.00017 at 12.3 GHz), τf =−75 ppm/◦C). The MgAl2O4 has high negative τf, which precludes its immediate use in practical applications. Hence the microwave dielectric properties of MgAl2O4 spinels were tailored by adding different mole fractions of TiO2. The εr and Q factor of the mixed phases were increased with the molar addition of TiO2 into the spinel to form mixtures based on (1−x)MgAl2O4-xTiO2 (x = 0.0−1.0). For x = 0.25 in (1−x)MgAl2O4-xTiO2, the microwave quality factor reaches a maximum value of Qux f = 105 400 GHz (loss tangent = 0.00007 at 7.5 GHz) where εr and τf are 11.035 and −12 ppm/◦C, respectively. The microwave dielectric properties of the newly developed 0.75MgAl2O4-0.25TiO2 dielectric is superior to several commercially available low loss dielectric substrates.
BACKGROUND: this study examined the association of -866G/A, Ala55Val, 45bpI/D, and -55C/T polymorphisms at the uncoupling protein (UCP) 3-2 loci with type 2 diabetes in Asian Indians. METHODS: a case-control study was performed among 1,406 unrelated subjects (487 with type 2 diabetes and 919 normal glucose-tolerant [NGT]), chosen from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study, an ongoing population-based study in Southern India. The polymorphisms were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and direct sequencing. Haplotype frequencies were estimated using an expectation-maximization algorithm. Linkage disequilibrium was estimated from the estimates of haplotypic frequencies. RESULTS: the genotype (P = 0.00006) and the allele (P = 0.00007) frequencies of Ala55Val of the UCP2 gene showed a significant protective effect against the development of type 2 diabetes. The odds ratios (adjusted for age, sex, and body mass index) for diabetes for individuals carrying Ala/Val was 0.72, and that for individuals carrying Val/Val was 0.37. Homeostasis insulin resistance model assessment and 2-h plasma glucose were significantly lower among Val-allele carriers compared to the Ala/Ala genotype within the NGT group. The genotype (P = 0.02) and the allele (P = 0.002) frequencies of -55C/T of the UCP3 gene showed a significant protective effect against the development of diabetes. The odds ratio for diabetes for individuals carrying CT was 0.79, and that for individuals carrying TT was 0.61. The haplotype analyses further confirmed the association of Ala55Val with diabetes, where the haplotypes carrying the Ala allele were significantly higher in the cases compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Ala55Val and -55C/T polymorphisms at the UCP3-2 loci are associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes in Asian Indians.
SerpinB1 is a clade B serpin, or ov-serpin, found at high levels in the cytoplasm of neutrophils. SerpinB1 inhibits neutrophil serine proteases, which are important in killing microbes. When released from granules, these potent enzymes also destroy host proteins and contribute to morbidity and mortality in inflammatory diseases including emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, arthritis, and sepsis. Studies of serpinB1-deficient mice have established a crucial role for this serpin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection by preserving lung antimicrobial proteins from proteolysis and by protecting lung-recruited neutrophils from a premature death. SerpinB1⁻/⁻ mice also have a severe defect in the bone marrow reserve of mature neutrophils demonstrating a key role for serpinB1 in cellular homeostasis. Here, key methods used to generate and characterize serpinB1⁻/⁻ mice are described including intranasal inoculation, myeloperoxidase activity, flow cytometry analysis of bone marrow myeloid cells, and elastase activity. SerpinB1-knockout mice provide a model to dissect the pathogenesis of inflammatory disease characterized by protease:antiprotease imbalance and may be used to assess the efficacy of therapeutic compounds.
Regional weathering intensity must have changed dramatically at high latitudes during the Quaternary as a consequence of repeated continental glaciation. Investigation of these glacial/interglacial changes at high temporal resolution is possible with the recent development of Pb isotopes in FeMn oxyhydroxide phases as a proxy for region-specific weathering intensity, where increases in the radiogenic component are thought to correspond to increased continental weathering fluxes. Here we present a Pb isotope record sourced from the FeMn oxyhydroxide fraction in marine sediments from IODP Sites U1302/3 on Orphan Knoll (~3500 mbsl, NW Atlantic), spanning the last 37 ka. Located at the eastern edge of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS), Site U1302/3 is well-placed to monitor changes in weathering intensity associated with LIS glacial history. Overall, the data show a close correspondence to local surface water d18O, with least radiogenic values during times of heavy d18O (glacial maximum) and most radiogenic values during times of light d18O (Holocene). This supports the prediction that weathering intensity in glaciated regions of the North Atlantic correlates with the exposure age of glacial debris. Superimposed on these background trends are extreme radiogenic excursions (e.g. variation in 206Pb/204Pb from ~19.2-21.0) contemporaneous with Heinrich events and the Younger Dryas. These data are substantially more radiogenic than existing records from the NW Atlantic, and most likely represent episodes of exceptionally high inputs of pre-formed FeMn oxyhydroxides during drainage of the LIS. Due to its extreme isotope composition, at least in the NW Atlantic region, Pb would appear to be a good proxy for the fluxes of weathered continental material and perhaps, by inference, nutrients to the surface ocean
Petrography and isotope geochemical characteristics of H, O, S, Sr, and Nd have been described for basalts recovered from Hole 504B during Leg 111 of the Ocean Drilling Program. The petrographic and chemical features of the recovered basalts are similar to those obtained previously (DSDP Legs 69, 70, and 83); they can be divided into phyric (plagioclase-rich) and aphyric (Plagioclase- and clinopyroxene-rich) basalts and show low abundances of TiO2, Na2O, K2O, and Sr. This indicates that the basalts belong to Group D, comprising the majority of the upper section of the Hole 504B. The diopside-rich nature of the clinopyroxene phenocrysts and Ca-rich nature of the Plagioclase phenocrysts are also consistent with the preceding statement. The Sr and Nd isotope systematics (average 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70267 ± 0.00007 and average 143Nd/144Nd = 0.513157 ± 0.000041) indicate that the magma sources are isotopically heterogeneous, although the analyzed samples represent only the lowermost 200-m section of Hole 504B. The rocks were subjected to moderate hydrothermal alteration throughout the section recovered during Leg 111. Alteration is limited to interstices, microfractures, and grain boundaries of the primary minerals, forming chlorite, actinolite, talc, smectite, quartz, sphene, and pyrite. In harmony with the moderate alteration, the following alteration-sensitive parameters show rather limited ranges of variation: H2O = 1.1 ±0.2 wt%, dD = - 38 per mil ± 4 per mil, d180 = 5.4 per mil ± 0.3 per mil, total S = 562 ± 181 ppm, and d34S = 0.8 per mil ± 0.3 per mil. Based on these data, it was estimated that the hydrothermal fluids had dD and d180 values only slightly higher than those of seawater, the water/rock ratios were as low as 0.02-0.2, and the temperature of alteration was 300°-400°C. Sulfur exists predominantly as pyrite and in minor quantities as chalcopyrite. No primary monosulfide was detected. This and the d34S values of pyrite (d34S = 0.8 per mil) suggest that primary pyrrhotite was almost completely oxidized to pyrite by reaction with hydrothermal fluids containing very little sulfate.
We have investigated the influence of genetic instability [replication error (RER) phenotype] on APC (adenomatous polyposis coli), a gene thought to initiate colorectal tumorigenesis. The prevalence of APC mutations was similar in RER and non-RER tumors, indicating that both tumor types share this step in neoplastic transformation. However, in a total of 101 sequenced mutations, we noted a substantial excess of APC frameshift mutations in the RER cases (70% in RER tumors versus 47% in non-RER tumors, P < 0.04). These frameshifts were characteristic of mutations arising in cells deficient in DNA mismatch repair, with a predilection for mononucleotide repeats in the RER tumors (P < 0.0002), particularly (A)n tracts (P < 0.00007). These findings suggest that the genetic instability that is reflected by the RER phenotype precedes, and is responsible for, APC mutation in RER large bowel tumors and have important implications for understanding the very earliest stages of neoplasia in patients with tumors deficient in mismatch repair.
Purpose: SCN1A is the most clinically relevant epilepsy gene, most mutations lead to severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI) and generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+). We studied 132 patients with epilepsy syndromes with seizures precipitated by fever, and performed phenotype-genotype correlations with SCN1A alterations. Methods: We included patients with SMEI including borderline SMEI (SMEB), GEFS+, febrile seizures (FS), or other seizure types precipitated by fever. We performed a clinical and genetic study focusing on SCN1A, using dHPLC, gene sequencing, and MLPA to detect genomic deletions/duplications on SMEI/SMEB patients. Results: We classified patients as: SMEI/SMEB = 55; GEFS+ = 26; and other phenotypes = 51. SCN1A analysis by dHPLC/sequencing revealed 40 mutations in 37 SMEI/SMEB (67%) and 3 GEFS+ (11.5%) probands. MLPA showed genomic deletions in 2 of 18 SMEI/SMEB. Most mutations were de novo (82%). SMEB patients carrying mutations (8) were more likely to have missense mutations (62.5%), conversely SMEI patients (31) had more truncating, splice site or genomic alterations (64.5%). SMEI/SMEB with truncating, splice site or genomic alterations had a significantly earlier age of onset of FS compared to those with missense mutations and without mutations (p = 0.00007, ANOVA test). None of the remaining patients with seizures precipitated by fever carried SCN1A mutations. Conclusion: We obtained a frequency of 71% SCN1A abnormalities in SMEI/SMEB and of 11.5% in GEFS+ probands. MLPA complements DNA sequencing of SCN1A increasing the mutation detection rate. SMEI/SMEB with truncating, splice site or genomic alterations had a significantly earlier age of onset of FS. This study confirms the high sensitivity of SCN1A for SMEI/SMEB phenotypes. © 2007 International League Against Epilepsy.
The results of an exercise on electrochemistry for General Chemistry students are presented. The difficulty encountered by students in predicting the shift in the potential of the hydrogen electrode under non-standard conditions prompted a search in textbooks on how the subject is developed. Besides several instances of inconsistencies in defining the standard state, such as including the temperature in the definition, a number of incorrect depictions of the hydrogen electrode were discovered. Of the 28 General Chemistry books, 16 Physical Chemistry books and 24 Internet pages, 30, 20 and 46%, respectively, showed devices that would not work in practice.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos hemodinâmicos e metabólicos, após a administração de solução salina hipertônica (NaCL) 7,5% ou em associação ao hidroxietilamido (HES), em cães com hipovolemia induzida e tratados com cetamina. Após a indução da hipovolemia, administrou-se NaCl 7,5% (4,0ml kg-1) no grupo hipertônica levógira (GHL) e grupo hipertônica racêmica (GHR) ou HES 130/0,4 na mesma proporção de sangue retirado, associado a NaCl 7,5% (4ml kg-1) no grupo hipertônica colóide levógira (GHCL) e no grupo hipertônica colóide racêmica (GHCR). Após 30 minutos, administrou-se, por via IV, cetamina levógira (CL) (5mg kg-1) no GHL e GHCL ou cetamina racêmica (CR) (10mg kg-1) no GHR e GHCR. Empregou-se a análise de variância de uma única via com repetições múltiplas (ANOVA) e o teste de Student Newman Keuls (P£0,05). A frequência cardíaca e a pressão arterial sistólica foram menores após a hipovolemia e após a CR. As pressões arteriais média e diastólica foram menores após a hipovolemia e cetamina. A pressão venosa central foi maior após a administração do colóide. Os índices cardíaco e sistólico foram menores após a hipovolemia em todos os grupos e, após a fase de expansão no GHL e GHR. A pressão média da artéria pulmonar foi menor após a hipovolemia em todos os grupos. A pressão de oclusão da artéria pulmonar foi maior após o colóide. O índice do trabalho ventricular esquerdo foi menor após a hipovolemia no GHCL e GHCR. O índice da resistência periférica total foi maior após a hipovolemia e menor após a CL. Observou-se acidose metabólica após a hipovolemia e após a cetamina. Ocorreu acidose respiratória após a cetamina no GHL e GHR. Conclui-se que a administração de NaCl 7,5% associado ao HES 130/0,4 promove o restabelecimento imediato dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos e metabólicos no paciente hipovolêmico; a administração isolada de NaCl 7,5% não é capaz de restaurar a PAM no período imediato, mas melhora os demais parâmetros hemodinâmicos e metabólicos; a administração de CR ou CL produz efeitos hemodinâmicos e metabólicos similares no paciente hipovolêmico.
Temperature-dependent electrical resistance in quasi-one-dimensional Li(0.9)Mo(6)O(17) is described by two Luttinger liquid anomalous exponents alpha, each associated with a distinct one dimensional band. The band with alpha < 1 is argued to crossover to a higher dimension below the temperature T(M'), leading to superconductivity. Disorder and magnetic fields are shown to induce the Bose metal behavior in this bulk compound.
We present the first spin alignment measurements for the K*(0)(892) and phi(1020) vector mesons produced at midrapidity with transverse momenta up to 5 GeV/c at root s(NN) = 200 GeV at RHIC. The diagonal spin-density matrix elements with respect to the reaction plane in Au+Au collisions are rho(00) = 0.32 +/- 0.04 (stat) +/- 0.09 (syst) for the K*(0) (0.8 < p(T) < 5.0 GeV/c) and rho(00) = 0.34 +/- 0.02 (stat) +/- 0.03 (syst) for the phi (0.4 < p(T) < 5.0 GeV/c) and are constant with transverse momentum and collision centrality. The data are consistent with the unpolarized expectation of 1/3 and thus no evidence is found for the transfer of the orbital angular momentum of the colliding system to the vector-meson spins. Spin alignments for K(*0) and phi in Au+Au collisions were also measured with respect to the particle's production plane. The phi result, rho(00) = 0.41 +/- 0.02 (stat) +/- 0.04 (syst), is consistent with that in p+p collisions, rho(00) = 0.39 +/- 0.03 (stat) +/- 0.06 (syst), also measured in this work. The measurements thus constrain the possible size of polarization phenomena in the production dynamics of vector mesons.