996 resultados para zircon geochronology


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We used the fabrics of two granite plutons and U/Pb (SHRIMP) zircon ages to constrain the tectonic evolution of the E-trending Patos shear zone (Borborema Province, NE Brazil). The pre-tectonic Teixeira batholith consists of an amphibole leucogranite locally with aegirine-augite. Zircons from a syenogranite yielded crystallization ages of 591 +/- 5 Ma. The batholith fabrics were determined by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and mineral shape preferred orientation. The fabrics support pre-transcurrent batholith emplacement, as evidenced by: (i) magmatic/magnetic fabrics in low susceptibility (<0.35 mSI) leucogranites highly discordant to the regional host rock structure, and (ii) concordant magnetic fabrics restricted to high susceptibility (>1 mSI) corridors connected to shear zones branching off from Patos. One of these satellite shear zones controlled the syntectonic emplacement of the Serra Redonda pluton, which yields a crystallization age of 576 +/- 3 Ma. This late shearing event marks the peak regional deformation that, south of Patos, was coupled to crustal shortening nearly perpendicular to the shear belt. The chronology of the deformational events indicates that the major shear zones of the eastern Borborema are late structures active after the crustal blocks amalgamated. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Ribeira belt in SE Brazil is a Neoproterozoic to Early Palaeozoic orogen, whose architecture and history is not yet fully understood. The depositional age of many of the sedimentary sequences in the Ribeira Belt remains unconstrained, and with debate concerning their depositional environment and tectonic setting. In this paper we present SHRIMP zircon U/Pb age constraints for one such problematic unit in the Ribeira Belt the lporanga Formation - and discuss the significance of this age with regards to the timing of Neoproterozoic glacial events in southeast Brazil. Using a felsic volcanic unit immediately under the lporanga Formation and granite cobbles from breccias in its basal parts a reconnaissance SHRIMP U/Pb zircon maximum depositional age of 580 Ma is assigned for the base of this unit. This age is marginally younger than the 625605 Ma ages for intrusions into the Lajeado and Ribeira subgroups, with which the lporanga Formation is in tectonic contact. This indicates that the Lajeado and Ribeira subgroups are not stratigraphically equivalent to the lporanga Formation, as thought previously by some workers. The maximum depositional age of 580 Ma also places a maximum time constraint on the tectonic juxtaposition of the lporanga Formation with other supracrustal units, and on the greenschist facies metamorphism and isoclinal folding that affected it. The potential glacial origin for the lporanga Formation, if correct, would place it in the late Ediacaran - provisionally equivalent to the Gaskiers glaciation. (c) 2007 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Punta del Este Terrane (eastern Uruguay) lies in a complex Neoproterozoic (Brasiliano/Pan-African) orogenic zone considered to contain a suture between South American terranes to the west of Major Gercino-Sierra Ballena Suture Zone and eastern African affinities terranes. Zircon cores from Punta del Este Terrane basement orthogneisses have U-Pb ages of ca. 1,000 Ma, which indicate an lineage with the Namaqua Belt in Southwestern Africa. U-Pb zircon ages also provide the following information on the Punta del Este terrane: the orthogneisses containing the ca. 1,000 Ma inheritance formed at ca. 750 Ma; in contrast to the related terranes now in Africa, reworking of the Punta del Este Terrane during Brasiliano/Pan-African orogenesis was very intense, reaching granulite facies at ca. 640 Ma. The termination of the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny is marked by formation of acid volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks at ca. 570 Ma (Sierra de Aguirre Formation), formation of late sedimentary basins (San Carlos Formation) and then intrusion at ca. 535 Ma of post-tectonic granitoids (Santa Teresa and Jos, Ignacio batholiths). The Punta del Este Terrane and unrelated western terranes represented by the Dom Feliciano Belt and the Rio de La Plata Craton were in their present positions by ca. 535 Ma.


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The Rio Apa cratonic fragment crops out in Mato Grosso do Sul State of Brazil and in northeastern Paraguay. It comprises Paleo-Mesoproterozoic medium grade metamorphic rocks, intruded by granitic rocks, and is covered by the Neoproterozoic deposits of the Corumbi and Itapocurni Groups. Eastward it is bound by the southern portion of the Paraguay belt. In this work, more than 100 isotopic determinations, including U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd whole-rock determinations, as well as K-Ar and Ar-Ar mineral ages, were reassessed in order to obtain a complete picture of its regional geological history. The tectonic evolution of the Rio Apa Craton starts with the formation of a series of magmatic arc complexes. The oldest U-Pb SHRIMP zircon age comes from a banded gneiss collected in the northern part of the region, with an age of 1950 +/- 23 Ma. The large granitic intrusion of the Alumiador Batholith yielded a U-Pb zircon age of 1839 +/- 33 Ma, and from the southeastern part of the area two orthogneisses gave zircon U-Pb ages of 1774 +/- 26 Ma and 1721 +/- 25 Ma. These may be coeval with the Alto Terere metamorphic rocks of the northeastern corner, intruded in their turn by the Baia das Garcas granitic rocks, one of them yielding a zircon U-Pb age of 1754 +/- 49 Ma. The original magmatic protoliths of these rocks involved some crustal component, as indicated by the Sm-Nd TDm model ages, between 1.9 and 2.5 Ga. Regional Sr isotopic homogenization, associated with tectonic deformation and medium-grade metamorphism occurred at approximately 1670 Ma, as suggested by Rb-Sr whole rock reference isochrons. Finally, at 1300 Ma ago, the Ar work indicates that the Rio Apa Craton was affected by widespread regional heating, when the temperature probably exceeded 350 degrees C. Geographic distribution, age and isotopic signature of the fithotectonic units suggest the existence of a major suture separating two different tectonic domains, juxtaposed at about 1670 Ma. From that time on, the unified Rio Apa continental block behaved as one coherent and stable tectonic unit. It correlates well with the SW corner of the Amazonian Craton, where the medium-grade rocks of the Juruena-Rio Negro tectonic province, with ages between 1600 and 1780 Ma, were reworked at about 1300 Ma. Looking at the largest scale, the Rio Apa Craton is probably attached to the larger Amazonian Craton, and the actual configuration of southwestern South America is possibly due to a complex arrangement of allochthonous blocks such as the Arequipa, Antofalla and Pampia, with different sizes, that may have originated as disrupted parts of either Laurentia or Amazonia, and were trapped during later collisions of these continental masses.


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The Serrinha magmatic suite (Mineiro belt) crops out in the southern edge of the Sao Francisco craton, comprising the Brito quartz-diorite, Brumado de Cima and Brumado de Baixo granodiorites, granophyres and felsic sub-volcanic and volcanic rocks, part of which intruded into the Nazareno greenstone belt. The suite rocks have petrographic features that are consistent with magma supercooling due to the low water content combined with volatile loss, leading to crystallization of quartz and alkaline feldspar at the rims of plagioclase phenocrysts (granophyric intergrowth). The investigated rocks are sub-alkaline, calc-alkaline and show low content in rare earth elements. The U-Pb zircon crystallization ages for the Brumado de Cima granodiorite [2227 +/- 22 (23) Ma] and a coeval granophyre [2211 +/- 22 (23) Ma], coupled with available single-zircon Pb evaporation ages for the Brito and Brumado de Baixo plutons, are significantly older than the ""Minas orogeny"" (ca. 2100-2050 Ga) of Quadrilatero Ferrifero area, eastward from the Serrinha suite. Our data establish an early Rhyacian event tectonically linked with the evolution of the Mineiro belt. The bulk Nd isotopic signature [low negative to positive epsilon(Nd(t)) values] of the Serrinha samples are consistent with the important role of Paleoproterozoic mantle components in the magma genesis. The integrated geologic, geochemical and isotopic information suggests that Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Mineiro belt initiated in a passive continental margin basin with deposition of the Minas Supergroup at ca. 2500 Ma. This stage was succeeded by outboard rupture of the oceanic lithosphere with development and coalescence of progressively younger magmatic arcs during Rhyacian time. One of the earliest arcs formed the Serrinha suite. The tectonic collage of the Serrinha and Ritapolis (2190-2120 Ma) arcs produced the NE-SW Lenheiro shear zone, resulting in mylonitization and recrystallization of both the granitoid intrusions and host rocks. As a matter of fact juxtaposition of distinct magmatic units in age and origin took place along the Lenheiros structure in this sector of the Mineiro belt. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Capivarita Anorthosite, formed in an intraplate environment and later metamorphosed under amphibolites fades conditions, is exposed in the Dom Feliciano Belt as part of the Brasiliano magmatic arc and occurs as a roof-pedant in, or is even intruded by, 0.6 Ga post-collisional granites. In this work, magmatic and metamorphic minerals were dated using the LA-MC-ICP-MS in situ method. U-Pb magmatic and metamorphic zircon dating yielded an age of 1573 +/- 21 Ma and of 606 +/- 6 Ma, respectively, whereas the igneous titanite dating yielded an age of 1530 +/- 33 Ma and the metamorphic ages were 651 +/- 9 Ma and 601 +/- 5 Ma. The Lu-Hf model ages showed two clusters from 1.81 to 2.03 Ga (calf from +2.21 to +6.42) and 2.55-2.62 Ga (epsilon epsilon Hf from -4.59 to -5.64). This intraplate magmatism can be connected to a very important episode of continental accretion in an extensional setting from the fragmentation of the supercontinent during the Early Mesoproterozoic. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ages of zircon from sedimentary samples of Rio Parana Formation, belonging of Bauru Group, north of Parana Basin, Brazil, has been determined by zircon Fission Track and U-Th-Pb in situ dating methods. The obtained ages are from same zircon grain that provided information on the source areas for the sediments and the morphotectonic events.


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The area studied forms a thin NNE-directed belt situated south of Recife town (Pernambuco state), northeastern Brazil. Geologically, it comprises the Pernambuco Basin (PB), which is limited by the Pernambuco Lineament to the north, the Maragogi high to the south and the Pernambuco Alagoas massif to the west, all of them with Precambrian age. This thesis reports the results obtained for the Cabo Magmatic Province (CMP), aiming the characterization of the geology, stratigraphy, geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Cretaceous igneous rocks presented in the PB. The PB is composed of the Cabo Formation (rift phase) at the base (polymictic conglomerates, sandstones, shales), an intermediate unit, the Estiva Formation (marbles and argillites), and, at the top, the Algodoais Formation (monomictic conglomerates, sandstones, shales). The CMP is represented by trachytes, rhyolites, pyroclastics (ignimbrites), basalts / trachy-andesites, monzonites and alkali-feldspar granite, which occur as dykes, flows, sills, laccoliths and plugs. Field observations and well descriptions show that the majority of the magmatic rocks have intrusive contacts with the Cabo Formation, although some occurrences are also suggestive of synchronism between volcanism and siliciclastic sedimentation. 40Ar/39Ar and zircon fission tracks for the magmatic rocks indicate an average age of 102 r 1 Ma for the CMP. This age represents an expressive event in the province and is detected in all igneous dated materials. It is considered as a minimum age (Albian) for the magmatic episode and the peak of the rift phase in the PB. The 40Ar/39Ar dates are about 10-14 Ma younger than published palynologic ages for this basin. Geochemically, the CMP may be divided in two major groups; i) a transitional to alkaline suite, constituted by basalts to trachy-andesites (types with fine-grained textures and phenocrysts of sanidine and plagioclase), trachytes (porphyrytic texture, with phenocrysts of sanidine and plagioclase) and monzonites; ii) a alkaline suite, highly fractionated, acidic volcano-plutonic association, formed by four subtypes (pyroclastic flows ignimbrites, fine-to medium-grained rhyolites, a high level granite, and later rhyolites). These four types are distinguished essentially by field aspects and petrographic and textural features. Compatible versus incompatible trace element concentrations and geochemical modeling based on both major and trace elements suggest the evolution through low pressure fractional crystallization for trachytes and other acidic rocks, whereas basalts / trachy-andesites and monzonites evolved by partial melting from a mantle source. Sr and Nd isotopes reveal two distinct sources for the rocks of the CMP. Concerning the acidic ones, the high initial Sr ratios (ISr = 0.7064-1.2295) and the negative HNd (-0.43 to -3.67) indicate a crustal source with mesoproterozoic model ages (TDM from 0.92 to 1.04 Ga). On the other hand, the basic to intermediate rocks have low ISr (0.7031-0.7042) and positive HNd (+1.28 to +1.98), which requires the depleted mantle as the most probable source; their model ages are in the range 0.61-0.66 Ga. However, the light rare earth enrichment of these rocks and partial melting modeling point to an incompatible-enriched lherzolitic mantle with very low quantity of garnet (1-3%). This apparent difference between geochemical and Nd isotopes may be resolved by assuming that the metasomatizing agent did not obliterate the original isotopic characteristics of the magmas. A 2 to 5% partial melting of this mantle at approximately 14 kbar and 1269oC account very well the basalts and trachy-andesites studied. By using these pressure and temperatures estimates for the generation of the basaltic to trachy-andesitic magma, it is determined a lithospheric stretching (E) of 2.5. This E value is an appropriated estimate for the sub-crustal stretching (astenospheric or the base of the lithosphere?) region under the Pernambuco Basin, the crustal stretching probably being lower. The integration of all data obtained in this thesis permits to interpret the magmatic evolution of the PB as follows; 1st) the partial melting of a garnet-bearing lherzolite generates incompatible-enriched basaltic, trachy-andesitic and monzonitic magmas; 2nd) the underplating of these basaltic magmas at the base of the continental crust triggers the partial melting of this crust, and thus originating the acidic magmas; 3rd) concomitantly with the previous stage, trachytic magmas were produced by fractionation from a monzonitic to trachy-andesitic liquid; 4th) the emplacement of the several magmas in superficial (e.g. flows) or sub-superficial (e.g. dykes, sills, domes, laccoliths) depths was almost synchronically, at about 102 r 1 Ma, and usually crosscutting the sedimentary rocks of the Cabo Formation. The presence of garnet in the lherzolitic mantle does not agree with pressures of about 14 kbar for the generation of the basaltic magma, as calculated based on chemical parameters. This can be resolved by admitting the astenospheric uplifting under the rift, which would place deep and hot material (mantle plume?) at sub-crustal depths. The generation of the magmas and their subsequent emplacement would be coupled with the crustal rifting of the PB, the border (NNE-SSW directed) and transfer (NW-SE directed) faults serving as conduits for the magma emplacement. Based on the E parameter and the integration of 40Ar/39Ar and palynologic data it is interpreted a maximum duration of 10-14 Ma for the rift phase (Cabo Formation clastic sedimentation and basic to acidic magmatism) of the PB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Rapakivi granites and associated mafic and ultramafic rocks in the Rondonia Tin Province, southwestern Amazonian craton, Brazil were emplaced during six discrete episodes of magmatism between ca 1600 and 970 Ma. The seven rapakivi granite suites emplaced at this time were the Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1606 and 1532 Ma); Santo Antonio Intrusive Suite(U-Pb age 1406 Ma), Teotonio Intrusive Suite (U-Pb age 1387 Ma); Alto Candeias Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1346 and 1338 Ma); Sao Lourenco-Caripunas Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1314 and 1309 Ma); Santa Clara Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1082 and 1074 Ma); and Younger Granites of Rondonia (U-Pb ages between 998 and 974 Ma). The Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite intruded the Paleoproterozoic (1.80 to 1.70 Ga) Rio Negro-Juruena crust whereas the other suites were emplaced into the 1.50 to 1.30 Ga Rondonia-San Ignacio crust. Their intrusion was contemporaneous with orogenic activity in other parts of the southwestern Amazonian craton, except for the oldest, Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite. Orogenic events coeval with emplacement of the Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite are not clearly recognized in the region. The Santo Antonio, Teotonio, Alto Candeias and Sao Lourenco-Caripunas Intrusive Suites are interpreted to represent extensional anorogenic magmatism associated with the terminal stages of the Rondonian-San Ignacio orogeny. At least the Sao Lourenco-Caripunas rapakivi granites and coeval intra-continental rift sedimentary rocks may, in contrast, represent the products of extensional tectonics and rifting preceding the Sunsas/Aguapei orogeny (1.25 to 1.0 Ga). The two youngest rapakivi suites, the Santa Clara Intrusive Suite and Younger Granites of Rondonia, seemingly represent inboard magmatism in the Rondonian-San Ignacio Province during a younger episode of reworking in the Rio Negro-Juruena Province during the waning stages of the collisional 1.1 to 1.0 Ga Sunsas/Aguapei orogeny. The six intra-plate rapakivi granite episodes in the southwestern part of the Amazonian craton form three broad periods of anorogenic magmatism that have age-correlative events composed of similar rocks and geologic environments in eastern Laurentia and Baltica, although the exact timing of magmatism appears slightly different. Recognition of lithologic and chronological correlations between various cratons provide important constraints to models explaining the interplay between rapakivi granite magmatism and deep crustal evolution of an early Mesoproterozoic supercontinent. They are, furthermore, important to plate tectonic models for the assembly, dispersal and reassembly of Amazonia, Laurentia and Baltica in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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On the basis of geologic, petrologic, and U-Pb geochronologic data the basement rocks in the east-central part of the Rondonia Tin Province (RTP, southwestern Amazonian craton) are grouped into five lithologic associations: (1) tonalitic gneiss (1.75 Ga); (2) enderbitic granulite (1.73 Ga); (3) paragneiss; (4) granitic and charnockitic augen gneisses (1.57-1.53 Ga); and (5) fine-grained granitic gneiss and charnockitic granulite (1.43-1.42 Ga). The first three are related to development of the Paleoproterozoic Rio Negro-Juruena Province and represent the oldest crust in the region. The tonalitic gneisses and enderbitic granulites show calc-alkaline affinities and Nd isotopic compositions (initial epsilon(Nd) = +0-1 to -1.5; T-DM of 2.2-2.1 Ga) that suggest a continental arc margin setting for the original magmas. The paragneisses yield T-DM values of 2.2-2.1 Ga suggesting that source material was primarily derived from the Ventuari-Tapajos and Rio Negro-Juruena crusts, but detrital zircon ages and an intrusive granitoid bracket deposition between 1.67 and 1.57 Ga. The granitic and charnockitic augen gneisses show predominantly A-type and within-plate granite affinities, but also some volcanic arc granite characteristics. The initial epsilon(Nd) values (+0.6 to +2.0) indicate mixing of magmas derived from depleted mantle and older crustal sources. These rocks are correlated to the 1.60-1.53 Ga Serra da Providencia intrusive suite that reflects inboard magmatism coeval with the Cachoeirinha orogen located to the southeast. The fine-grained granitic gneiss and charnockitic granulites represent the first record of widespread magmatism at 1.43-1.42 Ga in northern Rondonia. Their geochemical signatures and the slightly positive initial epsilon(Nd) values (+0.7 to +1.2) are very similar to those of the most evolved granites of the calc-alkaline Santa Helena batholith farther southeast. U-Pb monazite and Sm-Nd whole-rock-garnet ages demonstrate that a high-grade tectonometa-morphic episode occurred in this region at 1.33-1.30 Ga. This episode attained upper-amphibolite conditions and is interpreted as the peak of the Rondonian-San Ignacio orogeny. The U-Pb and Sm-Nd data presented here and data published on rapakivi granites elsewhere indicate that the east-central part of the RTP is a poly-orogenic region characterized by successive episodes of magmatism, metamorphism, and deformation between 1.75 and 0.97 Ga. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Eastern Blue Ridge Province of the southern Appalachians contains, in part, remnants of an Ordovician accretionary wedge complex formed during subduction of an oceanic tract before mid-Ordovician accretion with Laurentia. The Eastern Blue Ridge Province consists of metapelite and amphibolite intruded by low-K plutons, high-temperature (T > 750 degrees C) Ordovician eclogite, and other high-pressure metamafic and meta-ultramatic rocks. Felsic plutons in the Eastern Blue Ridge Province are important time markers for regional-scale tectonics, deformation, and metamorphism. Plutons were thought to be related to either Taconian (Ordovician) or Acadian (Devonian-Silurian) tectonothermal events.We dated five plutonic or metaplutonic rocks to constrain pluton crystallization ages better and thus the timing of tectonism. The Persimmon Creek gneiss yielded a protolith crystallization age of 455.7 +/- 2.1 Ma, Chalk Mountain 377.7 +/- 2.5 Ma, Mt. Airy 334 +/- 3 Ma, Stone Mountain 335.6 +/- 1.0 Ma, and Rabun 335.1 +/- 2.8 Ma. The latter four plutons were thought to be part of the Acadian Spruce Pine Suite, but instead our new ages indicate that Alleghanian (Carboniferous-Permian) plutonism is widespread and voluminous in the Eastern Blue Ridge Province. The Chattahoochee fault, which was considered an Acadian structure, cuts the Rabun pluton and thus must have been active during the Alleghanian orogeny. The new ages indicate that Persimmon Creek crystallized less than 3 m.y. after zircon crystallization in Eastern Blue Ridge eclogite and is nearly synchronous with nearby high-grade metamorphism and migmatization. The three phases of plutonism in the Eastern Blue Ridge Province correspond with established metamorphic ages for each of the three major orogenic pulses along the western flank of the southern Appalachians.


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Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and isotopic (U-Pb, Sm-Nd) data were combined to study the emplacement setting of the granite sheets that constitute the Esperanca pluton in the Borborema Province (Northeastern Brazil). The sheets dip moderately to the SE along the contact zone between the Paleoproterozoic basement rocks and Early Neoproterozoic orthogneisses and metasediments. Granite fabrics were determined mainly using AMS in 136 sites distributed within the central and western part of the pluton. The sheets normally have susceptibility lower than 0.35 mSI but, locally, where a Ti-poor magnetite appears with titanite, the susceptibility increases up to 5 mSI. Comparison between the silicate fabric and AMS showed inconsistencies between the shape of mineral and magnetic ellipsoids despite of their orientations that fit fairly well to each other. AMS indicated the deformation was partitioned between the lower (tonalite, syenogranite) and upper (leucogranite and coarse porphyritic granite) sheets. In the lower sheets the curvilinear lineation trajectory is attributed to a dominant heterogeneous pure shear event that flattened laterally the still molten tonalite and syenogranite into the regional foliation. ne associated microstructures are typically magmatic. Zircon U/Pb data of the syenogranite yielded a crystallization age of 592 +/- 5 Ma. In the upper sheets the fabric recorded a component of simple shear deformation that displaced the coarse porphyritic granite and the top gneissic host rocks to the southwest. Microstructures are mostly of post-full crystallization type. T(DM) model ages and epsilon(Nd) (t = 0) values indicate that the magma contaminated by partial melting of the regional host rocks. Sheet propagation at the emplacement level would have exploited the contact zone between crustal blocks of different rheologies when the melt pressures would be able to tensionally fail the anisotropy of the host rocks. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.