905 resultados para <2 cm


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L’ecografia è la metodica diagnostica più utilizzata come screening e follow-up nei pazienti epatopatici con o senza lesioni focali e questo grazie alle sue peculiari caratteristiche, che sono date dall’essere real-time, maneggevole, priva di radiazioni ionizzanti e con bassi costi. Tuttavia tale metodica se confrontata con la TC o la RMN, può avere importanti limiti, quali l’impossibilità di visualizzare piccole lesioni localizzate in aree anatomicamente “difficili” o in pazienti obesi, che sono già state identificate con altre tecniche, come la TC o la RMN. Per superare queste limitazioni sono stati introdotti dei sistemi di “fusione d’immagine” che consentono di sincronizzare in tempo reale una metodica real time con bassa risoluzione spaziale come l’ecografia ed una statica ad alta risoluzione come la TC o la RMN. Ciò si ottiene creando attorno al paziente un piccolo campo elettromagnetico costituito da un generatore e da un rilevatore applicato al trasduttore ecografico ed introducendo in un computer abbinato all’ecografo il “volume rendering” dell’addome del paziente ottenuto mediante TC multistrato o RM. Il preciso “ appaiamento spaziale “ delle due metodiche si ottiene individuando in entrambe lo stesso piano assiale di riferimento e almeno 3-4 punti anatomici interni. Tale sistema di fusione d’immagine potrebbe essere molto utile in campo epatologico nella diagnostica non invasiva del piccolo epatocarcinoma, che secondo le ultime linee guida, nei noduli di dimensioni fra 1 e 2 cm, richiede una concordanza nel comportamento contrastografico della lesione in almeno due tecniche d’immagine. Lo scopo del nostro lavoro è stato pertanto quello di valutare, in pazienti epatopatici, il contributo che tale sistema può dare nell’identificazione e caratterizzazione di lesioni inferiori a 20 mm, che erano già state identificate alla TC o alla RMN come noduli sospetti per HCC, ma che non erano stati visualizzati in ecografia convenzionale. L’eventuale re-identificazione con l’ecografia convenzionale dei noduli sospetti per essere HCC, può permettere di evitare, alla luce dei criteri diagnostici non invasivi un’ ulteriore tecnica d’immagine ed eventualmente la biopsia. Pazienti e Metodi: 17 pazienti cirrotici (12 Maschi; 5 Femmine), con età media di 68.9 +/- 6.2 (SD) anni, in cui la TC e la RMN con mezzo di contrasto avevano identificato 20 nuove lesioni focali epatiche, inferiori a 20 mm (13,6 +/- 3,6 mm), sospette per essere epatocarcinomi (HCC), ma non identificate all’ecografia basale (eseguita in cieco rispetto alla TC o alla RMN) sono stati sottoposti ad ecografia senza e con mezzo di contrasto, focalizzata su una zona bersaglio identificata tramite il sistema di fusione d’immagini, che visualizza simultaneamente le immagini della TC e della RMN ricostruite in modalità bidimensionale ( 2D), tridimensionale ( 3 D) e real-time. La diagnosi finale era stata stabilita attraverso la presenza di una concordanza diagnostica, secondo le linee guida internazionali o attraverso un follow-up nei casi di discordanza. Risultati: Una diagnosi non invasiva di HCC è stata raggiunta in 15/20 lesioni, inizialmente sospettate di essere HCC. Il sistema di fusione ha identificato e mostrato un comportamento contrastografico tipico in 12/15 noduli di HCC ( 80%) mentre 3/15 HCC (20%) non sono stati identificati con il sistema di fusione d’immagine. Le rimanenti 5/20 lesioni non sono state visualizzate attraverso i sistemi di fusione d’immagine ed infine giudicate come falsi positivi della TC e della RMN, poiché sono scomparse nei successivi mesi di follow-up e rispettivamente dopo tre, sei, nove, dodici e quindici mesi. Conclusioni: I nostri risultati preliminari mostrano che la combinazione del sistema di fusione dell’immagine associata all’ecografia senza e con mezzo di contrasto (CEUS), migliora il potenziale dell’ecografia nell’identificazione e caratterizzazione dell’HCC su fegato cirrotico, permettendo il raggiungimento di una diagnosi, secondo criteri non invasivi e slatentizzazndo casi di falsi positivi della TC e della RMN.


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BACKGROUND Most guidelines recommend at least 2-cm excision margin for melanomas thicker than 2 mm. OBJECTIVE We evaluated whether 1- or 2-cm excision margins for melanoma (>2 mm) result in different outcomes. METHODS This is a retrospective cohort study on patients with melanomas (>2 mm) who underwent tumor excision with 1-cm (228 patients) or 2-cm (97 patients) margins to investigate presence of local recurrences, locoregional and distant metastases, and disease-free and overall survival. RESULTS In all, 325 patients with mean age of 61.84 years and Breslow thickness of 4.36 mm were considered for the study with a median follow-up of 1852 days (1995-2012). There was no significant difference in the frequency of locoregional and distant metastasis between the 2 groups (P = .311 and .571). The survival analysis showed no differences for disease-free (P = .800; hazard ratio 0.948; 95% confidence interval 0.627-1.433) and overall (P = .951; hazard ratio 1.018; 95% confidence interval 0.575-1.803) survival. LIMITATIONS The study was not prospectively randomized. CONCLUSIONS Our study did not show any significant differences in important outcome parameters such as local or distant metastases and overall survival. A prospective study testing 1- versus 2-cm excision margin is warranted.


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We have studied the mineral hydroboracite CaMg[B3O4(OH)3]2∙3H2O using electron microscopy and vibrational spectroscopy. Both tetrahedral and trigonal boron units are observed. The nominal resolution of the Raman spectrometer is of the order of 2 cm-1 and as such is sufficient enough to identify separate bands for the stretching bands of the two boron isotopes. The Raman band at 1039 cm-1 is assigned to BO stretching vibration. Raman bands at 1144, 1157, 1229, 1318 cm-1 are attributed to the BOH in-plane bending modes. Raman bands at 825 and 925 cm-1 are attributed to the antisymmetric stretching modes of tetrahedral boron. The sharp Raman peak at 925 cm-1 is from the 11-B component such a mode, then it should have a smaller 10-B satellite near (1.03)x(925) = 952 cm-1, and indeed a small peak at 955 is observed. Four sharp Raman bands observed at 3371, 3507, 3563 and 3632 cm-1 are attributed to the stretching vibrations of hydroxyl units. The broad Raman bands at 3076, 3138, 3255, 3384 and 3551 cm-1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. Infrared bands at 3367, 3505, 3559 and 3631 cm-1are assigned to the stretching vibration of the hydroxyl units. Broad infrared bands at 3072 and 3254 cm-1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. Infrared bands at 1318, 1349, 1371, 1383 cm-1 are assigned to the antisymmetric stretching vibrations of trigonal boron


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BACKGROUND: Monitoring studies revealed high concentrations of pesticides in the drainage canal of paddy fields. It is important to have a way to predict these concentrations in different management scenarios as an assessment tool. A simulation model for predicting the pesticide concentration in a paddy block (PCPF-B) was evaluated and then used to assess the effect of water management practices for controlling pesticide runoff from paddy fields. RESULTS: The PCPF-B model achieved an acceptable performance. The model was applied to a constrained probabilistic approach using the Monte Carlo technique to evaluate the best management practices for reducing runoff of pretilachlor into the canal. The probabilistic model predictions using actual data of pesticide use and hydrological data in the canal showed that the water holding period (WHP) and the excess water storage depth (EWSD) effectively reduced the loss and concentration of pretilachlor from paddy fields to the drainage canal. The WHP also reduced the timespan of pesticide exposure in the drainage canal. CONCLUSIONS: It is recommended that: (1) the WHP be applied for as long as possible, but for at least 7 days, depending on the pesticide and field conditions; (2) an EWSD greater than 2 cm be maintained to store substantial rainfall in order to prevent paddy runoff, especially during the WHP.


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Verso: We were all born in that house except your mother ??


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Verso: We were all born in that house except your mother ??


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High density transparent glasses (7.86 g/cc) were fabricated in the 2Bi(2)O(3)-B2O3 (BBO) system. Optical band gap of the obtained glasses was found to be 2.6eV. The refractive index measured for these glasses was 2.25 +/- 0.05 at lambda=543 nm. Nonlinear refraction and absorption studies were carried out on the BBO glasses using z-scan technique a lambda=532 nm of 10 ns pulse width. The nonlinear refractive index obtained was n(2)=12.1x10(-14) cm(2)/W and nonlinear absorption coefficient was beta=15.2 cm/GW. The n(2) and beta values of the BBO glasses were large compared to the other reported high index bismuth based oxide glass systems in the literature. These were attributed to the high density, high linear refractive index, low band gap and two photon absorption associated with these glasses. The electronic origin of large nonlinearities was discussed based on bond-orbital theory.


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应用扫描电化学显微镜和微电极技术研究了水 / 1,2 二氯乙烷界面上的反向电子转移反应 .分别以K4 Fe(CN) 6和 7,7,8,8 四氰代二甲基苯醌 (TCNQ)作为水相和有机相的电活性物质 ,通过选择合理的共同离子 (TPAs+与TBA+)来控制界面电位差 ,实现了这一在热力学上通常不可能实现的反向电子转移反应 .利用扫描电化学显微镜给出的正负反馈信息 ,研究了界面电位差驱动的液 /液界面上的电子转移反应 ,并进一步得到了在不同的共同离子浓度比时 ,此异相界面反应速率常数kf 为 1 3× 10 -31 8× 10 -2 cm/s(共同离子为TBA+)和 2 5× 10 -32 8× 10 -2 cm/s(共同离子为TPAs+) .验证了此反应速率常数kf 是由界面电位差所决定的 .在此实验条件下 ,此反应速率常数kf 与界面电位差的关系遵守Butler Volmer公式 .


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catena-Poly[{pentaaqua(L-proline-O)-erbium-mu-(L-proline-O:O')} trichloride], {[Er(C5H9-NO2)2(H2O)5]Cl3}n, M(r) = 594.0, monoclinic, P2(1), a = 8.294 (1), b = 10.981 (3), c = 11.934 (3) angstrom, beta = 107.04 (2)degrees, V = 1039.2 (4) angstrom3, Z = 2, D(x) = 1.90 g cm-3, lambda(Mo Kalpha) = 0.71069 angstrom, mu = 45.2 cm-1, F(000) = 586, T = 298 K, R = 0.0244 for 1711 unique reflections [I > 3 sigma(I(o))]. The crystal consists of one-dimensional chains of infinite length in which one L-proline ligand bridges two neighboring Er ions, the other L-proline ligand being monodentate.


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We report on Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the massive star-forming region G305.2+0.2 at 1.2 cm. We detected emission in five molecules towards G305A, confirming its hot core nature. We determined a rotational temperature of 26 K for methanol. A non-local thermodynamic equilibrium excitation calculation suggests a kinematic temperature of the order of 200 K. A time-dependent chemical model is also used to model the gas-phase chemistry of the hot core associated with G305A. A comparison with the observations suggest an age of between 2 × 104 and 1.5 × 105 yr. We also report on a feature to the south-east of G305A which may show weak Class I methanol maser emission in the line at 24.933 GHz. The more evolved source G305B does not show emission in any of the line tracers, but strong Class I methanol maser emission at 24.933 GHz is found 3 arcsec to the east. Radio continuum emission at 18.496 GHz is detected towards two H ii regions. The implications of the non-detection of radio continuum emission towards G305A and G305B are also discussed.


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Three experiments have been performed to resolve an uncertainty in the assignment of ν2 and ν4 for SO3: (i) the gas phase Raman spectrum has been measured; (ii) the infrared active combination band ν3 + ν4 has been measured; (iii) a band contour calculation has been performed taking account of the ℓ-type resonance in ν4 and a strong Coriolis resonance between ν2 and ν4. These experiments establish beyond any doubt that ν2 lies at about 497.5 cm−1 and ν4 lies at about 530.2 cm−1. The contour calculation also shows that the Coriolis resonance gives rise to a positive intensity perturbation.


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Structural and magnetic characterization of compound {[Ni-2(L)(2)(OAC)(2)][Ni-3(L)(2) (OAc)(4)]) center dot 2CH(3)CN (3) (HL = the tridentate Schiff base ligand, 2-[(3-methylaminb-propylimino)-methyl]-phenol) shows that it is a rare example of a crystal incorporating a dinuclear Ni(II) compound, [Ni-2(L)(2)(OAc)(2)], and a trinuclear one, [Ni-3(L)(2)(OAC)(4)]. Even more unusual is the fact that both Ni (II) complexes, [Ni-2(L)(2)(OAc)(2)] (1) and [Ni-3(L)(2)(OAc)(4)(H2O)(2)] center dot CH2Cl2 center dot 2CH(3)OH (2), have also been isolated and structurally and magnetically characterized. The structural analysis reveals that the dimeric complexes [Ni-2(L)(2)(OAc)(2)] in cocrystal 3 and in compound 1 are almost identical-in both complexes, the Ni(II) ions possess a distorted octahedral geometry formed by the chelating tridentate ligand (L), a chelating acetate ion, and a bridging phenoxo group with very similar bond angles and distances. On the other hand, compound 2 and the trinuclear complex in the cocrystal 3 show a similar linear centrosymmetric structure with the tridentate ligand coordinated to the terminal Ni(II) and linked to the central Ni(II) by phenoxo and carboxylate bridges. The only difference is that a water molecule found in 2 is not present in the trinuclear unit of complex 3; instead, the coordination sphere is completed by an additional bridging oxygen atom from an acetate ligand. Variable-temperature (2-300 K) magnetic susceptibility measurements show that the dinuclear unit is antiferromagnetically coupled in both compounds (2J = -36.18 and -29.5 cm(-1) in 1 and 3, respectively), whereas the trinuclear unit shows a very weak ferromagnetic coupling in compound 3 (2J = 0.23 cm(-1)) and a weak antiferromagnetic coupling in 2 (2J = -8.7(2) cm(-1)) due to the minor changes in the coordination sphere.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)