967 resultados para valores de referência


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It is imortant to be able to evaluate the cardiact size . In 1995, was proposed by Buchanan and Bücheler a new way to measure the dimensions of the cardiac silhouette. This study aims to gather several studies of the cardiac dimensions by VHS method in the right lateral recumbency of of different breeds of dogs in a single work, facilitating the assess to information. Deep chest breeds have a smaller mean VHS value than the barrel chest breeds, showing that there is a variation of the VHS values acoording to the thoracic conformation of each breed, which indicates that there is a need to recognize the specific VHS values according to the breed standard to not to interpret the cardiac measurement in a wrong way through not compatible reference values for the animal. There is the individual variation that should be taken into accont at the time of measurement. The VHS is a helper method to a radiographic evaluation of the heart, and the ultrasonography remains the gold standard for the evaluation of the cardiac chambers and other changes of the heart


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A tripanossomíase americana – Doença de Chagas – é uma parasitose típica de países tropicais e subdesenvolvidos. Devido a grande abrangência da doença, somada a dificuldade encontrada pelos pacientes para adquirir os medicamentos, Chung et al. (1996) sintetizaram o pró-fármaco hidroximetilnitrofural (NFOH). Esse derivado do nitrofural (NF), em estudos preliminares, apresentou resultados significativamente superiores aos observados com benznidazol e nitrofural, disponíveis para a terapia convencional. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a avaliação preliminar do potencial de hepatotoxicidade e cardiotoxicidade do NFOH quando administrado a coelhos albinos. O protocolo experimental se deu através da avaliação da atividade sérica dos biomarcadores hepáticos AST, ALT, GGT e bilirrubina, e do cardíaco CK-MB. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos (n=5), que receberam NFOH, NF e o veículo DMSO duas vezes ao dia, durante 24 dias. Para realização das análises foram coletadas amostras de sangue a cada seis dias. Os testes foram realizados através de kits bioquímicos para diagnóstico (Labtest®). Os níveis de AST e ALT dos grupos expostos aos fármacos apresentaram significativa diminuição com relação ao grupo controle, a bilirrubina não apresentou alterações significativas, e a atividade sérica da GGT apresentou-se elevada tanto nos grupos NFOH e NF quanto no grupo controle. Foi observada alta mortalidade entre os animais expostos ao NF e os valores de CK-MB foram significativamente superiores aos valores de referência descritos em literatura, sugerindo dano cardíaco. Tendo como base tais resultados, concluímos que o pró-fármaco não originou prejuízos relacionados ao tecido hepático, porém com relação à cardiotoxicidade há necessidade de estudos posteriores.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Concerns about the quality of groundwater have been continuously rising, considering its importance for the public water supply in the State of São Paulo, and even more due to the impact that anthropic action has been causing to the original quality of that natural resource. It is extremely relevant to identify the contamination focuses along the aquifers of the State of São Paulo. This report aims to evaluate nitrates and fluorides concentrations along the aquifers present in the state, in order to identify places where change in the quality of groundwater is observed, through the comparison between measured concentrations and reference values, such as: “Intervention Value” (maximum allowed value) and “Alert Value” (attention required value). To perform this research, a full compilation and organization has been done on chemical analysis data from the “Sistema de Informações de Águas Subterrâneas - SIDAS”, made available by the “Divisão de Procedimentos de Outorga – DPO” of the “Departamento de Água e Energia Elétrica – DAEE”. This work has made possible the build-up of a database composed by 6,860 wells, with analytical data ready to be interpreted, containing information about water pH, electrical conductivity, hardness and chloride, iron, fluoride, nitrogen, nitrates and total dissolved solids concentrations. This database shows concentration data for nitrates (6,157 wells) and fluoride (3,316 wells). From this information, maps for nitrates and fluorides concentration distributions have been made, by each aquifer and each “Unidade de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos – UGRHI”, which has enabled the identification of wells where the concentrations of these chemical compounds exceeds the reference values. Concerning nitrates, these analysis indicated the existence of contamination sources from rural and urban zones, mostly present in the west region... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The society continues demonstrating its need regarding the products and services, even though it becomes increasingly value the protection of the environment. In this context, environmental management is defined as a management method that emphasizes to continuously improve results and promote sustainable development. Moreover it has as a tool the laws which provide the benchmarks and mechanisms for companies to adapt their activities in such a way that does not alter the quality of the environment. In this sense, in order to propose improvements to a dairy aiming their environmental suitability, a present study was prepared by following the production activities of the enterprise, the raising of standards and applicable legal requirements and environmental assessment for the preparation of an array of aspects and impacts with the task of identifying the most significant according to MOREIRA (2006). The results indicated that some of the impacts of high relevance are related to the generation of wastewater and solid waste, which do not have treatment and / or proper disposal and indeed require intervention for their suitability. Through, these results were drawn up proposals for actions conformation. In addition, they were proposed meeting the requirement for health and safety at work, in accordance with the standard regulations. This study has the function, therefore, propose to the company in question, an environmental management plan that ensures the protection of the environment and health of employees and consequently the improvement of production processes and products


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Os valores encontrados para a viscosidade sanguínea tendem a aparecer com diferenças significativas, de acordo com o sexo, avançar da idade e uso de substâncias. Pelo fato de o sangue ser um fluido não newtoniano, não podemos expressar sua viscosidade em termos absolutos sem que sejam levadas em conta as condições em que a mensuração é feita. Estudos anteriores destacaram a importância esta medida, considerando o efeito da idade, o uso de substâncias, bem como sua relação com Fluxo Sanguíneo Regional Cerebral, o que pode indicar correlação com declínios cognitivos. Entretanto, a prática médica carece ainda de um método simples e clinicamente prático para a verificação desta medida, além de valores de referência. Como passo inicial no sentido de padronizar os procedimentos e condições do processo de medição, avaliamos a quantidade mínima de amostra necessária para a medição da viscosidade sanguínea, utilizando este equipamento. Um total de 20 amostras de sangue foram coletadas de indivíduos saudáveis, entre 18 e 60 anos, em tubos com EDTA, e cada amostra dividida em 9 sub-amostras (de 600μl, 550μl, 500μl, 450μl, 400μl, 350μl, 300μl, 250μl e 200μl), totalizando, portanto, um total de aproximadamente 180 medições. A quantidade de 200 μl apresentou diferenças significativas com relação à primeira medida obtida, quando comparada com todas as demais quantidades (p<0,001), o que indica que com o uso desta quantidade, não é possível obter resultados confiáveis, pois existe alteração nos valores de VS obtidos relacionada à quantidade de material utilizado. Considerando a menor quantidade, bem como, que estivesse dentro da faixa de variação aceitável de 0,2 mPa.s, e a qual não apresentasse diferença significativa quando comparadas às demais (p>0,05), foi verificada a quantidade de 250 μl como a mais eficiente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This study aimed to develop a computer program which systematizes the structural shielding design calculation in diagnostic radiology facilities. For this purpose methodology of the National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP 147[5]) was used. By comparative statistics studies, it was verified if reference parameters values suggested by the US publication correspond to the average national values. The World Wide Web was chosen because of its characteristics as a powerful mean of communication, especially in terms of the wide variety of useful resources and easy access. To compare the reference values of some parameters proposed by NCRP 147 to Brazilian average, studies about the normalized workload per patient, performance of X-ray tube and primary air kerma, unshielded, at one meter from the focal point of the X-ray tube were made. Through this research, relative differences were found. In workload values this differences reached up to 50% in mammography compared to those presented by the NCRP 147; in X-ray tube performance the percentage differences reached 69% in dental radiology, and air kerma results amounted 31% in fluoroscopy. This demonstrates the importance of validation of international protocols to local realities


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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A monitoring network of atmospheric electric field covering the Vale do Paraiba region was implemented. The sensors were located on different sites with different altitude and geographic topology. The present work reports the study carried on those sensors in order to verify the necessity of using some correction factor to the measured local electric field intensity due to effects of local environment. The measurements were done in continuous 24 hours per day with the data recorded on registers in each device accumulating information during a period of four months. The relation between the electric field values by each sensor was compared to the reference located on Sao Jose dos Campos city using the same period. In a graphical analysis using the local field intensity and the reference, the data were fitted to a straight line obtained by minimum square method. Variation up to 95% was observed between the field values in some sensors. Another method was proposed, comparing the mean values of the electric field in a function of time. The variation in some sensors reached up to 133%. We conclude that the variations are due to local atmospheric conditions and no correction factor is required on the electric field sensors


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The aim of this study was to determine the influence of climatic conditions on the hematological profile of Saanen and mixed-breed (1/2 Saanen x 1/2 Anglo-Nubian) goats, as well as to define reference values for these animals bred in Ceara, Brazil. Thirty goats were utilized and blood samples were collected monthly during the rainy (February to May) and dry (August to November) periods to obtain an erythrogram a leukogram. The averange were compared by the t-Student test and Mann Whitney test, with parametric and non-parametric distribution of the data, respectively, where p<0.05 was considered significant. A study was carried out of simple Pearson correlations of the hematological parameters with environmental and physiological variables. The number of red blood cells (RBCs) was higher in the Saanen goats and in the rainy period, while the hematocrit was higher in the dry period (p<0.05). The leukocytes and lymphocytes were higher in the 1/2S1/2 AN goats in the two periods (p<0.05). In the two genotypes, the leukocytes and lymphocytes were higher in the dry season and the segmented neutrophils higher in the rainy season (p<0.05). The other parameters did not differ (p>0.05). The RBCs and segmented neutrophils displayed a negative correlation with air temperature, but positive with relative humidity and rectal temperature (p<0.05). The hematocrit positively correlated with air temperature and respiratory rate (p<0.05). The leukocytes and lymphocytes showed a negative correlation with rectal temperature (p<0.05). It was therefore concluded that Saanen females are more affected by climatic variations and that the rainy season has a greater negative impact on hematological parameters. The values obtained could serve as a reference for these genotypes in Ceara.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The establishment of reference values is extremely important for successful diagnosis and treatament. Considering that in most species the serum chemistry profile is influenced by race, climate and management, we decided to determine the values of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), uric acid, creatinine, creatine kinase (CK), phosphatase alkaline (ALP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), total protein (TP) and albumin of Dekalb hens in the region of Araçatuba - SP. All samples were processed soon after harvesting in an automatic biochemical analyzer calibrated and monitored with control serum levels I and II. The following confidence intervals were obtained: 44-65,5 U / L (AST); 18,4-21,2 U / L (ALT), 2.1-2.5 mg / dL (uric acid); 1.7 to 5.7 U / L (CK); CI 1.2-2.2 mg / dL (creatinine), 1276-1506 U / L (FA); 18-23,4 U / L (GGT); 27.12 to 29 g / L (PT), from 11.4 to 12.16 g / L (albumin).