952 resultados para water consumption


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The consumption of energy in the residential building is a major contributor to Australia's stationary energy greenhouse gas emissions. With the aim of investigating the householders' motivations and perspectives on sustainable home improvements, this study, by using an online survey instrument, collected more than 500 sets of questionnaire data from households in the state of New South Wales, Australia. Through statistical analysis of the data collected, this research has found that construction cost and government incentive were considered as major influence factors on achieving energy efficient residential building development, and the lower bills from reduced energy and water consumption were considered as the most important benefits from the households' perspectives. The research also found that although many households exhibited a high level of awareness or had implemented some sustainability improvements, the total number of potential improvements scored poorly. A suggestion, based on these research findings, is that the government should promote the reasons and benefits for sustainability home improvements that are identified in this research paper, and try to reduce material costs and improve government incentives.


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The development of the ToyBox-intervention was based on the outcomes of the preliminary phase of the ToyBox-study, aiming to identify young children's key behaviours and their determinants related to early childhood obesity. The ToyBox-intervention is a multi-component, kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention with a cluster-randomized design, focusing on the promotion of water consumption, healthy snacking, physical activity and the reduction/ breaking up of sedentary time in preschool children and their families. The intervention was implemented during the academic year 2012–2013 in six European countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Poland and Spain. Standardized protocols, methods, tools and material were used in all countries for the implementation of the intervention, as well as for the process, impact, outcome evaluation and the assessment of its cost-effectiveness. A total sample of 7,056 preschool children and their parents/caregivers, stratified by socioeconomic level, provided data during baseline measurements and participated in the intervention. The results of the ToyBox-study are expected to provide a better insight on behaviours associated with early childhood obesity and their determinants and identify effective strategies for its prevention. The aim of the current paper is to describe the design of the ToyBox-intervention and present the characteristics of the study sample as assessed at baseline, prior to the implementation of the intervention.


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Knots Calidris canutus and sanderlings C. alba were used in cage experiments in which water and food consumption were measured under different salt regimes. Food consumption decreased and water consumption increased after changing the water provided from fresh to salt. Knots have the capability of adapting to salt water. Swallowing of adherent water with the prey, as well as evaporative cooling in heat stressed birds, might increase salt stress. -from Authors


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The urban growth without the prior infrastructure has caused many environmental impacts such as the damage to quality of the water resources in the cities. Along with natural scarcity in some regions, this is one of the factors that limit the availability of drinking water. As a result, the conservation of drinking water is becoming one of the major concerns in sustainable architectural projects. Within this context, this dissertation proposes to develop the design of an educational building focusing on water consumption rationalization. The proposed project is located in UFRN Campus at Currais Novos, an area of warm and dry climate and low rainfall. The proposal seeks to integrate ways to reduce water consumption o to architecture, in order to exploit the advantages and savings. After quantifying the benefits achieved, it was concluded that it is possible to reduce significantly the drinking water consumption in educational buildings in universities using three principles: reduction the water consumption at the point of use, replacement of the water source and internal recycling. Calculations and simulations indicated that the proposed building may have water consumption up to 56% lower than if it would be provided by conventional facilities. Rationalization of water consumption brings direct and indirect benefits, with influences on the environmental, social and economic fields


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Malaria is a disease of global distribution, recognized by governments around the world as a serious public health problem, affecting more than 109 countries and territories and endangering more than 3.3 billion people. The economic costs of this disease are also relevant: the African continent itself has malaria-related costs of about $ 12 billion annually. Nowadays, in addition to chloroquine, Plasmodium falciparum is resistant to many drugs used in the treatment of malaria, such as amodiaquine, mefloquine, quinine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine; resistance of Plasmodium vivax to treatments, although less studied, is also reported. Nature, in general, is responsible for the production of most known organic substances, and the plant kingdom is responsible for the most of the chemical diversity known and reported in the literature. Most medicinal plants commercialized in Brazil, however, are of exotic origin, which makes the search for endemic medicinal plants, besides a patent necessity, a fascinating subject of academic research and development. This study aimed to: (i) verify the antimalarial activity of ethanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts of Boerhavia paniculata Rich. And acetonic extract of Clethra scabra Pers. in Swiss albino mice infected by Plasmodium berghei NK65, (ii) observe possible combined effects between the course of infection by P. berghei NK65 and administration of these extracts in Swiss albino mice, and (iii) conduct a preliminary study of the acute toxicity of these extracts in Swiss albino mice. All extracts notable pharmacological activities - with parasite infections inhibitions ranging from 22% to 54%.These characteristics suggest that the activities are relevant, although comparatively lower than the activity displayed by the positive control group (always above 90%). The general framework of survival analysis demonstrates an overall reduction in survival times for all groups. Necroscopy has not pointed no change in color, shape, size and/or consistency in the evaluated organs - the only exception was the livers of rats submitted to treatment to hydroalcoholic extracts: these organs have been presented in a slightly congestive aspect with mass increasing roughly 28% higher than the other two groups and a p-value of 0.0365. The 250 mg/Kg ethanolic group has been pointed out by the Dunn s post test, as the only class with simultaneous inequalities (p<0.05) between positive and negative control groups. The extracts, notably ethanol extract, have, in fact, a vestigial antimalarial activity, although well below from the ones perceived to chloroquine-treated groups; nevertheless, the survival times of the animals fed with the extracts do not rise by presence of such therapy. Both the toxicopharmacological studies of the synergism between the clinical course of malaria and administration of extracts and the isolated evaluation of toxicity allow us to affirm the absence of toxicity of the extracts at the level of CNS and ANS, as well as their non-influence on food and water consumption patterns, until dosages of 500 mg/Kg. Necroscopic analysis leads us to deduct a possible hepatotoxic effect of hydroalcoholic extract at dosages of 500 mg/Kg, and an innocuous tissue activity of the ethanol extract, in the same dosage. We propose a continuation of the studies of these extracts, with protocol modifications capable of addressing more clearly and objectively their pharmacological and toxicological aspects


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the nourishing industry is a segment that makes use of high water consumption due to necessity of the hygienic cleaning of the establishments and the maintenance of the good quality of the food. It enters the nourishing industries with bigger water consumption we have the fishery industry which generates effluent around 5.4 m(3). t(-1) of processed fish. This work had as objective the reduction in the water consumption of the processing of Nile tilapia through the implantation of P+L techniques, for had been in such a way carried through hydraulical alterations in the filleting tables aiming at the minimum possible water consumption for two methods of filleting, eviscerated and not eviscerated, as well as the comment of the alterations in the generated quality of the effluent one. In the present study, the reduction in the water consumption in the filleting process corresponded 98.16% for method EV considering an average time of processing of 3 hours for 32.99 kg of fish, and for method NEV the reduction was of 97.97% with average time of processing of 2.1 hours for 34.96 kg of fish, thus demonstrating that the P+L techniques are efficient for the reduction of the water consumption.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos da indução do consumo de água com edulcorante, na fase de berçário (10 aos 30 dias de idade), sobre o desempenho de 270 leitões (machos e fêmeas) submetidos ao desmame precoce segregado e os efeitos residuais nas fases de pré-creche (30 aos 45 dias) e de creche (45 aos 62 dias de idade). Três tratamentos com dois sexos e três repetições (fatorial 3 x 2) foram utilizados dos 10 aos 30 dias de idade dos leitões, sendo: T1- água sem edulcorante, T2 - água com edulcorante e T3 - água com e sem edulcorante oferecidos simultaneamente em bebedouros distintos. Foram avaliados o ganho diário de peso, o consumo diário de ração e a conversão alimentar. O consumo diário de água somente foi medido na fase de berçário. A incidência de diarréia foi observada até o 10º dia após o desmame. Aos 22 dias de idade, seis leitões por tratamento foram sacrificados para avaliação da altura das vilosidades e profundidade das criptas da mucosa do duodeno e jejuno. Não foram observadas diferenças para as variáveis estudadas, exceto para o ganho diário de peso e consumo diário de ração nas fases compreendidas entre 30 e 45 dias e 45 e 62 dias e para o ganho diário de peso entre 10 e 62 dias, a favor das fêmeas. O uso de edulcorante na água não influenciou o consumo de água, o desempenho dos leitões e a qualidade da mucosa intestinal.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a fluorescência através da taxa de transporte de elétrons, consumo de água e intoxicação de plantas de Ipomoea triloba após aplicação de quatro herbicidas de diferentes mecanismos de ação. Os herbicidas aplicados foram: glyphosate, haloxyfop-methyl, diuron e amicarbazone. A aplicação foi feita com auxílio de um pulverizador estacionário instalado em laboratório; após a aplicação dos tratamentos, as plantas foram mantidas em casa de vegetação. Foi avaliada a taxa de transporte de elétrons (ETR), o consumo de água e a intoxicação das plantas em vários períodos após o início do experimento. Os dados de ETR e fitointoxicação foram expressos em porcentagem da testemunha e submetidos à análise de variância e à comparação das médias. Quanto ao consumo de água, os dados foram acumulados e ajustados por modelos de regressão. Assim, pode-se dizer que o fluorômetro é uma ferramenta adequada para verificar a intoxicação antecipada em plantas de I. triloba tratadas com os herbicidas amicarbazone e diuron, visto que a inibição da ETR foi verificada antes de qualquer intoxicação visual sofrida por essas plantas; o consumo de água está relacionado diretamente com o transporte de elétrons, com exceção das plantas submetidas ao haloxyfop-methyl, que não sofreram interferência no transporte de elétrons, mas reduziram o consumo de água.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a relação entre o consumo de água pelas plantas de cana-de-açúcar e plantas daninhas e a absorção de herbicidas. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em dois experimentos: no primeiro, mediu-se o consumo de água através da pesagem diária das espécies de plantas daninhas Digitaria horizontalis, Panicum maximum, Ipomoea grandifolia, Ipomoea hederifolia, Brachiaria decumbens, assim como para os cultivares de cana-deaçúcar PO8862, SP80 3280 e RB83 5486; e, no segundo, foram determinadas as concentrações do amicarbazone, imazapic, tebuthiuron e hexazinone no xilema dos três cultivares de cana-deaçúcar e de I. grandifolia por meio da bomba de Schollander e de cromatografia e espectrometria de massas (LC-MS). A taxa de transpiração e, consequentemente, a taxa de consumo de água mostraram-se determinantes da taxa de absorção de herbicidas pelas plantas de diferentes espécies de plantas daninhas e cultivares de cana-de-açúcar. As concentrações de herbicidas na seiva do xilema foram variáveis em função da espécie e do herbicida em contato com o sistema radicular, indicando que a facilidade de absorção pelas raízes pode ser determinante para eficácia e/ou seletividade de herbicidas.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a intoxicação de planta daninha e cultivares de cana-de-açúcar ao amicarbazone. Para isso, utilizou-se Ipomoea grandifolia como planta daninha representante e os cultivares de cana-de-açúcar PO8862, SP80 3280 e RB83 5486, caracterizados como sensível, intermediário e tolerante aos herbicidas, respectivamente. Foi verificado o consumo de água e quantificada a concentração do amicarbazone em seiva de xilema dos três cultivares de cana-de-açúcar e de I. grandifolia por meio da bomba de Schollander e da cromatografia e espectrometria de massas (LC-MS). A intoxicação das plantas foi verificada através de leituras da fluorescência, com auxílio do fluorômetro portátil, que permitiu a correlação da taxa de transporte de elétrons (ETR) com a concentração de amicarbazone absorvido pelos cultivares de cana-de-açúcar e por I. grandifolia. Verificou-se, através do experimento, que a redução dos valores da ETR pode ser utilizada para indicar o nível de intoxicação de I. grandifolia e de plantas de cana-de-açúcar ao amicarbazone. I. grandifolia destacou-se em relação à cana-de-açúcar pela maior sensibilidade ao amicarbazone. A suscetibilidade diferencial dos cultivares de cana-de-açúcar PO8862, SP80 3280 e RB83 5486 pode ser justificada, possivelmente, pela absorção diferencial do amicarbazone entre os cultivares.


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A análise da fluorescência da clorofila vem sendo largamente utilizada no entendimento dos mecanismos da fotossíntese propriamente dito, bem como na avaliação da capacidade fotossintética alterada com a aplicação de herbicidas. O consumo de água pelas plantas é uma maneira também de avaliar a atuação dos herbicidas nas plantas daninhas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a fluorescência através da taxa de transporte de elétrons, consumo de água e fitointoxicação de Brachiaria decumbens após aplicação de quatro herbicidas de diferentes mecanismos de ação. Aos 30 dias após a semeadura de B. decumbens, as plantas foram arrancadas dos tubetes e preparadas para os tratamentos. Elas tiveram o sistema radicular colocado em tubos falcon preenchidos com água, e a superfície dos falcon foi isolada com papel-alumínio, para evitar evaporação do sistema. Os herbicidas aplicados foram: glyphosate, haloxyfop-methyl, diuron e amicarbazone. A aplicação foi feita com um pulverizador estacionário instalado em laboratório; após a aplicação dos tratamentos, as plantas foram mantidas em casa de vegetação. Foi avaliada a taxa de transporte de elétrons (ETR), o consumo de água e a fitointoxicação das plantas em vários períodos após o início do experimento. Os dados de ETR e fitointoxicação foram expressos em porcentagem da testemunha e submetidos à análise de variância e à comparação das médias. Para o consumo de água, os dados foram acumulados e ajustados por modelos de regressão. Assim, pode-se dizer que as plantas de B. decumbens tiveram respostas diferentes aos herbicidas aplicados, e o consumo de água das plantas está relacionado diretamente com o transporte de elétrons. A metodologia fundamentada no fluorômetro mostrou-se adequada para verificar a intoxicação antecipada em B. de cumbens submetidas ao amicarbazone e diuron antes mesmo da verificação visual de intoxicação.