919 resultados para website usability
INFO 2009 Peanut Butter Jelly Website
A link to our Green ICT resource
INFO2009 Group website as main resource for the group coursework. Covers the topic of the Digital Divide.
Free teaching materials for medical ethics and law course taught to medical students in Oxford.
A morgue file is a place to keep post production materials for use of reference, an inactive job file. This morgue file contains free high resolution digital stock photography for either corporate or public use. The term "morgue file" is popular in the newspaper business to describe the file that holds past issues flats. Although the term has been used by illustrators, comic book artist, designers and teachers as well. The purpose of this site is to provide free image reference material for use in all creative pursuits. This is the world wide web's morguefile.
The first set of Usability testing on EdShare (7th June). Tests where carried out using Silverback on the Mac. This is unedited footage - Each video is around 20minutes long.
Our website is a resource that describes equality and shows examples of bad Web accessibility. The website is hosted at: http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/wjvh1g10/index.html
Security Tutorial Website
"Web 4 All" promotes digital inclusion at the University of Southampton through a process set up to deliver web products that are accessible, usable and enjoyable to use.
Web 3.0 - Future Technology Awareness By Team "Time Management": Alejandro Saucedo - Video & Flyer Stephen Griffith - Website James Crickmere - Research Jack Kanani - Dictionary In this era you cannot afford being tech-illiterate as it is literally everywhere! This is why we did thorough research on the future of technology - Web 3.0! You can find all our resources at http://web3.hackasoton.com
Resources created at University of Southampton for the module GIS for Health Care Management (GHCM)
Resources created at University of Southampton for the module GIS for Health Care Management