541 resultados para [HCO3]-


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The mineral nesquehonite Mg(OH)(HCO3)•2H2O has been analysed by a combination of infrared (IR) and infrared emission spectroscopy (IES). Both techniques show OH vibrations, both stretching and deformation modes. IES proves the OH units are stable up to 450°C. The strong IR band at 934 cm-1 is evidence for MgOH deformation modes supporting the concept of HCO3- units in the molecular structure. Infrared bands at 1027, 1052 and 1098 cm-1 are attributed to the symmetric stretching modes of HCO3- and CO32- units. Infrared bands at 1419, 1439, 1511, and 1528 cm-1 are assigned to the antisymmetric stretching modes of CO32- and HCO3- units. IES supported by thermoanalytical results defines the thermal stability of nesquehonite IES defines the changes in the molecular structure of nesquehonite with temperature. The results of IR and IES supports the concept that the formula of nesquehonite is better defined as Mg(OH)(HCO3)•2H2O.


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Tese de dout., Ciências Agrárias, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias (Produção Vegetal), Univ. do Algarve, 2000


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Context: Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is often ingested at a dose of 0.3 g/kg body mass (BM), but ingestion protocols are inconsistent in terms of using solution or capsules, ingestion period, combining NaHCO3 with sodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7), and coingested food and fluid. Purpose: To quantify the effect of ingesting 0.3 g/ kg NaHCO3 on blood pH, [HCO3 -], and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms over the subsequent 3 hr using a range of ingestion protocols and, thus, to determine an optimal protocol. Methods: In a crossover design, 13 physically active subjects undertook 8 NaHCO3 experimental ingestion protocols and 1 placebo protocol. Capillary blood was taken every 30 min and analyzed for pH and [HCO3 -]. GI symptoms were quantified every 30 min via questionnaire. Statistics used were pairwise comparisons between protocols; differences were interpreted in relation to smallest worthwhile changes for each variable. A likelihood of >75% was a substantial change. Results: [HCO3 -] and pH were substantially greater than in placebo for all other ingestion protocols at almost all time points. When NaHCO3 was coingested with food, the greatest [HCO3 -] (30.9 mmol/kg) and pH (7.49) and lowest incidence of GI symptoms were observed. The greatest incidence of GI side effects was observed 90 min after ingestion of 0.3 g/kg NaHCO3 solution. Conclusions: The changes in pH and [HCO3 -] for the 8 NaHCO3-ingestion protocols were similar, so an optimal protocol cannot be recommended. However, the results suggest that NaHCO3 coingested with a high-carbohydrate meal should be taken 120-150 min before exercise to induce substantial blood alkalosis and reduce GI symptoms. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Effects of ocean acidification on Emiliania huxleyi strain RCC 1216 (calcifying, diploid life-cycle stage) and RCC 1217 (non-calcifying, haploid life-cycle stage) were investigated by measuring growth, elemental composition, and production rates under different pCO2 levels (380 and 950 µatm). In these differently acclimated cells, the photosynthetic carbon source was assessed by a (14)C disequilibrium assay, conducted over a range of ecologically relevant pH values (7.9-8.7). In agreement with previous studies, we observed decreased calcification and stimulated biomass production in diploid cells under high pCO2, but no CO2-dependent changes in biomass production for haploid cells. In both life-cycle stages, the relative contributions of CO2 and HCO3 (-) uptake depended strongly on the assay pH. At pH values =< 8.1, cells preferentially used CO2 (>= 90 % CO2), whereas at pH values >= 8.3, cells progressively increased the fraction of HCO3 (-) uptake (~45 % CO2 at pH 8.7 in diploid cells; ~55 % CO2 at pH 8.5 in haploid cells). In contrast to the short-term effect of the assay pH, the pCO2 acclimation history had no significant effect on the carbon uptake behavior. A numerical sensitivity study confirmed that the pH-modification in the (14)C disequilibrium method yields reliable results, provided that model parameters (e.g., pH, temperature) are kept within typical measurement uncertainties. Our results demonstrate a high plasticity of E. huxleyi to rapidly adjust carbon acquisition to the external carbon supply and/or pH, and provide an explanation for the paradoxical observation of high CO2 sensitivity despite the apparently high HCO3 (-) usage seen in previous studies.


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Juvenile colonies of massive Porites spp. were exposed to manipulated pH and bicarbonate ([HCO3-]) in situ to test the hypothesis that ocean acidification (OA) does not affect respiration and calcification. Incubations lasted 28 h and exposed corals to ambient temperature and light with ecologically relevant water motion. Three treatments were applied: (1) ambient conditions of pH 8.04 and 1751 µmol HCO3- kg(-1) (Treatment 1), (2) pCO2-induced ocean acidification of pH 7.73 and 2011 µmol HCO3- kg(-1) (Treatment 2), and (3) pCO2 and HCO3--enriched seawater of pH 7.69 and 2730 µmol HCO3- kg(-1) (Treatment 3). The third treatment providing elevated [HCO3-] was used to test for stimulatory effects of dissolved inorganic carbon on calcification under low pH and low saturation of aragonite (Omega arag), but it does not reflect conditions expected to occur under CO2-driven OA. Calcification of juvenile massive Porites spp. was affected by treatments, with an 81% elevation in Treatment 3 versus Treatment 1, but no difference between Treatments 1 and 2; respiration and the metabolic expenditure concurrent with calcification remained unaffected. These findings indicate that juvenile massive Porites spp. are resistant to short exposures to OA in situ, and separately, that they can increase calcification at low pH and low Omega arag if [HCO3-] is elevated. Juvenile Porites spp. may therefore be limited by dissolved inorganic carbon under ambient pCO2 conditions


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Light-dependent inorganic C (Ci) transport and accumulation in air-grown cells of Synechococcus UTEX 625 were examined with a mass spectrometer in the presence of inhibitors or artificial electron acceptors of photosynthesis in an attempt to drive CO2 or HCO3− uptake separately by the cyclic or linear electron transport chains. In the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, the cells were able to accumulate an intracellular Ci pool of 20 mm, even though CO2 fixation was completely inhibited, indicating that cyclic electron flow was involved in the Ci-concentrating mechanism. When 200 μm N,N-dimethyl-p-nitrosoaniline was used to drain electrons from ferredoxin, a similar Ci accumulation was observed, suggesting that linear electron flow could support the transport of Ci. When carbonic anhydrase was not present, initial CO2 uptake was greatly reduced and the extracellular [CO2] eventually increased to a level higher than equilibrium, strongly suggesting that CO2 transport was inhibited and that Ci accumulation was the result of active HCO3− transport. With 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea-treated cells, Ci transport and accumulation were inhibited by inhibitors of CO2 transport, such as COS and Na2S, whereas Li+, an HCO3−-transport inhibitor, had little effect. In the presence of N,N-dimethyl-p-nitrosoaniline, Ci transport and accumulation were not inhibited by COS and Na2S but were inhibited by Li+. These results suggest that CO2 transport is supported by cyclic electron transport and that HCO3− transport is supported by linear electron transport.


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The induction of a high-affinity state of the CO2-concentration mechanism was investigated in two cyanobacterial species, Synechococcus sp. strain PCC7002 and Synechococcus sp. strain PCC7942. Cells grown at high CO2 concentrations were resuspended in low-CO2 buffer and illuminated in the presence of carbonic anhydrase for 4 to 10 min until the inorganic C compensation point was reached. Thereafter, more than 95% of a high-affinity CO2-concentration mechanism was induced in both species. Mass-spectrometric analysis of CO2 and HCO3− fluxes indicated that only the affinity of HCO3− transport increased during the fast-induction period, whereas maximum transport activities were not affected. The kinetic characteristics of CO2 uptake remained unchanged. Fast induction of high-affinity HCO3− transport was not inhibited by chloramphenicol, cantharidin, or okadaic acid. In contrast, fast induction of high-affinity HCO3− transport did not occur in the presence of K252a, staurosporine, or genistein, which are known inhibitors of protein kinases. These results show that induction of high-affinity HCO3− transport can occur within minutes of exposure to low-inorganic-C conditions and that fast induction may involve posttranslational phosphorylation of existing proteins rather than de novo synthesis of new protein components.


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Mass-spectrometric disequilibrium analysis was applied to investigate CO2 uptake and HCO3− transport in cells and chloroplasts of the microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which were grown in air enriched with 5% (v/v) CO2 (high-Ci cells) or in ambient air (low-Ci cells). High- and low-Ci cells of both species had the capacity to transport CO2 and HCO3−, with maximum rates being largely unaffected by the growth conditions. In high- and low-Ci cells of D. tertiolecta, HCO3− was the dominant inorganic C species taken up, whereas HCO3− and CO2 were used at similar rates by C. reinhardtii. The apparent affinities of HCO3− transport and CO2 uptake increased 3- to 9-fold in both species upon acclimation to air. Photosynthetically active chloroplasts isolated from both species were able to transport CO2 and HCO3−. For chloroplasts from C. reinhardtii, the concentrations of HCO3− and CO2 required for half-maximal activity declined from 446 to 33 μm and 6.8 to 0.6 μm, respectively, after acclimation of the parent cells to air; the corresponding values for chloroplasts from D. tertiolecta decreased from 203 to 58 μm and 5.8 to 0.5 μm, respectively. These results indicate the presence of inducible high-affinity HCO3− and CO2 transporters at the chloroplast envelope membrane.